
My Life Ch. 07


We arrived at the school later that afternoon and after checking in at my dorm I went up to the room while my dad went back to the car to get more of my things. It was a new world for me. The school had only a couple of years before gone co-ed and the way it was set up one end of each floor was men and the other was women (like that would make a difference) with the restrooms, day rooms and other common areas between. When I got to my floor I got off the elevator and followed the arrows in the direction pointing towards my room. When I passed the restroom 2 other girls came out wrapped in towels looking like they had just gotten out of the shower. Walking down the hall there was music coming from several rooms with the unmistakable odor of pot in the air. It looked like Santa Barbra was the party school I had heard it was.

When I got to my room the door was closed but not latched. I pushed it open. There standing across the room what met my eyes was someone bent over a table with what was the hairiest ass I had ever seen pointing directly at me. It was a very fine, well shaped ass entirely covered with a fine, dark fur continuing slightly up a strong, slim back and again all the way down the backs of those muscular legs to a pair of slim, firm calves. The fir increased in density as it got closer to the crack of that tight ass and between the cheeks there was a profusion of dark hair filling the area between those beautiful, firm globes. With feet slightly parted I could see between those muscular thighs what was a dark profusion of hair and hanging down a few inches which from my angle and in this light I at first mistook for dark hairy balls hanging there.

Ayanna was bent over a table, hair hanging down around her face, doing something I could not see at first. She stood up, sniffed a little and turned to face me. The picture is with me to this day. A very attractive, very tall (almost 6′), very shapely woman with smallish tits, dark brown nipples I soon found were perpetually hard; but the most amazing feature about her was her hair. Very dark brown, almost black hair on her head falling to her elbows but the outstanding feature was the forest of dark hair covering her cunt. It is very long, filling the space between her legs covering everything from side to side and up half way to her belly button, going down her legs getting thinner as it goes further down the front of her thighs with a fine, dark, almost what would be called fur, covering her legs. A narrow line of soft down going up her stomach from the patch covering her cunt till there remained a light patch of fuzz in the cleft between those beautiful, upright, somewhat smaller breasts, there were several dark hairs sticking out of the areola surrounding the hard, dark brown nipple (I would soon learn that her nipples were perpetually hard, showing thru almost anything she wore.) Just a slight shading of darker fuzz on her upper lip and just the slightest hint of fuzz above her eyes almost forming a slight unibrow over the deepest dark, almost black eyes as she looked right thru me while I stood there enthralled by the wonderful view of this wild, natural creature. The long, straight hair on her head was the smoothest and shiniest I have ever, even to this day, seen .

“Hi there,” she said smiling with some sort of soft Latin accent. She stood there totally naked holding a straw out to me, “my name is Ayanna, care for a toot?” I noticed as she reached out to hand me the straw that there was also a patch of hair under her arm where she also didn’t shave.

It was then that I released that she had been bent over the table doing a nice size line of coke; I came to find she would always have the best cocaine. “Uh, maybe later.” I said walking in and putting my bag down, I introduced myself. We stood there talking for a few minutes with the door standing wide open, people walking by. Ayanna was standing there totally naked for the world to see when my dad walked in.

“Uh, excuse me.” He got our attention at which Ayanna simply reached over, picked up something and made a minor but futile attempt to cover herself. ” Hi, I am Becky’s dad, I have a few of her things.” Interestingly I noticed he turned a little red as he saw her standing there and I could tell had admired seeing Ayanna’s naked body as much as I had.

“Dad, this is Ayanna.” She is going to be my roommate this year. She reached out with one hand to shake his as the cloth she was covering herself with slipped exposing one of her breasts again, which he clearly appreciated. We stood there visiting for a few minutes.

“I should go and let you two get acquainted.” He said as I reached over to give him a kiss on the lips and a hug. As I did he reached around and give me a little squeeze on my ass before he let go, this was something he often did and of course it didn’t go without Ayanna noticing.

My dad left closing the door behind him. Ayanna dropped her covering and reached out with Selimiye Escort the straw. “You could probably use this. Your dad is cute, interesting… uh … ‘hug’ he gave you…” she trailed off.

“He always does that, it is just something he does.” I could tell she thought there was more there than I was letting on.

She had 2 very long white lines already laid out on the table and bending over with the straw, I could get less than one up in a single snort. I fell back sitting on her bed directly behind me as I let the coke take affect and she moved to where I was just standing spread her feet, bent over and without hesitating, sucked up the other line completely. While she did this, her ass was pointing in my direction the open crack between her hairy cheeks less than a foot from my face. I noticed then that even this close I could barely see her pussy lips peeking out because of the thick profusion of dark hair, there was no way to see anything in that dark furry crack between her ass cheeks.

She was bent over for just a few moments while I took a nice close look while the coke was beginning to hit me. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stick my ass in your face like that,” she said as she sat down beside me.

I was quickly getting high. “That’s ok, I don’t mind,” and without further thought and partly because I was stoned I continued, “I have never seen a woman with so much hair.”

“I know, I get that a lot. Most of my family is very hairy but all of the other women in my family do something to remove it, shave, depilatory or something else. I just let it grow. I had a reason at first, maybe we can discuss that sometime, but now, now I have gotten used to it and sort of like it. I see you keep your pussy hair fairly short.”

Interesting that the first real conversation with my new roommate was about our pubic hair, I had shaved it earlier that year but it had started to grow back over the last month or so and I was keeping it short. “It gets longer but I sometimes keep it trimmed.”

“Another hit?” She asked handing me the straw. I stood and bent over where she had just been standing well aware that she was taking in the same view of me only with my pants still on that I had minutes ago enjoyed of her and one I had taken the last of my line up I stood there a moment longer. I looked over my shoulder before I sat back down and noted that she had cocked her head to the side a little to get a better look.

I put my stuff away while we talked, Ayanna never put any clothes on the whole time we talked and of course, did a few more lines. I soon realized something about her, which would always be true to this day, if at all possible she is naked or wearing as little as necessary. I have never known a woman who disliked wearing clothes as much as Ayanna.

We were flying pretty high a couple of hours later when we went out to explore our new home and the surroundings. I was to find that there was always someone smoking pot somewhere on the floor and the rule about women and men being supposed to stay on their half of the floor had little or no meaning. Ayanna had put on a light pair of pants and a t-shirt and I noticed that the front of her pants had a small lump caused by the profusion of hair there, which could have been mistaken for more than a pussy until she pulled them up a little tighter and a clear camel-toe appeared. There were several parties going on and beer was flowing everywhere. Guys were running around in their underwear (mostly briefs in those days) and some of the girls were showing off as much as they were able. Ayanna and I stuck together and everywhere we went guys were hitting on one or the other of us, sometimes both.

We were pretty toasted by the time we got back to our room holding on to each other for support as we walked down the hall. We stopped at the restroom and talked as we sat in adjacent stalls talking over the sound of the tinkling of our urine splashing in the toilet. I could see her feet in the stall next to me and noticed her curl her toes a couple of times and I heard what sounded like a little throaty moan come from her stall. I finished first and went to wash my hands. I sat on the edge of the sink talking about whatever and noticed I didn’t hear the sound of her peeing but she was in there a few more minutes. I assumed she had more to do than pee. Every now and then she would curl her toes and I would hear that sound she made, it happened several times before I heard her roll the paper out and I heard a flush. I was standing there waiting when she came out of her stall. She had her pants hanging over her shoulder and was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt. She went over to the sink to wash her hands. As she bent over, I could again see that dark patch of hair between the cheeks of her asp peeking out from below the hem of the shirt. I knew then that I was somehow going to have to check that out closer.

We got to our room Escort Selimiye Ayanna stripped off the shirt as she walked in the door to be in her favorite state and since I hadn’t made my bed yet we sat down on hers to talk while she cut up a couple of more lines. It was at this time I learned much about her, and her me.

She had determined that she preferred women a while back however she insisted that she wasn’t a lesbian because once in a while she would still enjoy a nice hard cock, much like Bobbi. Ayanna’s dad was a “farmer” down in South America; she knew that what he was farming wasn’t exactly legal but it paid for a good education and a very comfortable lifestyle. Her noticing that my father had given my ass a little squeeze made her wonder. She said hers had molested her when she was a little girl. He only stopped when her hair started growing, which he didn’t like and was one reason she never shaved any of it off. I didn’t get too deep into what went on in my family but did give enough information that she understood the gist. She would get the whole story before long.

I was pretty high and lying back on her bed just floating on a combination of beer, pot and coke when I felt soft hands start to caress my body. Her hands were lightly brushing across my breasts and softly pinching my hard nipples thru the soft fabric of my shirt causing me to tremble just a little. I soon felt a hand slowly sliding along the inside of my thigh and up; slowly up, barely touching the tender smooth skin of my inner thigh and up under my skirt. Goose pimples rising on my skin as I laid there allowing her touch until I felt her fingers slip thru the soft fir covering my pussy as they moved down between my thighs. I let my knees open a little, relaxing as she began to explore the soft folds of my sopping cunt, her fingers sliding down the sides between the soft inner labia and the more engorged outer lips. Stoned, my whole focus was on what she was doing, my mind and feelings totally focused on the feeling of the fingers arousing me. Soon I felt a finger slide down till it was tenderly massaging the sensitive area just above the tight little pucker of my anus before sliding up thru the slick, wet folds, slowly, slowly, arousing the tingling deep inside my pussy, slowly, slowly her fingers moved. As she reached the lower opening of my vagina a finger slid in, just a little, just to the first knuckle before continuing to glide up thru the very slippery, supple, smooth skin at the very opening of my depths, till it slowly slid out the top and stopped to softly caress the little hole from where I pee, massaging that little opening just a little before moving further and pressing firmly on my hard little clit.

Ayanna has a way of fingering a cunt, a way I have never been quite able to reproduce either on my self or anyone else. It is almost as though she can feel thru that hard little knob what it wants, what it needs. She pressed it just right, on the very tip. While pressing she rolled her finger around pressing and rolling as electric feelings shot deep inside and behind my clit, almost like she was able to with her finger to send little shocks from my clit deep inside to arouse my “G” spot. My hips rose up and my hands clenched the blanket into fists as she did what she does so well. Her fingers were doing something to me, something new; I was on the edge of cumming. She kept me there almost cumming, almost…. my hips jerking with the need to cum, my teeth gritted grunts deep in my throat, the air coming in gulps as she kept me there ….on the verge….. almost cumming but not allowed me to go over the edge. Then stop. Her fingers moved away from my clit and slid inside my slick dark hole, filling my cunt and wiggling deep inside me. Ayanna knows how to handle a cunt. Moments later she was back at my clit, my hips were again several inches of the bed. “PLEASE, PLLEEASE, let me cum,” I cried thru clinched teeth, but she again just kept me on the edge almost cumming but not quite, her fingers moving expertly over my clit, my hips jerking as she continued her manipulations.

“UUUUNNNNHH, OH GOD!!! OH GOD!!! FUCKFUCKFUCK”, never had I felt anything like this before, “PLEASE!!!!!!!!!.”

And she stopped again.

“OH FUCK!! What are you doing!” I cried as her fingers started again bringing me instantly back to the edge. My ass was lifted high off the bed as my back arched, my cunt needing to cum. “FUCK!! FUCK!!!OH FUCKING GOD!!!!” And then the explosion hit I don’t know what I said or how long it went but I recall my body jerking involuntarily as wave after wave of a wrenching orgasm hit me, her expert hand never leaving my drenched cunt. It wasn’t stopping; again she was keeping me there with the ecstasy of pleasure controlling my convulsing body. Wave after unstopping wave of intense ecstasy taking control of my body. She was in control. Making the orgasm last, not letting me relax. “OH GOD!!! Selimiye Escort Bayan FUCK!!!! I CAN”T TAKE IT!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!! OH FUCKING GODDDD!!!!!” I think I almost passed out as my eyes rolled back, “FFFFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!”

Then it was over. My heart beating, seemingly near bursting from my chest, my breathing fast and deep as my body strained to come back to something resembling normal. The slight taste of salty blood in my mouth from where later found I had bit my lip as my body jerked in wild spasms. My hair wet with perspiration from the shear physical exertion from my body wrenching orgasm. Her soft hands caressing me, helping me come down.

I opened my eyes as I again heard that throaty moan to see her sitting there looking at me, one hand caressing me, the other moving rapidly, buried in the dense hair between her own thighs. I couldn’t do anything but lie there and watch as she masturbated.

Ayanna doesn’t cum loudly or very obviously just a little stiffening and that slight deep moan but she does cum easily and often. Over the years I have found that she can cum at the drop of a hat and in less than 30 seconds any time and anywhere. She has more repetitive and multiple orgasms than anyone I know. Her orgasms may not be extreme but she has them in quantity. As I laid there watching, she slowly closed her eyes her breathing getting just a little more rapid and somewhat deeper and with just a little flush she came, her body stiffened just a little with that now familiar moan as her fingers tightly slid into and grasped her throbbing cunt. There was just a slight shudder before it was over, She laid back on the bed away from me lifting one leg up and across the bed so I was now lying directly between her legs watching her fingers again moving between the spread hair and into her dark cunt. She opened her eyes for a moment and met mine as she did each time before another orgasm washed over her soon followed in what seemed like less than 15 seconds by another. In the 5 minutes or so I watched Ayanna masturbating she had to have 8-9 orgasms before she stopped and removed her fingers from her soaping cunt.

She was breathing hard from her efforts and I now had a clear unobstructed view of her engorged pussy lips and the dark flower between her legs. She has a pussy with long, thin, full dark brown lips covered with hair which at this moment was soaked with the cum which had flowed from deep inside her as she came, With her cunt still throbbing from the orgasms I could see a little of what I would soon find to be very dark pink, almost red interior opening to her vagina in-between those wet lips. There was a large wet spot under the bed where she laid.

I reached out and slid a finger along that soaking warm slit and as I did she lifted her hips welcoming my touch. It turned out the hair between her legs and the cheeks of her ass is very soft and silky, softer than even mine, I sort of expected it to be a little stiffer. A couple of fingers slid into the warm sheath and buried themselves there as she began to move her hips, fucking my fingers, which were buried inside her. The other 2 fingers joined the first and now most of my hand was buried inside her cunt till my thumb was pressing on her clit. Just as I started to rub, Ayanna had another orgasm and I felt more of her wet slippery fluid flow over my hand. I pulled my hand from her dark wet cavity and leaning in placed my lips over the hard little nub of her clit. I began to suck, my tongue flicking it where it reached past my lips and I was soon treated to another gush of cum flowing over my chin. My hand was still under her and as she cam she pressed her ass down hard onto it, I could feel my finger touching the warm opening of her asshole and she pressed again, so I slipped a finger in. The slippery juice flowing from her cunt made the entry into her anus as smooth as if it were gliding into her cunt. Another finger joined the first and almost immediately my mouth was awash with the flow from another of her orgasms. My fingers were pumping in and out of her rectum as I sucked on that wet dripping cunt. Another orgasm was soon followed by still another. I knew that if I stayed there she could probably cum all night but by this time my mouth was getting a bit tired so I reluctantly removed my mouth from her cunt and pulled my fingers from that tight little asshole. Before I left that position though I pushed her legs up a little more and slid my tongue deep into the little dark hole from where I had just pulled my fingers, this brought on another of her soft orgasms and a flow of pussy. I pressed my tongue in as far as I could and wiggled it around in there a little which brought on another. As I pulled back I got a clear look at her anus, a very dark, almost black ring around that tight, puckered opening between her firm olive ass cheeks.

I crawled up beside her and our lips met, her seeming to savor the taste of her cunt on my mouth as our breasts pressed against the others. ” I have never had anyone do that to me,” she whispered as we laid there.

“What? Go down on you?”

“No, you know….. put their tongue back there,” This was the only time I would ever find Ayanna to seem shy.

“Was it ok? I hope you didn’t mind.”

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