
My Exception is You Ch. 20


***All characters are 18+ years old***

I can’t stress how much I appreciate your patience and continued support of this story! I’m in the final sprint for my semester (final exams and projects) so it’s been hard to write but thanks to the holiday I have been able to finish this next chapter.

Hope you enjoy! 🙂


I woke up to a soft light, instantly aware of Clay’s body under me. He had his arm around my waist, his other arm up over his head. The blanket was covering both of us and I was pressed up against him, my leg between his. That’s when I felt his dick. It was hot, throbbing slightly and rubbing against my thigh. My dick twitched, already burning in response. What was I, a fucking animal in heat? Why couldn’t I just enjoy being held by him without it being sexual?

I adjusted, resting my hands on his chest to cradle my chin as I watched him. His face was calm, his blond stubble around his mouth and on his cheeks rather cute. The way his lips were parted slightly, the slight wrinkle between his eyebrows, all of it was adorable. And then I remembered everything he kept brushing off, promising to talk to me later. Well, today was later.

“Hey dufus,” I grumbled, pinching his nipple. He winced, muttering and I sighed doing it again.

“What?!” he grumbled, grabbing my hand and squeezing it slightly. His arm locked around my waist, pulling me more on top of him. My dick brushed his hip and he smirked. “So horny you can’t even let me sleep?” he mumbled, his eyes barely opening as he rolled on top of me. I gasped, crushed under the weight of his body as he started kissing my neck.

“I think you’re the horny one!” I choked out, trying to push on his chest as he wiggled his hips between my thighs.

“Isn’t that part of the reason we agreed to skip classes today? For more us time?” he insisted, humping suggestively at me. I felt his balls and cock rubbing up against mine. This wasn’t fucking fair. He kissed my jaw, getting to my chin when I grabbed his hair and pulled hard. “Ow! Bruno not so hard. I like it when you tug on it, not yank it out,” he chuckled, trying to take my hand off. When our eyes met his smile fell instantly. “What’s that look for?” he sounded nervous.

“You promised me you’d talk to me about shit today,” I grumbled and he frowned.

“I said later,” he went to kiss me and I yanked at his hair. “Dammit Bruno, that fucking hurts!” he pushed my hand away, getting up off me. The blanket slid off his body as he sat at the edge of the bed. I admired his back as his muscles twitched. He was rubbing his face furiously.

“Why did Zack kiss you?” I demanded, feeling embarrassed and worried all at once. He tensed up, glancing back at me with anger and shock.

“You think I wanted him to?” he scoffed. I shook my head, but that wasn’t entirely wrong either. They were close friends before. “What else have you been thinking?” he demanded and I took a deep breath. “Know what, no. Don’t tell me. I know what you want to talk about, so we can talk,” he turned away, his arms resting on his thighs as he stared at the wall. I sat up, hugging the blanket and my legs to my chest as I laid my head on my knees.

“That’s all I want, is just to know what’s going on in your life. In your head,” I muttered weakly and he laughed once, his head dropping with a sigh.

“Bruno I tell you everything. I’ve always promised to tell you everything. I may not tell you right away, but that’s usually because sometimes I want to just be fucking happy with you and not worry about anything else. It’s immature and selfish, and I get that, but it’s nice to do that from time to time,” he sounded upset.

“Is this really that bad?” I whispered and he took a deep breath and turned, his leg tucked up as the other rested on the floor. The look on his face made me uncomfortable.

“I’m afraid you’ll think it’s bad. I don’t, but,” he shrugged and I nodded slowly. “I really don’t want to go pro in soccer because I,” he hesitated and I pouted. “Look it’s not all about you, but most of it is. Zack brought it up and I brushed it off, but the more I think about it the harder it is for me to deny it. I’m worried about this ending. I’ve been so happy, the happiest I’ve ever been. But it feels like it’s a fleeting thing. Like I’m going to wake up one day and you’re just not going to be there anymore. And until this uncertainty goes away I can’t imagine distancing myself from you for any reason,” he started and I took a deep breath, sighing heavily as I slid over to him. I forced myself in between his legs, ignoring how nice it felt to have his cock against mine as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Clay I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, kissing his chest as he held me close. He was playing with my hair, taking deep breaths as his other hand clutched my shoulder.

“How do you know that?” he muttered and I smiled.

“Because when I fall in love I’m usually the one that has to get Pendik Escort dumped for the relationship to end,” I laughed lightly, pressing my cheek into his shoulder as I kissed his neck. “Do you plan on leaving me?” I was talking so softly. He squeezed me, kissing my forehead as he shook his head.

“Of course not,” he mumbled and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his body on mine.

“So if you love me and don’t plan on leaving me, why would I love you but feel any different?” I demanded and he hesitated, his hands tensing before he sighed and slumped into me. He kissed and gently sucked on my ear and neck, making me squirm and chuckle as his hands ran down my back.

“Because I’m worried you’re going to stop loving me if I’m not around to make you love me,” he whispered and I sighed, pushing on his chest. He pulled away, his hands on my thighs as we studied each other. I reached up and pushed the wrinkles out of his forehead.

“That’s a stupid thought. Considering the start of our relationship, you not being around me all the time may be a better option for us anyway. The more we’re together, the more complicated we seem to get,” I teased and he scoffed, about to push me away when I laughed and clung to him. “Sorry. I just wanted to poke a little fun at you,” I muttered. He was silent, holding me loosely as I took a deep breath and kissed his cheek. He exhaled, relaxing when I leaned away to smile at him.

“Zack’s apparently also pissed that you seem to be changing me?” he offered quietly and I pursed my lips. “Not sure how you’ve changed me but he kept saying I am around you too much,” his face looked twisted in thought as he stared off past my shoulder.

“Hey,” I grabbed his face, his stubble scratching my palms. It felt prickly but in a way I didn’t imagine would feel so nice. “Who the fuck cares what that asshole thinks about our relationship?” I demanded with a grin and he couldn’t help but smile back. I hesitated and bit my lip, gently scratching at the hair on his jaw.

“I know, I know! I should shave again,” he grumbled about to push my hands away when I grabbed his head and pulled him close to me. He looked shocked until my lips touched his. He hummed slightly, kissing me back.

“I like it. You look really manly and sexy with it,” I muttered, blushing as I reached up to push my hand through his hair. He bit his lip, a smug ass smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“So you don’t mind all my body and facial hair?” he sounded so soft yet uneasy as I let my eyes wander down his body. His chest hair wasn’t super thick but it covered his entire chest. It was blond so it was also rather light. It trailed down his abs and across his stomach too, turning into a rather thick bunch of pubic hair. His legs and arms were hairy too, but it was soft to the touch. All of his hair was, except his beard which was prickly as it grew back.

“I think it’s nice,” I admitted finally, running my hands down his stomach. He took a deep breath and then laughed as I pushed my fingers into his pubes. “There’s just something about it, I think it adds to your sex appeal for me,” I mumbled absentmindedly as I continued touching his body.

“Bruno what are you-“

“Like for someone who was certain they were straight, I find your body way more enjoyable than my exes. How big and strong you are, how it feels to be against you, to be in your arms,” I continued, ignoring him as I ran my hands up his thighs and to his hips. “There’s something so satisfying about being the guy you want to hold, to take care of, and make love to every day,” I whispered, my face hot as my hands slid up his sides. He was holding my hips, his eyes burning as they caught my attention. “What?” I smirked and he sighed, closing his eyes as he shook his head.

“You promised not to talk about your exes,” he reminded me and I cringed, pressing my face into his chest.

“Sorry! I really didn’t mean to. Or mean anything by it I swear I-“

“I think I’ll let it slide this time,” he interrupted me, running his hands up my back. “So you really love being with me?” he pressed and I nodded. “So you love being with a man?” he asked and I hesitated and then blushed, nodding as I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. I felt his lips on my neck, sliding down to my shoulder. They were soft but his facial hair was rough. It was sending tingles all over my body.

“This probably sounds dumb but I’m still a bit embarrassed about admitting it,” I grumbled and he sighed, kissing my neck as his hands slid down to cup my ass. He pulled me up onto his lap more, my face over his as he looked up at me.

“When are you embarrassed?” he was in a playful mood, I could tell. “Is it when you’re kissing me in public?” he demanded, his hands clamping down on my ass a bit more. I shook my head and he bit his lip. “How about when we’re cuddling?” he pressed. I just shook my head again. He licked his lip, a coy smile Tuzla Escort curving his mouth up as his fingers slid between my cheeks. “So is it when I play with your ass?” he muttered and I flinched, trembling when he teased my taint and hole.

“Uh, no I don’t think so,” I whispered, grabbing his hair and leaning into him. My nose pressed into his cheek, my lips hovering over his as we both exhaled slowly.

“Is it when I bend you over,” he started quietly, his lips moving against mine. I closed my eyes, licking my lips as he continued teasing my ass. My tongue brushed against his lips too, his tongue sliding out to follow mine. A heat consumed me, my breath shaky as I slid my tongue along his lip. “When you’re spread wide open by my cock, is that when you’re embarrassed?” he muttered, his mouth moving against mine. I could only moan quietly, my ass twitching as his fingers would tease in and out of it.

I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly as my tongue pressed against his top lip. A soft moan escaped his mouth, his tongue sliding against mine. Our lips parted more, his mouth just hovering against mine as we slid and swirled our tongues around. I let the tip of my tongue trace his lips occasionally, teasing the length of his tongue, my body burning up as his fingers pressed and rubbed at my asshole.

My fingers slid up into his hair, my mouth covering his then as I shoved my tongue into his mouth. We both groaned, his body tensing and pressing against mine. He responded immediately. Our tongues and mouths came together and molded passionately, his body burning up. It wasn’t until my phone rang that either of us pulled away. The spell was broken, both of us panting and staring at each other in awe. “I uh, should answer that,” I grumbled, prying his arms off me as I slid off his lap and grabbed my phone from my jean’s pocket.

He was studying me, leaning back on his one hand as his other adjusted his balls and cock. He was still pretty hard and I felt a pang in my gut, irked about stopping our moment as I answered my phone.


“Hey hun!” my mom’s voice made me smile. I pushed my hair back, walking over and sitting on the bed between Clay’s legs, my back to him as I rubbed my thumb against my finger. He slid his arm around me, pushing on my chest. I leaned back into him, closing my eyes as he kissed and gently sucked on my ear.

“Hi mom,” I sighed, so content in this moment. “Is everything ok, you don’t usually call me during the week,” I mumbled, getting distracted by Clay’s hand as it slowly ran across my stomach, chest, and side in wonderful circles.

“Of course everything is fine! Did you forget that Thanksgiving is next week?” she teased and I went rigid, my eyes flashing open as Clay’s hands stopped moving.

“No, of course not,” I grumbled. I totally forgot.

“Good, so I wanted to call and see when your last class was so I could come pick you up,” she continued and I bit my lip, hesitating.

“Mom I-” what did I say? I wanted to stay with Clay since he wasn’t able to go home for Thanksgiving? Would she really be ok with that?

“What?” she sounded worried. Clearly my tone wasn’t the most comforting. “Are you worried about coming home since the family knows you have a boyfriend now? Honey no one is going to judge you I pro-“

“No! Oh no it’s not about that mom!” I insisted eagerly, Clay chuckling softly as he resumed his gentle touches and kisses. It was maddening but I didn’t want it to stop either. “It’s just that, well, uh, I told you a while ago that Clay’s family wasn’t as understanding?” I offered quietly and she was silent.

“Yeah and?” she pressed when neither of us said anything for a while.

“He’s stuck at school for Thanksgiving. Mel, his roommate, she’s going home. And I, I wanted to stay with him so he wasn’t alone,” I started eagerly, feeling a bit anxious even as he comforted me.

“Don’t be ridiculous, just bring him along!” she laughed then and that’s when he froze. My heart was racing and it felt like my stomach was doing somersaults. Clay. At Thanksgiving with my damn family…

“Are you sure?” I demanded and she laughed some more, obviously amused.

“Of course I am sweetie. He’s your boyfriend, you love him right?” she demanded. I was floored. I nodded and Clay sighed.

“Yeah, I love him,” I admitted sheepishly, blushing as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. “So you want him to come too, and stay the whole time?” I asked softly, still trying to wrap my head around this.

“Well where else would he stay? And it sounds like he has nowhere else to go. I mean unless he doesn’t want to, you know if he doesn’t like us,” she started and he tensed up, shaking his head. I laughed, reaching up to scrunch his hair as he kissed my neck.

“No he really enjoyed the dinner we had together. I think he’d want to go?” I tried to look at him, waiting for some indication from him. He sighed and pulled away, the two of us making eye contact. Anadolu Yakası Escort All I got from him was a shrug. I sighed heavily, rubbing my face as I took a deep breath. “You know what, that sounds perfect. We’ll both be coming to Thanksgiving,” I decided and she sighed happily.

“Wonderful! Ok so your aunt-” she started blabbing about all the plans, who was cooking what, who was staying in the guest bedroom at which house. It was all details I didn’t need, but she eagerly shared. “So what day can I come pick you two up?” she asked and I hesitated, glancing at Clay who was just studying me with a blank face.

“Uh, maybe Clay can just drive us?” I offered and he simply shrugged again. “Why don’t we just do that. So we can leave when we’re ready, and you don’t have to travel double the distance. I think that makes the most sense,” I muttered, irritated with his sudden mood shift.

“That sounds like a great plan honey! Ok, well then just let me know what day you’re coming so I can have your bed ready!” she breathed and my chest tightened.

“You’re ok with us sharing a room, right?” I felt so embarrassed, covering my face and she giggled.

“Honey, you’re a young man. And it’s not like either of you are ever going to end up pregnant!” she snorted another laugh and I felt my face burning up as I cringed, Clay bellowing out in laughter at that. “Oh is he there?! Oh gosh that’s embarrassing!” she laughed, muffling herself somewhat.

“Alright mom, I’ll update you when we’re leaving. I love you! Bye!” I went to hang up as she told me she loved me too. I tossed my phone aside, pushing out of his arms and crawling under the blankets. “Fuck my mom is so embarrassing!” I grumbled, ignoring it when he tugged on the blankets. I felt his hands press on my body, and then he chuckled and shook me gently.

“Bruno come on. Parents are supposed to be embarrassing,” he grumbled. I scoffed and he sighed, squeezing my hip and arm to jerk me around. “Come out from under there please!” he insisted and I pushed the blanket off, rolling onto my back to glare at him.

“What was with you being so indifferent?” I demanded then and he looked confused. “You didn’t say yes or no, you just shrugged like a big fucking dummy!” I gritted my teeth and he smirked.

“Because I don’t want to intrude on your family time, if-“

“Intrude on my family time? Clay,” I sat up and he pouted, looking weary as he studied my face. “You were the one who told me a while back that you wanted me to think about this long term. Doesn’t long term also include family stuff?” I demanded and he hesitated, his cheeks going pink as he avoided eye contact with me. “Clay look at me!” I laughed when he kept looking away as I tried to get his focus.

“Bruno stop!” he laughed, pushing my face away. “You’re too intense,” he grumbled and I bit my lip grabbing his chin and shaking his head playfully as his eyes locked onto mine. They were such a beautiful crystal blue, and so warm as he smiled at me like that. It melted my heart.

“Tell me I’m wrong,” I insisted and he sighed, shaking his head as he laughed. He rolled his eyes but the dopey smile on his face made me soar. I pushed him down into the bed, crawling over him. He was about to wrap his arms around me, our lips just barely touching when my stomach growled. We both hesitated and then laughed. I gave him a quick kiss and sighed, pulling away.

“So we eat breakfast and then what?” Clay asked as I pulled my briefs up. He was already in a pair of sweatpants holding a hoodie in his hand as he watched me.

“What would you want to do today?” I asked and he smirked, glancing at the bed.

“A lot of things,” he admitted and my stomach knotted up. “But I don’t think you’re ready for some of it,” he sighed, turning and pulling his hoodie on then as he walked to his door. I felt frustrated by that, my face wrinkling as I hurried after him, fumbling into my pants and pulling my shirt on as I hurried down the stairs after him. I caught his arm and tugged him to look at me, his face amused.

“The fuck does that mean? That I’m not ready for what you want?” I demanded and he glanced past me toward the couch.

“Please don’t talk about shit like this in front of me!” Mel called out and I cringed, blushing as I glanced back at her.

“Sorry,” I sighed, Clay walking into the kitchen. I followed him, frustrated. He went to open the fridge and I pushed it shut, glaring at the side of his face. He sighed and smiled, turning and grabbing me as he pushed me up against it. My heart was racing as his body pressed up against mine.

“Bruno, you’re still embarrassed when we fuck, make love, whatever you want to call it. How are you going to stand here and tell me you’re ready to entertain my kinks and fantasies now?” he whispered, his eyes burning as he leaned closer. He was studying me, his lips parted slightly. I felt like he was going to kiss me any second and it was excruciating. I could feel my lips twitching and puckering slightly waiting for his touch any second.

“I-I let you use that vibrator whenever you want,” I croaked finally and he smirked, reaching up and shoving his hand into my hair. I grimaced, my scalp stinging as he pressed my head back into the fridge. He let his lips tease mine, his body pinning me against the fridge.

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