
Mom’s Son Always Comes First Ch. 02



This is chapter 2 of the already published ‘Mom’s Son Always Comes First.’ In the first chapter Kate Parker’s son returns home from the army and unexpectedly starts a hot sexual relationship with his mom. In chapter 1 Kate also helps her friend Marie improve sex with her husband. Chapter 2 sees Kate expand her sexual relationship with Kurt and further help Marie.

I was sunbathing naked on the deck. This summer was a hot one and I enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my body. My breasts and thighs were now bronzing like the rest of my body. I had placed a small piece of lace between my legs to protect my shaven pussy from the sunlight. I was just slipping into sleep when the kitchen door opened. I looked around and saw Kurt.

Kurt’s white t-shirt couldn’t conceal the muscles of his upper body and his tight jeans couldn’t hide the bulge between his legs.

”Hi Mom.”

I sat up, my large breasts swung down towards my stomach.

”Hi honey. You all right?”

”Fine mom. Fine.”

Kurt pulled a chair over and sat across from me.

”Mom I’ve got some friends coming to stay this weekend.”

I was pleased that Kurt was socialising but there were practicalities.

”How many are coming?”

”Three, they are used to hard sleeping. One can have the couch and the others can use the floor. They’ll all have their sleeping kit.”

”Are they still in the service?”

”Yes, they stayed on after I left. They are good guys. I served with them for years. They are no trouble.”

”I’ll be glad to meet them.”

”It’ll be just for Saturday night. Sunday they’ll be off and then they will be out of the country on Monday.”

I knew better than to ask where they were going, Kurt was still secretive about all the places he went to while on military operations.

”It’ll be a tight squeeze, but we can make them welcome. Be good to have them visit. What do you plan to do when they are here?”

”Thought we’d go to Alice’s have a few beers, reminisce a bit. Have some laughs. We were all pretty close while I was serving. If I was still in, I would probably be going with them.”

That thought made me shudder for a moment.

”The thing is Mom we won’t have a lot of time.”

Kurt rose from the chair and walked to the rails around the deck. He turned towards me, fixed my gaze but didn’t say anything.”

”What’s on your mind son?”

Kurt was looking at me, but he still didn’t say anything.

”Come on son, out with it. What else is there?”

Kurt looked away staring at the trees at the edge of the property.

”Mom when we get back after Alice’s, do you think you could look after them?”

”Look after them?”

”Give them some care when we get back from Alice’s.”

”Of course I’ll look after them, I’ll do a couple of pizzas, make sure there’s cold beer.”

”No, I mean really care for them.”

”Really care for them?” I sounded quizzical, although I was beginning to understand his meaning.

”Yes, really care for them.”

”And by ‘really care’, you mean sleep with them?”

Kurt didn’t answer at first, he was still looking off into the distance.

”Mom these boys are going off to serve their country in a very dangerous place. I’m not exaggerating when I say some of them may not come back. It would be great if you could make their last night in the States for a while a great one.”

I felt uncomfortable that I was even thinking about doing what Kurt asked.

Kurt continued, ”Mom it would solve a lot of problems. If they start going after the girls down at Alice’s, they’ll upset the locals and there will be trouble.” Kurt paused, then said, ”Big trouble, anything could happen. It could seriously wreck their weekend and a lot of other peoples’ weekend.”

”I’m not a whore Kurt. Your friends can’t just turn up here and expect to get laid.”

Kurt spun round and fixed me with harsh eyes.

He almost shouted, ”Mom! I know that.” Then he paused and spoke more softly,” They know that. They will only have the greatest of respect for you. They will appreciate what you’re doing. They’ll know how much you’re giving.” He paused, and then continued, ”But if you don’t want to do it. That’s fine.”

”Kurt, these men are strangers to me. I’m meant to meet them for the first time and then let them have me, they’ll think I’m trash.”

”Mom, it’s not like that.” I’d never seen Kurt so serious.

”Look I’m not going to betray any confidences, but once before going on a mission four of us shared one of the group’s wives. They’d only been married a few months, but she understood.”

Kurt turned away and looked into the distance, he drew a deep breath and continued,” And one of us didn’t come back. That was his last…” He didn’t finish his sentence. There was an awkward silence.

It was a big ask, but I trusted Kurt. His friends were giving so much. They were putting their lives on the line in a few days. I could play my part.

”I’ll Diyarbakır Escort do it.”

In an instant Kurt was picking me up with his strong arms, my bare breasts pressed hard against his muscled chest.

”Mom. Mom. I love you Mom.”

”Kurt, let me down you’re squeezing the life out of me.”

He gently lowered me back onto the sunbed. I settled down and put my hand across my chest to stop my breasts swinging.

”But will they want to? After all I am your mother. I can’t compete with the young girls down at Alice’s.”

”Mom, you’re beautiful and you’re still young. They’ll love you.”

I laid back on the sun bed and closed my eyes.

”Kurt, do they know about us?”


Kurt came and sat close.

”Mom in special forces you don’t say anything about anything. Everything is a secret, it’s safer that way.”

It was getting hotter.

”Kurt, I need a drink.”

”Sure mom, I’ll go and get you one.”

He went to the door, pulled open the screen and turned towards me.

”Mom, thank you. Thank you so much.”

I smiled back. He was a good son; nobody could have one better.

I sat up, leaned forward and replaced the piece of lace between my legs. It had fallen to the floor when Kurt had lifted me up. To my surprise it was damp. Instinctively I put my hand onto my pussy. It was wet. My pussy juices had started to flow. The talk of having sex with three virile young men had already had an impact. There’s nature for you.

I got up and went inside. Still naked I walked over to the table where Kurt was slicing a lemon for my drink. He looked over.

”Hi Mom, I was just about to bring out your drink.”

I didn’t say anything I simply reached for the buckle of his belt, unclipped it and unbuttoned his flies. Then I dropped to my knees and pulled his cock out. It was swelling but not fully hard. I loved watching his cock harden and I stroked it slowly until it reached rigidity.

Once it was fully erect, I let go and moved back a little to admire its size and arrogance. Yes, that was the right word. It was an arrogant cock, proud of what it had done and could do. It quivered slightly and I felt myself tremble before its power. For a second I remembered Kurt’s father’s cock, it was proud and arrogant too; not as big as this one but my goodness it had served me well.

Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked down at me expectantly. I looked up and returned his stare. I reached forward and pulled his jeans right down, his balls swung out. They looked full and ready. His cock twitched above them, but I didn’t touch it yet.

”So how are you going to feel while three of your buddies ravish your mom? You can hardly join them. You’re going to be out there listening to all the fun and not taking part.” I paused then reached forward and gave his cock a shake. I said, ” This big thing is going to burst.”

”I’ll make up for it when they have gone.”

”But what if mom is worn out?”

Before he could say anything, I took the end of Kurt’s cock in my mouth. He gave out a gasp of pleasure as the warmth of my mouth enclosed his glans. I sucked it gently before releasing it and running my tongue up and down the full length of the shaft. Kurt moaned softly as I flicked my tongue on the sensitive spot where the tight skin of the shaft was attached to the glans.

Then it was back to sucking him again, just as he liked it. Taking the head of his cock into my mouth and swallowing as much of the shaft as I could, then letting his cock slide out before swallowing it again.

Kurt’s cock was rock hard and I felt a tremor run through it, a warning that he was about to shoot. I quickly withdrew my mouth and released his cock. It bobbed and twitched in front of my face. I heard Kurt sigh with frustration, but I didn’t want him to cum in my mouth. I wanted him in my pussy.

I took his cock in my hand and lifted it up exposing his balls. They were too big to get both of them in my mouth; so I took one ball carefully between my lips and teased it with my tongue, then the other. With my hand I gently began to stroke his cock, very slowly up and down, careful not to go too fast. I felt the ball in my mouth contract, the other hardened against my face. Kurt was ready to shoot, his body was tightening so I released his ball and dropped my hand.

”Come on son. I need to get laid.”

I turned towards the bedroom, but Kurt’s strong arms gripped me and pushed me face down onto the table top. My large hanging breasts brushed the surface. One of Kurt’s hands reached down and parted my legs, the other steered his cock towards my pussy. It glided effortlessly up and in until its head nudged against the entrance to my womb.

Then Kurt withdrew almost out of my body. Then in again, moving slowly and steadily deep inside. These careful motions awakened the sensitive lining of my pussy, causing my body to quiver and tingle. I was being tormented by these slow movements; the sensations increased Diyarbakır Escort Bayan but the slow withdrawal of his cock prevented my orgasm.

I don’t know how long Kurt kept up this exquisite torture, taking me to the edge of orgasm then withdrawing; but I almost fainted with denied pleasure. Then he pulled his cock completely out, turned me on my back, spread my legs and thrust his cock back in, deep and hard. And then he was off, in out, in out, in out. It was a brutal merciless pounding and I loved it. In out, in out, in out. He was relentless. My pussy was trembling in sensuality. My body was shaking. Soon I was cumming and so was Kurt.

When he came his final thrust was so powerful it lifted my thighs off the table. I felt his hot cum flooding my vagina, his sperm squelched and oozed out between my legs. My head jerked back and for a moment I seemed to lose consciousness. I was aware I was gasping. I raised myself up and staggered to the bedroom. I collapsed on the bed, dead to the world.

* * * * *

The next day I was working at the store and at long last I was going to find out how Marie’s first blowjob with Dean her husband had gone. I hadn’t worked there since our talk, and I was anxious to know whether my advice had helped her; but I was also worried that by encouraging her to go ahead she might have had an unpleasant experience.

I needn’t have worried because Marie was all smiles when I asked her how it had gone with Dean. It was her idea to lock the shop up and go into Dean’s office during our lunch break. I was nervous about going into what was Dean’s private space, but Marie reassured me, ”Dean’s off all day. He’s gone to Maryville to sort out a new supplier and they are taking him out for lunch. He won’t be back until late tonight and he’s going straight home.”

There was a small leather sofa in the office in front of a large desk with a captain’s chair behind it. The room was more like the office of a District Attorney than the office of a general store manager. Give Dean his due he ran an organised store. In a large wooden bookshelf, there were files and a couple of what looked like account books. On the wall behind the chair was a large, framed photograph of Dean, Marie and the girls, all very presidential.

However, what I wanted to know was how Marie had coped with having Dean’s cock in her mouth. The very first time she had ever had a cock in her mouth.

We both giggled like schoolgirls as we sat alongside each other on the sofa. I grabbed Marie’s hand and looked into her eyes.

”Tell me, how did you get on?”

”It was brilliant. Dean loved it. I struggled a bit with the cum, I never knew men came so much. It’s so different from getting it down there.” Marie nodded down towards her crotch, tightly concealed in her jeans. ”I couldn’t swallow it all and some dripped down on the sheets, but I managed to wash it off later. Took a couple of washes to get it out though,”

”That’s so good Marie. I’m so pleased it went so well.” I was very relieved.

”The only thing is, Dean wants it all the time now. Yesterday he pulled me in here and I had to do him while he sat in his chair. There were customers browsing in the store, but he insisted.”

”Wow, he must like it a lot.”

” He does.” Marie let go my hand and walked over to Dean’s desk. She opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of whisky and two glasses. ”We used to have sex on Saturday night and sometimes on a Wednesday as we closed the store in the afternoon, but it’s been every night since I first did it.”

Marie poured two large shots and handed me a glass.

”I suck him, and he gets hard and then we do it, and after that I suck him all the way off.”

I took a sip from my glass. All this cock sucking had certainly changed Marie. I was very surprised with the casual way she was talking about it, in a voice similar to the one she used when she talked about flower arranging.

”Dean is so happy with me doing it. It’s so good making him happy.”

I took another sip and I saw Marie take a larger gulp.

”And how about you Marie. Have you been enjoying it?”

”Dean is so happy it’s wonderful.”

”Yes, I get that Dean is happy, but I am wondering if you are happy?”

”If Dean’s happy, I’m happy.”

”Marie, you are not getting my meaning. I mean are you satisfied.”

”Satisfied?” Marie sounded as though she was surprised with my question. ”Satisfied? I’m satisfied if Dean enjoys it.”

I took a larger drink from my glass.

”Marie, what I am saying is does Dean respond and satisfy you?”

”I’ve told you the answer to that.” Marie looked down into her glass.

”No, you haven’t. You said you satisfied him; but you haven’t said whether you are satisfied and by that, I mean you cumming too.” I looked at Marie. She was still staring down at her glass and had gone bright red.

”Marie, have you been getting any sexual pleasure out of this?”

Marie continued Escort Diyarbakır to look down. She didn’t say anything.

”Marie, you know sex is a two-way thing. You give Dean something nice and he does the same to you.”

Marie’s eyes were closed.

”Look Marie, has Dean felt you up good?”

Marie opened her eyes and looked at me.

”I’m not sure what you mean, but when he’s finished he just turns over and goes to sleep.”

I felt the anger rising within me, I wanted to bang my glass down on Dean’s desk. The selfish bastard. He made me so angry. There was Marie sucking his cock and choking on his cum and he was giving her nothing.

”You know Marie, Dean is meant to give you pleasure too.”

Marie was still staring at me, but she said nothing.

”Dean is being very selfish. He’s just thinking of himself.” That came out louder than I had meant it to.

Marie looked startled then said, ”Dean’s not selfish.”

”Yes, he is.”

”No, he loves me.”

”Well love is a two-way thing; you’ve got to give and receive.”

”Do you think Dean doesn’t love me?” I saw Marie’s body quiver slightly.

I was angry but I didn’t want to upset her. She was a good person and a good wife.

”No, I am sure Dean loves you; but he could do more.”

Having glimpsed a world in which Dean might not love her was more than Marie could handle. She burst into a flood of tears and almost threw herself into my arms.

”It’s all right Marie, it’s all right.” She cried and cried, and I felt my anger subsiding. They were two innocents who previously only had sex twice a week. Marie laid there and Dean fucked her and that was it. I had helped to pierce their bubble by encouraging her to suck Dean’s cock, I was partially responsible for what was now happening.

”’Look Marie, I’m going to help you. Everything’s going to be all right. You and Dean will be fine, and you will enjoy yourself too.”

Marie sat up and looked at me with moist eyes, ”But how?”

”I need to ask you some questions and I want you to answer them truthfully. Don’t be embarrassed as we must be straight with each other if we are going to sort this. Is that OK?”

Marie nodded her head. Her cheeks were tear stained.

”Have you ever touched yourself down there?” I pointed to her crotch.

Marie shook her head, ”No, never. I was strictly brought up not to sin.”

”OK, but have you ever had Dean touch you down there?”

”Dean touches me down there a bit before we do it, but only so that he gets it in all right.”

”OK, but you know that if he touches the right place, he can make it very nice for you?”

She didn’t say anything.

”Marie, above your vagina you have a clitoris and that gives you pleasure. Dean must know that.” I began to realise that maybe Dean didn’t know that or maybe he wasn’t too bothered whether he knew that or not.

Marie started crying again and nestled back in my arms. I hugged her and let her cry. After a while she stopped, turned to me and spoke softly, almost in a whisper, ”I don’t think I have anything like that.”

I tried not to smile.

”All women have a clitoris, and you need to find it and Dean needs to find it. Dean can make you cum. He can give you the greatest pleasure you can get.”

Marie drew back a bit and looked me in the eyes.

”He’ll never find it. Anyway, I don’t think I can cum, I never have.”

”OK Marie, I have been married and you are married, and we know each other well. We are going to sort this out, nobody else is going to know so you don’t have to worry. I want you to take your jeans and panties off. I’ll do the same.”

Marie was still staring at me but made no movement.

”Come on I’ll help.” I reached over and unbuckled her belt and loosened her jeans, ”Now take them off.” Marie pulled her jeans down and freed her legs, then she pulled her panties down. Then she neatly folded her jeans, placed them on Dean’s desk and placed her panties on top. She stood looking at them. There was an awkward silence.

For a moment I stared at Marie’s long legs and small perky ass. Dean was a lucky guy. I removed my jeans and panties and sat back down on the leather sofa; it was cool beneath my bare ass cheeks.

”Marie, come and sit beside me.” I patted the space on my left. Marie turned and sat down. Her legs were long and slim but what caught my eye was the bush between her legs. She had so much dark brown hair that it looked as though she had a pair of fur panties on.

I wasn’t surprised that Dean couldn’t find anything in there, at least not without an effort. Her pubes seemed to curl up over what was the top of her pussy. The hair went down the sides of her split and disappeared into another bush below her ass hole.

”Darling, you sure have a lot of hair down there.”

Marie blushed.

”I think we’re going to need to trim some of that back. You see I’m completely shaven, makes life a lot easier and a lot cooler in this hot weather.” I stood up and slightly parted my legs. Marie was still blushing, but I saw her glance at my pussy before looking away.

I got up and sat on the edge of Dean’s desk. I parted my legs.

”I’m going to give you a tour of my pussy to show you what’s what.” Marie was still looking down.

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