
Mira’s Night of Pain and Pleasure


She glanced at the clock and decided it was time to get ready. The instructions she had received when the appointment was made were simple. She was to dress outwardly sexy but she also was not to wear any undergarments. This wasn’t particularly a problem for her. She had learned long ago to buy sexy undergarments but cheap ones. They always seemed to get torn or lost in the end.She moved into her bathroom and slipped out of her running shorts and tank top. Then she slipped the sports bra off by pulling it up over her breasts. This invariably caused the material to drag across her nipples giving her a tingle. Even by accident, any touch to them sent a flash directly to her pussy causing her to softly moan every time.After she dropped the sports bra to the floor, she peeled her panties down her legs. They were damp not from sexual excitement but from her run she had taken. Running was her way of staying in shape because she hated gyms and places like them. After letting them fall to the floor she stepped into her shower as it was time to become Mira the whore.The car pulled up to the curve in front of a woman standing there in a dress that as instructed, was not flashy or to reveling but was fitted to show every curve of her body. As she shifted from foot to foot waiting on the car the material rubbed against her nipples, on her thighs, and across her ass. She liked those feeling as it helped her prepare for the evenings she was paid for. She never could understand the average whore on the corner. How do you simply have sex without some type of preparation? She didn’t expect her clients to prepare her so she did so with what she chooses to wear. The feeling of it, the way it touched her skin, and rubbed those most sensitive parts of her body allowed her to be the whore that was ready when they asked.The driver stepped out of the car and opened the door for her. She slipped in mumbling a thank you to the driver who was just a paid whore of another sort. He slipped the car in gear and they were off. She watched out the windows as the city flowed by until it was far behind. She settled in the seat for the ride out to her client’s estate.She had been given the client’s information through the agency; she googled the address that had been provided. She hated to go in blind to an appointment. It always helped to ease her mind to know a little something about the client and where she was expected to go. In this case, though, knowing didn’t help her much. This client was well beyond the typical she normally entertained in both money and lifestyle. At least the google search did let her get a little bit of the lay of the land of where she was going tonight and what she saw out the car windows matched pretty well.The car turned up a drive that seemed to go on forever but finally, she could see the house approach. The driver pulled around the drive until he was under a portico and stopped. A tall dark gentleman almanbahis şikayet walked out to open her door. He offered his huge bear of a hand to help her get out of the car.Greeting her, he said “Hello Miss Mira, I’m Ralph and will be your escort until they are ready for you. Please follow me and I will take you to where you can wait.”Ralph led her into the house and down a long hall to a room that looked like a study. It was lined with books along three walls and a fireplace on the fourth. Looking around she saw a table set with plates of finger foods and different drinks. There were also two large leather sofas in the room with four-winged back chairs placed around them.“Miss Mira, please enjoy the refreshments and relax. Somebody will come to get you when they are ready for you but please don’t leave this room,” Ralph finished before leaving her alone.Mira looked at the table full of refreshments and decided she wasn’t hungry but could use something to drink. She poured herself a large glass of juice and then went over to sit on one of the sofas to wait. While sitting there she thought to herself, well this is sure different from normal.Mira had been sitting in the room Ralph had left her in for quite some time. She was beginning to wonder what was going on. She wasn’t used to sitting around like this for a client. Most were all over her the moment she came in. She knew this wasn’t her normal gig but come on, let’s get going.Well her wish was about to be granted as Ralph came walking in. He walked up to her carrying what looked like a black bag in his hand. Stopping in front of her he said, “It’s time to get ready for tonight. Here, put this over your head,” offering her the black hood.Mira took it and cautiously slipped it over her head. Once she had, Ralph took her hand and led her out of the room. He guided her to another room where he told her to stand still before saying, “I’m going to remove your dress and place the restraints on your wrists and ankles.”Ralph unzipped her dress and slid it off her arms before letting it drop to the floor. He couldn’t help but admire her sexy body. Yet admire is all he did, for he knew that this sexy body belonged to the Mistress tonight. He quickly finished placing the restraints on her before leading her over to a frame made of pipe. There he fastened her restraints to points on the frame that left her standing with her arms stretched out to her sides and her feet spread apart parting her legs widely. Secured as she was, no part of her body would be inaccessible.After being restrained, Mira had to wait once again with the hood over her head. Her nose itched and Mira tried to bring her hand to her face and couldn’t move it. She tried the other one with the same result. A voice behind her said, “Stop struggling, you are firmly secured!”She tried to turn her head but couldn’t see who had spoken to her. All she could tell was it was a woman’s almanbahis canlı casino voice. Everything was in shadows through the hood covering her head. She could turn her head freely but it didn’t help. She had just given up and looked forward again when a stinging slap was delivered to her ass. She let out a cry of pain and shock. Mira held her head straight as she could, the last thing she wanted was another stinging slap to her ass. That single slap had left it on fire.The voice came again but this time it sounded like it was right in front of her. It said, “You accepted the offer of the appointment of your own free will, right?”Mira started to nod but caught herself and replied, “Yes, I accepted it knowing what would be expected. I followed the directions as well.”“Oh, yes you did. I really liked these hard nipples when your dress was removed.”As her unknown keeper was speaking, she had reached out and roughly pinched one of Mira’s nipples causing her to wince in pain and let out a little cry.“Okay, here are the ground rules whore. You will call me Mistress. You will not speak unless you are asked to. You can only cum when told to do so. You will not refuse to follow any instructions given. Failure to follow any rule will result in punishment. Finally, if you feel unable to continue, use your safe word. Just remember, no other word will save you. Do you understand?”Mira’s body tightened listening to the rules and she took too long to answer. There was a stinging slap across her ass again causing her to cry out. She instantly said through the pain, “Yes I understand the rules!”“Good, we are about to begin.”Mira hung there in her bindings praying the stinging in her ass would go away soon. Then she heard what sounded like a curtain opening. The noise had that soft scraping sound you hear when opening drapes at home. She was concentrating on what else she could hear when the hood covering her head was yanked off. She blinked a few times quickly to focus. After she did, she could see a man and a woman sitting on chairs in front of her.The first thing she noticed was they were both naked. The next thing was that the guy had a very impressive hard-on already. Then looking at the woman she could see her pussy was glistening with wetness. She didn’t know what to make of the scene and her thoughts were interrupted by Mistress stepping in front of her.“We didn’t want to deprive you of seeing what is happening,” she said.Mira took her in, she was dressed in a skin-tight mesh bodysuit that exposed generous amounts of her flesh. She could see the woman’s nipples clearing sticking out through the mesh but as she lowered her eyes couldn’t see any pubic hair. As she brought her eyes back up to the face staring at her, she saw a pouty set of lips and the rest of the face covered in a mask like the lone ranger.Mistress turned to a table and Mira’s eyes followed her. She saw her picking up a set almanbahis casino of nipple clamps with several chains attached. She turned back to Mira holding the clamps in one hand and said, “I think these nipples need to get hard before I can use these.” Looking at the man and woman she said, “Come here and get these nipples hard!”They both jumped out of their seats in a rush. The man took Mira’s left nipple between his lips and started sucking hard on it. The woman grasped her right nipple in her fingers and pinched hard causing Mira to wince. The woman continued to pull and tease her nipple for a few more seconds before taking it between her lips and sucking it hard as the man had. Mira’s nipples being one of her most sensitive parts was moaning in no time.The lone ranger as Mira thought of her now moved behind her. She felt her slip a hand along her ass until it slipped between her outstretched legs, cupping her now dripping pussy, dragging its fingers through her swelling lips. This caused Mira’s legs to try to pull together in reflex.With her mouth right next to Mira’s ear, she whispered, “You like having your nipples sucked, good to know,” ending with an evil giggle.Removing her hand from Mira’s pussy Mistress moved back around to be standing in front of her. She looked at Mira and then at the man and woman still ravishingly sucking at her nipples and said, “Take your seats!” Both reluctantly pulled away and returned to their seats.Mira let a little sigh escape when they pulled away but that was quickly replaced by trepidation as Mistress stepped in front of her still holding the nipple clamps. Mistress reached out and caught one of Mira’s nipples in her fingers, pinching hard before tugging on it. Mira let out a little cry of pain and pleasure.Mistress just smiled before saying, “Yes, these are ready now.”She took the first clamp and looped the little piece of string on it around her nipple. She then pulled it tight causing Mira to cry out. When Mira had calmed, she pulled it just a bit tighter before locking it in place. Mira cried out a little weaker this time but now had tears rolling down her cheeks. Mistress moved to the other nipple and repeated the same procedure causing the same amount of pain and discomfort for Mira.Mira’s head had slumped but as she raised it back up, she looked out at the man and woman. He was stroking his cock back and forth. She had a hand buried between her outstretched legs moving what looked like several fingers in her pussy. She realized these people were getting off on her pain.Mistress had turned to the table again. When she turned around, she was holding an anal plug. Mira stared at it thinking she had taken bigger but then she also noticed several rings attached to the one end of it. She had no idea what they were for. Before she could puzzle it out Mistress moved behind her.Mistress took her hand and ran it down the crack of Mira’s ass spreading her cheeks until she reached her anus. Taking a finger, she rubbed around the opening pushing against before finally withdrawing her hand. Looking over Mira’s shoulder she called out to the woman, “Get up here and get this whore’s asshole wet and ready!”

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