


All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I’m hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts lesbian sex between consenting adults, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Cath had joined the organisation some six weeks previously and Elaine had been volunteered as her mentor by their manager. The two were effectively on the same scale but Elaine’s vast experience meant that many looked in her direction for guidance and Cath had been brought in to help some of that workload. The two got on famously but yet were very different individuals.

Elaine was in her early forties, tall and thin with white/blonde hair. Cath was perhaps ten years Elaine’s junior, about 4 inches shorter and still carrying the baby fat from her second child who was now attending nursery so that she could return to the workplace. What the extra weight did do was give her a ruddy complexion and a round face framed with her mousy brown hair, what capped the look off was her warm friendly smile. Cath had a very easy laugh which Elaine found infectious and the two could often be found sniggering at some in joke between them, but Cath’s overwhelming attribute though had to be her chest. Elaine found it hard to tare he eyes away from it as it jumped and jiggled about. Elaine would class herself as bi-curious even though she led a purely heterosexual lifestyle since marrying some fifteen years ago.

Growing up Cath had found her chest both a curse and an asset, her mother and eldest sister had been similarly gifted, her middle sister less so. In the latter years of school, it was actually painful when doing sports that required a lot of activity. On the plus side it guaranteed her all the attention she needed from boys. Most of her friends chided her about her chest, especially in the changing rooms and there was more than a smattering of jealous sideway glances from other girls — not that she minded as they were normally the ones she didn’t want to associate with. As firm as they had been during her school days the additional body fat acquired during her two pregnancies had inflated them further to their current state of 46DD which required quite a lot of back exercises to ward off the constant back pain her mother seemed to suffer from in later life.

With that, it was no surprise that she caught Elaine looking at them often as even she started to joke about their size and the number times Cath bumped into things. Today was just one of those times and Cath had replied to Elaine’s ribbing by saying “You are just jealous.”

Elaine shook her head replying “I’m not jealous of you — well maybe a little bit — I can only image the back ache you must get. No, I’m jealous of your husband getting to play with them regularly.”

Cath looked a bit quizzical “But I thought you were straight. I didn’t realise you were into women too?”

Elaine shrugged, leant back in her chair while she contemplated her answer and eventually said “I was quite the diversity queen in my Uni days. I’ll admit I’ve been a one trick pony since marrying Juan but when those things” nodding down at Cath’s chest “get pointed at me regularly, I often wonder what it would be like to cradle them if only for a short while.” Time stood still for Cath as she watched Elaine lift both her hands and place them at the front of each breast. The touch was light and delicate and yet the older woman started to flex the mammories in her hands, fascinated with the way they moved under her attentions. Cath could neither move away or cry out for that matter, she was equally awed by the sight of the slim fingers flexing and moving the fleshy mounds as Elaine herself was.

Elaine realised that they wouldn’t be disturbed as most everyone had left for the day and she doubted anyone would be passing in the intervening time and so she was in no rush to detach her hands and seemingly neither was Cath who just sat there and let it happen without actually realising why, all she knew was she enjoyed it.

Elaine broke the spell asking, “I take you are enjoying this judging by how your nipples are standing proud?”

Cath blushed slightly but without taking her eyes off Elaine’s hands she confessed “I have to admit that it feels very nice, you have a very gentle touch. It’s making me a little mushy down below if you get my drift.”

Elaine smiled and shifted the attention of her right hand to capture Cath’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger making the brunette gasp quite loudly. Despite the younger woman wearing both a blouse and bra, the rubbery nub was still standing prominently enough for her to be able to tweak it. The older woman disengaged both hands which Cath found surprising as she felt disappointed the fondling had ended. Elaine stood up and said “Wait there” as she walked to the office door, dropped the lock and then did an about turn so that she returned bursa escort to her seat adding “Now where were we” as she reached up both hands to cup Cath’s breasts, the touch once more making Cath groan slightly in appreciation. Elaine looked up at Cath’s face, smiled broadly and said “I think someone is really getting into this. Have you ever been touched like this by another woman before?”

Cath shook her head and replied “No never. It’s very nice though, so much gentler than a man.”

Elaine nodded and said “Good” as she started to unbutton the blouse from the V at Cath’s neck downwards. As each button was popped the gap in the front of the garment expanded as her chest became less restricted. Elaine wanted to savour her time seeing the deep cleavage expand button by button while at the same time wanting the garment out of the way so that she could get the glorious globes in her hands once more. Her own were small A cups, although she did possess large nipples, they didn’t come anywhere close to the size of Cath’s. Once the buttons were undone past Cath’s tits Elaine pushed the garment aside and stared in awe at the sight before her. Cath’s nipples looked even more inviting in just her bra and Elaine leant forward saying “I hope you don’t mind me doing this” and before Cath could give any form of answer the older woman began kissing along the length of Cath’s cleaver that was exposed out of the top of her bra. Elaine’s hands had returned to the globes to firstly fondle the expanse of flesh and then return to the brunette’s nipples to continue their torture.

Cath was effectively helpless. She cradled Elaine’s head in her hands and tried her best to remain conscious while her pussy soaked her panties from all the attention. Part of her brain was trying to protest that a woman shouldn’t be doing this to her, let alone her colleague and mentor and yet most other parts of her brain were cancelling that out, shouting out that Cath hadn’t felt like this in a very long time and maybe, just maybe, she ought to go with the flow and see where this rabbit hole goes.

It was this side of Cath’s brain which won out as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. The elastic of the shoulder straps sagged at the pressure released and sensing the lacy material’s relief it took no time to guess what had happened. In a flash Elaine pulled the garment forward so that it disengaged from Cath exposing the full round globes for her to savour. It also implied that Cath was a willing participant which actually meant more to the older woman than feeling the soft flesh on her lips.

Having kissed her way over a fair distance of the boobs, Elaine felt it now was the time to capture one of Cath’s nipples between her lips. Elaine used a combination of lips, teeth and tongue to rub, nip, suck and squeeze the nipple before switching to the other side. The sensations from her nipples were sending shocks to deep down inside her and from there radiating out to her pussy and Cath was loving the attention. She had been squirming in her seat under Elaine’s oral assault but when the older woman switched her attention to the other nipple it triggered something within her and, surprising both parties, Cath suddenly came.

The orgasm surprised Elaine more than Cath, she never realised someone could come just from having their nipples sucked or played with but then she had never encountered a pair quite like these which were obviously sensitive. Cath jerked backwards as she came and lay back shaking slightly while her pussy contracted and made her panties even damper than they had been.

Elaine took control, guessing that her lover needed a cuddle and pulled her back into the blonde so that the two could wrap their arms around the other. She felt the younger woman hold her tightly while she processed what had just happened and Elaine was happy to let her. For the longest while Cath just sat there with her face buried into the crook of the neck of the woman — the first woman — that had made her come. Her skin was soft, the scent was intoxicating and the cuddle exactly what she needed just at that point as her heart rate began to return to normal. At one point Elaine tried to pull back but Cath concentrated her hold and Elaine simply settled back into the cuddle; she could appreciate why; men just didn’t cuddle right after an orgasm.

Eventually Cath was the one to pull back and Elaine saw a tear trickle down the brunette’s cheek and looked concerned “What’s the matter?” she asked.

Cath smiled and replied “Nothing is the matter. I’m speechless. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. It was so very lovely” she squirmed around a little in her seat before adding “I’m a little squidgy down there though.”

Elaine smiled, leant forward to gently kiss Cath on the lips and then replied “I tell you what. Rather than charge headlong into anything, why don’t we leave it there for today so you have chance to clean up and absorb what’s rattling around your head although I suggest we set some time aside so that we can discuss this in privacy. bursa escort bayan Does that sound like a good suggestion?”

Cath nodded her head and tried to stand on unsteady legs and so had to reach for the back of her chair but then made her way to the toilet. Elaine had purposely stayed back until Cath returned and having secured the required assurances that she was okay and didn’t need to talk things through Elaine made her agree to set some time aside the next day to talk. The two departed together and walked out to their cars. After making sure no-one was around to see them, Elaine leant in and gave Cath the slightest of kisses.

To say it was a restless night would be an understatement. The overwhelming feeling, Cath had was one of giddy excitement, she did question whether she should be cheating on her husband like this but each time she came to the conclusion that he had been avoiding intimacy with her ever since she became pregnant this second time. When Cath logged into her office computer the next day, she found a calendar invite from Elaine to join her in one of the more remote meeting rooms. She made her way to the room and on seeing Elaine sat there shut the door and went and sat in the chair next to her mentor. The first thing Elaine did was reach out her hand and placed it on Cath’s which generated the blond a broad smile from her friend. “It seems a silly way to start, but are you okay after what happened yesterday?”

Cath gave a faint smile in return, nodded and replied, “Oh yes, very much so.”

Elaine’s emotions skyrocketed at that news. “Oh, I’m so glad” the blond added “Have you had chance to decide where you want to take this?”

Cath looked puzzled “I’m not sure what you mean.”

Elaine thought for a moment and then rephrased her question “Would you like to experience lesbianism further?”

“Oh yes” came Cath’s reply.

Elaine nodded and asked, “Would you like to enquire further with someone else or would you like me to guide you?” without realising, Elaine was biting her lip nervously waiting for Cath’s reply.

Matter of factly came the reply “Oh with you of course. You were so kind and gentle, and I know I can trust you.” Cath took her hand from Elaine’s and used the back of it to brush gently down the blonde’s cheek.

Elaine’s smile broadened as she said “Oh I am so glad you said that. I was afraid I had scared you off. I think you know how much I like your tits and am certainly looking forward to exploring further but I want you to dictate the pace. We can take this is slow or fast as you feel comfortable with.”

Cath moved her hand back to hold Elaine’s and replied “Thank you. I would like to try experimenting further, but I feel a bit self-conscious even holding your hand at the office and so don’t want to push our luck any further here.”

Elaine smiled and said “I quite agree. Last night gave me time to think up a suitable way to meet up. There will be no-one at home today and so this afternoon you’ll be joining me at a very urgent customer meeting — only we will be meeting at my house, and we can explore at our leisure then. Norman won’t question me wanting to take you with me to such an important meeting.”

Arrangements were made and Cath followed Elaine’s car to the other woman house and pulled up a few houses away to avoid suspicion. Elaine stood at the front door waiting for Cath to walk up the path — her sole focus was that magnificent chest that jutted out in front of the brunette and her pussy gave a little twitch in anticipation of what might lie ahead. She stepped aside as Cath crossed the threshold, closed the door behind her friend and then pounced by pressing Cath against the back of the door and engaging in a long sensual kiss which Cath was only too glad to reciprocate. Her own pussy had been a mushy mess since meeting Elaine in the meeting room earlier. The two had been at it for a few minutes when Elaine had to pull back and state “Sorry if I was a little aggressive. I couldn’t wait any longer. I don’t know what it is about your lips, but I can’t get enough of them.”

Cath leant forward for a further, if shorter kiss before adding “I want you to show it all to me, even if it means we have to do it in stages. The way you made me buzz yesterday just makes me want it more and so you be as aggressive as you like.” And kissed her once more. Elaine took Cath’s hand and led her up the stairs to the master bedroom where she sat the brunette down on the edge of the bed before standing back and slowly removing her clothes. As the last few items were being removed Elaine stated “I want to show myself to you. I’m not anything like you but I will give myself to you heart and soul to try and make every second worth it.”

Elaine then stood completely naked waiting for Cath’s reaction. The younger woman sensed the others uncertainty and went and stood in front of her mentor, wrapped her arms around her — prompting Elaine to do the same with her — and whispered “You look beautiful. I’m going to enjoy exploring every inch of you” and kissed escort bursa her once more. Cath took a step back and removed her own clothes in record time until she too stood naked and vulnerable. She despised the extra body fat that she carried from her second pregnancy, but Elaine was too fixated by Cath’s tits to notice anything else as she was then one to close the gap between them to initiate the next bout of kisses.

Elaine reached her right hand, brought it up to cup Cath’s left breast and the brunette moaned approvingly in the kiss. Cath did the same with her right hand and although Elaine’s breast wasn’t large enough to cup, Cath engaged the engorged nipple between her fingers so that Elaine was experiencing the same sensations that she was. Elaine was content to once again fondle Cath’s boobs, but Cath moved her right hand down and brushed it along the blonde’s pussy making the older woman shiver. Elaine had assumed that she would be the one to initiate things but was pleasantly surprised to find Cath doing it too.

The fingers quested lower and made Elaine shiver again once they gently brushed passed her clitoris and down further to the folds of her labia. Cath slipped the tips of two fingers inside Elaine and the blonde had to hold on tight to her lover as she involuntarily shook and groaned into their kiss. Cath was working on instinct, merely repeating what she liked to have done to her, and yet she was enthralled with how Elaine responded to each change she made with her hand. Elaine had been tremendously turned on yesterday but having Cath confirm this morning that she wanted to explore further had left the older woman in a giddy state, she suspected her pussy was a mushier mess than Cath had said hers was.

It had been so long since Elaine had been with a woman that she had forgotten how soft and tender bi-sexual love could be. Cath had said this was her first experience and yet she was doing a first-rate job of propelling the more experienced woman towards her climax and once the older woman let her last reservations go, it was only a few heartbeats before her climax hit and she went rigid as her pussy clamped down on Cath’s intruding fingers. Elaine clung on to Cath the best she could as she shook and quacked in the aftermath of her climax.

Cath was only too pleased to act as a support, in reality Elaine had surprised the younger woman by coming so quickly – not that she minded as it inflated her ego tremendously to have generated such a reaction on her first attempt. After a good few minutes Elaine returned to normal and smiled broadly at Cath offering “Thanks.” Cath leant forward and kissed her mentor slow and sensual; they had just crossed a bridge in their dynamic and were even closer for the change. Elaine steered Cath backwards towards the bed behind her and said, “I think someone deserves a very large reward for what she just did.”

Cath meekly followed Elaine’s steer and lay down as directed. Elaine had her lie down the centre and positioned herself just to Cath’s left. The older woman continued to kiss Cath while fondling her right breast. The kissing continued down Cath’s jawline and as it progressed down the side of her neck, the anticipation of what lay ahead made goose bumps raise all over her body. Sure enough, the kissing continued down her shoulder to her right breast and onwards to her enflamed nipple which Elaine was at pains to languish copious amounts of attention on. Progressively she worked down Cath’s stomach which prompted the blonde to twist round so she could continue downwards until she reached Cath’s bush. Her tongue took over now and traced a path down to her clit that was standing proudly from under its hood. This brought a sharp intake of breath from Cath as a jolt shot from her pussy to her extremities, but the tongue kept enquiring further down as Elaine pushed the brunette’s legs further apart to expose her honeypot and what a glorious sight greeted her. Cath’s labia parted to show a damp and inviting deep pink purse, a small pearlescent drop of juice was prominent and just crying out for Elaine to dip her tongue to lap at it and drive it deeper inside the younger woman.

Cath gasped at this point, groaned loudly and grabbing the back of Elaine’s head trying to push her face deeper into her pussy. Elaine alternated her attention between driving her tongue as deeply as possible before switching to Cath’s clot and sucking it between her lips as deeply as possible while lambasting it with the tip of her tongue. Cath’s pelvis jumped and her legs thrashed about as she came. Elaine was sucking longingly on her clit when she heard the load groan and felt the fleshy nub jump and tremble in her mouth.

Cath pushed Elaine’s head away from her pussy groaning “No more please. Oh god that was fabulous. I thought yesterday’s come was spectacular but that one even surpasses it.” Elaine smiled and crawled up her lover’s body so that she was laying on her side facing Cath. The brunette looked at her and was amazed how much pussy juice she was wearing on her jaw and mouth. Having tasted her own pussy frequently on her husband cock she was used to its taste and began to clean her mentors face before pulling her face to hers and kissing the lips deeply. Breaking away she wore a shock expression as she asked, “Is it always so toe curling?”

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