
Milf Tournament


It was the strangest thing. An event for £500,000 to see who the ‘best’ milf in porn was. Yep, you’ve spotted the problems, and there were loads, but the owner of a popular porn site had made a set of rules, laid down the challenge and was ready to stream the whole event live, for a fee on his websites.

How do you define the best? Well the rules were not the simplest. In the ‘house’ itself there were to be men who needed to be satisfied (cum, in practice), this could be handjob, tit job, anal, blowjob, or plain old fucking the cunt sex by the participants. – To try to ensure fairness (like anyone cared) the participants brought their own men to the ‘party’ and then passed them to the opposition Milf, thereby making it more of a challenge for them to be satisfied – they were cumming for the opposition, not their own Milf.

On top of that, there was an online vote. This part was simple, viewers to the live event clicked on a dick onscreen to show their appreciation of what one of the Milfs was doing.

The overall winner was made up from a combination of the vote and the drained men!

Who were the Milfs taking part? The first one chosen for the final was Ankara escort Eva, of course it was, this seemed tailor made for her.

The second one was a surprise, a surprise that she’d entered and a surprise that she’d been chosen (rumour had it that she auditioned hard with the team who chose her and that this audition turned into a debauched coke fuelled gangbang). It was Lin a milf from the UK.

The event began with a boxing style walk on (for points of course) from both ladies. As the away girl (the event being held in Vegas – where else) Lin went first.

The lights dimmed, the music began – Sexy Motherfucker, Prince. The spotlight shone on Lin. She was wearing a basque, suspenders, impossibly high 7in heels and a smile. She took a long drag on her cigarette and then began walking to the centre of the room. As she took the drag on the cigarette the first points were scored up – 100s of them as men around the globe registered their joy. She continued walking and took a swig from a bottle of vodka and another drag of the cigarette. Again, the same effect more points. In fact each swig and each drag bumped the points up in the 100s.

People in the room Ankara escort bayan were surprised by the booze – they hadn’t realised this was in the rules – maybe it wasn’t, who the fuck knew what the rules were.

She reached the performance space in the centre of the room, and took another swig and moved towards the men Eva had supplied. She slowly danced in front of them dragging on her cigarette all the time and rubbing her big silicone fake tits. She smiled at the men and rubbed her cunt with her hand. She moved towards the first man and shaped to rub his cock (which was against the rules, as the clock wasn’t running) to tease him a little. Instead of the expected feel of his cock, she felt his hands grab onto her tits and then push her over.

‘Yo bitch, no cheating on my cock’ the man shouted as the spectators cheered. More points were added to Lin’s score as she hit the floor. Lin got up with a pissed off look and was about to confront the man when the lights dimmed once more.

More music started. A heavy beat. Then panting, and then Eva’s voice ‘Yes, baby, fuck me, fuck your momma’.

There stood Eva. Dressed in a little tight black dress, nylons Escort Ankara and what looked like 10 inch porn shoes. The walk on music for Eva began – her own walk on music – soundtracks from her porn. Straight away the points racked in. In the 1000s as she began to walk towards the centre of the room. The points kept coming as she neared the performance area, no need for smoking or drinking for Eva, just a walk in heels and that porno soundtrack. She got the the middle and moved towards Lin and kissed her, sticking out her tongue into Lin’s mouth. Lin pushed her away, but the points flew in for that cheeky greeting! The spectators in the room knew they were in for something special from Eva tonight.

‘Ladies and Gentleman, the contest will be from one hour, the scores are displayed on the screen as is the timer. Let’s go!’

With that, cheers went up and the contest began. Eva moved towards two of the guys Lin had provided (there were about 20 in all for each girl to work with) and whispered something into their ears and began stroking their cocks. Then she began to rub her ass into their cocks, one bloke responded by pulling her closer to him whilst the other thrust his tongue into her eager mouth. Quickly both blokes unbuckled their trousers and pulled out their cocks – average in length, around 6 inches but rock hard. ‘Well hello,’ said Eva as she knelt down to taste the first cock of the night.

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