
Midnight in Venice


Laddi was a first generation Punjabi woman, who had spent most of her life in the lavish neighborhoods of London. Her father was a successful entrepreneur and her mother specialized in putting on traditional Punjabi weddings. Now in her early 30s, Laddi was working as a marketing executive for a high end clothing line in London, and was happily married to her husband of seven years. Okay, maybe that last part wasn’t entirely true. Although she was married to a fellow Punjabi, the marriage was anything but happy. It had practically been arranged by her parents, and it seemed like they had deliberately given her the ugliest and most pathetic Punjabi guy they could find. Aside from bringing home a fat paycheck, he was completely useless. Their different work schedules meant they only saw each other on weekends and holidays. When they were home together, he preferred to spent his day watching cricket matches. Sex only happened when he was in the mood, and only consisted of cowgirl sex and sucking his 3 inch baby dick. He wouldn’t even massage her damn feet, and she stopped asking him to take her out nearly five years ago. She got more attention from the men at work, then she did from her worthless husband.

Laddi had been wanting to leave him for years, and she could very easily find someone better, as there wasn’t a single straight man in London that didn’t find her attractive. However, her traditional upbringing meant divorce was out of the question. Cheating also wasn’t an option, as most of London knew her name and face, so the news would’ve spread like wildfire. The last thing she wanted to do was ruin her career and her family’s reputation.

Her position as a marketing executive meant she often got to travel outside of the U.K. However, even during the few days she was out of the country, getting with a man was virtually impossible, as her trips were always strictly business. Add in the fact that she was always accompanied by at least one co-worker, and hooking up was virtually impossible. However, all that was about to change.

That week, Laddi was scheduled to fly to Venice for the weekend, to pitch her company’s clothing line to one of Europe’s most high end retailers. However, the day before she was set to depart, her boss had informed her that her co-worker had to deal with a last minute family emergency, and would be unable to accompany her. Since there wasn’t enough time to get a replacement for her, Laddi was informed that for the first time she would be traveling abroad on her own. This was the moment she had always hoped for. Italian men had a reputation for being womanizers, and with her looks and charm, it wouldn’t be too difficult to snag one. On the other hand, Laddi’s career was on the line. If she didn’t close this deal, she could kiss her job and lavish lifestyle goodbye. Despite her desperate need for a man’s attention, she promised herself that she wouldn’t get distracted, and focus on the task at hand.


The following evening, Laddi arrives in Venice, and is immediately ferried by private boat to a lavish hotel, which overlooks the city’s famous Grand Canal. As usual, she has little opportunity to take in the sights, as she is here strictly on business. Her sales pitches are taking place in an exhibition center just a few blocks from her hotel. Getting there required her to walk along the famous Grand Canal, past the iconic St. Mark’s Square. Her elegant dress and fancy heels, coupled with her tan skin, long black hair and sexy stride drew a lot of attention, especially from a young gondolier named Piero.

Piero was in his mid-20s, and was the stereotypical Italian pretty boy. Tall, black haired, olive skinned, well toned and muscular. He wore black slacks and shoes, a flat straw hat, and a really tight “Where’s Waldo” t-shirt, which showed off his muscular features. He would always stand in the same spot, trying to get anyone who passed by into his gondola. Laddi was no exception. During her short time in Venice, she had passed by him on several occasions going to and from her sales pitches. He remembered her easily, as she was dressed far more elegantly then the other tourists. Every time she walked by he would try to get her into his gondola, but she always had to turn him down as she had important business to attend to. That was, until one sunny afternoon.


4:00 PM on the last afternoon of her trip. Laddi walks along the Grand Canal, like a giddy school girl, almost falling in on several occasions. The reason for her excitement, the CEO of a high end Venetian clothing firm had just agreed to buy her company’s products. She had closed the deal all by herself, and knew a nice raise and potential promotion would be waiting for her back in London. This was cause for celebration.

Her flight didn’t leave ’til 4:00 AM the next morning, so she had the last few hours of the day to herself. For the first time, she actually had time to enjoy the city she was staying in. At that point, she decided she would treat herself to a private gondola ride. The money her boss had given her was only supposed illegal bahis to cover business related expenses. However, she figured since she had just closed the biggest deal of her life, she deserved a little something. Plus, she figured once her boss heard the good news, he would forgive her for spending 85 Euros on a one hour boat ride. She made her way to St. Mark’s Square, and sure enough there was Piero, with his straw hat and “Where’s Waldo” shirt. Same spot she had seen him for the past two days.

“Hey, Piero!” Laddi calls out.

“Signora!” he replies with his arms out.

“I’m ready for that ride, Piero. Are you free right now?”

“For you Signora, I’m always free. Hop in.”

He grabs Laddi’s hand and helps her onto his gondola.

“Watch your step Signora.”

“Thank you,” Laddi says. “You’re such a gentleman, Piero.”

“It’s my job, Signora. You fall into canal, I lose my license. Please, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ride.”

“Thank you”, Laddi replies as she positions herself on the soft velvet seat.

“So, where are you from, Signora?” the handsome young gondolier asks her.

“London,” Laddi replies.

“London? You don’t look like tourist I normally get from London.”

“Well, my family is Indian,” Laddi replies. “But I was born in London.”

“Indian? And you are here by yourself?”

“Yes, I’m here on business,” she replies.

“Business? And your husband is not with you?”

“I don’t have a husband,” Laddi lies.

“No husband? That’s good news for us. Maybe you find one here in Venice.”

“At my age, I doubt it. Besides, I’m leaving tomorrow morning,” Laddi informs him.

“I see. I’m sorry to hear that, Signora. You should come back as a tourist sometime, and I show you around,” Piero tells her. “Venice is a beautiful city, Signora! The most beautiful in the world!”

“I might just do that,” Laddi replies.

“I’m glad to hear it, Signora! Anyways, this building here is where Marco Polo live. Obviously no longer, because he’s dead. It’s now private residence. Later on, I show you where American sex symbol, Johnny Depp live.”

The ride continues through the city’s charming canals, and Piero continues to make small talk and point out the city’s many historic landmarks. Before Laddi has a chance to let it all sink in, they are back at the main plaza.

“Okay, Signora. This is where I picked you up. I hope you enjoyed the tour.”

“That’s it?”, Laddi asks, as he helps her off the vessel.

“I’m afraid so, Signora. But you know, if you want more I can give you another ride tonight, free of charge.”

“Are you serious?” Laddi asks.

“Yes. At night is a lot more quiet and relaxing. I bring wine, tell jokes. We have a good time, Signora.”

“Yeah, sure! That sounds wonderful! Normally I don’t get to have any fun on these business trips.”

“Sounds great, Signora. I’ll pick you up around midnight. What hotel you staying at?”

“The Monaco,” she replies. “Just be sure to get me back before 2:00, as my flight leaves at 4:00.”

“Don’t worry Signora. I have a faster boat as well. After tour, I take you straight to airport, no charge.”

“REALLY?”, she asks stunned.

“Of course, Signora.”

“Okay, I’ll do it!”

“Eccellente,” Piero replies. “I promise Signora, we’re gonna have a good time.”

“I’m sure we will Piero,” she says as she hands him a tip.

“No, please Signora. Your company is enough tip for me,” Piero says as he kisses her on the hand. “See you at midnight.”


11:59 PM. Laddi stands outside her hotel in her most elegant dress and fanciest pair of heels. Suddenly, just as she hears the clock of St. Mark’s Square strike midnight, Piero pulls up, in the same gondola she had ridden in that afternoon. Only this time, it was lined with fancy linens and had a bottle of wine, hors d’oeuvres, and two glasses in front of the seat.

“Hey, Signora! Glad to see you didn’t stand me up. Let me help you with your bag.”

“I’m glad you didn’t either, Piero. I know you Italians are always running late,” Laddi jokes.

“Not when there is pretty girl involved,” Piero replies, as he takes her suitcase and helps her onto his vessel.

“Oh Piero, stop it! You’re flattering me!”

“I speak only the truth. You’re gonna have a good time, Signora. Relax and enjoy the ride. Oh, and feel free to help yourself to that wine. It’s all for you, Signora. I would happily join you, but I cannot drink on the job because I lose my license.”

“Grazie, Piero.”

“Okay? Let’s go!”

The two set off up the moonlit canal. The city looks and feels even more magnificent at night. Laddi enjoys the almost empty streets and moonlit canals, as she dines on delicious hors d’oeuvres, and casually sips on some of the finest wine she’s ever tasted. It’s true, those Italians really know how to treat a lady.

A little ways into the ride, Piero makes her a surprising offer.

“You want to give it a go, Signora?” Piero inquires.

“You mean, casino siteleri paddle the gondola? Oh no grazie, Piero. I’ve never paddled anything in my life,” Laddi informs him. “I will crash.”

“It’s okay Signora, is easy. I show you. Just take your shoes off so you don’t fall into canal. You fall into canal…”

“You’ll lose your license. I know, Piero.”

Although Laddi is terrified of falling into the pitch black canal, she also knows this is her only chance to cut lose. She removes her fancy heels and slowly crawls towards Piero.

“You’re gonna have to stand up, Signora,” the young gondolier tells her.

“I can’t. I’ll fall in.”

“You’re right, Signora. Maybe in Grand Canal not so good idea. I take us to smaller canal. Just stay there, Signora.”

Laddi screams out, and tightly grips the side of the vessel as it turns into a narrow canal.

“I pull over here, Signora. I stop the boat. Okay, now come on.”

Piero can see the terrified look on Laddi’s face, as she slowly starts to get up, only to crouch back down.

“You’re gonna have to trust me Signora. Get up and stand up here with me. I hold you, Signora.”

“I can’t, Piero.”

“You know something, Signora, you’re very pretty when you’re scared.”

Piero’s comment instantly puts a smile on her face. She slowly stands and makes her way up to the rower’s platform. Piero helps her up, and she soon forgets her fears. The feeling of Piero’s muscular arms around her slim waste, makes her feel at ease.

“You see Signora? I hold you. Now here, take my stick. I teach you how to row.”

They start off down the canal, and Laddi’s anxiety quickly turns to joy as Piero teaches her the art of gondoliering. Suddenly, Laddi’s stomach becomes flooded with butterflies, as she feels Piero’s crotch grinding against her ass.

“You see, Signora? You doing well. Turn right here.”

Laddi slowly maneuvers the vessel into an even smaller canal then the one they were just in.

“Turn left, and then right again,” the Italian instructs.

At this point, Laddi wonders what Piero is up to. The canals are getting narrower and darker, and they only have a small lamp and the moon to light their way. Nevertheless, she follows his instructions. With Piero’s help, the two turn into a canal so narrow their vessel can barely fit. In front of them, a small foot bridge. Just beyond it, what appears to be a dead end.

“Pull over here, Signora. Just before the bridge.”

Laddi follows his instructions.

“Eccellente, Signora. You are natural. Maybe next time you visit, you can take ME for ride.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’m that good, Piero. Where are we?”

“This is Canal of Inuus, Roman god of sex. No one live along this canal. These buildings are all abandoned. We can relax here in privacy. No one will bother us here.”

“Wait, god of sex? Why do they call it that?” she inquires.

“A lot of canals in Venice named after Roman gods. This one happens to be named after god of sex.”

Laddi couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She felt Piero was lying to her, and was not telling her the true story behind this canal. She was now wondering if there was another reason he had brought her here. After all, Italian men did have a reputation for being seductive. This would be a dream come true for her, but clearly, she was too old and out of his league for him. But before she could begin to fantasize about what could be, her thoughts were interrupted by a loud Italian accent.

“I hope you saved me some of that wine, Signora.”

“I thought you’re not allowed to drink on the job, Piero.”

“I’m not working right now, Signora.”

“That’s good, because there is plenty left. I barely touched it.”

“Good, because I could really use a drink.”

“Me too,” Laddi replies.

“Shall we, Signora?”

Piero grabs the bottle, and the two sit down on the soft velvet and begin to drink and snack on the remaining hors d’oeuvres.

“You mind if I take my shirt off, Signora? It’s a little warm out tonight.”

“Sure, go right ahead, Piero. It is a bit stuffy out. Plus l can’t look at that ugly shirt another minute.”

“Haha! British humor. I love it!”

Piero removes his hat and pulls off his tight shirt. Suddenly, Laddi is staring at the young boatman’s muscular forearms and toned abs. His olive chest glistens in the bright moonlight, and contains only a small tuft of chest hair in between his breasts.

Laddi starts to feel excited. She wishes her husband had a body like this.

“Cheers, Signora! To you, your company and to Venice!”

“Cheers to us!” Laddi replies.

The time passes subtly as the two continue to drink and talk.

“I’m so glad you brought me out here Piero, this place is amazing. And I’m so happy you made me take those heels off. My feet are killing me. I’ve been running around in those bloody things for the past two days.”

“I noticed. Why don’t you put your legs on my lap Signora, I can give you good foot massage.”

“Oh poker siteleri my gosh! That’s so sweet of you Piero. Yes, I would like one very much. I haven’t had one in ages.”

“I give you good one right now. Best foot massage you ever had. Just put your legs here, Signora” he instructs her.

“Just be careful, because my toenails are a little long.”

“Yes, I can see that, Signora. Really fancy too. Is no problem, Signora. No problem at all. Just relax.”

He squeezes some lotion onto his hands and rubs them together. Soon, his strong, smooth hands begin to massage her feet as sensually as they can.

“Ah, that feels nice,” she informs him.

“I told you, Signora. You never had such good massage.”

He digs his fist into her soles for a few seconds, then gently starts to twist her toes from side to side, one by one, working his way across both feet.

“You have beautiful toes and arches, Signora,” Piero tells her.

“I DO? Thank you. I’m glad you think so. I’ve never been complimented on my feet before. My right pinky toe looks weird.”

“That’s my favorite one,” the young Italian tells her.

“Well, grazie, Piero. You flatter me.”

Suddenly, she feels a tickling sensation as he starts to slide her toe ring back and forth. The sensation causes her to let out a childish giggle.

“Heehee. Stop playing with my toe ring.”

Piero ignores her.

“Heehee. I’m serious, stop it. That tickles too much.”

“But it’s fun to play with, Signora, and that’s quite an elaborate one you’ve got.”

“If you like it so much, kiss it,” Laddi suggests.

To her surprise, Piero lifts her foot up to his lips and gives her elaborate toe piece a gentle peck.

“Jeeze Piero, I wasn’t being serious.”

He looks at her slightly embarrassed, and there’s a short pause.

“Now what are you doing?” she asks the young Italian.

“Shhhh, just relax Signora.”

Suddenly, she feels Piero’s lips on the undersides of her toes.

“Heehee. That tickles.”

He proceeds to kiss across the underside of all ten of her toes.

Suddenly, she can feel them in Piero’s mouth, being sucked on as if they were a sugary treat.

“Be careful, Piero. You’re gonna swallow my toe ring. You’d better let me have it.”

“That’s a good idea, Signora.”

Piero removes her toes from his mouth, slides off her saliva drenched toe piece, and drops it in her hand, before continuing to suck. This is the first time Laddi has had her toes pleasured, and she was surprised by just how pleasant and sexy it felt. She can feel herself getting wetter with each suck. All those girls who found foot fetishes gross, didn’t know what they were missing out on.

“Ooooh, that actually feels nice,” Laddi says out loud. “Just be careful with my toenails. I don’t want them to cut your mouth.”

Suddenly, she feels something wet in between her toes. Piero’s slippery tongue is now working its way between every single one of her toes, like a worm crossing a series of mountains and valleys. No man has ever given that much attention to her feet, and every motion of his tongue makes her wetter and wetter.

“Holy shit, Piero! That feels so good! Ah, ah! Don’t stop Piero. Don’t stop.”

Piero continues to worship her toes, and suddenly she can feel the tip of his tongue on the tip of her big toe, as he proceeds to lick the undersides of her toenails. The sensation is unlike anything she’s ever felt.

“HOLY SHIT! You’re AMAZING Piero! That feels SO HOT! MMMMMMMMM!”

Piero continues to pleasure her toes for a couple more minutes, until they are completely drenched in his saliva. He removes them from his mouth and kisses every inch of her soles. He grabs her by the ankles and maneuvers her feet onto his bare chest. He starts to slide them up and down his smooth, glistening skin. With the palm of his hand, he scrunches up her toes, until her long, elaborate toenails are gently scratching his bare chest, leaving only faint marks.

“Haha! You like that, Piero?”

“Si Signora. It feels nice.”

“Since you’re finished sucking my toes, you mind putting this back on for me?” Laddi asks as she hands him her toe piece. “I don’t wanna lose it.”

“No problemo, Signora.”

“Right foot, second toe. Right in the middle,” she instructs him.

He gladly obliges, and slides the elaborate ring back onto its home, sealing it with a kiss.

“Haha! You really like that ring, don’t you Piero?’

“Only when it’s on your foot, Signora.”

Piero lowers her feet onto the floor of the boat. He rubs his still lotioned palms along the tops of her feet, then up her smooth tan legs, slowly inching his hands higher and higher. She feels Piero’s hands on her thighs as he slides them beneath her elaborate dress. Suddenly, she can feel his fingers reaching into the waistband of her panties.

“Wait, Piero. Stop! Can I get out for a few minutes?”

He immediately pulls his hands away.

“Oh no! I knew I should’ve asked you first. I’m so sorry Signora! Please stay! I won’t touch anymore, I promise!”

“Oh, no! No, Piero It’s not YOU, it’s ME!” Laddi assures him. “I want you to touch. It’s just that, I haven’t gotten a wax in months and it’s like the Amazon down there. Just give me a few minutes to clean it up.”

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