
Mistle Family Ch. 02


Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Cat and Mouse Games

Confusion. Shame. Questions, endless questions. Mom and Aunt Mandy…Chelsea couldn’t get the image out of her head as she lied there on her bed staring up at the swirling texture along the ceiling. That old Teddy, he found a home on the tall oak dresser over-looking the bed. The door to the hallway on the right was left open. She thought her mother, or even Aunt Mandy, would walk through that door any minute to explain what she saw earlier.

She needed no explanation. It was clear. Her aunt fucked her mother, who was actively fantasizing about her daughter; her. Had there ever been any indication, Chelsea wondered, that her mother may be sexually attracted to her? Chelsea watched as Mandy, knowing her niece was watching, finger-fucked her mother. She watched her mother’s thick round ass jiggle and heard her screaming with pleasure. Worst of all, Chelsea fucked herself while she watched. The confused teen didn’t know how to feel about it. Watching the two of them was no doubt a turn on, Chelsea enjoyed an orgasm that sent her to euphoric new heights. Was it wrong?

A knock on the open door. Aunt Mandy stood in the doorway. Chelsea tried not to look at first. Instead she remained focused on the ceiling. Her eyes drifted with curiosity at what her aunt may be wearing. But she told herself it was wrong, and her eyes followed the swirling pattern of the ceiling again, as if she tried to make sense of it all. Was there a reason for the swirling pattern? Was it more aesthetically pleasing than a popcorn ceiling or flat drywall? She was aware her distraction was pointless, and her eyes would no doubt gravitate toward Mandy. For now, the ceiling had her full attention.

“Chel, can we talk?” Mandy asked meekly.

“We can,” Chelsea replied coldly.

She looked at her aunt, wearing nothing but a long T-shirt with some nonsensical 90’s reference she didn’t understand. Her long tanned legs were visible and, dare she say, inviting. Was Mandy wearing something under that shirt? It was hard to tell. Panties maybe? Boy shorts? Or nothing? The thought of her aunt walking into her bedroom wearing nothing but a long T-shirt, which would no doubt be on the floor before long, caused a wetness to gather between the teen’s legs. She bit her lip, denied her feelings, and turned away.

“Chel, listen,” Mandy started.

Chelsea listened, she sat up with her back against the headboard, but Mandy failed to follow up. It was obvious she didn’t know where to start. For the first time that Chelsea could remember, her aunt was at a loss for words. The always-confident Mandy Rios, Jenni’s maiden name, had lost all confidence in what she planned to say. And then it happened. That spark in her icy-blue eyes. Mandy strolled in and placed her hand on the blanket covering Chelsea’s legs. The young lady, still trying to understand her feelings, turned away and faced the wall.

“Your mother and I started something a long time ago.”

“Started…what?” Chelsea teased. She began to realize that she may hold a power over her aunt right now. With Mandy’s confidence waning and her own confidence soaring, Chelsea began to brainstorm ways she could use this situation to her advantage. The first step was turning to face Mandy.

“Well, when I was about your age, Jenni’s boyfriend at the time would come around. It made me sort of jealous. My sister, whom I’d loved all my life, was preparing to leave home, go to college, fall in love with this guy. She was going to leave me. I had boyfriends, but I never loved them. I always knew my heart belonged to someone else. Someone strong, independent, beautiful, whose words could make my heart skip a beat, whose touch could arouse me in ways no one else ever could. I was in love with my sister, your mother, whom had always been my idol growing up. My love for her changed into something I wanted to deny. Something…un-sisterly.”

“So…you slept with her?” Chelsea asked.

“No, I fucked her boyfriend when he came to visit.”

“What?” Chelsea started laughing.

“Oh yeah, fucked his brains out,” Mandy said, watching Chelsea settle in and lay down. “I thought he was going to have a heart attack, he could barely keep up with me. I hate to brag, but I’m pretty damn good in bed.”

Mandy lied down beside her niece and they shared a smile and a good laugh. The laughing subsided, and they looked into each other’s eyes. Mandy’s hand brushed gently against Chelsea’s cheek, comforting her with a touch that said, “You have nothing to worry about. Nothing to fear.”

Mandy then said, “I’ve always believed that a woman’s love is the purest form of love. The true love and devotion a woman holds in her heart. You know, I never did find that love and I’ve searched everywhere.”

“Not even in Destiny’s…”

“You can say it,” Mandy giggled.


“No. Every pussy was just another reminder that I hadn’t found the right pussy.”

Chelsea mecidiyeköy escort lifted herself and rested on an elbow. Eye-to-eye, faces inches away. She could hear Mandy’s breath growing labored, wondering if Chelsea was about to make a move on her. The heat from their bodies, even clothed, felt like a hot summer afternoon. Her aunt, whom she admired in the same way that Mandy admired Jenni, was beneath her body. Chelsea wasn’t ready to move in for the kill just yet.

“You were saying…”

“When that naive boy returned to your mother, she could smell sex on his clothes; which I had handed him to wipe away his sweat, he was a complete idiot is what I’m saying. Your mother dumped the cheating bastard immediately. How dare he, right? She never knew it was me so let’s keep this story between us.”


“Anyhow, guess who was there to comfort your mother when she balled her eyes out about this guy?”


“That’s right.” Mandy lifted herself on her elbow and placed a hand on Chelsea’s hand. “Me. I was there for her. I was always there for her, Chelsea. And I’m here now. I’m here for her and I’m here for you. All my life I’ve used my sexuality to get what I want. Is that wrong? Is that immoral? I don’t care, because I enjoy seducing people into doing what I want. I’m not going to apologize for that. I’m a woman that never married, went to college, worked my ass off. I said fuck it and I did things my way. This big ass house, sweetheart, my money. That car in my driveway, you haven’t seen the other one in my garage by the way, that’s my money. I built this life for myself and by myself—”

“But, you couldn’t buy love,” Chelsea concluded.

“No, sweetheart, money doesn’t buy love. It can buy a good fuck from leeches that see your success as a means to better themselves, but it can’t buy love. That business you saw with Destiny, baby that’s business sometimes. I’m a great fuck and like it or not I’ll use what I’ve got and I’ll enjoy every moment all the way to the fucking bank.”

Red. Mandy’s favorite color. Chelsea could see it now, her fiery spirit. Her passion. And behind those eyes, a loneliness. Her life, much like her bedroom, was themed like a never-ending Valentine’s Day in which she would never find her Valentine. Many came, none of them stayed, and in the big house bought with her big paycheck, Mandy remained alone.

“I love you, Auntie,” Chelsea said softly.

Mandy brushed aside a strand of hair from Chelsea’s face. “I love you too, sweetheart.”

“Don’t cry,” Chelsea said, wiping away a tear that formed at the corner of Mandy’s eye.

“I’m sorry,” Mandy dropped her back to the bed. “I know I must sound pathetic right now.” She wiped away another tear and, shuttering, she sucked in a big breath. “I guess I’ve just been holding on to so much for so long and…I didn’t mean to unload that on you.”

Chelsea moved closer, holding herself above her emotional aunt. The family called her promiscuous. She was labeled a slut. Socially cast out by her closest relatives; all but Jenni. Even though Mandy was not just sex, she was also great at talking to people, dealing with clients, speaking to other agents, negotiating business deals that brought her company a substantial amount of money, she was known only for her sexual escapades. The talented agent was more than sex to Chelsea, but it made the eighteen-year-old no less curious.

“Auntie,” Chelsea said with a hand under Mandy’s shirt on her firm stomach. She found that Aunt Mandy was wearing shorts underneath. Chelsea wished she wasn’t. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for yourself.”

Mandy turned her head and half-smiled through her sorrow.

“I know you’ve worked hard. And I know you…enjoy sex.”

A small laugh escaped from Mandy’s lips. She sniffed, then looked around for a tissue. It wasn’t exactly attractive to talk to someone with a runny nose. She cleaned herself up and laid back down.

“I’ve had sex,” Chelsea continued. She suddenly realized she had no clue where she was going with this conversation. “Why did you come in here? It wasn’t to tell me about your problems, which I totally understand, was it?”

Mandy chuckled, realizing she came in looking for a moment and completely screwed it up. “I wanted to explain why your mother and I had sex. She saw me alone, after she kicked Destiny out, and she wanted to fuck. Simple as that. Ever since that first day I comforted her, we’ve had sex once in a while. We’ve been doing it for years now.”

“I’ve never had sex with a woman,” Chelsea confessed. “I’m sorry, you did come in here to seduce me, didn’t you?”

Mandy’s jaw dropped in shock. She looked up into Chelsea’s eyes. She did intend on seducing her niece, with the taste of her still on the tip of Mandy’s tongue. So youthful, beautiful, full of an untouched purity that longed to be touched. The cool air of the house found the bottom of Mandy’s breasts. So did Chelsea. Her niece had lifted her shirt just fındıkzade escort below her breasts without Mandy realizing. It was then that she understood she wouldn’t be seducing the teen, the teen would be seducing her. No one had ever seduced Mandy; she toyed with those that tried. Mandy enjoyed playing cat and mouse games. She was always the cat, chasing her prey, hunting carefully, pouncing, devouring, and abandoning the scraps she left behind. When someone tried to be the cat with her, she was the most elusive mouse. Here she was, a mouse, and the cat was prepared to feast.

“Ch-Chelsea I…”

“Shhhh,” Chelsea placed a finger on Mandy’s lips. “Auntie, you’ve worked so hard all of your life. You can relax, now.”

“But, you never…”

“No, I’ve never,” Chelsea said. “With boys, yes, but not with a woman. This shouldn’t be hard to figure out. I know what I want to do to you. How I want to kiss you. Where I want to touch you.”

Never. Mandy had never felt like this. All of her life she had never been the prey. Her niece was seducing her. Mandy’s fire had gone out. Her passion gave way to nerves. Chelsea’s gentle touch, her soft finger-tips, had shocked her system. Mandy laid there, arms down by her side, looking up at a devious grin she so often wore herself. Was she…manipulated? Had Chelsea planned this? Are Chelsea’s seductive powers a step above her own?

— — —

Her shirt covered most of her breasts, leaving only a sliver of the bottom out in the open. Chelsea’s fingers moved up, slowly. She traced along the bottom of her aunt’s beautiful breasts. Before she could give Mandy what she wanted, Chelsea’s fingers moved down, slowly. She toyed with her prey. Watching her flinch. Watching her shiver. The eighteen-year-old admired her aunt’s tight tummy. A star tattoo on Mandy’s lower abdomen. Two stars, Chelsea realized when she moved her aunt’s boy shorts, on either side of her pelvis. The elastic threatened to snap back in place, so Chelsea peeled it down a little. Then a little further. Further still, until the very top of her pubic hair peeked out.

Such a simple movement elicited a moan from Mandy, which incentivized her playful tormentor. With her middle finger, Chelsea teased the hairs on Mandy’s pelvis, remembering the straight line they made to her sex. Then, as Mandy moaned and longed to be touched, her body demanding Chelsea please go further down, please go under her shorts, please touch her, the young tease pulled away. It amazed Chelsea that Auntie could be so beautifully tanned, while she and her mother were pale. Jenni could tan, though not as well as Mandy, but Chelsea’s fair skin only burned under the sun. Not Mandy. Her sun-kissed skin, retaining its suppleness, was absolute perfection.

“You’re beautiful,” Chelsea spoke with a softness and wonderment.

“So are you,” Mandy replied.

“Then touch me,” Chelsea commanded.

Mandy gulped. Nervous. How can she ever be nervous? Her breathing was shaky. Her nerves were firing off warning signals. Her brain denied feelings her heart so deeply desired. To touch, to taste, even for a second, a girl so unbelievably beautiful. Her long dark hair like strands of the finest coal. Those eyes, a deep blue, deeper than her own, spoke of desire. Her smile proclaimed her innocence. A false innocence. No, Mandy decided, this seductress was no angel. And when she spoke softly, it was enough to cause a pre-mature orgasm even in someone as experienced as Mandy.

Chelsea grabbed Mandy’s hand and placed it on her pallid stomach, touching the young seductress the same way Chelsea touched her. “This is why you came here, right?”

“It is.”

“If you want, Auntie, you can go under here,” Chelsea suggested as she pulled at her pajama pants, inviting Mandy’s hand inside. “If you do, I’ll go under here.” Chelsea’s fingers found Mandy’s pubic region again, this time going under the waistband.

Mandy’s will, which had been shattered, began to mend. She asked herself, who is Mandy Rios? Mandy is strong, confident, and sexy. She hasn’t submitted to anyone her entire life. Here she was, a plaything for cute little Chelsea. She was putty in the girl’s hands. This isn’t Mandy. Not at all.

“I’ll show you why I came here,” Mandy said more confidently. She grabbed the girl’s tiny waist and tossed her down on the bed. “You want to see why I came here?”

Chelsea looked up at Mandy, suddenly realizing she lost the game she started. “Yeah,” she replied meekly.

Straddling her young inexperienced seductress, Mandy grabbed the bottom of Chelsea’s gray T-shirt and pulled it up aggressively before tossing it aside. “I’ll show you why I came here.” Mandy wrapped a hand under Chelsea’s chin, as she did with Destiny, and with her other hand she pulled the young lady’s hair.

“Ow,” Chelsea complained, before her aunt’s lips landed.

Mandy kissed the girl with a passionate aggression. Her lust for this young girl had consumed her. It didn’t matter that she was her niece. beşiktaş escort It didn’t matter that her sister was still in the house somewhere. Chelsea played with fire, and at first Mandy was planning to do this gently and softly, but it was time Chelsea got burned.

“You thought you could play with me?” Mandy said before kissing Chelsea’s lips again. “Sweetheart, you’ve got a lot to learn.”

Wide-eyed, Chelsea’s bra straps were pushed off her shoulders and around her biceps. Mandy pulled down the left cup first. She admired the eighteen-year-olds small soft mounds with cute areola no bigger than a quarter. The petite teen didn’t know what hit her. Mandy’s tongue played around on the breast, coaxing her nipple to come out and play. Once Chelsea’s nipple grew erect, Mandy’s lips closed around it.

“Uhhnnn,” Chelsea moaned. Her mother was home, Chelsea remembered. What would happen if Mom walked in?

“Take this off,” Mandy demanded.

Chelsea lifted herself enough to reach around her back. Her fingers found the clasp. It was never easy undoing it from behind, but she didn’t know any other way.

“Lift your arms out of the straps, then turn it this way,” Mandy helped turn it until the bra clasp faced front. She unhooked her bra and tossed it in the growing pile with Chelsea’s shirt.

“Yours now,” Chelsea said.

“You want to see my tits?”


“I’m guessing you’ve never sucked tits before.”


“Okay.” Mandy pulled her long bed-time T-shirt off and the pile of clothes kept growing. She wasn’t wearing a bra, as she had dressed for bed. Mandy lowered her body. Her modest breasts, 34Cs, hung just above Chelsea’s face. If Chelsea thought she would know what to do, now was the time to prove it. “Show me how you like having your breasts played with.”

Chelsea reached up, cupping both breasts in her hands. She squeezed tenderly. Her eyes searched for Mandy’s eyes, seeking approval, but her aunt gave her nothing. Moments ago, the young lady possessed control and used it to subjugate her vulnerable prey. If Chelsea maintained control, how would she have used it? She knew this was her chance to prove herself to Aunt Mandy.

“Is this an exam?” Mandy asked condescendingly. “You’re squeezing my breasts like your checking for lumps. Kiss them. Suck them. Make love to them. Where’s that passion you had earlier?”


Chelsea felt crushed. She thought she had control, and she did for a while, but her confidence was shattered by her inexperience. Mandy moved up a little higher on her niece. Her body lowered until Chelsea’s face disappeared in her chest. A kiss. The most obvious move Chelsea could make. She kissed the breast to her left. Then to her right. Close-mouthed at first. A lust growing inside of her again. Her wits regained. Chelsea opened her mouth, allowing the sweet soft flesh to brush against her tongue. She thought she lost the battle for control. The battle had only begun.

“Come on, Chel. You wanted to act like a little slut, now you’ll be treated like one.”

Chelsea’s reply was muffled by Mandy’s breasts.

“Suck them, slut. It’s time you learn lesson one. You will do everything I say.”

With her hands, Chelsea controlled her lover’s breasts. With her lips, she pleased. With her tongue, she pleasured. Mandy’s skin smelled like a rose in full bloom. The smell of roses tickled Chelsea’s nose and attracted her like a bee to a dandelion; irresistibly enticing. Aunt Mandy’s flesh tasted like strawberries; clean, fresh, and delicious. Chelsea kissed, and licked, and sucked. It was time to assert control again.

The inexperienced girl took one nipple, wet with her saliva, into her mouth. She got it, now. Chelsea understood the game. As she sucked Mandy’s nipple, the vixen flinched for a second. Moving swiftly, Chelsea wrapped her arms around her aunt’s thighs. It was a struggle at first, with Mandy sitting high on her waist, but the young lady wrestled her aunt’s back onto the bed. A sly smile spread across her face as she stood on her knees high above Mandy.

“Getting cocky,” Mandy sneered, waving Chelsea’s pajamas in her face.

“Shit,” Chelsea chastised herself. “Wait, when did you—”

“While you were over-thinking your next move. You mean to tell me you didn’t feel the elastic waistband being stretched? Or the pants on their way down? You do have a lot to learn, sweetheart. It wasn’t until you tossed me off that I had the opportunity to slip them down your legs.”

“Oh yeah?” Chelsea thought quick. “Well, I’ll—

“Sit on my face? That’s the logical move. You’ll force me to eat your pussy. Cute, but that means you’ll be naked first, which leaves me with an advantage. It’s time for the next lesson. You are to be my personal slut, fucking me whenever I want to be fucked.”

Mandy’s index finger hooked Chelsea’s purple lace thong, which left little to the imagination. Even before pulling the thong down, Mandy could tell that her niece was shaven. Sure enough, she pulled the thin piece of fabric down enough to reveal a clean shave. Smooth. With her index and middle fingers, Mandy made her niece weaken. Chelsea’s confidence was about to take a dive again, she knew it. With a slow rubbing motion, her aunt turned her into a docile submissive again.

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