
Men at Work


6th Street

Early Saturday morning Steven rolls his wheelchair out of Stubbs and rolls down 6th street and heads to the warehouse district. He bought a condo in one of the renovated buildings a few years ago when it was the hipster thing to do. A quiet industrial place that gives him inspiration for working on his steam punk style art.

As he goes into the building a face he doesn’t recognize is walking out. Hi, new to the building? Yes, yes I am.. Jim is the name.. I moved in yesterday morning. He sticks his hand out and the men shake. Steven. Nice to meet you Jim. None of my business Jim but it’s either too early or too late to party in Austin. Where are you headed. Wanted some coffee.

The men chat in the lobby for a few minutes and Jim asks Steven if he’d care to go get coffee with him. You will have to go up Lamar street to find anything you can drink . I could use a cup, come to my place and I will make a fresh pot. Great! Jim exclaims with a big smile as Jim follows closely behind Steven to his condo.

Beautiful space you have here Steven. Thanks, I fell for the whole industrial living hook line and sinker. Guess you did too. I’m just renting for the summer. If I like it here I might buy a place. A few left and priced to sell.

The men talk art and wine. They discuss politics in Austin and how crazy everyone seems to be. Us native Texans have to get out of down town every week or two to keep our sanity. Californians opened their borders and came running to ours. I guess I would be one of those Jim laughs. I assumed.

Jim sips his coffee and asks – ‘What’s the gay scene like here in Austin?’ Wild and crazy and filthy if you don’t know where you are going. I avoid the ‘scene’ as much as I can. I’m not in my 20s anymore so why hang out with them.. well other than the obvious reasons.


It’s getting late Steven.. Steven rebuts ‘or late’ Jim laughs and suggests they go get some breakfast. Sounds like a plan but I need to change out of these clothes and clean up first. I can wait Jim says… Steven smiles and says great.

Steven takes his shirt off as he maneuvers his wheelchair toward a door down the hall. Jim is getting so turned on he can’t sit still and starts to sweat.. not wanting to be obvious he walks over to look out the giant windows of a sleepy Austin. A glow illuminates from the capital building.

Beautiful isn’t it Steven asks and it startles Jim. Jim turns and Steven is sitting in his wheelchair naked. I thought I should ask, what is it you would like for breakfast? Jim touches Stevens cock and says.. ‘I think I will try the sampler platter’ Follow me Steven says as he rolls to the bedroom.

Jim gets undressed as Steven transfers to the bed from his chair. Jim sits on the bed and Steven crawls over to him. Jim pulls him close and kissed Steven hard as he strokes his dick. What would you like to sample first? Steven asks. Jim moans and lets his tongue make a trip to Stevens lap.

Jim is taking every inch of Steven in his mouth and can feel his cock throb around his lips. ‘You’ve done this before’ Steven laughingly teases. Oh, I have Jim says with his mouth full. Jim wraps his arms around Steven and pulls his body closer to his mouth guiding Stevens ass closer to him.

Steven spills everything he has in his body and Jim swallows it down like it was a McDonalds milk shake. He then rubs Steven’s chest as he kisses his nipples. You are a beautiful man Steven. As are you Jim.

Steven swings his short body around and drops down on Jim’s cock and starts sucking him off as he plays with his balls. Jim moans and Steven can see Jim is staring at his leg stumps. You like them? Shocked Jim says .. uh, what? It’s OK Jim.

Steven asks Jim to sit up and lean against the head board. As he does Steven throws his nearly legless body on Jim’s lap and guides his cock into his ass. Fuck me Jim. Fuck me like you know you’ve wanted to Escort Sakarya since you saw me in the hall yesterday.

They fuck and suck for almost an hour.. Steven, exhausted rolls off of Jim and asks if he would mind getting them a damp wash cloth out of the bathroom to clean themselves up. As Jim cleans Steven’s cock off, Steven cums again.

So you noticed me staring at you yesterday? I didn’t just notice you staring at me. I noticed ‘how’ you were staring at me. I knew I made you hungry. I hope you found the meal was satisfactory.

Slow Saturday Morning

It’s getting late Steven.. Steven rebuts ‘or late’ Jim laughs and suggests they go get some breakfast. Sounds like a plan but I need to change out of these clothes and clean up first. I can wait Jim says… Steven smiles and says great.

Steven takes his shirt off as he maneuvers his wheelchair toward a door down the hall. Jim is getting so turned on he can’t sit still and starts to sweat.. not wanting to be obvious he walks over to look out the giant windows of a sleepy Austin. A glow illuminates from the capital building.

Beautiful isn’t it Steven asks and it startles Jim. Jim turns and Steven is sitting in his wheelchair naked. I thought I should ask, what is it you would like for breakfast? Jim touches Stevens cock and says.. ‘I think I will try the sampler platter’ Follow me Steven says as he rolls to the bedroom.

Jim gets undressed as Steven transfers to the bed from his chair. Jim sits on the bed and Steven crawls over to him. Jim pulls him close and kissed Steven hard as he strokes his dick. What would you like to sample first? Steven asks. Jim moans and lets his tongue make a trip to Stevens lap.

Jim is taking every inch of Steven in his mouth and can feel his cock throb around his lips. ‘You’ve done this before’ Steven laughingly teases. Oh, I have Jim says with his mouth full. Jim wraps his arms around Steven and pulls his body closer to his mouth guiding Stevens ass closer to him.

Steven spills everything he has in his body and Jim swallows it down like it was a McDonalds milk shake. He then rubs Steven’s chest as he kisses his nipples. You are a beautiful man Steven. As are you Jim.

Steven swings his short body around and drops down on Jim’s cock and starts sucking him off as he plays with his balls. Jim moans and Steven can see Jim is staring at his leg stumps. You like them? Shocked Jim says .. uh, what? It’s OK Jim.

Steven asks Jim to sit up and lean against the head board. As he does Steven throws his nearly legless body on Jim’s lap and guides his cock into his ass. Fuck me Jim. Fuck me like you know you’ve wanted to since you saw me in the hall yesterday.

They fuck and suck for almost an hour.. Steven, exhausted rolls off of Jim and asks if he would mind getting them a damp wash cloth out of the bathroom to clean themselves up. As Jim cleans Steven’s cock off, Steven cums again.

So you noticed me staring at you yesterday? I didn’t just notice you staring at me. I noticed ‘how’ you were staring at me. I knew I made you hungry. I hope you found the meal was satisfactory.

Cleaning Up

Help me get into the shower Jim. I don’t have any energy left. Jim picks Steven up as Steven holds on to Jim’s strong shoulders. He s its Steven in the shower chair and steps in the shower with him. We will never get cleaned this way Jim. I hope not Steven. I hope not.

After about an hour the hot water runs out. The two men, both spent at this point, get out of the shower. Jim sits Steven on the vanity next to the sink and lovingly dries him off paying special attention to his stumps. Steven moans and says ‘I am so glad you like the’.. Oh, I love them Jim says.

Take me over to the bed and I will let you pick out what you want me to wear.. We need to go get breakfast. We went through all the calories I had with that extended play. Same here says Jim as Side escort he sits Steven on the bed and takes the pillows off of his chair. Tossing the pillows on the bed Jim says ‘tell me what to do next’

Steven tells him where his shorts are and that his shirts are in the closet hanging up. We are about the same size, grab something fresh for you too so we can go eat. Jim digs through the shorts and finds some black bike shorts. Jim imagines the spandex tight against Stevens stumps.. all 3 of them.

Steven puts on the spandex shorts, a Lance Armstrong shirt and jumps in his chair. Jim puts on one of Steven’s vintage tee shirts and a pair of cargo shorts. Really? Cargo shorts Steven jokes.. They are your shorts Jim laughs.

Mind if I push you Jim asks.. Not at all, it’s part of the experience. Why did you pick that shirt Jim asks Steven. Irony, shock, you know. A legless guy in a wheelchair wearing biker shorts and an Olympic bike team shirt. Fucks with people. Jim laughs.. would me.

Steel Magnolias

Magnolia Cafe is just over on Congress. They are one of the older buildings here in town that are easily accessible for a wheelchair and the food is banging. Sounds great Jim says and they make their way and Jim notices a line. It goes fast don’t sweat it.

As Jim pushes Steven to the back of the line all the people step aside and invite them to the front. Thanks y’all but I can wait in line just as easy if not easier than any of y’all.. But I do appreciate your kindness. Steven looks at Jim and waves his arm at the people in line.. Natives.. Texans are like that. I hope you Californian hippy types don’t fuck that up. No offense meant.

The people in line laughed at that as Jim says ‘none taken’ There is a reason I left that crazy state. It sure as hell wasn’t to move to a great place and turn it into a garbage pile that California has turned in to. Steven reaches back and lovingly touches Jim’s hand, looks up at him and smiles. This is nice he says.. Yes it is Jim agrees.

You made coffee so I got this Jim says. Suits me Steven replies as Jim pays the check.. I got the tip though and Steven tosses a $10 on the table. Wish we could have sat and chatted a bit. Hard to do that down town here any day of the week but Saturday for sure. They move us in and feed us and move us out like cattle. Great place to eat and awesome staff.

Steven suggests they go to Zilker Park. They can sit there and chit chat and pick up a coffee on the way. Steven tells Jim ‘Only push me if you want to push me. Austin is pretty flat I really don’t need you to’ I want to Jim says. Steven reaches back and pets his hand again.

Zilker is one of my favorite places in Austin. I can see why Jim says. So, was it everything you thought it would be. It was 100 times more intense. It has always been a fantasy of mine and the things we did exceed everything I had conjured up in my deviant mind.

People Watching

I love Zilker because of all the different people. Fat, Skinny, Fit, Tall, Short. Hippy and Conservative share a table playing chess. Look around you will find a few junkies passed out in the bushes. People watching is one of my favorite pass times. It gives me ideas for my statues. Jim listens intently.

How did it happen? That’s kind of a personal question isn’t it Jim? No, not really. Not after our morning I don’t think anything is ‘too personal’ . If you don’t want to talk about it though I get that. I am sure it’s a painful memory. Steven smiles at him. Thanks. I will talk about it but not right now. OK?

So since we’re asking personal questions we don’t have to answer.. Always been an amputee devotee or was I just lucky last night that you wanted to fly your freak flag. No, I told you that sex was better than I ever imagined. I have imagined it all my life. I knew I wanted you the second I noticed nothing hanging down from the front of the chair and you were rolling izmir escort bayan away from me. I was paying that good of attention. That’s nice to hear Jim.. It makes me happy.

I would have loved to trade places with you this morning. I have always wanted to fuck a guy like me too. That’s why I tried everything I could think of with you. You are my first human contact since the accident. I too am a devotee but now my mind doesn’t know what to think. Now I will just enjoy how I look and don’t get me wrong. I love, I absolutely love how I look. I don’t think I would even want a miracle to grow them back. I am always hard.. touching them and looking at them.

This conversation is killing me Steven. Lean over here Steven says to Jim. Steven kisses him then whispers ‘crowd of people are about to walk by.. Roll these shorts up over my stumps as they do. Really? You know you want to.. Oh, I do.. As they get a few feet away Jim kneels down and rolls the shorts up. Thanks, need some sun on my stumps Jim say loud enough for most of them to hear.. they all other than a Goth Girl pretended they weren’t staring.

Lets go back to my place Jim. Stumps a white glow in the Texas sun, Jim pushes Steven back to the condo and they chat along the way about Austin and Politics and People. They get to the building and go to the Condo. Make yourself comfortable. Jim sits on the sofa and flips through a Texas Monthly magazine. Steven grabs two beers out of the fridge and hands one to Jim. Whiskey would be better, beer is hard to choke down in the mornings. Makes for great tasting cum though. Jim smiles and chugs it.

Building A Friendship

After 3 beers each Jim takes the vintage Tee off. Steven wiggles himself close and puts one arm around Jim and rubs his chest with the other hand. This is nice.. Yes it is Jim says.. I am in heaven right now.

Steven slips off the shorts and has nothing on but his bikini underwear. He pulls Jim’s hand to his stump and moves Jim’s hand over the end with his hand. Enjoy them Jim. If I were you I would be rubbing them.

Jim pulls the bikini underwear to the side and starts sucking Stevens cock. As he sucks Steven says ‘A car accident in January, Austin ice storm and I got into an accident next to the old K-Mart on Parmer Lane. Woke up about two weeks later like this. I was a mix of emotions .. I loved it but hated it .. know what I mean.. Jim sucks harder and right then Steven spills and Jim lets the warm lava flow down his throat.

It must be hard being a devotee and waking up being a subject of your own desire. You would think so but it’s not much different than an attractive gay guy looking in the mirror when you think about it. Jim does the ‘mind blown’ hand thing and says you know.. you’re right. Never thought about it that way.

Slip your shorts off Jim, then lay on your belly over on the carpet. Always willing Jim is on the floor with his head turned to the side staring at Stevens stumps as the fatty ends jiggle with each move. They remind me of tits Jim says. Steven laughs and says then why do you keep touching them! Steven crawls on top of Jim and starts tonguing his ass. A few seconds later Steven is inside of Jim.

Steven cums inside of him and nudges him to roll over. I have a surprise for you.. but you have to get something to clean my cock off with first. Jim almost sprints to the bathroom to get a wash cloth. He slowly washes Stevens dick off and sets the rag on the table. Lay on your back.. Ever willing Jim is on his back watching Steven’s every move.

Steven lays stumps facing Jim’s head on Jim’s thighs and inches forward using his hands. As his mouth gets to Jim’s cock he takes it in his mouth and starts to suck and nibble on his cock.. Jim grabs each of his stumps and lifts Steven up with them.. Then lowers Stevens cock into his mouth. They Steven can feel Jim is about to come.. Me too Jim.. Don’t swallow it yet. They both come and Steven twists his short body around and starts to kiss Jim hot hard and heavy. They swirl their juices between each other until nothing is left. They take another shower and finally go to bed… This time for some well deserved rest.

The end

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