
Merry Cuckmas Foot Bitch


I had been seeing Shannon for about 8 months. We met through work and I had been instantly enchanted with her. Five eight, with slender toned legs, a pert figure, shoulder length brunette hair, radiant smile and deep emerald blue eyes. A Goddess in every sense. It had taken at least 3-4 months before I built up the courage to ask her out. It seemed a natural move given our similar tastes in TV, movies and sense of humour. I later found she had other attributes I enjoyed. She had divinely formed size 6 feet. Slender, supple and with perfectly shaped toes. In addition, she had a razor-sharp wit, bordering on bratty. The perfect barb to prick at my submissive fantasies. She had been reasonably accepting of my foot fetish, though not necessarily an active participant.

“Ok, a bit weird. You can do it, but just so long as my friends don’t find out.” She had cautioned when I first explained it to her.

For the most part we kept it a secret as she wanted. We would wait until her housemates had gone out or she would come to my flat when my flatmate was away. She would lie on her front, facing away from me scrolling her phone or watching TV as I sat behind her, sniffing, kissing and licking her feet. She would also tolerate foot massages after nights out, but again only out of view of her friends. I kept my darker foot cuck fantasies a secret from her. Uncertain of how she may react. I was to learn that she would be more receptive to them than I had ever believed possible.

For Christmas most of my friends were returning home for the week. It always represented a good chance to catch up over a few drinks. I decided it was as good a chance as any to introduce Shannon to my friends. Ryan had decided to host a gathering at his place. I honestly hadn’t seen him much since High School. I still had vivid memories of the foot cuckolding I had experienced with him and Emily back then (see ‘Cuckold Foot Slave Journey Ch. 02’). Sadly, his girlfriend Lara wasn’t able to make it as her folks were overseas for Christmas and she opted to travel to them. Jay and Kathy were also going to be attending. I had seen them several times given they lived close by, though perhaps the evening of our foot cuckolding threesome had been the most memorable (see ‘Every Couple Needs a Foot Slave’). Jen was also going to be attending along with her partner Sam. I had hoped since I last saw her that she had kept quiet about our naughty footjob escapade the previous summer (see ‘Foot Cucked by a Bull Friend’s Ex’). As long as she didn’t drink as much as she did that night, I reckoned I should be safe from any surprise revelations. Another half a dozen or so friends and acquaintances were also due to attend, making for a packed house.

One thing about Shannon, she always knew how to dress for an occasion. She emerged from the bedroom wearing a sparkling red and gold sequin top with tight black trousers. On her feet she was wearing a pair of closed toe strappy red heels that she knew drove me wild.

“You look stunning.” I said.

“Thanks. You talking about the shoes or all of it?”

“All of it, of course.”

I wondered in that moment if she knew I had sniffed them one evening when she had been late coming home from the gym.

“Ok. Hope your friends are all sound.”

“You’ll be fine. You drink as much if not more than them so you will definitely fit in.”

“Do they all know about your…you know…”

“Not all and it’s not exactly talked about. I don’t imagine it coming up anyway. So, you shouldn’t wind up with your foot in mouth.” I said with a smirk.

“God no, I’ll leave that to you.” She chirped in reply.

I give her a quick kiss and we made our way to the car. Ryan lived in a place out in the country about 30-40 minutes from the city. It was a reasonably awkward drive around narrow country roads. We arrived to see a few cars already parked up in the quiet cul-de-sac.

“We must be like the last to arrive or something. Great.” Shannon said.

“Relax, we’ll be fine. I’ll get you a nice strong drink and you’ll be sorted.”

We parked up and I took Shannon’s arm to help her walk up the driveway to the front door. Her heels were definitely made for aesthetics and not comfort. We knocked and a few moments later Ryan opened the door. He still looked as athletic as ever. He was wearing a light blue shirt which strained against his bulging muscles at the seams. He had gelled back his chestnut hair and his skin was more bronzed than usual, presumably from his recent holiday.

“Hey there, how’s it going?”

“Not too bad, nearly didn’t find the place.” I replied.

“Yeah it’s a bit out of the way but quiet. And who’s this stunner?”

“This is Shannon. Babe, this is my friend Ryan from school.”

“Hey, nice to finally meet.”

“Likewise, I was keen to meet with the poor woman who got saddled with this guy,” Ryan said gesturing to me, “Now I see you I have to ask how much he is paying you!?”

“He gets good rates.” Shannon replied quick as a whip.

“I bet. You guys look sınırsız escort like you need a drink, come on in.”

Ryan stepped his herculean body out of the way and widened the door, ushering us inside. Shannon and I walked through to the kitchen at the back of the house. Jay and Kathy were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying some Prosecco. They waved as we arrived.

“Hey, long time no see,” Jay said, standing to welcome us, “And this must be the mysterious Shannon.”

“Not too mysterious. Sorry to get your hopes up.” Shannon replied.

“Well based on how long this one has been single we reckoned there had to be something special about you.” Jay replied.

“Lovely to meet you finally. I’m Kathy and this is my hubby Jay.” Kathy said.

“Nice to meet you all, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Shannon said.

“It’s not all true,” Jay joked, “Well, maybe some of it. Can I get you a drink?”

“Sure, I’ll take a beer, and you babe?” I said.

“I’ll take a vodka and coke. Where are the bathrooms?” Shannon asked.

“I’ll take you, they are just upstairs.” Kathy said, rising from her chair and walking Shannon out of the kitchen.

“You did well with that one,” Jay said as he popped open a beer and passed it to me, “Not bad at all.”

“Thanks. Yeah, she’s pretty special. Just hope things keep going OK.”

“Don’t see why they wouldn’t. Does she know about your tastes?” Jay said wryly, sipping his drink.

“Some, but not all of it. Reckon I may keep that stuff to myself.”

“Aww, Kathy will be disappointed if we lose out on our fun. But it’s understandable now you’re all loved up.”

“Many other people here?”

“Jen and Sam were apparently one of the first here. She is still a loose cannon. Had clearly hit the drink hard before they even got here. Already saw her flirt with Ryan at least twice. Kathy mentioned she chatted to her for a bit and your name came up. You must have made an impression after leaving her home from that house party at ours last summer. What was that about?”

“Nothing worth repeating. At least not with Sam here…” I said taking a drink.

“Dirty bugger. Are there any toes in the house tonight you haven’t sucked?” Jay said with a laugh.

At that moment Jay glanced passed me to the door and began to make a move. I turned to see Jen walking in. Jay slipped past her and went on into the living room as Jen started fumbling with the fridge door.

“Could have sworn I left my white wine in here. Oh, hey you!” she chirped as she noticed me, “How’s things with you?”

“Not so bad. My new girlfriend Shannon is here if you’d like to meet her.”

“Oh, coupled up now? Very good. Does that mean no more foot massages?” she said, stepping towards me.

I felt the countertop at my lower back and realised I could retreat no further. Jen was standing right up against me and placed one of her fingers on my chest.

“…because you know how nice and soft and sweaty my feet get after a night of dancing. And these little strappy heels are hell on my feet…”

I glanced down to see she was indeed wearing the silver strappy heel sandals that had so entranced me last time we met. Mercifully I was saved by a voice at the door.

“Hey, Jen. Sam’s looking for you.” Ryan said, striding in.

“Ugh, he’s so impatient. I was just getting a drink.”

“Pretty sure your white wine was in the freezer to chill it a bit more,.” Ryan replied.

Jen stepped away from me and retrieved her wine from the freezer. She hastily poured herself a glass and moved to leave. She brushed close past Ryan as she left.

“Thanks, handsome.” she purred as she passed him.

“That one’s trouble.” Ryan said, pouring himself another vodka and coke.

“That’s an understatement. Pour another couple, would you? I need one and Shannon asked for one.”

“No problem. She likes her drinks strong?”

“Definitely.” I replied.

Ryan poured three liberal measures of vodka and topped them up with cola.

“Best get back to the party. I think Shannon and Kathy are coming down now.”

We made our way into the living room and I met up with Shannon, passing her drink to her. And so, the evening of festivities began.

We stood chatting in cliques for a long while. Job changes, who had got married or engaged, where people were going on holidays. There were the usual anecdotes from High School, helping Shannon to get to grips with some of the in-jokes I had told since we met. She had her own share of funny stories and fitted in perfectly. I found myself at one stage chatting to Jay and Kathy, leaving Shannon alone with Ryan on the sofa. I realised she was just as entrancing as the day we met. Her radiant smile and cheerful laugh lighting up the room. After a while passed, we moved on to a game of charades followed by some board games. The drink kept flowing combined with roars of laughter. The numbers began to thin as we reached towards midnight. Jen and Sam had to be folded into a taxi, şırnak escort inevitably embroiled in another quarrel as they left. A handful of others also opted to hit the road. Before too long it was Ryan, Shannon, Jay, Kathy and me left.

We opted to throw on some Christmas music and in our state of merriment decided to dance. I reached for Shannon’s hand and wrapped my arm around her waist. She had that distinct glint in her eye when she had taken a lot to drink, but it certainly didn’t stop her dancing. Jay and Kathy followed suit and Ryan joined. Before too long we were all whirling and jiving around the living room, taking gulps of our strong drinks between songs.

“Mind if I step in for one?” Ryan asked.

“I don’t mind.” Shannon chirped in reply.

“No problem.” I said, needing to catch my breath.

I went to the bathroom and took a moment to steady myself. After I returned Ryan and Shannon were still jiving away, his huge muscular body effortlessly whirling and throwing around her slender frame. I moved to sit beside Jay who had taken a break himself on one of the armchairs in the corner. I continued eyeing Ryan and Shannon before they fumbled onto the sofa, making way for Jay and Kathy to get their second wind on the dancefloor. In my drunk state I noticed Ryan talking to Shannon. She had leaned in close to hear him over the sound of the music and he was speaking into her ear. Whatever he was saying, Shannon turned her head and her eyes locked with mine, a smirk on her face. The song came to an end and Jay and Kathy stumbled over to me, Jay looking at his watch.

“Geez, I didn’t realise it was that late! I guess we better go honey. We still have Christmas stuff to do. You happy enough to help me pack up our stuff in the kitchen?”

“Yeah, no problem.” I replied.

Jay and Kathy had brought a good amount of drink and snacks with them, but they were easily gathered up before we all returned to the living room. Shannon was still sitting beside Ryan on the sofa.

“Ok guys, thanks for coming. You’re not going too are you?” Ryan said.

“I sure hope not!” Shannon said.

“No, not yet. Just helping Jay pack this stuff into their car.” I replied.

“Ok, well hurry back,” Shannon replied.

Myself, Jay and Kathy stumbled out into the dark, cold evening. The air had grown crisp and we could see our breath. Jay helped Kathy into the back of the taxi before taking the bag from me.

“You staying at Ryan’s? Taxis will be hard to get this time of night.”

“I wasn’t planning on it, but I guess I never thought to order a taxi.”

“Well, anyway have a good night. Safe home.”

With that Jay climbed into the taxi and I closed the door behind him. I waved as the taxi drove around the bend and out of sight. I stepped back into the heat of Ryan’s house and shut the door behind me. As I turned to make my way towards the living room, I heard a distinct giggle coming from inside. I entered the room and Shannon had snuggled up close to Ryan.

“That them all packed away?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah, just about. A bit worse for wear.”

“Just like all of us.” Ryan replied.

“Alone at last, but what now?” Shannon asked.

“Guess we need to make a move.” I replied.

“Well…that’s one option…” Shannon replied.

“What do you mean, you thinking about staying over?” I asked.

“That could work…” Ryan replied.

The two of them began chuckling on the sofa. Shannon raised her hand to her face to stifle her giggling. Ryan had a beaming smile on his face and had raised one of his hulking arms onto the back of the sofa around Shannon’s shoulders.

“Well, umm, it’s like this babe. I was talking to Ryan earlier and he…well…he told me a few things about you…” Shannon said.

I felt the heat rising on the back of my neck. I knew what was coming next. I was powerless to stop it.

“…all this stuff about, Emily? Was it? Yeah, her. Stuff you did with her and Ryan a while back…”

“My bad, thought she knew,” Ryan said with a smirk.

“Well, I was shocked, to say the least. I mean, shit. Finding out your boyfriend gets off on feet is one thing. But getting off on feet whilst the girl is getting fucked by another guy? I mean, that’s a whole different thing…”

“It’s a bit, out there…” Ryan said agreeing.

“Look, Shannon, I know it’s bad I didn’t tell you but honestly I was going to let you know. I just needed the right time…”

“No, you be quiet now,” she replied, “I was OK with the foot stuff. It was weird but I could live with it. But keeping this a secret from me. That’s not on. So, to make it up to me, you have to pay…”

“Pay? How?”

“Well, remember how you said you weren’t sure what to get me for Christmas?” She replied wryly.

At that moment Shannon moved one of her hands to Ryan’s waist before slipping it down to his groin. Ryan turned himself towards Shannon and placed his free hand on her leg.

“This is what I want. I want to get fucked by a real taksim escort man, whilst you watch and lick my feet. There’s no arguing about it. I mean you see how fit he is. And I can feel already how much bigger than you he is, in more ways than one. So, go on, be a good boy, and watch. You can sniff my shoes to start…”

Shannon leaned forward and unfastened the clasps on her two red heels, slipping them off and discarding them on the floor. My heart leapt as I knew how fragrant they would be from her dancing half the night.

“Just like old times.” Ryan goaded, turning to Shannon.

She turned to face him, her bare feet dangling in mid-air off the sofa. He moved the arm he had behind her back, so his hand was cupping her slender neck whilst his left hand moved up her leg. She turned and cupped his stubbly face with her left hand whilst continuing to rub and coax his manhood through his jeans with her other hand. As they locked lips in their embrace, even with her eyes closed she used her bare feet to flick her worn heels into the middle of the floor. My command clear, I slipped off the armchair and fell onto my knees before lowering myself further onto my hands. I crawled slowly across the floor, the couples writhing body moaning with delight. As my nostrils caught the faint whiff of Shannon’s worn discarded heels my pulse began to quicken, and I felt a twitch in my trousers. The fabulous, pheromonal fragrance taking me back to the first time I had snuck a sniff of her worn heels. Ryan had begun to kiss down her neck and Shannon turned her head towards me.

“Do you need to be told what to do all the time? Sniff my fucking shoes…” She goaded.

I obeyed immediately, lowering my head and pressing my nose deep into the rounded sole of one of her worn heels. The warm, salty aroma danced on the sole of the shoe and flowed deep into my nostrils as I drew in deep inhales of breath. My body trembled and my cock began to grow further in my trousers as I drew in shorter and sharper intakes of breath, desperate to drink in every particle of fragrance.

“Such a fucking creep. The foot fetish thing on it’s own I could take. I mean having someone for a foot massage after a night out is handy. But I didn’t know you were a dirty shoe sniffer too. Tell me the truth, have you sniffed my worn heels before? Tell me the truth or I’ll kick you in the face.”

“Yes, I’ve done it before…” I mumbled in reply.

“What? You dirty fucking perv. And my work flats and gym trainers too?”

“Yes Shannon, all of them. I’m so sorry…” I mumbled in reply.

“What a fucking loser.” Shannon goaded.

“You should make him call you by a proper name…what’s the one you called Emily?” Ryan goaded, breaking off his kissing.

“He called her a name?”

“Yeah…’Goddess’, that was it. Had to reply to her saying that with everything she told him to do. Perv got off on it too…”

“Right, that’s it. So many fucking secrets spilling out tonight. I need to set you straight. Strip naked!” Shannon commanded.


“God, it’s like that night out where I had to shout at you to down those shots I ordered.” She said, rising from the sofa.

Shannon strode over and leaned down, grabbing my chin in a firm grip. She raised my head, so our eyes met. She looked down at me with her fearsome glare.

“Take your fucking clothes off, now. All of them!”

“How about me?” Ryan interjected.

“You can strip to your boxers. Make sure to take your shoes and socks off too. Foot bitch here can find out why later. For now, only he gets naked.”

I eagerly followed her command, unbuttoning and casting aside my shirt before slipping out of my jeans, shoes and socks. Standing beside her I was left trembling in my boxer shorts.

“Take those off too, bitch. Was I not clear?”

I slipped out of my boxers and threw them on the floor.

“Was that so hard? I know it’s not much to look at, but you should do as I say. Now, onto the floor. Face down!” Shannon commanded again.

I quickly responded and lay down on the floor face down, my face turned sideways looking upwards towards her as she towered over me. Before I could speak, she had raised one foot and brought it down hard on the side of my face, balancing her weight with one foot on the floor but the other pressing hard onto my face, the fragrant scent washing over me.

“This is for all the times you fantasized over my feet foot bitch. All the time we have been dating. All those times you sneakily sniffed and wanked over my worn heels. All the times you wished you could sniff my worn flats in the office or sniff my worn gym socks and trainers. Time you learned your fucking place in our relationship. Beneath my fucking sweaty feet. Now get a good fucking sniff before you watch me get fucked. Understood? And you know what reply I want to hear.”

“Yes, Goddess!” I whimpered from beneath her slender, sweaty sole.

“Good bitch. Holy shit, Ryan is fucking ripped!” Shannon squealed with excitement, glancing over at Ryan’s naked form on the sofa.

Shannon removed her foot from my face and knelt down, picking up one of her worn heels. She placed it over my nose and pressed it hard against my face.

“Breath deep you fucking creep. Whilst I have some proper fun with a real man.”

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