
Mum’s Still Got It Ch. 03


The service finished, the priest acknowledged Sal as he left the altar. First to leave was an older busty woman who I’d seen around town. Her clothes were expensive, and she was dripping in jewellery. I had seen her drive a Mercedes SL convertible around town, usually with a teenage boy in the car. I don’t know why, but I got a smile from her as she passed by. The other two ladies you wouldn’t give a second glance to, they were respectable, but if they were at a dance, they wouldn’t be dancing much.   

Mrs Butler then left. We were standing in our pews waiting to follow her. She smiled at me again. Mum, Sal, and I followed her out of the church. Her butt looked superb, Mrs Butler had and still had a very sexy walk. We got outside; I saw the silver Mercedes pull away. She smiled at me again. Mrs Butler turned around, she saw me and said, “Hello Jack, what a pleasant surprise to see you. How are you?” 

“Hello Mrs Butler, how are you? Are you still teaching?”  

“Sadly, my husband passed away in July. That was a dreadful time. My husband was a professor. He had written several books which were accepted in schools around the world. Was it three years ago we met at the supermarket? You have filled out a lot since then. I stopped teaching three months after we met to care for my husband. That was a difficult time for me. I wanted to come to your father’s funeral, but David was not well. Tell me about yourself. I hear you have been successful in writing games?” 

I smiled and said, “I’m sorry to hear your husband died. Do you have children? Your husband seemed a nice man when we met. You were a wonderful teacher, Mrs Butler. Do you miss it?”

“Jack, please call me Bertha. Mrs Butler makes me feel old. No, sadly, we didn’t have children. David was older than me. He was my professor at the university, a bachelor who enjoyed life. We had a brief fling in my final year. It was a meeting of minds rather than bodies. We married as I wanted to get my career started. I went on the pill and got heavily involved in my work, which I loved. As David got older, the novelty of a young busty wife wore off and our sex life became non-existent. David left me a lot of money; I don’t need to work. I’ve thought a lot about going back, but I don’t want the stress of it all now. Was that Tom’s wife that was sitting beside you?” 

“Thanks Bertha, you were the best teacher I ever had, loved every lesson you gave me. I think you would have been a wonderful mother. May I ask how old you are? Yes, that’s Tom’s wife Sal, she’s lovely.”

“Thank you Jack, I’ve just turned thirty-nine, I didn’t know her name was Sal, I’ve never met her, but I heard Tom was in a sexless marriage, she looks lovely to me, how did you meet her?”  

“It was through the church. There was a charity fashion show. The lights and audio in the church hall were dreadful. I sorted them out and helped run them at the show. Sal was a model. I also helped her with an Internet connection. Bertha, you could have been a model, too. How did you meet Tom?” 

“My figure has held up well, thank you. I’ve never modelled before; I wouldn’t know where to start. Tom and I met on a Christian Website. I was going through a dreadful time with David. Tom offered a counselling service, which I believed would help me. We wrote online, so he understood the problems I was having. I only met him twice before David died and three times afterwards, every time we met, he gave me excellent relief. I got an email shortly after our last meeting telling me he had a terminal illness and wouldn’t be able to see me again. Jack, are you dating anyone?”  

I knew now that Bertha was a sub. Her tits looked incredible. She had a gorgeous body and was an attractive woman. Why was she asking if I was dating? Was she interested in me? I remembered in my final year at school; it was just before the finals. I had a couple of problems and Bertha had given me her mobile number in case I had a problem while I was studying. The number was still in my possession. Mum and Sal were chatting away, making lots of hand signals and pushing their tits out for the other to admire.

“Dad’s death was a great shock for both mum and I. I’ve been helping mum out a lot around the house. I don’t socialise a lot, I’m not dating anyone, what about you? You are a very attractive woman?”  

Then Bertha pushed her massive tits out. She smiled and said, “I’m like you. I hardly ever go out socially. It’s years since I was last out for a meal. That’s nice that you look after your mum. I’m not dating anyone, most people I meet are married or have a partner. I just stay at home and grow old gracefully.” 

I took the initiative and said, “Bertha, do you still have the same mobile number you gave me years ago?” 

“Yes, I have, though my phone is now the latest iPhone. Jack, you are the only pupil I ever gave my mobile number too, I never gave my house number out as one call and David would have been accusing me of fucking my pupils at the end he was so possessive, I had to be so careful. Kıbrıs Escort Call or message me anytime, I’m on WhatsApp.”  

“There were a lot of boys at school who would have loved to fuck you. A question, are you comfortable with a younger man?”  

“Yes, especially if they are good at Maths but they must be in control, I loved to be told what to do and if I’m naughty, I love to be punished, there’s a few kinks in me Jack but I know how to give pleasure. I have never been with a younger man, message me and I’ll tell you about myself.” 

I leaned over and whispered, “Push your big tits out for me.”  

Bertha did as she was told, her tits looked massive. I knew I would have fun with Bertha, I said, “Thank you, they look incredible. I must go now as mum wants me to drive her to the Garden Centre. Let’s write, then we can meet for a glass of wine.”  

We shook hands, then Bertha left. I went over to mum and Sal, I knew it would happen soon, Sal said, “Jill’s invited me over for dinner tonight as I must pack, I’m visiting my sister, I’ll be back next week and I’ll give Jill a call, I’m so looking forward to it and I’ll stay the night.”

We all kissed, then Sal left, mum got in the car and said, “Don’t forget, I need to go to the Garden centre. How did you get on with the teacher? She likes you, the look in her eyes when she looked at you said so much. Sal doesn’t know much about her as she thinks that’s she’s quite new. Did you notice the older lady with the big tits dripping with diamonds? That’s Su Reid, she’s a hot widow and runs the biggest company in the area. She’s hot for you too Jack, the waves and smiles told me a lot. I would love to get her business. If you ever see her, she’s interested.” 

We arrived at the Garden Centre, mum had ordered two plants, she went off to collect them, I stayed in the car. A minute later a silver Mercedes pulled in next to me, a teenager got out of the car and there was Su sitting in her car with the roof off next to me. She smiled at me as I got out of the car, I stood beside her car. As she lowered the window on her driver’s door, I said, “Hi, I’m Jack Ryan, I’d love to chat with you?”

She smiled at me and said, as she opened her handbag, “My grandson is with me, they do a good ice cream here, he’ll be back in a minute. I don’t like my daughter knowing anything about my private life. I like the look of you, you’re pleasing to my eyes. This is my card, my mobile number is best for call or messages, I see him moving towards the door.” 

The card was in my pocket and I was in the car when the grandson came out with mum shortly afterwards. I helped mum put the plants in the car. As Su drove off, I got a smile from her. I showed mum the card and explained how I got it, she found it hard to grasp that I had it at all. Mum smiled and said, “We go to a funeral and you hook up with two subs and we have Sal for later. I’m enjoying life.”  

We got home, mum planted the two plants then went for a shower. First, I messaged Su. I was straight to the point. I wrote, “Hi Su, great meeting you. I’ve a couple of questions, let me tell you first, I find you very attractive. I have no problem with the difference in our ages. I am single and live with my widowed mum, helping her around the house as much as I can. Good sex and giving my partner pleasure in any way she wants is what I enjoy. Are you married? When was your last relationship? What qualities would you like your partner to have? I can be available any time you want. Let’s chat and get to know each other. Regards Jack.”   

I then sent Bertha a message, it read, “Hi Bertha, so good we met today. I enjoyed talking with you so much. You are open-minded and honest. I would love to know about the kinks inside your head and how we can share them. Thank you for pushing your beautiful big tits out today, I can’t wait to suck and play with them. I can be available any time you want. Let’s write or chat and get to know each other. I would love a tit picture, will you send me some? One question, when were you last fucked? Great meeting you again today, Jack.”  

Mum wanted fucked before dinner. She was hot; I didn’t tell her, but I’d the feeling mum would watch me fuck a lot of women. After dinner we watched television, as usual, both of us naked, touching and feeling each other as we watched, my phone beeped, I wondered who had replied; it was Bertha.  

There were six tit pictures, what a body Bertha had, they were body pictures, no face was visible. There was also a pussy picture, it was gorgeous, smooth and swollen with thick cunt flaps. Bertha had spread her cunt lips open with two fingers, her clit was huge and looked so suckable. Bertha was a very sexy woman. Her message touched me. It read.  

“Jack, I want to be honest with you. I’ve known you a long time and I like you as a person. I’m a very loving woman, but I’ve been neglected in my life. You ask when was the last time I was fucked? Fourteen years ago by my husband. I do not have a lot of sexual Lefkoşa Escort experience, my husband treated me as a big busted trinket for the first few years of our marriage, he wasn’t well endowed, I still enjoyed the joy of penetration. Next phase he couldn’t get hard, he got Viagra, which gave us another year, then lost interest completely. The only cock I have had in my life apart from a hurried one-night stand as a student has been David’s.”  

“I would prefer discussing my kinks with you face to face. I enjoy giving oral, I can orgasm when I suck a cock or even eat a pussy. I am bisexual, I prefer cock but enjoy a pussy. When my husband ignored me, I took some comfort with two of my female colleagues at school. I would also like to be honest with you about my relationship with Tom. It differed from what I told you today. He made me orgasm, but not through penetration. I sucked him off five times. I will be fuller in my explanation if you wish to talk about it.”  

“Jack, I would love you to invite me out for a meal so we can chat and enjoy each other’s company as we did today. There is a chemistry between us. I’m older, yes, but love and respect. When and if we meet, I will be honest about my issues. I look forward to hearing from you. Love, I don’t use this word loosely, as I feel a love for you, Bertha. “ 

I let mum read Bertha’s message, she read it twice and said, “Ask her where she wants to eat and take her there. You must be honest with her too, you are a single guy and she’s a single woman, it’s all open for you. If she wants sex, then give it to her, if she wants more, which I doubt, then tell her about our relationship. If she’s interested in sharing you with me, all will be good. The other thing to think about, which I’m sure she’s already thought of, is she can have a child, I’m sure she’d love you to be the father of her child.”  

I replied to Bertha, asking where she would like to eat. She replied, suggesting an Italian restaurant a minute’s walk from mum’s house at seven o’clock. She sounded happy, and I was happy too and looking forward to meeting her. I had no reply from Su. Maybe she was busy. Mum went to bed as I watched the late news, my phone beeped, Su had replied.  

“Hi Jack, thanks for your lovely message. I’m widowed and have been for twenty-five years. My husband was a wealthy business owner, he died, I took over the management of his business. The turnover is up close to two hundred percent. I’ve been making discreet enquiries about you, your mother is a wonderful accountant. My accountant is retiring and has recommended your mum. Your mum is a beautiful-looking woman, she’s lucky to have you looking after her.”

“Sorry about the delay in replying, Leonard, my grandson, is staying with me, Edi, my daughter is in London for three days. I’m excellent in the kitchen and the bedroom, I can’t invite you here while he’s staying with me. I’d prefer if you came to me as it will allow me to show you one of my talents. Tell me what you like and I’ll prepare it for you.”   

“A couple of years after my husband died, I met a thirty-year-old guy, a complete waste of time, he did nothing for me, he was younger than me but he didn’t have a brain. You’re different, you are tall, good looking and intelligent. I’m like you, I love good sex, nobody gives pleasure like me, I love giving oral and I’m so good at it.” 

“Thanks for the compliment, I’m cuddly and I love to be cuddled, which I haven’t had for a long time. Since my husband’s death, I have found life to be a compromise. Because of the business, I have had my needs ignored. I don’t play games, that’s a waste of time. I’ll ask Edi when she will be home and invite you here for dinner, after that we will take it from there. Please tell me what you want to eat and I’ll do my best. By the way, I love to kiss and cuddle. I wanted you at the Garden Centre today. Love Su.”

I replied, “Su, thanks for your honesty, if Friday is good, I can come then. I love a Chateaubriand, medium rare with Hollandaise sauce. May I bring the wine?”  

Five minutes later, Su replied, “I phoned Edi. All is good for Friday night, a Chateaubriand is a meal we can share. I hope my butcher doesn’t let me down and I’m interested in the wines you bring. Stay safe, I’ll see you on Friday. My accountant wants to meet your mum, can he phone her tomorrow? He’s finished last year’s accounts and thinks this would be the best time to do the changeover. Can you let me know if this is possible as I’ll be with my accountant when we visit your mum? Su xx.”  

I went to mum’s bedroom; she was reading a magazine; I told her about Su and her accountant wanting a meeting for the changeover of the accountants. Mum said, “Tell him to phone my office tomorrow morning and we’ll fix a time, I can’t believe I’m getting this audit.” 

I messaged Su, and she told me he’d phone in the morning. The next morning he phoned at nine, they had the meeting at ten, by eleven, everything was done. I got a message from Su. Girne Escort “Everything is done, what a constructive morning I’ve had. I like your mum, she’s so professional, I’m sure we’ll get on well together. The Chateaubriand has been hanging on the bone for five weeks. The butcher vacuum packed four others, which I’ve put in the freezer. I’m getting excited about Friday night, what time will you be here at? Su xx.” 

I messaged her back, saying I’d be there at seven. I was in the shower around six when mum came in; we had chatted little all day. Mum was over the moon with getting Su’s audit. Mum said, “Jack, Su’s hot for you, she told me you’re coming for dinner on Friday night. She’s so excited about it. Su is an attractive, intelligent woman. She’s on top of her business, her daughter does the day to day running but Su’s in total control. She flirted with me during the meeting. I’d love to watch you fuck her. I need to go to my yoga class, good luck with Bertha tonight, if you don’t come home, I’ll know you have fucked her.” 

The restaurant was open at ten to seven. I checked the wine list; they had an excellent Chablis. I messaged Bertha, “I’m in the restaurant, do you like Chablis?” 

“I love Chablis. I’m so nervous. I’ll be with you in ten minutes. I’m running a bit late, does that make me a bad girl that needs a nice spanking?”  

“Do you like being spanked? If it gives you pleasure, I’ll do it for you. What are you wearing? I like to look at cleavage.”

“Depends, one of my kinks is I like to be dominated. I think it might be different with you, as I feel a closeness to you. I’m wearing a blouse, jacket, skirt and three-inch heels, because of your height I can wear them with you. I’m wearing a push-up bra as I thought you’d like that. I’ll undo a couple of buttons on my blouse so you’ll see lots of cleavage, I’m at the restaurant door. Give me a hug when we meet.”

Bertha looked stunning as she walked into the restaurant. Her outfit looked perfect on her, she was showing a cock stiffening amount of tit. I stood up; she walked towards me smiling; we took each other in our arms, our lips met and we tongue kissed. I felt the weight of Bertha’s massive tits on my chest and, more surprisingly, she was pushing her pussy against my leg. I whispered to her, “You look stunning.”

She squeezed me and we sat down. The waiter quickly poured Bertha’s glass and topped up mine. Bertha said, “This Chablis is lovely, you have chosen well. I’ll only have one course as I’ve been nibbling all day, I do that when I’m nervous.”  

We ordered, I only wanted one course too, I felt comfortable being with Bertha. Our main courses took a while to be served. We were on our second bottle of Chablis when they were served. As we ate, I said, “Did David spank you?”  

“He introduced me to it, I didn’t think I’d like it, but over time I grew to enjoy it and it gave me stronger orgasms. David never made me cum once when he fucked me, he had a tiny cock, it was hard to tell when he was in. Apart from the one-night stand when I was a student, David’s cock was the only other I’ve ever had. I’ve been with other men, they loved to feel my tits and pussy. I’d give them a blow job which I’m very good at, but that’s all the sex I’ve ever done.” 

“Bertha, you deserve better, what about Tom?”  

“Tom was a bit of the dark side, he was seriously dominant, as I told you I met him on the Christian Website. The first meeting was in a hotel which I had to pay for. I also had to pay Tom for his services, which involved me sucking his cock as he spanked me. He was my master, and I was his sub. He took pain and pleasure to a higher level than David had taken me.”  

“I enjoyed it, we met four other times in my house, on his last visit, he had offered me this service on his third visit but I refused, he used a riding crop on my butt as I sucked him off. The pain was so intense for me but I believe it had given Tom more pleasure as he spurted his cum into my mouth, on the other occasions, he didn’t spurt or squirt it just dribbled out of his piss slit. I love to feel cum spurting into my mouth.”  

I reached over and squeezed Bertha’s hand. I said, “I don’t think that you are a sub, I think you love to give pleasure.”

Bertha leaned over the table and we kissed lovingly. As Bertha broke away, she said, “Jack, I have a bottle of Champagne chilling in my fridge. Would you like to come home and share it with me?”

I smiled at her and told her I’d love to. We walked to her home; I knew that I’d spend the night there, I wanted to give Bertha pleasure, pleasure she’d never experienced before. We got into her house which was so tastefully furnished, we went into the lounge where we kissed fondly for a couple of minutes, Bertha said, “Jack, I’ll get the Champagne now, I bought a lovely Basque, it’s crotch less, may I wear it for you? Would you like to strip to your boxers or would you prefer if I undressed you when I came back?”

As she left the lounge, I nodded in approval. I stripped to my boxers as I heard Bertha coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. I went into the kitchen; she was at the fridge wearing a gorgeous red Basque with lace frills. I put my arms around and kissed her neck and earlobes. I whispered, “We can have the Champagne later, I need you now.”  

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