
My Mother Gave In


I had wanted to make love to her naked body my whole life. She was the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen. My mother had the most amazing curves, her large full breasts which strained against her blouse would drive me wild with desire every day. At 48 the lady who had given me birth had reached her pinnacle as a woman. Her shoulder length brown hair was immaculate in presentation as was the majestical way her expensive black business skirts clung to her firm buttocks.

Many a time in recent years I caught myself catching a glimpse of her in various states of dress. I had been blown away by the white sun dress that she wore several years ago that was made of a very fine cotton. I remember the sun shining through allowing a view of her thighs that I am sure would have made her very uncomfortable had she been aware. The red dress that she wore to the cocktail parties that she and my father attended for his end of year work function last year was another of my favourites. The split up the side revealing toned tanned legs which had been the product of many hard hours in the gym and countless hours of the application of expensive body creams.

The occasions had been reviewed many times over in my mind often resulting in intense masturbating. I had reached the point where my desires and intentions had reached a climax. Something had to be done to free myself of the need I had within me. There was only possible outcome that I could imagine for myself. It was the most natural desire that a son could ever feel. It was the love of a son for his mother. It was the need to have my mother’s vagina. It was the need to go the full circle where my life had begun and at least have a part of me be back at the centre of where it was I originated from.

My mother Catherine had never indicated anything or acted in any way which could be considered incestuous to me at any stage in my life. My thoughts of making love to her were selfish and guided by my own lust. My mother was there for me all the way though my school days and ensured that my upbringing was the equal to the best that any mother could be expected to offer to their child. I was indeed fortunate but here I was 18 years of age and about to embark on a college education where my new home would be hundreds of kilometres away in a campus, and my sole thought was now of how to instigate a passionate encounter with the woman who had given me life before I was to leave.

A request of this magnitude couldn’t just be uttered. Its not the kind of subject matter that can be discussed with others either so as to find the most effective way of doing it. Playing on my mind was the implications of what would occur if I acted without thought and of most concern to me was the sheer pain I could cause my mother emotionally. All these factors together really did make for some soul searching. The other factor that concerned me was what my father would think if he ever found out. It would surely spell the end of our relationship if I was to upset my mother with this sort of request.

Against that backdrop all I could think of was my need to strip my mother naked. To have her lie back on her bed that she shared happily with my father and to have her remove her bra. To make her nipples stiff as I sucked them in an attempt at reliving the experiences that we shared all those years ago when I was first born. That is what I wanted more than anything else. That closeness to be felt once more only this time I wanted to incorporate the behaviour of two adults into our relationship. Beylikdüzü Suriyeli Escort I wanted her to know that her son had grown up and that her years of moulding the man had paid off. I wanted her to experience first hand what it was that she created. I wanted her to feel my erect cock inside her and for my mother to feel that this was a job well done on her part.

With one week to go till my departure I had very little time on my side. I knew in my heart that there would never be a time when this subject could be broached easily. I knew that if I was going to do it I would have to be up front with her and try to convince her of my honesty and of what it was that she meant to me. Only then could I ever really have a chance at achieving what it was I had spent all those years dreaming off. To act on ones desires is easier said than done I can vouch for that. My mother was downstairs in the lounge room by herself at this very moment. I had an opportunity now if I was brave enough. I could feel my heart rate double in a second as soon as I felt my thoughts drift to walking down those stairs and telling her how I felt. I remember feeling my pulse quicken some more when I stood up from the chair at my computer desk and walked in the direction of my bedroom door. It was fair to say that I was just about ready to have a heart attack when I reached the stairs and had to sit down for a couple of minutes so that I could gather my nerve and consider once again what it was that I was about to do.

Nerves are terrible at the best of times but the fear that I felt on my descent down those stairs was not akin to anything I had experienced before or since. The most amazing realisation for me was that I was feeling braver as the moments went by. I had longed for this moment for so long and I was about to act on it. Surely that had to be a positive thing.

I saw my mother sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper upon entering the lounge room. Without looking up she said to me ” Hi Darling, what have you been up to?”

I though to myself again of what it was that I was about to do and decided that I would always regret this opportunity if I didn’t go through with it. So I began.

“Mom I need to talk to you”

Mom looked up interested and neatly folded the newspaper in half before placing it down next to her on the couch.

“Of course Darling what is it?

“Mom I need to talk to you about something very important to me and I need you to promise to hear me out before you say anything else, will you do that for me?”

Mom looked very concerned at this as one would expect however she agreed and nodded without saying a word.

“Mom, I have been thinking and I need to tell you something which is my truth”

“What I am about to say is not something that I feel proud off but it is something I need to say to you as I can’t imagine another day going by without having spoken about this”

At this stage my mother had an extremely concerned look on her face. In fact those words alone had made her visible uncomfortable.

” I am going to miss you when I go away to college, I really am because you are the most important woman in my life.”

At this stage my mother smiled and continued listening.

“I feel that our relationship is better than I could ever have hoped for and I just want to thank you for always being there for me.”

My mother started crying at this point ever so slightly.

“I feel the same my darling, Beylikdüzü Türbanlı Escort I am indeed very fortunate.”

At this point I knew my mother had the correct view of our relationship so I decided it was time to take my comments over the line in the sand you should never cross.

“Mom, I need to hold you in my arms one more time as I am about to leave your house next week”

“I would like you to cuddle me like you did when I was young”

My mother had a somewhat confused look on her face at this time.

“What do you mean when you were young?” she asked.

“I want you to hold me like you did when I was a child”

My mother still not understanding what I was meaning at this point nodded and I went over to her and lay my head in her lap and put my feet up on the sofa.

Somewhat instinctively she started stroking my hair as I lay there in her lap feeling her manicured fingernails stroke my scalp. I closed my eyes and allowed my right hand to lightly rest on the toe of her black high healed shoe. Over the space of a minute or two I gradually allowed it to work it’s way higher and started massaging her right calf muscle through the fabric of her black pantyhose.

Mom said ” I am going to miss you, you are a wonderful son”

I said ” I will never forgot how you have always been there for me”, as I said this I had my hand on her right knee having stroked my way up to this point. I was at the point of no return now. If I inched up any further I would be working my way up the underside of her black business skirt.

I started playing with the end of it and then allowed my fingers to gradually push her skirt higher. A centimetre at first then another couple shortly after. My penis was starting to get harder.

It was at this point I could sense some tension creeping into my mother body. I could feel it through her fingertips. I am also sure her heart rate had picked up slightly too. Then after my fingers pushed her skirt up a little further she spoke.

“What exactly are you doing to my leg there baby”, mom said slightly nervously.

I ignored her and pushed her skirt higher with my right hand maybe another two centimetres. My moms thighs were now beginning to come into view through the black pantyhose.

“I love you Mom” ,was my reply as I kept stroking my mothers leg.

I felt at this point I was going to find out in exactly five seconds what path my relationship with my mother was going to take.

I pushed her skirt higher again. With my face on my mothers lap I had pushed her skirt right up to just below my chin. She must have had most of her thigh exposed to me at this point.

The uneasiness was coming through now as I continued with the stroking but as of yet no mention of me having to stop. I was now getting to the point where the line was behind me and I was really starting to expect a halt to be called to what it was I doing. However I inched my hands up a bit further and came to my mothers panties.

“Please Mom”, I said as I started massaging the front of her underwear. I could feel my mom becoming very uncomfortable so I started to apply a little more pressure to my finger as I stroked it against my mothers panty covered vagina.

“Please Mom, let me love you once before I go of to college.”

At least thirty seconds had passed now as I continued massaging her womanhood.

Not a word had passed from her lips and I could sense that she was starting to cry. It Beylikdüzü Ucuz Escort was clearly evident that she was struggling with conflicting emotions about what her actions should be.

Without looking at her I got up and walked over to the curtains and closed them. I then walked back to her and sat next to her. I snuggled in close to her and allowed my right hand to fondle her breasts.

“We shouldn’t be doing this” ,she said to which I pretended not to hear.

” I love you Mom” was my response as I started undoing the buttons on the front of her blouse.

My mothers white bra came into view at exactly 4.36pm that day. It was a wonderful site. I massaged her breasts through her bra as she continued to allow me access to her body. The tears continued to flow down her cheek as the thoughts of acceptance became stronger within her.

I touched her nipples at exactly 4.37pm. They were hard and stiff and everything I had hoped they would be. After completely freeing my mother from her blouse and bra I was free to admire the wonderful breasts that she had. I sucked on them and tried for the life of me to get some milk from them. It was wonderful. I ran my tongue up and down the length of her nipples then I started nibbling on her breasts in a circular motion while continuing to massage and fondle her.

My penis was rock hard at this point and I couldn’t see how I could possibly last much longer without blowing some hot sperm in my pants. I stood up and faced my mother. I unzipped my trousers and pulled them down to my ankles followed by my briefs. I stood before my mother with a hard cock and looked at her straight in the eyes.

” Please Mom, Open your mouth for me and suck on me for a while.”

With a look which was a mixture of shame and love my mother did just that and let me insert my large dick into her mouth. She pulled back my foreskin and used her tongue to lick the length of my shaft. She paid particular attention to licking the eye of my penis and I am certain she must have tasted my pre cum in the process. She let my penis hit enter the back of her mouth where I felt her choking although only momentarily. For a good five minutes she sucked on my manhood in what could only be described as a act of motherly love. Clearly she felt the need to make me feel complete.

My objective was all along to insert myself into my mothers vagina. Before she had her throat blasted with my semen I had her lie back on the sofa. I pushed her skirt up around her waist and grabbed a hold of her black panty hose and pulled it down and then off. In my mothers eyes I could see she was happy for me to commit this act on her and that she had made peace with her guilt. So with that clear to me I tugged at her white satin panties and slid them down her thighs and off her ankles.

In front of me was a wet and slightly open vagina surrounded by a lovely brown tuft of pubic hair. She was everything I imagined she would be.

I entered my mother’s pussy with my cock at 5.01pm in what can only be described as moment of triumph. To feel her pussy lips give way as I entered could not be compared to any experience that I have ever had. She was warm and wet and she felt like a goddess to fuck. I came in her at 5.10pm in what could only be described as the most amazing experience ever of my life. My mother came for me on two separate occasions and said told me that I was the most complete lover she had ever had. The feeling of having my 48 year old mother opening her vagina for me can never be explained in written form. It was a truly wonderful occurrence.

I went of to college the next week and had myself a pretty new girlfriend by the end of the first semester. My mother was thrilled for me as was my father. We never did do anything like that again however my mother and I, however you just never know what the future holds.

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