
Mi Familia Ch. 17


Thanks to all for the lovely comments. Its close to completion

Diante’ left Jared in bed and left to go take a shower. He’d called Vince to let him know everything was done and that he could come home so they could talk. The student was really interested in having a threesome but he knew it could only happen if all three agreed to do it.

In his own way, he thought, spending time with Jared and letting Vince know ahead of time would test his level of jealousy. He figured the more comfortable his lover got with the idea he would eventually end up wanting the menage as well.

He’d changed his thinking from before when he’d said how he only wanted Vince to be his partner. Diante’ Morillo wanted love and friendship from both his best friends and in order to get it, he’d have to play a little hardball.

The youngest went into the bathroom, stripping himself completely before stepping under the hot spray. The warm liquid cascaded down his body, making his nipples and cock erect. The sensation made him tingle and it felt amazing just to sit underneath and allow the water to do the job. After placing his now, shoulder length hair under the rain like drops, he rubbed his chest and arms while wiggling his toes.

“Mmph…” he groaned at the thoughts of the past hours events, shaking his head and letting his hand drift to the hardened muscle between his legs. Jared was really a good bottom and top. He had to be part of their union, why not? They had been friends forever, all for one, one for all, why should they allow something like this to ruin their friendship?

He opened his eyes while giving his dick another tug. He sensed someone was in the bathroom with him but he couldn’t see due to the haze from the running water and steam that clouded up the small space.

In moments, he felt a hand on him, a soft one, caressing his lower back. A small kiss was planted on his shoulder and rigid flesh rubbing against the crevice if his backside. Strong hands grabbed his chest, gripping his well defined muscles and the long fingers pinched his pecs. “Damn…” He leaned back into a strong body and gripped onto the wall in front of him, bracing himself for the sweet invasion. The minute he felt the thickness go inside him, he relaxed and the adrenaline flowed through him, sending shocks to his nipples and hardness. “Ooh yes, Vince.”

“Mhmm…” His lover bit his shoulder lightly while grabbing a handful of his hair. He covered Diante’s ear with his mouth, nibbling and sucking on the skin, getting his tongue tangled in the small hoop that was attached.

“Yes…Vince…Oh Godd,” he moaned, pulling on his cock again while rubbing the head with his thumb. Small spurts of his cum began to ooze from the slit, coating his inner thighs. “I love you,” he breathed, rocking against his partner’s length while clenching his buttocks tightly together. He knew that Vince was trying to make a case for things to stay the way they were but he’d stand firm on his decision.

“I love you, too,” Diante’. Mi amigo, mi amor, te’ amo…”

* * * *

Once Vince felt Diante’s ass encompassing his rigid cock, the trembles started taking over his body. His breaths quickened and he picked up the pace when he felt his lover’s thighs drawing him in. Vince grasped the man’s shoulders and gripped them, digging his nails into his lover’s brown flesh. He bit a part of his bicep when he sensed the surge going from his hardened muscle to the other erogenous zones in his body. “Ooh shhh…Diante’!” He threw his head back and allowed the shuddering to continue. It felt so good to be in here with Diante’, making love as they were meant to be. Now, if only he could convince him that their love was the most important thing. He’d be friends with Jared but he’d make sure that Diante’ knew love for partner first.

After washing each other to clear away the stickiness, the couple retreated to their bedroom, fully relaxed. Vince took his place on the left while his smaller lover lay on his chest. Both were still slightly wet from the shower but it was still warm and they didn’t mind leaving a little moisture on the sheets.

The gaziantep bayan eskort assistant trainer hugged his man and brought him in closer. Scents of Diante’s shampoo and the body wash they used infiltrated his nostrils, sending signals to his semi flaccid cock. He smelled so good that Vince hoped once they’d finished talking more lovemaking would be on the agenda however, right now, he wished to make his desires known.

“Diante’, I love you, so much,” he sighed and caressed the space under the nape of his neck. He planted a kiss on his head.

“And, I love you too.” The student traced his nipples with his nubile fingers.

“So, you have to understand how hard this is for me to accept. That you want another lover in our bed.”

“That lover is our best friend, Vince. He’s not just some ordinary fuck we pulled out the street. I’m tired of seeing you two at odds and Jared cares for us.”

“He only wants you, Diante’. That man is not concerned about being in a relationship with me. If he agrees to it, it’s only to make you happy.”

The young Latino rose up. “Isn’t that what you’re doing? Only to appease me?”

“Well, I’m your man. It’s a little different.” He straightened and pulled him up to face him directly. Vince ran his hand through the long brown strands, twisting the curls around his fingertips. Gazing into those light brown eyes made his already hardened muscle stir slightly.

Damn, you’re so beautiful.

And he was. Diante’ Morillo was always gorgeous in Vince’s opinion, but now, even more so because the hot body seemed to be taking a liking to the weight training and exercises they had done. “That’s what lovers do. They do things that the other wants even when they aren’t too happy about it.”

Diante’ sighed and shook his head. “Why are you makin’ this so difficult, Vince? This could be happiness and bliss all rolled up into one. Us as lovers, partners, a family, Vince. We were friends first before we started figuring out our orientation. Why can’t we continue being the close knit pals while loving one another?”

“Why do you want this, Diante’? I’m not good enough for you?” Vince started getting frustrated. Why was his man changing his mind?

“No, you know that’s not it,” Diante’ chided. I want this for all of us to be together again, Vince. We been friends for such a long time and now, you and Jared cannot stand the sight of each other. I want peace, I want love between three men who’ve known each other for ages. Don’t you get that? I want to love both of you. Mi Familia, my family, Vince. All for one, one for all.”

Vince nodded and kissed his lover’s head. It was true. The relationship between him and Jared was way beyond strained. He did care about Jared he just didn’t want him with Diante’. How would he get over this jealousy? What would it take for him to accept this? “Mi amor. I will tell you now, I will try my best, okay? I want what you want but as I told you a few days ago, you’re all I have.”

“You have Jared too, Vince. What did I just say, Mi Familia. Your father and stepmom may be gone but you have us. Your best friends, homies, lovers, and brothers. We both care about you and I know when you speak to Jared he will tell you the most important thing is our friendship before sex. Why do you think he’s kept quiet for the most part? In order to keep the peace no?”

“Yeah, so we won’t end up in fistacuffs again, basically.” Vince knew this to be true. Jared knew he’d have a fight on his hands each time and in truth Vince didn’t want to hit him again.

It did sort of bother him that he was no longer close with his older friend. Love for Diante’ had gotten in the way. How could they patch up their relationship now?


Jared woke up and glanced around the room. His body felt sore and mouth as dry as a desert. Diante’ had truly worked him over and then some. Seemingly the man had become so strong by working out with Vince. No longer a pipsqueak, more like a man.

A hot man.

The hot man he wanted to be with long term but that’s not what Diante’ had talked with him about. Yes, it did bother him a little that he and Vince had such a rift but in his mind, he believed Vince was to blame when he became more territorial.

Besides, Jared felt that Vince should be the one apologizing for their fight. If he hadn’t overreacted and maybe talked about what he’d seen, things wouldn’t be so strained.

He got out of bed and slowly strolled to the bathroom. Another shower was in order or perhaps a bath to relieve aching muscles. He wished Diante’ had stayed in there with him but he was sure Vince was most likely home by now and they were settled in together.

Jared turned the knobs and stepped in as soon as the water was to his liking. The spray woke him from his haze. He opened his eyes and ran his fingers through his sandy blond hair as the drops cascaded down his back. He leaned against the tiles and thought about what had occurred.

Did Diante’ really threaten to move out? Was he serious?

Nah, he’d never.

Morillo loved the both of them too much to make such a move. He was just trying to scare them into what he wanted.

It was obviously time for them to sit down and talk this out. They all needed to lay everything on the table and chat about feelings and where they’d go from here. Maybe he needed to be the one that made the move to make things better between the three of them and at the same time, really find out if he were gay or bi once and for all.

* * * *

To the present

Diante’ stood at the stove, making a quick meal for his husbands while in the only an apron. Cooking had not really been what he wanted to do after a tough day at the center but after the three of them had enjoyed another moment on the patio, it softened his mood.

Jared and Vince sat at the table and ogled him from behind. Vince massaged his man’s shoulders while planting light kisses on the side of his face. “He is all man now, isn’t he?”

Jared grinned and agreed. “He’s been all man, Vince from day one. We just didn’t really notice it. It’s a good thing we finally wised up and listened to him.”

Vince wrapped his arms around the older man’s chest. “True, I have to say though, it was what you did to make me and him realize what we had done. I’m sorry, Jared. I shouldn’t have caused that much trouble.”

“You didn’t, Vince. It was all me. I was the pighead, the one who couldn’t make up his mind. If only I had listened from the start, if…”

Vince cupped his hand over his lover’s mouth. “If we all had taken a moment and not made rash decisions. However, that’s what has made us closer. Those incidents along with our love and belief in one another. It’s what made us…”

“Mi familia…” he finished the statement and kissed Vince’s palm. “All for one and one for all.”

Diante’ smiled to himself as he turned over the tortillas he was heating for his favorite fish taco recipe. This is what he wanted from the start and he knew it took them seemingly an eternity to get to this point but it was well worth the wait.

As Vince had stated, they went through the trials to make them closer. A family with a bond that couldn’t be broken. He glanced over his shoulder and watched them embrace once again.

“What a lovely sight,” he mused to himself. “Te amo, mi amigos, mi familia. Forever more.”

* * * *

To the past…

Jared talked it over with his good friends and decided they needed to separate for a while to make things right. Diante’ tried just about everything to sway him to stay but he kept insisting how there needed to be some distance between them before they jumped into a new situation. Not only that, Jared wanted to make up his mind about his orientation. Was he just in love with Diante’ or truly gay?

It had been while since he was in bed with a female and he kind of missed that feeling so, he asked his good friend, Geena if he could shack up with her for a bit. He fully explained the situation he was in and she told him he was welcome at anytime. This was the best decision to be with a woman he already knew and actually trusted. Plus, she had money and wouldn’t mind spending it on him. She’d always had the offer on the table and now he’d be taking advantage. What better way to figure all this out than to be with a female he could depend on, regardless of the predicament.

After having a short and quiet dinner with his friends, he picked up his bags and took a cab over to her place in San Francisco. There, he’d be able to concentrate on work too since being a porn star was still his number one priority. He’d finally try out for a couple of bi and gay roles and hopefully get casted so he could do bigger ones in the near future.

Jared had it all planned out. In order to find out what he truly wanted in his personal life, he needed to get his professional life together first.

* * * *

When Jared walked out the couple sat in silence for a while on the couch. Both of them really didn’t think he was serious but when they saw the bags packed, they realized Jared McKnight meant business. Their friendship was on the verge of being dissolved because of jealousies and emotions that wouldn’t go away. Diante’ felt like he’d lost his other rock to lean on besides his lover and it hurt like hell. Maybe threatening to leave wasn’t a good idea after all. Now, there were only the two of them.

Vince rolled Diante’s hair between his fingers and sighed. “Baby, let’s go to bed, huh? I’m in need of a little lovin’.”

Diante’ exhaled and shrugged his shoulders. “Not now, Vince. Don’t you even give a shit what just happened?” He couldn’t believe how Vince was unfazed by Jared leaving them.

Vince shook his head. “Babe, I do care but what can we do? He said he was doin’ it to clear his head. He mentioned it wasn;t all about us, it was…”

“And you believe him?” Diante’ got up from the couch and walked to the window. “I shouldn’t have made that ultimatum on him. I…”

This isn’t your fault, Diante’. He wants time to figure out what he wants. You heard the man!”

“The main reason he is gone is because of us, Vince. He hates that he isn’t involved, mi amor. Can’t you let go of your envy and let our friend in? We are friends first, amigos, lovers second. This path that we have taken will be the end of our friendship, Vince. We are in danger of losing our brother! I should’ve never done things this way and you need to patch things up with him.”

“Damnit, Diante’!” He punched a nearby pillow and got up from the sofa. “Look babe, if Jared wants to be immature about this and leave because I won’t allow him to be in bed with my boyfriend…”

“Oohh,” he rolled his eyes and laughed. “Look who’s calling the kettle black, as they say. You have some nerve, mi amor, saying someone else is being childish. You, oh Diante’ is mine. You fight with him, you punch him. Who’s the one being an ass, a jerk, huh? Who?”

“Yeah, okay…” he sighed and held out his hands. “I told the man I was sorry for that. He still wanted to leave.”

“Because he doesn’t feel the love, Vince. He’s not getting’ it from anywhere and now, he’s gone to live with some , floozie.”

“Hey, that bitch is helpin’ us with this apartment!”

“I really don’t give a damn! He’s not here with us as he should be. Vince, he’s our friend and we’ve left him behind. All because of this…”

Vince rolled his shoulder and shook his head. “Diante’ what do you want me to do, huh? You’ve changed your mind like the weather, my love. One minute you’re in my corner about not wanting a threesome, now you want one and you threatened me and him to get it?”

“Because, Vince, I want a family. Just like you lost yours, not in the same way but almost, damnit. Mi Madre has moved far away and my father hates me. This is the closest thing to family I have left. You and Jared are all I have, mi amor. I want that friendship back. That love between all three of us. That’s what I desire, Vince. All three friends to be lovers and brothers, all for one, one for all. Support, love, and friendship, mi amigo. Togetherness!” Diante’ walked out the room and shut the door behind him. The tears streamed from his eyes and he slid down to the floor, holding himself tightly.

What have I done?

His plan may have backfired on him. He hoped it wasn’t the end of his relationship with Jared. His ultimatum had put his family in jeopardy.

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