
Mother , Son Celebrate Christmas Ch. 04


Warning: The Pretend Game is just a game of pretend. DO NOT PLAY THE PRETEND GAME AT HOME without professional supervision.

No characters in this story are underage. Mother is 49-years-old and her son is 28-years-old

Mother & Son Celebrate Christmas 4

All I want for Christmas is my son Jerry naked and in bed with me.

Finally, their first Christmas together after a five year interruption, with Christmas Eve here and with no presents beneath the tree, it wasn’t much of a traditional Christmas. Anyone else would see this Christmas as depressingly boring but Janice didn’t. The most exciting Christmas she’s had in five years, she had her son back with her and that’s all that mattered.

Moreover now armed with the information that her son sexually wanted her as much as she sexually wanted him, why else would he marry her look-a-like clone? Why else would he have his wicked way with her naked breasts when she was getting dressed on the day of his wedding? Why else would he move back home to be with her in Massachusetts instead of staying in California? Obviously, ready to take this to the next step, they have some unfinished mother and son business.

* * * * *

Even though Jerry expressed that he didn’t want anything for Christmas, she bought him something anyway, a bottle of very expensive, single, malt scotch. A mutually beneficial gift, with her able to share in the holiday spirits too, she enjoyed single, malt scotch also. Having ulterior motives in buying Jerry the scotch, Janice figured he could drown his sorrows in alcohol or maybe he’d get drunk enough to talk to her about what happened between him and Cynthia. As entertaining as it would be informative, she’d love to hear how he hurt that bitch after she stole him away from her.

With her imagination running wild, maybe they’d get drunk enough together that they’ll kiss, cuddle, and sleep in the same bed together in the way that he used to do whenever he had a nightmare as a child. Only, now that he’s an adult, instead of just sleeping, she hoped he’d touch her and feel her during the night. With their hands touching and feeling one another in places that they’d never touch and feel one another when awake, she hoped he’d spoon her in the way that she wanted to be spooned and in the way that she wanted to spoon him. Maybe, in the innocent way of spooning as their form of foreplay, he’ll tickle her again while touching and feeling her tits and she’ll tickle him while touching and feeling his cock.

With the alcohol loosening their sexual, incestuous inhibitions and with one thing leading to another, maybe they’ll not only end up in the same bed together but also finally have mother and son sex. Or more likely, maybe after drinking too much, they’d both retire to bed drunk in separate bedrooms and get a good night’s sleep. She hasn’t slept very well with him gone. For her to sleep, she had to masturbate over the thoughts of him. Now that he’s home with her, she’ll be sleeping without difficulty. Only, now that he’s home, the last thing she wanted to do was to sleep.

“Merry Christmas Mom,” he said kissing her on the lips.

More than just a peck, it wasn’t even as long as a smooch.

“Merry Christmas Jerry,” she said returning his kiss while tempted to slip him some tongue.

Such a wicked mother, feeling him pulling away from her when she returned his kiss, she sensed him becoming distant to her sexual desire or was he just feeling guilty from the sexual thoughts he was having of her. Nevertheless his response to her kiss, she made the kiss last longer as her not so subtle hint that she enjoyed kissing him. Not wanting to rush things, she controlled her incestuous lust for her son by taking it slower. Instead of prolonging her kiss by pressing her lips harder against his and/or slipping him her tongue, disappointed that he didn’t want to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him, she broke off the kiss to hand him his Christmas gift, the bottle of scotch.

Thinking again of wrapping her naked body in cellophane decorated with a big, red ribbon and red bows, maybe if they both got drunk enough, she may just surprise and shock him in doing something equally as naughty. Imagining the look on his face when seeing her nearly naked again, she’d love for him to take his time unwrapping her and while giggling with glee. Just as she’d love for him to unwrap her, she’d love to undress him.

“We said no presents,” he said accepting her gift and unwrapping it.

“Wow, a 25-year-old bottle of Glenlivet XXV. This scotch is almost as old as I am,” he laughed. “Awesome Mom. Thank you but this must have cost you a fortune.”

“A special occasion, the scotch did cost a lot but I couldn’t resist. The gift is just some holiday spirits to get us both in the mood,” she said. “Besides the Glenlivet is not only my Christmas gift to you but something we both can share. The scotch is also my celebration gift to welcome you home. I’m so glad you’re here with me Jerry,” she said hugging him and kissing him again as if he were her boyfriend instead of her son.

Accepting her motherly Escort bayan affection with a smile and seemingly loving her attention, he stared at the bottle of scotch before staring up at her. No contest, in the way that he was looking at her, obviously she was more valuable than an entire truckload of $350 bottles of scotch.

“I bought you something too Mom,” he said pulling away from her to reach beneath the sofa to hand her a gift.

“Thank you but you shouldn’t have,” she said unwrapping it. “Perfume. My favorite, Shalimar. How’d you know?”

“That’s all you wear Mom,” he laughed. “You’ve been wearing that for years. That’s the perfume you wore on the day of my wedding,” he said surprising her that he remembered her perfume.

She wondered if he was going to say anything about tickling her and about touching and feeling her tits. Going from a perfume memory on his wedding day, she began dwelling on sex while remembering him seeing her tits, touching her tits, and feeling her tits. For sure, if he remembered her perfume on that fateful day, then he must remember seeing her tits and feeling her tits when tickling her in the way that she’ll never forget that erotic experience. By buying her the same perfume she wore on his wedding day, she wondered if the perfume evoked a memory in him as it did with her when having his wicked way with her naked breasts. Maybe the reason why he bought her the Shalimar, she wondered if the smell of her perfume would make him want to have his wicked way with her breasts again.

Maybe by giving her this perfume, she wondered if he’s hoping to have another topless, tickle fest later. She couldn’t wait to spray some perfume on herself to find out if he’d tickle her again. She couldn’t wait to stand behind her bedroom door topless when only wearing her sheer bikini panties while hoping he’d open her door without knocking. Tickle, tickle, tickle, now that he was back with her, she hoped he’d play more touchy and feely games with her.

“Thank you. I needed more perfume. I’m almost out,” she said opening the perfume to give herself a couple of quick squirts while hoping that the fragrance would inspire him to jump up out of his chair and to start tickling her.

Encouraged by watching his reaction to her filling the air with her perfume, he watched her spray the perfume before sniffing the air as if sniffing his mother. A familiar fragrance, he seemed pleased with himself that he bought her perfume and that she was using it right away. Maybe later, when he’s standing next to her, he’ll tickle her. Maybe later, he’ll show the incestuous desire that he had for his mother again.

“I have something else for you too,” he said reaching for a gift that was hidden beneath the couch again.

She couldn’t believe that he had a stash of gifts beneath the sofa.

“Jerry! You shouldn’t have spent your money,” she said with glee.

He looked at her as if debating if he should tell her what he was thinking.

“Actually, it was something that I bought for Cynthia but never gave her. Knowing that you’re both the same size and with our divorce inevitable, I figured I’d give the gift to you instead.”

Hoping it was something sexy that she could wear to entice him and to tease him to make the next move, she looked at him with a much love as she looked at him with lust.

“Thank you, I think. Normally I’d be offended receiving another woman’s gift but your gift is appreciated when knowing that I’m taking something else away from Cynthia besides my son,” she said laughing.

As if waiting for his permission to open the gift, she stared at the box before looking up at her son.

“Open it,” he said.

She tore through the paper and opened the box.

“Jerry, it’s so beautiful,” she said removing it from the box to hold it up. “Much better than my long, flannel ones, this is the sheerest, sexiest nightgown I’ve ever seen,” she said with a laugh. “Thank you,” she said.

So glad that he gave her the sexy nightgown instead of giving it to that bitch Cynthia, she looked at him as if she was already wearing the nightgown in preparation for bed and in readiness for sex.

“Perhaps, after you’ve had a couple of drinks, you can model it for me later,” he said with a sexy smile and a naughty wink.

As if daring her to change and model the nightgown for him, he looked at her as if she was already wearing the nightgown in readiness for bed and for sex. He didn’t have to dare her to model the sexy nightgown because, in the horny way she felt about her son, she’d model this sexy, virtually see through nightgown in a heartbeat. Yet, again, not wanting to rush things, she pretended that she was the innocent mother by protesting his request to see her wearing this nightgown.

“Model this? For you?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said. “Why not?”

She looked at him looking at her as if he was imagining her wearing the nightgown. She ran her hand beneath the thin material before holding the nightgown up to the light. She could see every line and wrinkle in her hand while imagining that he could see every Bayan escort mole and freckle on her nearly naked body if she dared wear this for him.

“You’d see too much of me. You’ll see all of me,” she said with a sexually excited laugh while looking at him with a sexy look and while hoping that he’d ask her, beg her, and dare her to model the nightgown for him.

It took all the self-control she had not to get up off the couch and dash in her bedroom to try on the nightgown. She wondered what he’d say and what he’d do if she came out to the living room wearing this sexy, little thing. In the way she thought of wearing cellophane, red ribbons and bows, without the modest protection of wearing a bathrobe, she thought about decorating the nightgown with red ribbon and bows and wearing this instead. She wondered what he’d say and do if she emerged from her bedroom wearing his gift.

Forgetting for a moment that she was his mother and he was her son, if she had the courage, along with his encouragement, she’d try on the nightgown right there in front of him. Perhaps after a drink or two she may be willing to do just that, strip herself naked to try on the nightgown, but not now and not yet. She wondered what he’d say and what he’d do if she stripped off her clothes right there in the living room in front of him and tried the nightgown. Would he encourage her to do and to show more or would she be unduly pressuring him for sex and end up embarrassing him and herself? Difficult to read him, with him just having divorced Cynthia, obviously, it was too soon in their renewed mother and son relationship for her to risk what they were developing by her acting upon her horniness for her son.

“Yeah, I know,” he said with a dirty laugh while staring at her as if already undressing her again. “I have one more gift for you,” he said changing the subject to reach beneath the couch again as if he had an endless cache of gifts stored beneath her living room furniture.

After being so close with her son and seeing him every day, going from not seeing her son for five years to not even hearing from him, she was so happy that he was giving her Christmas gifts.

“Is this another Cynthia gift?”

She so hated that bitch.

“It is,” he said with a nervous laugh while handing his mother the present.

She smiled at him as if she was the only woman in his life and he returned her looked as if she was the only woman in his life and as far as she knew, she was.

“Well, I’m glad to reap the benefits of my son’s failed marriage,” said Janice somewhat insensitively and a bit catty while accepting his gift.

She glowed with the attention that her son was paying her in showering her with Christmas gifts.

“Open it,” he said again.

Wondering what was in the box, she couldn’t wait to open it to see. Tearing through the paper, she opened the box.

“Oh, Jerry. Panties. I need new panties. How’d you know? Seven pair of bikini panties, a whole week of panties,” she said thumbing through the panties. “Wow, you bought every color, white, pale yellow, pinkish almost red, beautiful green, soft blue, sexy lavender, and black, she said holding up each one as if ready to try them on in front of her son.

“I’m glad you needed them and like them Mother,” he said looking at her as if wondering if she’d model those for him too.

“A bit too personal but being that it’s something else that I’ve taken away from Cynthia, along with my son, I happily accept your gift of panties,” she said laughing.

After now receiving the personal gift of panties, she was even more so tempted to model the nightgown for him. If nothing more than a sexual fantasy, removing one to try on another, she’d love to model the panties for him too while she was topless again. They remained quiet while looking at their gifts, he stared at his scotch and she looked at her perfume, nightgown, and panties, until Jerry spoke again to ask his mother a loaded question.

“So now that we’ve exchanged gifts,” he said with a look of disappointment as if Christmas was already over with the opening of gifts. “What would you like to do to celebrate Christmas?”

* * * * *

He looked at her after asking her his loaded question and she looked at him ready to respond but controlling herself from saying what she really wanted to say, she thought before speaking. Always eager to please her son, Janice wondered what he wanted to do. Knowing full well what she wanted to do was illegal in some states and in many countries, she controlled herself from being crassly crude in confessing her incestuous, sexual feelings for him. Surely, with both of them having different agendas, perhaps not yet on the same sexual page, a mother making love with her son may not be what he had in mind in celebration of the holidays. Instead she offered holiday suggestions that any mother would offer her son.

“We could watch TV,” she said while imagining her snuggling up against her son with her hands beneath the blanket and her hand on his thigh. “There’s always those traditional Christmas movies on, Bing Escort Crosby’s, White Christmas, James Stewart and Donna Reed’s, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Maureen O’Hara and Natalie Wood’s, Miracle on 34th Street.”

Imagining that he would, she wondered if he’d be more comfortable feeling her breasts through her blouse and/or slowly running his hand up her thigh and beneath her skirt if they were covered by a blanket. She quivered while imagining his fingers touching her panties and feeling her in between her legs where no son would ever dare touch his mother. As if they were a couple dating while cuddling on the couch, instead of mother and son spending a quiet Christmas Eve at home, she’d offer no resistance if he was as free with his hands as he was on his wedding day.

“Nah, I don’t feel like TV. Besides, I’ve seen those movies a hundred times before,” he said.

If only he surmised that it wasn’t the movie that she wanted to watch perhaps he’d change his mind.

“We could relax and listen to Christmas music,” she said while wishing she had the romantic ambiance of a fireplace in her condo. “Burl Ives’ Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Jingle Bells, Nat King Cole’s Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, and Jose Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad, I have them all.”

She was thinking about being covered by a blanket again while cuddling, sipping her scotch, and listening to Christmas music. She imagined her son unbuttoning her blouse to cup her breast through her bra with one hand while fingering her emerging nipple through her bra. Then, reaching beneath her short skirt with his other hand, she imagined him cupping her panty clad pussy while running a slow finger over her cotton covered slit.

“I’m not in the mood for Christmas never mind Christmas songs,” he said being difficult. “The whole world, the mall, car radios, and even elevators blare out Christmas music.”

Seemingly he had no idea all the fun he was missing by not watching a movie or listening to Christmas music. With her curled up beside him on the couch and being warmed by a blanket along with the feel of his strong hands having their wicked way with her body, she’d allow him to touch and feel her wherever and whenever he wanted. Then, with him feeling her, she’d have no compunction in feeling him too. While playing with the head of his cock with her fingertips, teasing him to have an erection, she’d love to feel his cock through his pants. Then, if he took out her tits to play with her nipples, she’d take out his cock to stroke him before sucking him.

“We could talk,” she said hoping that he’d tell her what happened between him and Cynthia or, more importantly, what he’d like to have happen between them now that he’s back home with her.

We could have sex, she wanted to say but didn’t dare. I could suck your cock after you lick my pussy and before I make sweet, motherly love to you, she wanted to say but she didn’t dare say that either for fear she’d ruin whatever mother and son relationship they hoped to continue to have. With incest such a fine, forbidden line, prejudiced by sometimes unjustified, salacious thoughts and images and with her perhaps wanting him more than he wanted her, she needed to be careful not to take things too fast. She didn’t want to spook him and/or to scare him from beginning what may be a beautiful mother and son sexual relationship. With her already willing, ready, and not wanting to be rejected, she needed for him to make the first move.

“Talking is not much of a Christmas celebration. We talk all the time Mom,” he said. “We’re talking now. Even though I’m not into celebrating Christmas this year, I just feel a little restless with this being my first Christmas home and without having a woman in my life.”

She couldn’t believe he actually said that this is the first Christmas without having a woman in his life. While looking right at her was he hinting that he needed and wanted a woman? What is she a non-sexual being because she’s his mother? How dare he say that to her. Could he be so insensitive to her wants, needs, and lusts?

“I’m a woman,” she said taking the bait. “You have me in your life,” said Janice feeling slighted and unappreciated with her son not excited about talking to her and feeling restless because he felt that he didn’t have a woman in his life, even though he had her. Even though she wanted to say so very much more, she didn’t.

“Yeah, but you’re my Mom. I can’t have sex with you in the way that I had sex with Cynthia,” he said.

Sex? Who’s talking about sex? He surprised her when he mentioned the S-E-X word. Obviously sex is on his mind as much as sex is on her mind. He shocked her in saying that he couldn’t have sex with her in the way that he had sex with Cynthia.

‘Duh?’ She thought to herself but didn’t dare stoke the incestuous fires with what she was thinking, not yet anyway. It took all the self-control she had not to say, ‘Wanna bet? Oh, yeah, you can have sex with me in the way that you had sex with Cynthia. Definitely, even though I’m your mother, especially since I’m your mother, with me being first and foremost a sexual woman, you can certainly have sex with me. Cock for cunt, if you lick me, I’ll suck you,’ she wanted to say but didn’t say that either. ‘Tit for balls. If you suck and lick my tits, I’ll happily suck and lick your balls.’

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