
Miselle: I Wanna Hold Your Key 03


The cage Miselle had quietly slipped into my hands at the dogpark turned out to be smaller than any I had used before to help curb my masturbation dysfunction. Yes, she was right about us men. We do have an insatiable appetite for orgasms — preferably making love to a wonderful life partner. Or even a blow-job from her. (I don’t even want to think about a him. Please.) But as necessary in the absence of enough great sex, we men have been known to take the matter into our own hands. Yes. And always feel badly about it afterward. And vow to never do it again. And yet, inevitably we do. So I suspect Miselle also hit the nail (dick) on the head — we have all turned to porn, and yes, eventually tried any number of ways to curb our masturbation habit. A chastity cage seemed like the perfect solution for these temporary moments to prevent a loss of penile control till our wives or girlfriends were again ready to engage in meaningfully sex. But of course, a chastity cage has one glaring deficiency, and that’s us, the man. We cannot control ourselves, even as managers of keys. Our balls fill, and our penis-brains take over the (mis)management of the cages, letting our tigers out to satisfy their appetites once again. And the cycle continues.

Personally, I’ve tried leaving the key out of easy reach, çorum escort even taking it a long walk away, eg near the dogpark. But all that accomplishes is some much needed exercise and a further 20-minute buildup to the impending spew. (And heaven help me if sometime if I fail to make it back home in time. I do not want to be arrested for “stopping by woods on a snowy evening”, so to speak.)

And of course, Miselle knows how women feel about their men if we were to ever ask our lovers to be our keyholders. Disaster! Not only would our manhood be diminished in their eyes, we would also be called perverts and sex fiends; they would weaponize the ask, to humiliate us any time, any way, and in front of anyone. Their besties would also be privy to our deficiency. I can easily envision Jen’s two besties laughing and ridiculing me to the Nth degree. It’s bad enough now, much less if they would then be pointing and joking, and even asking my wife if they could see it on me! And knowing Jen, she would probably love that, and make sure I showed them, else declining sex for some penalty period.

And with that level of disdain, I can imagine Jen might leave me locked for days at a time. Who knows, maybe a week or more? And would she stretch out our sex frequency just to make my denizli escort doom ever the more harsh? So yes, Miselle knows exactly how bad a choice wives perhaps even enhancing it.

As I had walked home with the device in hand, looking it over and feeling its every nook maybe it’s our Anniversary, ya think?????”

Dang! How did I forget that?

“Oh Sweetheart, I am so so so sorry. Please forgive me. I will offer you one ‘Do Anything You Ask’ card as my gift to you this year.”

“Hmmm, I like the sound of that. We will just have to see how that works out,” Jen says with a flirtatious wink.

“Try me,” I challenge her. “But first, let’s dig in while they’re hot.”

We quickly moved to the table. And so did Sniffy, jumping up into my lap, out of control. LOL. She’s hilarious, and a handful at times. It was all I could do to keep her out of the ribs, and eventually getting her back down onto the floor. Gotta love her though. And we rewarded her with some leftovers, after our delicious anniversary dinner. Yum.

We watched a movie on Neflix. I offered to let her use her ‘gift-card’ by choosing what we’d watch, believing she’d jump at the chance to make me watch a mushy chick-flick, but she declined.

“No, I think I want to save it for bedtime.”

“Ooooooo”, diyarbakır escort I chided her, with a wink. She was seldom particularly ambitious in bed. Or frequent. Maybe once a week on a Saturday, she might accept a backrub, and a make-out session. Then standardly missionary. And I dunno, maybe she frigged herself while I went to cleanup, although she would never admit to it.

The movie, my choice, was a bust. And wearing a chastity cage didn’t help my ability to pay rapt attention.

“Sorry, Sweetheart. I had hoped for better. Would you like a backrub as your ‘gift’?”

“No way, Mister. Seems to me you’d like some Anniversary sex tonight, so yes, a backrub, but just as the normal part of the lead-up process. I have something much better in mind to use my ‘gift-card’ on. You’ll see soon enough.”

I hardened… well, minimally hard, shall we say, as my penis was caged for the moment. So I moved quickly to the bathroom to remedy that. It had been a successful experiment but now it *needed* to come off! I had been happy that the newer, smaller cage, had not made my balls sore in that short trial run. I will easily make it through an hour at the dogpark tomorrow. The mere thought of Miselle playing the dogpark role tomorrow when I’d be fully locked turned me on even moreso now as I rushed to ditch the chastity cage and see what Jen has in mind for me tonight.

WHAT THE F____??? How did that happen? The little lock had somehow shifted and clicked shut. When could that have possibly… Oh wait…

Sniffy!!! That little bitch!

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