
Mature Fantasy Club Ch. 03


Part 1

As Bill and Cecilia were lying in bed Thursday night, they were reminiscing about the Club’s events that morning.

“Bill, what were you doing with Wendy this morning? I thought you were supposed to be going to a bedroom while Rhonda and I were romancing Jay.”

“Wendy pleaded with me to stay in the viewing lounge to see what Don and Jim would do with Lauren. She asked if we could mutually masturbate while watching.”

“It looked like you were doing more than that.”

“Yeah. I got her off the planet with my little oral buzz. She said she owed me and I think it will fun to collect. In fact, I would like her to give you a chance so we could be a threesome.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“I heard you screaming. Was it good?”

“Yeah, I think that was Jay’s first experience with Viagra. He just wouldn’t go down. So after Donna and I did our thing with him, he had plenty left. His poker was hot and firm. I loved it inside. I had a 10 orgasm!!”

“Are you going to help Jay and Lauren install a camera in one of their bedrooms for next week?”

“No. Wendy told me that we should leave their house alone for the time being. We may want one house without cameras in order to stimulate verbal interchange in some of the games.”

“Oh, I wonder what that fertile imagination is planning now. Wendy really does like to organize. In fact, she has been pushing me to have cosmetic breast surgery. What do you think?”

“You know I love your slender body the way it is. You look like a model.”

“Yeah, but I do have the smallest breasts in the group. I am positively flat chested.”

“But the extension of your clitoris when aroused is something else. Most women have small bud. Yours is like a grape when stimulated. And the control you have over your vaginal muscles is superior, probably from your Kegler training. And now that we have been in this Club, I know that few other women can match your sexual prowess.”

Cecilia’s Story

This was the second marriage for Bill and Cecilia. Cecilia had been married for twenty years to an over controlling man who wanted to make all the life decisions, including when and how to have sex. After one child, they stopped. He insisted she have her tubes tied because he wanted no more children. Cecilia reluctantly did as he wished, but she always regretted it. And after their son left for college, she found life with her husband to be intolerable. He wanted her to dress a certain way and cook a certain way. He was mentally abusive. And their sex life, never lively, further deteriorated into weekly quickies, mainly to satisfy his physical needs. She finally got enough courage to leave him. While she couldn’t return to the modeling she loved, she got a job as an office manager in a modeling agency. After a year’s separation, they were divorced. She was 49.

Bill was an advertising salesman who had the modeling agency where Cecilia worked, as a client. That’s how they met. He used to banter with her when he visited. After he learned that she was divorced, he seemed to find more reasons to stop by the agency. He finally asked her for a date. Bill was 55 and had been divorced for several years. His wife left him to “find her own space.” Bill was very home oriented and doted on his two children. His son had recently married and lived in the area. The daughter worked in a mid-western city, about two hours flying time, and was still in the dating game.

Cecilia and Bill dated for about a year. Neither was certain they wanted to get married again. But neither liked living alone. A small ceremony with just family and a few friends was held.

During the courtship, they weren’t exactly celibate, but they only had a few modest experiences. Bill’s previous wife had been very experimental, but Bill didn’t want to alarm Cecilia by being too aggressive. Cecilia, alternatively, had a more conservative sex life. She liked it in the beginning of their married life. But her ex-husband’s quickie, me only mentality left her frustrated Ankara escort and turned off. The one thing that Bill did that sold Cecilia is that before and during sex, he asked what she liked and didn’t. Surprised and delighted, Cecilia reciprocated. Both were determined to have a better relationship than with their exes.

Once they married, they researched and experimented with various sexual positions and approaches to please each other. Oral sex became a big part of their life. Cecilia often took Bill’s flaccid penis in her mouth and sucked it to true hardness and eventual ejaculation without stopping, to Bill’s overwhelming gratitude. Bill learned how to do an oral buzz on Cecilia’s grape-sized clit, driving her to the heights of orgasmic pleasure.

Bill did some research on the G-spot and found that when he found and stroked hers, it was extraordinarily stimulating. One time after Bill had tongued her to an explosive climax, they decided to try for multiples. Cecilia draped her legs over a pillow, raising her buttocks up and allowing Bill easy access to her vagina. Inserting two fingers inside, Bill began stroking the fleshy sponge, near her urethra. After several minutes, Cecilia said, “Bill, it feels like I’ve got to pee. The pressure is growing.”

“Wait, I’ll get a towel.” Bill kept aggressively massaging and pressing on her G-Spot. “Don’t worry, let it loose if you need to.” “No, the urgent feeling has gone.”

The warm glow was building inside her vulva, seeping deep into the pit of her stomach. Her mind, sexually stimulated by one orgasm, was laced into deep reverie, focusing on the next explosion.

“Oooooooh, here I cummmmmmmm.” A series of small never-ending electrical shocks filtered through her body. During her continuous climax a small stream of white liquid splayed from her vagina on to the towel.

“Bill, this is unbelievable. Don’t stop!!” Her body climaxed in a series of continuous orgasmic shocks, her body shaking as her pelvis contracted again and again. After several minutes, she couldn’t take anymore. “Ok, I had enough.” She had to catch her breath.

“Bill, I’m not sure what that was, but if it was an orgasm, it was the most incredible orgasm ever.”

“I’ve read about women ejaculating, almost like men.”

” I felt my insides flushing. It was different, but it felt great. We should do it again, but not too often. I’m afraid I couldn’t take it.”

Occasionally, Bill and Cecilia engaged in erotic games they could act out in privacy of their own bedroom. One of their favorites was to be caught by their parents masturbating. Playing the aggrieved parent, Bill or Cecilia would burst into the bedroom while the other was closing their eyes, masturbating. Instead of being chastised, the “parent” became part of the scene, sometimes mutually masturbating and other times, engaging in the sex acts with their “child.” Both of them found engaging in taboo incest to be licentiously arousing, often leading to intense and physically rewarding ejaculations and climaxes.

Somehow the topic of erotic games came up in a conversation with Jim and Wendy, their new friends at the retirement community. Eventually, this led to the formation of the Mature Fantasy Club. Wendy was looking for a way to help Jim overcome his erectile dysfunction. Cecilia thought of it as extension of her new sexual liberation, aided by her confidence in Bill’s attraction to her.

“Cecilia, we are the hosts for next Monday. Do you want to discuss options? We will have a hard time beating the Harem Theme.”

“I don’t think we should become competitive in sexual design. Each event has its own benefits.”

“You’re right.”

“In any case, I had a discussion with Wendy after this morning. She suggested, get this, “Gee That Hits the Spot.”

“Hmm. If that’s what I think it is, it sounds intriguing. We have encouraged the use of the G-Spot before, but Jay and Lauren weren’t members.”

“She left the details to us. She thinks you have the answers when it Ankara escort bayan comes to the G-Spot, and frankly, so do I.” She looked deeply in his eyes through wisps of moisture-forming tears, snuggling together as clouds of drowsiness pressed around them, lulling them to sleep.”

Part 2

Monday morning, promptly at 10, the group assembled in Bill and Cecilia’s living room. Bill took center stage. He had a couple of dildos in his hand.

“Last week we were treated to a harem, which I think you would agree, was particularly pleasurable to the males in our group. Today, we are going to turn the table and do something special for our women. Several months ago, we did a discovery event, learning about the G-Spot. Today, we are going to put into practice what we learned. The title is “Gee, That Hits The Spot.”

Lauren perked up. “I have heard that some women don’t have a G-Spot.” “My research on the internet indicates that quite a few women have a G-Spot, but the sensitivity may vary. When we tried it last time, Wendy and Rhonda confirmed it was very stimulating. And I know that Cecilia enjoys being massaged there. Also, we men need to practice our techniques. And in this event, our women’s needs have to be put first. Not that we can’t be excited ourselves from enjoying the pleasure being experienced by our partners.”

Don piped up “I am willing to try it again. The man has to do the work; the woman receives most the benefit. But it certainly was fun. Based on your call, I took no Viagra today.”

“Ok, since we are hosts and have the most experience, Cecilia and I will act as helpers, circulating around. Because of what we’re doing, we going to have each married couple play together instead of our usual—so Don and Rhonda will go to Bedroom 1, Jim and Wendy to Bedroom 2 and Jay and Lauren to Bedroom 3.”

Jay questioned. “What are the dildos in your hand?”

“Oh yes. Each of the Bedrooms will have one of these special curved dildos, which can be used to replace your fingers on the G-Spot. Especially, in the beginning, I have found that this is a good way to get the juices flowing, until the G-Spot starts reacting. Your wife will tell you when that is. As we did last time, it is a good idea to have your wife have an orgasm early on, using more traditional methods.”

Rhonda. “Anything else, Bill. My sex glands are getting hot, just talking about it. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I want to get started.”

“Just that I have this diagram for Jay and Lauren, which helps you locate the right spot. Ok, Cecilia and I will be visiting each of you shortly.”

“Oooooooh, that feels good Don, keep it up.” Taking Bill’s advice, Don was tonguing Rhonda to orgasm as she spread eagled on the bed, her bare pussy, twitching in eager engagement. Rhonda never tired of cunninglitis. In contrast to their early married years when she had to sweat and work hard just to achieve a bit of sexual satisfaction, now she could relax and know for certain that pleasure, often great pleasure, was just a matter of time. She used to think that sucking a man’s organ was on the nasty side. And certainly him ejaculating in her mouth was regurgitating. But though she still wasn’t crazy about it, the pleasure she received clitorially was more than worth it. As Don was sucking, she stroked her breast, tweaking her extended nipple as she closed her eyes, lapsing into sexual reverie, focusing on the last time she was G-spotted.

Don stroked her naked pussy, as his tongue worked in and out, never leaving her arousing bud. After a few short minutes, Rhonda’s body tensed, her breasts heaving. “I love it!!!!!!!!!! The final climatic moment shook her huge breasts, as usual.

Don picked up the dildo with the curved head and gently positioned it an inch or two beyond the vaginal opening. “Rhonda, is that the right place?”

” Just a little more inside.”

“Ok, I am turning on the vibrator to low. Can you feel it?”

“Yes. I think you’ve got it. Oh gosh, yes, I feel the urge Escort Ankara to pee. Oh shoot, the urge is stronger than the last time.”

“Should I shut off the vibrator?”

“No. Not yet. I am feeling an amazing heat inside my vagina.”

Don rotated the vibrator around the G-Spot for several more minutes. Rhonda’s was breathing heavily as sticky flows of secretions were emerging from her vaginal canal onto her labia. “I think you should shut down the vibrator.”

Quickly Don replaced the vibrator with stroking fingers inside her vagina. “Good, it was becoming overly sensitive. Just keep it up.”

“Oh Don, the sensations are wonderful.” The secretion was flowing more heavily into and around Don’s fingers. “Shoot, the pee feeling is stronger” A small squirt of white liquid flushed out of her canal setting off a climax, deep inside her uterus. Rhonda felt like she her uterus was turning inside out, with multiple electrical impulses throughout her body, radiating from her Spot.

The couple was so intent in their interaction that they never noticed Bill’s head peaking through the door. Don and Rhonda don’t need any help, Bill thought. The same was true for Jim and Wendy, who seemed to be in a similar rapturous state.

“Bill, I am going to navigate toward Bedroom 3 to assist Jay and Lauren. I want to do this myself.”

Bill suspected that Cecilia was going to do something that Wendy suggested, so he didn’t intervene, preferring to view some of the scenes through the video cam.

Cecilia entered the bedroom, finding Lauren with her knees bent and spread wide with her rump on a pillow, similar to the position she preferred. This position permitted Jay complete access to her private parts. Jay was inserting his fingers into Lauren, searching for her G-Spot.

“Can I help?”

Lauren. “Well, I guess so.”

“Do you think you have a G-Spot?”

“I am pretty sure it’s there,” chimed Lauren.

“Oh Gosh, I think he’s there.”

Jay. “This feels a bit like a sponge”

“You got it.”

Cecilia noted that Lauren was positive she had a G-Spot while Jay was unsure. She would have to advise Wendy that her assumptions were correct about Lauren’s prior experience. Cecilia removed her clothes and knelt next to Lauren, stroking and kneading her beautiful breasts, occasionally using her lips to suck Lauren’s hardened nipples, while Jay massaged her G-Spot. Lauren closed her eyes and recalled the wonderful massages she got from Nancy and Anne. Though they played with her spot, trying to climax was a virginal experience.

Cecilia directed Jay. “Use your left hand to gently press her vulva while massaging her inside. And use your mouth on her clitoris as an additional stimulant.”

Lauren was in erotic seventh heaven with multiple pleasure points being stimulated simultaneously. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would explode.

Cecilia changed positions to begin licking and sucking Jay’s scrotum, which regressed into a tight arc. Confirming Wendy’s information, Jay’s penis expanded to seven plus inches with the additional stimulation. Cecilia began stroking Jay’s expanded penis with rapid movements, stimulating Jay in turn to accelerate massaging Lauren’s G-Spot and sucking on her turgid bud. Cecilia used her hand to stroke her own clitoris, which had grown to grape sized proportions.

“It feels like a fire inside.” Lauren expostulated. Her mind receded into its own space and time, with erotic images of past sex with Nancy and Anne flooding her brain. She was in her own zone, and there was no holding back. Orgasms exploded one after another from deep inside her and her vaginal wall began contracting with seismic eruptions, forcing Jay’s fingers out. “Oh my G-d, Oh my G-d.” She had a hard time catching her breath as stars burst inside her. It felt as though she had climaxed in two separate places, each converging into one stream tearing through her body, searching for an outlet.

Almost simultaneous, Jay’s semen began seeping out of his piss head and onto Cecilia’s stroking hand. And then, Cecilia yelped as her masturbating finger rubbed vigorously on her unnatural protuberance, brought it to the ultimate step off spot. “I’m cumming too. Oh, I love it.”

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