
Mrs Harrison Ch. 02


I hope most people who read this part of the story, enjoy it. It’s a bit different the most of my other stories. So please…read and enjoy.

As Martha lay there in bed she got her tears under control and even wondered why she had been crying. She then started to get mad, even enraged that her son had embarrassed her that way. How dare he do what he did? She hadn’t given him permission to look at her body or to act in such a manner. She then felt her skin tingle as she thought about the look on his face when he had seen her nude. She had seen the lust that had been there for a few seconds. Martha wondered then what Chris would look like if the situations had been reversed. She absentmindedly started to slowly run her hands over her body as she remembered how hard she had been breathing in the kitchen after her dress had fallen. But then she again remembered how embarrassed she had been…and Chris had caused that dammit! Martha in her anger squeezed her nipple a little too hard, causing her yelp out in pain.

“Oww fuck!” Martha muttered as she kicked back the covers and sat up in bed. “That fucking shit Chris…he lives in my house and I feed, cloth him, hell I pay for his damn schooling and how does he fucking thank me? He rips my decent clothes and disrespects me!” Martha said out loud as she felt her heart beating quickly as she worked herself into another rage. But as mad as she was now, Martha still couldn’t get the look he gave her just for that short time…much like Jenny had given her before…

“Arrgghh….I need to calm down.” Martha said as she stood up and ran her hands through her hair, trying to calm her breathing and herself. Boys will be boys, she thought to herself as she walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. As she was sitting there peeing she noticed Jenny had left the water standing in the tub. Oh well, I guess girls will be forgetful, she mused as she reached over and lifted the plug on the tub. She then thought about taking a bath herself….only making it a very hot, calming bath. Martha smiled to herself….yes that would be very nice, she thought. She turned on the hot water and let the tub fill after the old water had drained. Using just a tiny amount of cold water, the water in the tub was almost scolding, just what she need, Martha told herself.

Martha stepped into the water and immediately gasped…it really was hot. She gasped every few inches as she lowered her legs and then her body into the tub. When her butt first kissed the water she almost jumped out of the tub, but then she decided to just take the plunge….and Martha let her body drop completely into the water.

“Whoaaa! Hot, hot, hot! Ohhh….oohh…ahhhhh.” she moaned out as she grew accustomed to the hot water and then she slide her body down and immersed her shoulders and even her head and hair. So it was because her ears were underwater, she failed to realize that her husband had entered the house.

When Jonathon, entered the house and walked into the living room, no one was around, and he walked into the kitchen to get a quick drink of water from the fridge. He was just pouring the water into a glass when he heard a door quickly open, then close. He glanced down the hall past the living, but saw nothing and just figured one of his children were fooling around in their room. He then found it a bit strange that no one had greeted him and after quenching his thirst, went to look for his wife. He looked off of the kitchen in to the family room and it was empty. He then opened the door to his bedroom and heard the sound of water, and figured Martha was taking a bath. He walked into the bathroom and looked down at his wife.

Martha lay in the tub, her head immersed up to her chin as she basked in the steaming hot water. She felt her muscles and tension beginning to ease from her body as the hot bath began to work its magic. She opened her eyes slightly and noticed a shadow move across her and the tub. She jerk up slightly, startled, not knowing who it was at first. She then saw that it was her husband as he walked closer to the tub and knelt beside the tub.

“Man that water looks really hot…and your body is getting really red honey. Did you have a rough day at work or something?” Jonathon asked, knowing she usually only took hot baths to ease pulled muscles or if she had a bad day at school. Usually she liked cool baths if she just wanted to bath…she said it would refresh her. Martha lay back down in the tub, but looked back at him.

“You could say I had a bad day….it was a bit stressful.” Martha said as she thought of the tension and stress that Jenny created…even though it pretty much got worked out during the sex after, and the incident with Chris. In fact Martha felt her heart beating faster again as she grew angry again. She wasn’t going to tell her husband what had happened….Martha could guess his reaction to Chris’s actions….he would take Chris outside and knock the living shit out of him, and Martha didn’t want to see that or know that she had caused her son to have treated like that. So Martha decided Merdivenköy Escort to keep the days events secret, though she still couldn’t keep her anger from showing on her face.

“Whoa, something struck a nerve…you look like you could turn milk sour with just a look honey.” Jonathon said as he looked at her, a slight smile on his lips Martha looked back, giving him a ‘fuck off’ look and raised her hand, shooting him a bird. But it was all in jest and he knew it, as she knew he was only playing by his demeanor.

“It’s just been a frustrating day is all, and no…I don’t want to talk about it.” Martha said as she looked back at her husband and he set his hand on her shoulder. She put her hand over his and squeezed it.

“Hey you want a shoulder massage while you bath?” Jonathon asked as he moved behind her, expecting he knew her answer. She smiled as she rose up slightly out of the water, he back against the tub and she felt his hands on her shoulders.

“Yes, of course.” She said smiling to herself. She then began to moan as she felt him beginning his massage. She knew he wasn’t the best massager in the world, best he was good enough to please her, she thought as his fingers helped work out a few knots the water hadn’t. “Mmmm that feels good darling…keep that up please.” Martha moaned out as she started to really relax and even felt her self growing sleepy from the massage and the hot water. After a few minutes she was slipping in and out of total consciousness and didn’t notice that Jonathon had started massaging other parts of her body.

As Jonathon massaged her shoulders he watched her and started to grow quite excited. Even after many years of marriage he was easily turned on by his wife, and as she moved sensually in the tub, he became aroused and began to smile. He saw that she was looking sleepy, and he had a thought to wake her up fully in a pleasant way.

He started to rub further down the front of her shoulders and soon his hands were caressing and massaging the sides of her breasts. Martha was moaning aloud, but was still not quite awake, but drifting in and out of consciousness. Jonathon then ran his hands up her breasts, but quickly started moving them lower….popping his thumbs over her nipples as he did, eliciting another soft moan from his wife. He reached out and ran his hands now over her stomach. Martha was far from fat, though she did have a fleshy tummy, which Jonathon liked. He never was into super tight bodied females and thought his wife was about right for his tastes in women. Jonathon worked his hands down her, massaging as he went, causing his wife to make soft purring noises. When the top of his fingers started down into her groin area, he saw her eyelids flutter open slightly and her head turned slightly towards him as a small smile crossed her lips.

“What are you doing Jonathon?” Martha asked very softly…almost in a purring, cat like tone.

“I just wanted to make sure you’re relaxed and am giving you a complete massage.” Jonathon said with a grin as his fingers touched the top of her pubic hair. He heard a soft gasp from her and saw her mouth form a small ‘O’. She then smiled as her head again settled back into the water.

“Mmm keep it up then….I think you’re doing a wonderful job.” She said in a silky voice as she closed her eyes again, though she doubted this time to sleep. Quite the contrary…this time her breathing began to shoot up and her breasts began to rise and fall quickly. As Jonathon’s fingers inched their way down deeper into her hair, Martha gasped every few seconds, the hot water having made her skin very sensitive to the touch. Finally, when his fingers met with the top of her pussy and touched her clit, Martha jerked out of the water slightly and gasped quite loudly. She chuckled softly as she settled back down into the water, her nipples hard as rocks, being exposed to the cooler air. Jonathon noticed this and moved around the tub, and placed his mouth over one and took it into his mouth. Martha groaned loudly as he did, and placed her hand on the top of his head and held him.

“Mmmm that feels so good Jon!” Martha said quietly as she began to undulate her hips toward his fingers. Jonathon took this opportunity to slide his middle finger through her pussy lips, causing Martha’s eyes to shoot open as she gasped, then smiled at him. “Oh god…THAT certainly feels good!” she said with a grin as she held his head even tighter to her breast. He then began to rub his hand up and down over her slit, causing her to groan with each motion.

“You like that huh…well how about this?” Jonathon asked as he rubbed down…then popped the first three fingers into her pussy and squeezed them upward. Martha gasped very loudly as her body jerked out of the water.

“Oh my god!” she uttered as she looked at her husband and smiled at him. She then leaned forward and kissed him fiercely, her blood now boiling hotter then the water had been and she attack his mouth with her tongue. They both moaned as their Escort Merdivenköy tongues twirled around each others and Jonathon slid his finger deeper into her pussy. He quickly noticed she was quite open, which usually meant she had just had sex or at least was very horny. He broke the kiss and looked at her with a curious smile on his face.

“Honey, you’re very open today…did something get you hot and bothered today? Beside me that is. Have you been teasing your students again?” Jonathon said, remembering that at times his wife would get very hot thinking about her male students watching her. She had even told him of the few times she had worn sexy outfits to drive her students crazy. Martha was taken back a bit at first by his question, not sure how to answer. But she figured to keep it simple and let him make his own decisions on what happened.

“Mmmm well, yes…some things did happen today, but I also got pissed at some things so it was very frustrating.” Martha said, answering as best she could, hoping he wouldn’t want her to elaborate. “But don’t stop now Jon…fuck my pussy with your fingers!” She grunted out as she grabbed his arm and tried to push his fingers deeper into herself. Jonathon grinned, not really worrying how his wife had gotten horny, just that she was now. He began to fuck his fingers in and out of her, causing her to moan deeply as he fucked her with his hand. Jonathon reached down and undid his belt and let his pants fall down below his crotch. He then pulled his underwear down and wrapped his other hand over his throbbing cock as he watched his wife writhe and moan to his actions. Martha noticed his movements and looked up at his face.

“Oh god Jon…let me have your cock!” Martha said as she leaned to the edge of the tub and Jonathon moved closer and Martha took his cock into her mouth and began to bob her head on his cock, working out her excitement, which his fingers were causing her.

“Oh shit Martha…suck it!” Jonathon uttered as he looked down at her swallowing his cock. He figured she must be very excited, he thought, because she doesn’t suck him very often and rarely this intensely. He began to pump his fingers harder and faster into her pussy and he could start to hear her increased moans as he knew she was getting close to cumming. They both jumped when they jumped when they heard a loud crash from their bedroom and Jonathon looked back and saw Chris standing there, looking at the two of them in the bathroom.

“I’m god…I’m sorry dad!” Chris said as he took in the scene before him and Martha hearing his voice let go of Jonathon’s member and jumped out of the tub, grabbing a towel to cover herself. Jonathon stood up, but wasn’t concerned over his naked body as he stared at his son.

“Chris…what in the hell are you doing in here!” Jonathon said angrily as he walked into their bedroom and looked at his son. Chris not sure what to say couldn’t look at his father and tried to look down…but found that meant staring at his father dangling member, so he turned his head and looked at the wall. “Dammit Chris look at me when I talk to you!” Jonathon said, in a slightly raised voice. Chris snapped his head around and looked up at his father.

“I’m sorry dad…I…I was just…just coming in to say hi and all…I didn’t mean to….you know. I’m sorry dad…mom.” Chris said looking at his father. Jonathon grunted in resignation and walked past his son to his closet to get a pair of lounging pants, as his work pants had gotten soaked when Martha had got out of the tub. When he past Chris, Chris looked at his mother and grinned at her. “I’m real sorry mom…for everything.” Chris said as he gave her a wink. He saw his mom’s reaction and knew his teasing her was a bad idea.

“You shit!” Martha uttered as she reached down and grabbed her bath sponge and flung it at her son, barely missing him as he ran from the room. She knew what her son was referring to and could see that he had little remorse with what he had done earlier. Jonathon turned around and looked at her, then at his sons back as he retreated from the bedroom.

“What in the hell was that about Martha?” Jonathon asked as he grabbed some new pants and came back up to her as she began to try off. He could tell she was pissed off at her son and didn’t think it was just because he had interrupted them having a bit of sex.

“Oh nothing….he…I’m just pissed at our son.” Martha said as she thought about not saying anything about what happened earlier. She didn’t want her husband to get really mad at Chris, but she was. The difference being, Chris wouldn’t be hurt if she was pissed. But she had to tell Jonathon something…he knew something was up. “Oh Chris was being a real shit earlier today, after he got home. He was being very rude and it got me ticked and him…interrupting us just really got me mad. He looked at her, seemingly satisfied with her partial truth.

“I think I need to have a serious talk with that boy.” Jonathon said as he looked at the doorway Chris had left out of. Merdivenköy Escort Bayan

“No honey…no it’ll be ok. I dealt with it…I…I just let us getting interrupted by him, get to me. It’s been a really frustrating day!” She said as she sat on the edge of the bed. Jonathon sat down next to her and leaned over and kissed her lips. Martha then felt his fingers start to move up her leg and she broke the kiss and placed her hand over his. “No Jon…I’m sorry, but I’m not in the mood now. I’m sorry.” Martha said as she leaned her head onto his shoulder and stared in front of her. He kissed the top of her head.

“You’re sure I shouldn’t have a good talk with him….it might do some good.” Jonathon said as he began to stroke her hair. She shook her head.

“With that thick head of his…I doubt it. No, it’ll be ok. If something else happens…I’ll deal with it honey.” Martha said as she brooded over what to do to get back at her sons attitude today. She was very mad at him, but knew that she was unable to physically unable to punish him, and she didn’t want Jon to do it….he may go too far, she thought. She sighed, thinking something would come to her.

When Chris jogged from their room, a huge grin was on his face. He had indeed gone into their room to say hello to his father, but also to see if his mother was going to tell him what had happened earlier. When he found the open bedroom door and walked inside, he had heard the obvious sounds of sex and snuck up to where he could see them. He got there just in time to see his mother mouth ole pops sword. Chris had to admit, his dad had a nice one on him, it being a bit bigger then his own, but not by much Chris thought. He had tried to move back slightly to get a better angle, when he had bumped into his mother’s dresser, causing something on it to fall and cause a big racket. He had worried for a second that his father would hit him, he had looked so pissed, Chris thought.

Chris knew that he shouldn’t have made that remark to his mom, she really didn’t deserve it, but Chris just let it out and couldn’t take it back. Chris sat in his room for a few minutes, making sure his father wasn’t on his way to punish him for his actions. Chris began to think that his mother hadn’t told Jonathon everything, though he wondered why. Chris lay back on the bed and thought for a minute. She’s either too embarrassed to talk about it to dad, or maybe she doesn’t want dad to jump on me about it, Chris thought to himself. Either way the coast seems to be clear, he told himself. Chris then heard his sister’s door close and knew that she was now cleaned up he supposed. He grinned as he remembered her in his room….covered in his cum. I have to try that again, he thought.

Jenny had quickly used her towel to wipe the cum off herself, after she had gotten herself off a few times on her bed. Like Chris, she was in a hurry to find out what her mother would tell her father. Jenny was also wondering if she should say anything to her mother about what had happened between her and Chris. She hadn’t decided yet, but she did want to tell her mom how naughty she had been, so her mother could punish her again. Maybe I’ll tell her before school tomorrow, after father and Chris have left, she thought with a smile on her face. Jenny threw on her clothes and opened the door, a smile across her face as she pictured her next session with her mother.

“Hiya daddy, you have a nice day?” Jenny said as she saw her father coming out of their bedroom. Jonathon looked up at his daughter and smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a hug. Hugs weren’t uncommon in the house, but usually not for just coming home.

“Well you’re happy today….something good happen today?” Jonathon asked as he hugged her back then separated and looked at her.

“No reason daddy, I’m just happy I guess. Your day ok?” Jenny asked again as she went to the cabinet and got a glass and opened the fridge to pour a drink. Her father grabbed the same glass he had used for water and put his beside hers.

“I guess so, but nothing special happened at work. How about you at school?” Jonathon asked, more out of courtesy then genuine curiosity.

“Same old same old Daddy.” Jenny said as she looked over and saw her mother coming out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. “Me and mom have just been hanging out together since we got home from school.” Jenny said a wicked grin on her face as she looked at her mother, behind her fathers back. Martha looked at her and smiled herself, though with a slight blushing on her face.

“Well that’s good then. I know you two have been having some problems with you being in your mother’s class. Has that worked its self out then?” Jonathon asked as he grabbed a snack from the bread box and looked at them, as Martha stood next to Jenny but had her back turned away from her husband as she looked in the fridge.

“Yes we…came to an understanding today Jon, so I think we wont be having anymore disagreements now.” Martha said as she closed the fridge and just took her daughters glass and had a sip, and then gave it back. Jenny tried not to giggle at the little act her mother was putting on, but she had an even harder time as her mother placed her hand behind her, like she had placed it on the counter. Jenny then felt her mother’s fingers rubbing the top of her ass as her father smiled at them.

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