


I could smell her as soon as I walked into the bar. She smelled sweet and slightly floral. Her scent took me by surprise; in all my time I’d never smelled anyone like her.I walked past the enchanting creature to take my regular spot at the bar. I’ve come to The Darkwolf often; they’re the only place in town to get a blood spiked drink.As I relaxed into my rum, Coke, and O neg, I casually glanced over my shoulder to get a better look at the girl.She was young, probably twenty at most, and gorgeous. Her blood red hair was long and hung around her face in delicate waves. Her eyes were dark. A human would probably only see them as brown but I could see the flecks of gold and emerald in them. She wore a tight black tank top tucked into a flowy blue skirt. From the looks of her small, perky nipples she was braless. I wanted her. Badly.I shook my head and looked away. I shouldn’t have wanted her. She was human. She was food. But, god, did she call to me. I could practically hear her blood singing to me. This wasn’t possible. This couldn’t be happening.Panicking, I threw some money onto the bar and made for the door.¤¤¤Slamming the door behind me, I stomped into my loft. Her blood couldn’t have been calling to me. I huffed as I plopped myself onto my plush leather couch.I’d heard stories, of course, of my kind finding their true mate. Their blood burning with need and their bodies crying out for each other. Never in my over a century of immortal life had I heard of a vampire finding a human mate. It avcılar escort bayan just didn’t happen.I tried to talk myself out of my thoughts. Maybe I was just hungry, regardless of the fact I was consuming blood while watching her. Perhaps she was actually a vampire, despite the fact that she smelled human. Maybe I didn’t feel like I needed her. Maybe I just felt like I wanted her. She was attractive. I am still a man. I tried hard to make the last thought true but my body ached from the loss of her presence. I didn’t just want her, I needed her.“Fuck, William,” I cursed out loud. “What kind of trouble will this lead to?” I buried my head in my hands while deciding to drink the night away.¤¤¤A week. Seven long, horrible nights.I stayed away from The Darkwolf in hopes of forgetting the woman that was now haunting all of my thoughts. I wondered if she felt the same even though I knew she couldn’t. Humans didn’t get this pull towards their mates. I decided to waltz my ass over to The Darkwolf again. I refused to be so afraid of a human. I could ignore the pull to her. I was sure of it.When I opened the door of the bar, I smelled her immediately. She was wearing a dark orange tank top and jeans today. She was mouth-watering.I walked to the bar and ordered my usual. While enjoying my drink, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The smell of her blood grew stronger. She was walking towards me. Shit.I felt a delicate hand touch my arm as a quiet, musical voice said, beylikdüzü escort bayan “Excuse me. I know this might sound crazy, but do I know you?”I turned my whole body towards the delicious woman beside me. “You were here last week, right?” I answered her. “Before then, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you. I’m sure laying eyes on you would be something I would remember.”She blushed and I almost groaned. “Hm,” she said. “I have the strangest feeling that I know you. Weird. I’m Jane by the way.”Jane stuck out her hand to shake and I took it immediately. “William,” I responded before bringing her hand up to my mouth. “Please sit, Jane. Let me buy you a drink.”She sat down and crossed her long legs. I ordered her a Rum and Coke, sans the spike. We started a lazy conversation, talking about what we did for a living and our interests. Jane was a receptionist at a tattoo parlor not far from The Darkwolf. When I asked about her apparent unmarked skin, she assured me that she had extensive artwork and winked.This time the groan actually left my lips. She was a little vixen and she knew it.I told her about my work as a graphic designer and we carried on a conversation about art.We sat at the bar and talked until last call. At that point I was saying to hell with social norms; I needed this woman in my life. I’d stay with her for the rest of her mortal life. I’d turn her if she wishes. I was done lying to myself. Jane was my mate.I had to tell her what I was. She had to know what esenyurt escort she was getting into. I touched Jane’s shoulder, lightly brushing her deep red tresses out of the way. “They’re about to close up shop here, love,” I said while looking into her lovely hazel eyes. “If you’d like, we can continue our discussion at my loft.” ¤¤¤William’s loft was close to the bar. I made a nice show about not being sure about going back to his place with him, but I’m sure he knew it was all an act.His loft was large and clean. My eyes were immediately drawn to the large bed on the other side of the open space. “Would you like something to drink, love.” I tore my eyes away from the bed when he spoke. His soft British accent wrapping itself around me.“Oh, yes, um, water please,” I stammered. The look he gave me made me blush a deep red. He was so intense.William had me sit on his plush leather couch while he grabbed my water. “I like your space,” I said to him. “How long have you lived here?”“Oh quite some time,” he replied. He handed me my water and sat down close to me.I couldn’t stop staring at him. I’ve never seen eyes as blue as his. His hair was stylishly messy and black. He wore the white t-shirt and blue jeans look well; his muscles were barely contained in his tight shirt. I couldn’t help but think of how easily he could pick me up and toss me around, making me blush deeply.“That’s a lovely colour on you,” he almost whispered.“What is?” I asked, confused.“The red you turn when you think naughty thoughts.”Before I knew what was happening, we were kissing, and damn was it ever a kiss. My body moulded to his, wanting to touch every square inch of him. Suddenly, I was on his lap, my hands in his soft hair. His mouth was on my jaw until it was gone.“Wait,” he panted.

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