
My neighbour and her teenage daughters (1)


My neighbour and her teenage daughters (1)This is not only a new story for me, but also a significant change in direction. My loyal readers who have followed my previous stories will know that they featured a common theme, of a strong alpha-male who enjoyed the submissive pleasures of several compliant women and girls. I should warn you now that my leading players in this story are “ordinary people,” and you won’t find the dominant aspect that is evident in my previous works. SO PLEASE, DO NOT POST NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR VOTES BECAUSE THIS WASN’T WHAT YOU EXPECTED FROM ME!I wanted to write a story that was as realistic as possible, with situations that any of us could experience given the right conditions. My male lead is an ordinary man, who gets caught up in a set of circumstances that take him in a completely unexpected direction. My females are similarly average, attempting to get their lives back on track. There is far more background to this story, as I’m hoping you will feel that you know and empathize with the characters. Of course there is sex, but this time I have resisted the urge to rush right in. My characters will experience and enjoy, and this will encourage them to explore further in coming chapters, and experiment with new aspects of sex-play. The further this story goes the hotter it will get, so each chapter will feature some fresh scenarios and activities.I would love to know what you think about this story, regardless of how you vote, so please feel free to post a comment or send me a PM with your comments and suggestions for future chapters. **********************************************************************************I’m not sure when I first realized something was wrong at my neighbors’ house, and with the benefit of hindsight I probably should have picked up on the warning signs earlier. In my own defense I was going through a particularly dark period in my life, as my beloved wife had passed away during what was supposed to be a minor operation two years ago. Despite being in our late thirties and having been married for nearly twenty years, we were still hopelessly in love with each other. We had never felt the need to start a family, preferring to focus on each other, travel the world, and simply enjoy being together. The lack of c***dren gave me little reason to go on with my life, and while I knew this was not what Julie would have wanted, I simply couldn’t move on. After her death I became totally fixated on retribution, and hired the best lawyers who ruthlessly pursued the hospital and her surgeon through the courts. At my instruction they rolled over every delaying tactic and rejected a series of ever-increasing offers to settle. I finally had my day in court and justice was certainly done, as the judge awarded a multi-million dollar settlement which saw me more than comfortable for the rest of my life. The only thing was, without Julie there was nothing I really wanted to buy with the money. We had moved into our current house around ten years ago and it was much larger than we really needed and quite comfortable. I had a nice car and no ambition to own an exotic sports car, and we had traveled extensively so the only places left to see were those we had planned to visit together. Travelling on my own was sure to make me miss her even more. So I became a semi-recluse, my only real interest being my martial arts training where I could immerse my mind and body as I honed my skills to higher levels. My Sensei was well aware of my situation, and would occasionally suggest I should use my skills and compete in regional tournaments, but I was concerned I might lose control and seriously hurt an opponent so I just kept up my training regime and sparred in the local Dojo.Getting back to the neighbors, I had known Bill, Cynthia and their three daughters ever since we moved into the neighborhood. The eldest daughter Katrina was sixteen now, and the twins Tiffany and Shannon were f******n. The girls were all smaller versions of their mother, with slim figures and willowy long blonde hair. Kat was rapidly developing into a stunning young woman, with an hourglass figure and pert breasts that seemed to grow a little larger every time I saw her. Even the twins were developing hips and a waistline, and budding breasts had started to show a while ago. Julie and I had occasionally looked after the girls so Bill and Cyn could have some quality time together, and I’d continued to babysit them every once and while since Julie passed away. Bill had lost his job around six months ago and life had become increasingly difficult for them. We lived in a country town so employment opportunities were limited, and they were finding it hard to make ends meet. I couldn’t help but notice that Bill had let the house go, as the lawns hadn’t been mowed for months and the gardens were overgrown with weeds. He was doing a reasonable job of letting himself go as well, as the way he moved and his expanding waistline suggested he was hitting the booze pretty hard.With my problems and theirs I didn’t socialize with Bill and Cyn much anymore, but I was seeing a lot more of the girls. Cyn had picked up some part-time work at the local market and the girls would come over if she was working. I figured they probably didn’t want to be alone in the house with Bill, and that was fine with me as I enjoyed their company and bubbly conversation. A few months back they were complaining that their allowances had been cut back, so I told them I’d be happy to pay them for doing odd jobs for me. As a result the house had never been so clean and tidy, and my willing housekeepers kept the washing and ironing and other domestic chores well in hand.It was a perfect Saturday morning when my life took and unexpected change in direction. I was eating breakfast when Kat came through the side door, a beaming smile on her face as she greeted me. “Hi Mister A! Isn’t it a beautiful day!”Her zest for life was infectious and I smiled in return. “It sure is Kat! And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”“Well….I have a party to go to tonight and I could really use a new dress as my wardrobe is pretty ratty….so I was wondering if I could wash your car or something?”She had washed my car a few times, and after some instruction she did a pretty good job so I didn’t have a problem with her suggestion. “Sure.” I smiled. “I’ll get the keys and move it out for you.”She giggled and clapped her hands together. “Awesome, thanks Mister A! I’ll go get changed and be right back!”I moved the car and put the wash gear out front for her, and then went back inside for a coffee. A few minutes later I heard the hose spraying on the paintwork, and glanced outside. Kat was standing on tip-toe to hose the dust and dirt off the roof, wearing the briefest pair of cut-off denim shorts I had ever seen. As she stretched I could clearly see the curve of her tight butt cheeks where they joined her thighs. To make matters worse she wore an old singlet top that looked as though it belonged to one of the twins, as it was several sizes too small and only just covered the bottom of her C-cup breasts. Even at that distance I could see she wasn’t wearing a bra, as her nipples poked firmly against the threadbare material. I mentally admonished myself for looking at Kat that way, I mean, she was not only my neighbor, she was young enough to be my daughter! But while I knew it was wrong I couldn’t tear my gaze away, and as I watched her move around the car I could feel my cock rising. My hand slid inside my shorts and wrapped around my hard cock as though it had a mind of its own, and I started stroking slowly, never taking my eyes off the nubile nymph outside. Precum was oozing freely from my slit as I paused to slide my shorts down and kick them free, before resuming my slow stroking. Questions fired through my mind in rapid succession. “Did she dress like that deliberately?” “What kind of response was she trying to provoke?” “Was she hoping I was watching?” “How would she react if she knew what I was doing right now?”It had been a while since the last time I had masturbated to release, and my cock was already signaling that this wasn’t going to take long. I gripped my shaft harder and started stroking faster, my breathing becoming deeper with my impending climax. Suddenly my first jet of cum flew from my cock and I kept stroking as spurt after spurt of thick white cum pulsed up my shaft and formed a growing pool on the timber floor. I had to bite my lip to keep from roaring at the ceiling, and I realized it had been far too long since I’d enjoyed an orgasm as intense as this one. My knees went weak as my flow finally subsided, and I realized I had to clean up the mess before Kat or one of the twins walked in on me. I grabbed a handful of tissues and cleaned myself up, and then soaked up the white pools on the floor before slipping my shorts back on. I realized I was still breathing heavily and struggled to regain my composure. “This has to stop!” I said to myself. “Nothing good is going to come from this so knock it off!”Kat was hosing off the soap by now, blissfully unaware of the pleasure she had provided. I had to get my mind off her perfect body, and decided a trip around the yard behind the lawn mower would give me something other than teenage temptation to focus on. I went into the garage and dragged the mower outside, giving Kat a wave and a smile as I set to work. My front yard was fairly small so I had that finished in no time before I headed round the back. I was just doing the last section when Kat came through the side door with a jug of soda and a couple of glasses, one of which she held up enquiringly. I nodded and smiled as I had worked up quite a sweat, finished off and shut the mower down. Kat had walked over to the deck around my pool, and was bending over with her back to me as she poured our drinks. I had another great view of her firm butt cheeks, and again wondered whether this was a deliberate action on her part. She stood as she heard me approaching, and smiled as she handed me my drink.“I thought you might be thirsty Mister A. You look as though you’ve been sweating some!”“Thanks Kat.” I replied as I drained my glass, and she fetched the jug to give me a top-up as we lay back on the outdoor lounges and savored the sun on our bodies. “So, big party tonight?”She smiled at me. “You bet, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been saving some money because I sooo need some new clothes, and now I should have enough to buy a party dress I like.”We chatted about this and that, and then she looked over at me. “Can I ask you a question Mister A? A kind of personal question?”“Sure honey.” I assured her. “But I think you’re old enough to cut out the Mister A stuff and start calling me Tony. What are you, sixteen now?”She nodded. “Well….Tony……I was wondering……do you think I’m sexy?”Alarm bells started ringing loud and long. “Ummm……There’s no doubt you’re……a very attractive young woman.” I stammered, hoping my response would get me out of trouble.She let me know it hadn’t. “That’s not really an answer Tony. I want to know if YOU think I’m sexy?”I gulped and decided I should cut out the BS and be truthful, so I looked her in the eyes. “Yes Kat, I do think you’re sexy, but perhaps you shouldn’t come over dressed like that.”I thought that might throw her off track, but to my surprise she just gave me a very self-assured smile. “So you like my outfit? I was hoping you would! Tell me, did it create any….interesting reactions?”“Kat, where is this going?” I asked her as directly as I could, uncomfortably aware I was blushing. “I’m sure you’ve got half the boys at school chasing you with their tongues hanging out, so I’m not sure why we’re even having this conversation. Besides, I’m the last person to be giving you relationship advice; you should be talking about this with your parents or perhaps the School Councilor.”“I’m not interested in the boys at school. They only want one thing, and if you don’t give it up you’re a frigid bitch. If you do give it to them they tell everyone you’re easy and then you’re labeled as a slut, and I’m not a slut!” She surprised me with the passion behind her statement before she went on. “I can’t talk to Mom and Dad about this stuff because……well…..I just can’t.”“It sounds as though school hasn’t changed much since I was there.” I smiled. “But Julie and I never had k**s honey, so I don’t know how I can help you.” “I was wondering…..why you live in this big house on your own? I mean…..it’s been a while since your wife died and that was a terrible thing, but I never see you going out on a date or bringing someone home with you. Ummm….you’re not gay or anything are you?”Despite my discomfort I had to laugh at that comment. “No Kat, I’m not gay. I just don’t think I’m ready for a long-term relationship right now.” “That’s a shame because you’re in really good shape. My friend Angela has seen you a couple of times and she says you’re smoking hot! She said she’d jump you in a heartbeat.” That had me blushing even more, and I knew I had to end this discussion before I got myself into serious trouble. “Well…..that’s flattering I guess. Now, I’d better give you some money and let you go buy that party dress you want for tonight.” I said as I stood and headed inside, hoping she would follow me.We went inside and I peeled a fifty out of my wallet, seeing her eyes light up as I normally didn’t give her that much for a car wash. She came over and gave me huge hug, rubbing her thigh against my half-hard cock in the process. “Thanks Tony.” She whispered in my ear as she stood on tip-toe to kiss me on the cheek. “And I know I’m young, but I’m not as naïve as you may think!”She walked out the door, blowing me a kiss as she left. “Thanks again, see you tomorrow!” As soon as she left my yard I slammed the door shut so hard the glass shook, locked it, pulled the d****s and ripped my shorts off. Despite enjoying a huge cum an hour ago my cock was hard again and precum was oozing from my piss-slit. This was no time for a leisurely build up so I smeared some precum down the shaft and started stroking it furiously. In less than a minute I was pumping a second pool of cum over the floor, and this time I threw my head back and roared at the ceiling as I shot my load. Visions of Kat naked were flashing through my head as I thought of all the things I wanted to do to her perfect young body, and still I kept pumping thick gobs of greasy cum. When I finally stopped I ran to the bathroom and threw myself under the shower, blasting cold water all over me as the remnants of my release washed down my legs. I was shivering when I finally turned off the tap and quickly toweled dry before putting my robe on. I headed back downstairs and poured a double-bourbon into a crystal glass before sculling it down and feeling the alcohol burn down my throat. I poured another and sipped it slower, finally getting my feelings and raging hormones under some semblance of control, but I was still shaking. I cleaned up the mess on the floor before slumping into a chair, my mind in complete turmoil. Julie and I had enjoyed a sensational sex life where nothing was off limits and we explored many different aspects of sex-play over the years. We were insatiable, which I’m sure was part of the reason why we still loved each with so much passion right to the end. When she died I basically retreated into a celibate life, masturbating occasionally to porn movies and stories, but only making to love to a woman once in a while. A year ago I tried dating as I knew Julie would not want to see me locked away in the house alone, but the women I dated were either desperate to get married and start a family, or carrying way too much emotional baggage from previous relationships or failed marriages. I even visited a brothel a couple of times, but the emotionless fucking left me feeling empty and unsatisfied, so I never went back. What I never expected was my sixteen year old neighbor pushing my buttons the way she did, and the way my body reacted to her blatant teasing. I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist her forever, and I resolved to sit down tomorrow and tell her she had to back off or never come over again.Having come to a decision I started feeling better and the turmoil in my head washed away, leaving me with a pleasant buzz from the bourbon. I went outside and lay in the sun naked, soaking up the warm rays and feeling the tension evaporate. Hunger finally drove me inside as the sun dipped below the horizon, the two huge cums I had enjoyed contributing to my need for food. After dinner I went into the garage and pottered around with a few maintenance jobs that had built up.It must have been around seven when I heard yells and shouting come from Bill and Cyn’s place. I’ve never been one to pry into my neighbors business, but this sounded pretty heated and I thought I could hear Kat’s voice raised in anger, so I stepped outside where I could catch a glimpse through the trees that separated our properties.I could just make out Kat standing on the porch, looking as pretty as a picture in her new dress. However the situation looked a lot less pleasant, as Bill was standing there dressed like a bum with his beer-gut sticking out over his trousers and a three-day growth on his face, which was as black as thunder.“I couldn’t give a flying fuck what I might have said or your Mom might have said weeks ago, you’re not going out tonight!” He shouted, spit flying from his lips as he yelled at his daughter.Kat looked ready to burst into tears, but she was standing her ground. “You can go and fuck yourself!” She screamed at him. “You and Mom both promised I could go to this party! I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks and I saved my money and bought a new dress because most of my clothes are falling apart! I’ll walk if I have to but…I’m going and you can’t stop me!!!”Bill grabbed her by the arm and I saw her wince in pain. “You’re going to pay for giving me lip you little bitch!” He shouted back, getting right in her face. “I’m the head of this house and you’ll do exactly as I say. I have friends coming over tonight, friends with money, and they’re going to love seeing you in your pretty new dress. You WILL stay home, and you WILL entertain them, and you WILL do whatever they what until I tell you it’s ok to stop!!!”Kat dissolved in tears, her shoulders heaving as she sobbed. “Dad please! Don’t make me do these things, please! It’s bad enough when you’re drunk but not these other men. I’m your daughter, don’t you care about me at all?”Bill tried to calm her down as he led her inside, but I noticed he didn’t relax his grip for a second as he never would have caught her if she managed to break free. “Hush c***d, it’s not so bad! If you behave I’ll give you some pocket money later.” He soothed as he closed the door.What The Fuck? I was having trouble processing what I had just heard. It sounded as though Bill was having men over, but I couldn’t believe he would take money to allow someone to have sex with his own daughter, I must have misunderstood their argument! And what did Kat mean when she told him it was bad enough when he was drunk? It all seemed pretty clear but I simply couldn’t accept this was happening right next door. I was frozen to the spot, unsure what to do next. I could call the Police but I couldn’t say I had witnessed an actual crime in progress, so I would probably be wasting my time. I was still trying to decide when a battered old Chevy pulled up out front and three large men got out. Two of them picked up cases of beer from the trunk and they headed up the path and knocked on the door. The light came on and Bill opened the door, smiling at his visitors when he saw the cases of beer. “Bring the money?” He asked as he shook hands.“You bet.” One the men responded. “But we ain’t handing over any cash until we see these little bitches!”Bill smiled. “I got Kat a pretty new dress just for you gents. You’re gonna be impressed!”“She ain’t gonna need no clothes for what we’re gonna do!” One of them laughed as they headed inside.My doubts evaporated like water on a hotplate, and I knew I had to intervene or I’d never be able to look at myself in a mirror again. I moved quietly across the lawn and circled the house looking for an open door or window that would allow me to get inside unseen. Unfortunately the place was locked up tight, so I was going to have to force my way in. I could hear female voices, and while I couldn’t make out what they were saying it sounded as though Cyn and Kat were pleading with Bill and his visitors. Deep male laughter followed, and then I heard a shrill scream that was cut short by a viscous slap, followed by more laughter.I stood on the porch and took a deep breath as I balanced my body, and kicked the door in. Timber shards flew from the door jamb as it exploded and I moved quickly inside, taking in a scene of dismay and brutal degradation. Cyn was slumped on the couch crying, a large red mark prominent on her cheek where she had received a brutal slap. The twins were cowering against her, seeking protection from their mother that they were unlikely to receive, given the size and intent of Bill’s visitors. Kat was on her knees on the floor, her pretty new dress hanging from her body in tatters. Like her mother she had a bright red welt on her face, and was sobbing uncontrollably as one of the men knelt behind her with his cock half-buried in her tight pussy, and another trying to jam his huge shaft past her clenched lips and into her mouth.The third man was my immediate threat as he casually put his can of Beer down and gave me a menacing glare. “You crashed the wrong party cock-sucker. You’ve got ten seconds to get the fuck out of here and forget what you saw, otherwise I’m gonna tear your fucking head off!”Bill chimed in at this point. “You’ve got no right busting in here Tony, get out of my fucking house, now!”I was amazed how calm I felt, trusting my training to get me through this despite the odds and size of my opponents. “That’s not going to happen. You men have got thirty seconds to get out of my sight, starting now.” I said quietly, knowing it wasn’t going to be that easy.The third man gave me an evil smile. “One little swinging dick against the four of us? I don’t think so asshole!” He moved toward me and I waited for him to make his move. His huge hands were balled into tight fists and he planted his feet as he swung a punch. I watched his arm move and balanced myself, shifting sideways as his fist sailed past harmlessly my shoulder and he stumbled forward from the lack of contact. I parried his blow with a chop to the forearm which pushed him further off balance, before slamming my fist into his stomach. His breath exploded from his lungs and he started to double over in pain as I followed up with chop to side of the throat, before taking a half-step back and delivering a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. He went down like a bag of cement and lay u*********s on the floor.I knew at this point things would escalate and I wasn’t disappointed, as I desperately wanted to get these bastards away from Kat and focused on me. Both men saw their friend hit the ground and came at me with fury on their faces. I took the man who had been kneeling behind Kat first, as he still had his jeans halfway down his legs, and a couple of blows and a gut-kick took him out. In the meantime Escort bayan the third man had produced a wicked-looking knife and roared as he threw himself at me. “I’m gonna cut you into pieces you interfering little fuck!!!” He shouted.I rocked back as he swung the knife, but I was a little off balance and I felt the tip of the blade slice through my shirt and the skin on my chest as I tried to move clear. I jammed my knee into his groin and then chopped his legs from underneath him with horizontal kick, hearing a bone snap as my foot made contact. He roared in pain as he went down, writhing on the floor. I looked down at my chest and saw blood seeping from the cut, but thankfully it wasn’t much more than a decent nick so I could attend to that later. I spun around to Bill as he was the last one standing, but he was just standing there with his jaw flapping as he surveyed the damage.“You fucking dog!” I shouted at him. “You bring strangers into your house who use your daughters as whores while you sit there and watch them? You worthless, contemptible piece of shit! I wouldn’t sc**** you off the bottom of my boot!!!”He was standing there with fear in his eyes but that made no difference to me, I’d decided he was going down. While martial arts teaches you that self-control is vitally important, I was white-hot with rage at this pathetic little man and the way he used his family. However, before I could put him on the floor a flash of skin moved between us, and Kat kicked him in the groin so hard that I attempted to cross my own legs in sympathy as he collapsed like a pricked balloon. As he slumped to the floor she went with him, grabbing a handful of hair to pull his face up to hers. “If you ever touch me or my sisters again I’m going to get a sharp knife and cut your cock into tiny little pieces!” She finished up by spitting in his face before she slammed his head into the floor, rendering him u*********s. I leant against the wall, breathing hard from the exertion and the adrenaline still coursing through my body. My shirt and shorts were stained bright red as blood ran from the cut on my chest, and Kat gave me a horrified look. “Oh my God Tony, you’re hurt!” She screamed. “Mom! Mom!!! Get the first aid kit!”Cyn hadn’t moved while the fight had raged, but Kat’s cries seemed to bring her back to reality and she shook her head as though trying to clear her thoughts. She looked at Kat and then at me, and ran to get the first aid kit. Kat carefully unbuttoned my shirt and helped me slip it from my shoulders, gasping when she saw the long slice in my skin and the blood oozing from it. Cyn came back and started by cleaning my wound with a disinfectant pad that stung like an absolute bitch! I couldn’t keep bleeding like this but I had to make sure Bill and his visitors couldn’t get up and start swinging punches again.“Kat!” I croaked, but she didn’t pay any attention. “Kat honey, listen to me, please!”She stopped and looked up at me, concern written all over her sweet face. “We have to take control of these a****ls now!” I groaned.She bit her lip and nodded at me. “Ok, what do want me to do?”“In my garage on the shelf next to the car wash kit, there’s a plastic tub with zip-ties and a roll of gaffer tape. Can you bring it back fast so we can tie these assholes up, please honey?”She nodded and flew out the broken doorway while Cyn taped a gauze bandage over my wound. Kat ran back in the door with the tub and ripped the lid off, pulling out a handful of zip-ties. I had watched enough Police shows to know how to use two zip-ties as a pair of functional handcuffs, and soon had the four men secured of the floor, regardless of whether they were conscious or not. I grabbed my cell and rang the Police, the Sherriff himself answered and when I had given him a brief summary he assured me help was on the way.Cyn had finished patching me up and was tending to the twins who were locked with their arms around each other on the couch. “Listen to me Cyn!” I said firmly. “I want you to go and pack a few things for the girls and yourself and get over to my place.”She looked at me blankly, so I took a breath and explained my reasons. “The girls have seen far too much already so you’re all staying with me tonight. Pack some PJs and clothes for tomorrow and get going, ok? We can work things out tomorrow.” Cyn nodded and headed off to pack a bag, and I turned to Kat but she had read my mind and gave me a defiant stare. “Don’t even think about it Tony, I’m staying right here with you and that’s all there is to it!”I knew I wasn’t going to win that argument so I didn’t bother pushing her any further, then one of the men turned his head to look at me. “You’ve made a bad mistake asshole. Nobody messes with us, we’ll be back to square up with you real soon!”I cuffed him over the side of the head, hard enough to have him seeing stars, and thought about what he’d said. I had no interest in spending the next few months or years looking over my shoulder so I needed to end this tonight. I roughly rolled him over and pulled his wallet from his back pocket, doing the same to the other two. “Kat, can you get a pen and some paper please honey?”She gave a curious glance but went to get the things I needed, and I carefully noted their names and addresses as Cyn came back with a bag. “Ok Cyn, take the twins over to my place and make yourselves at home. There are two spare bedrooms at the top of the stairs on the right, and a bathroom in between, so get yourself and the girls settled, ok?”She gave me a tentative hug, being very careful not to press against my chest. “I can’t thank you enough Tony!” She whispered as she kissed my cheek. “Come on girls, we’re staying at Tony’s place tonight.”Cyn and the twins headed across the yard and I went back to my big-mouthed friend lying hog-tied on the floor. “Ok asshole!” I snapped, getting right down in his face. “This is how it goes. Now I know exactly where you and your buddies live. Your tiny brain may have already worked out that I’m into martial arts in a big way, and I have plenty of friends down at the local dojo. I’m going to give them your names and addresses, so if anything happens to me, or to Cyn and her girls, you can expect a group of guys like me to come round and kick the fucking shit out of you, and then they’ll come back and do you over again. Do you understand me cock-sucker, or would you like me to cut you free and give you another shot now?” He glared with pure hatred on his face, but kept quiet, giving me a small nod to indicate he understood my threat.Sirens wailed in the distance, rapidly getting louder until two police cruisers slid to a halt in front of the house with their flashing lights illuminating the street. The Sherriff and three deputies burst into the house with guns drawn, quickly taking in the scene as I stayed still against the wall with Kat beside me. The Sherriff nodded to me as he holstered his weapon. “Are you Tony?”I nodded and he suggested I should sit down as he told one of his deputies to radio for an ambulance. “Are you up to telling what happened here?” He enquired. “I’ll need to get a full sworn statement from you later, but for now I just want to get a preliminary outline, and then you’re going to hospital to get that wound looked at.”I took him through the events of the evening as he made notes in his book, and was just finishing up when one of his deputies came in. “Sherriff, the car these guys rolled up in has an arsenal of weapons in the trunk, including a couple of interesting looking pistols with the serial numbers ground off ‘em.”The Sherriff whistled and looked at the men lying on the floor with fear on their faces. “I wonder if those guns tie in with a couple of recent robberies? You boys were facing serious charges already, but this means you’re looking at a long spell of jail-time!”They all went white as the deputies dragged them to their feet, including the one who howled in pain from his broken leg but received little sympathy. Bill was carted off with them and they were roughly manhandled into the back of the patrol cars as the ambulance roared up the street with sirens blaring. As the paramedics came in the Sherriff patted me on the shoulder. “I’m really glad you were here and prepared to step up and help your neighbors out Tony, we don’t need scum like this in our town! Rest assured they won’t get bail, Judge Matthews will deal with them next week but until then they’ll be cooling off in the cells. Now you let the paramedics take care of you, and if you feel up to it, come down to the station tomorrow and get your statement typed up. We’ll need this young lady and her mom as well.”I shook his hand. “Thanks Sherriff, and we’ll be down to see you tomorrow.” I assured him.The Sherriff took the female paramedic aside and whispered in her ear while the male paramedic insisted I hop up on the gurney. Despite my assurance I could walk he calmly told me he was doing his job and perhaps I should just let him get on with it, so I did as I was told. As they wheeled me into the ambulance Kat hopped in with me. “Honey, I think you should stay with your Mom and your sisters. I’ll be back soon.” I told her.The female paramedic told me Kat would need a vaginal swab as DNA evidence of sexual penetration, and assured me Cyn and the twins would be fine as the police would probably be there most of the night anyway, taking photos and gathering evidence. I figured it was time I shut up and let the professionals do their job as Kat took my hand in hers and held it all the way to the hospital.We were separated when they wheeled me through the emergency room, and a very business-like young doctor removed Cyn’s dressing from my chest wound. It really wasn’t much more than a decent scratch, but he insisted in giving me a tetanus shot and a local anesthetic before stitching my wound closed and assuring me my scar would be “a cool conversation piece.” Kat arrived back looking none-the-worse for her examination, and immediately gave the doctor a merciless grilling about my treatment and recovery, much to the amusement of the doctor and his nurses. “We’ve got transport home out front, and you’ve got your hands full with that little girl!” He said with a smile when she was just out of earshot.I laughed, which sent a ripple of pain across my stitches before agreeing with him. “You’ve got that right!”They took me out in a wheelchair which Kat insisted on pushing, and we went outside to find a Police cruiser waiting for us with a young deputy standing by the door. “I wasn’t expecting a ride home in a Police car!” I said to the officer.“Sir, we all heard about what you did, going up against those four men.” The young deputy replied matter-of-factly. “Most people would have gone back inside and turned up the TV, so we take care of people who take care of the community, ok?”“Fine with me, but thanks a lot anyway.” I replied, as I slid gingerly across the back seat and Kat climbed in with me. She slid close beside me and held my hand again as we headed home, and I realized how drained I felt now the adrenaline had worn off. When we pulled up in the drive the Police were still working in Cyn’s house, and we gratefully thanked the officer again for the ride and headed inside my place.Cyn was waiting anxiously on the couch and raced over to hug her daughter and then me as we walked in. “Are you both ok?” She asked, and we assured her we were fine. “Are the girls asleep?” I asked, concerned about how they might have been affected by the v******e that had taken place.“It took a while, but I checked on them a few minutes ago and they are sleeping peacefully, which is amazing after what happened tonight. I’m so grateful to you Tony, I just don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t burst in like that!”We all realized there were important issues we would have to work through, but it was not the time to contemplate starting on these now. Far better that we get a good night’s rest and see what we could achieve tomorrow.I was ready for bed but there were two things I needed first, a glass of wine and a wash. I uncorked a bottle and asked Cyn if she’d like a glass, hearing a polite cough from Kat. “May I have a glass of wine please Tony?”I looked at Cyn and she nodded, so I poured a third glass and handed it to Kat who smiled her thanks. “You must think I’m a dreadful mother Tony.” Cyn said ruefully.”I try not to make value judgments without knowing all the facts Cyn.” I assured her. “I can’t begin to imagine what has been going on in your house, but I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you, or the girls for that matter. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to run a bath, seeing as I won’t be able to shower for a few days. You’re welcome to stay up as long as you like, and I’ll see you in the morning.”Cyn and Kat gave me a hug and a kiss and headed upstairs for bed, while I went into my bathroom and turned the taps on, throwing in a handful of bath salts to ease some of the aches I was feeling. I gently eased my blood-stained shirt from my shoulders, slid my shorts and boxers down, and eased into the warm water, allowing the soothing heat to soak through my body. I had just topped up my glass when the door eased open and Kat slipped into the room, wearing nothing more than an old cotton t-shirt and a mischievous smile. I suddenly realized where the expression “I jumped out of my skin” came from, as that’s exactly what I did as I tried to cover my manhood.”Jesus Kat, you scared the…..”She silenced me by placing a finger gently over my lips, and then spoke is a soft, husky voice. “This morning I behaved like a stupid little prick-tease and I realize now that was a thoughtless, c***dish thing to do. Despite that you came to our rescue tonight, and I still can’t believe the way you handled those men that Dad invited over to…..fuck me like some street-corner whore. I don’t want to go into it now, but you should know that Dad has been having sex with me and my sisters for a while. Mom tried so hard to stop him, but he used to beat her every time she protested or tried to get him away from us, and he told us that if we ever tried to leave he would find us and kill us all.”I wanted to reassure her, to tell her that her father was the exception rather than rule, but she cut me off before I started.”Tony, please let me finish! This morning I was hoping you’d want to fuck me, and I would have let you because I think you’re really hot! But I realize now that I don’t want to fuck you any more, I want to make love to a man for the first time in my life, and I’m really hoping it will be with you. Now before you say no, I swear to you that Mom knows I am here and and what I’m asking you to do, and she told me it was between us but I had to accept your decision.” She took a deep, nervous breath. “So, I’m going to wait outside the door for two minutes. If you want me to go back to my bed you just need to keep quiet for two minutes and I’ll leave and never tease you again. If you want me to come back, you just have to ask me.” She bent down and kissed me, but this time it was a loving kiss on the lips, a woman’s kiss, before she headed for the door.I stopped her as she reached for the door handle. “Kat honey, I don’t need two seconds to make up my mind, let alone two minutes. I’d like you to join me….if that’s what you really want.”She gave me the widest smile I’d seen since this morning, and eased the t shirt over her head before she slid into the bath behind me. She picked up a washcloth and soap and slowly washed my back and my neck, before she slid her arms around me and washed my chest, making sure my bandage stayed dry. She insisted on being very thorough, so I had to stand as she washed the lower part of my body, before I sat down facing her and took the cloth and soap. I returned the favor, slowly soaping her shoulders and back before gently washing her firm breasts. She stood for me and I washed her legs and her pussy, before she turned and spread her legs slightly so I could clean her butt cheeks and her tight little ass. We were both flushed and breathing deeply as I drained the bath. “I think it’s time I took you to bed honey.” I said as I held out my hand to help her up.We toweled each other dry and lay on the bed, and I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply and tenderly, feeling her lips open and our tongues touch. I stroked her breasts gently; savoring their firmness and feeling her nipples harden against my moving fingers. I kissed her firm nipple, using my lips to gently tug on it as I flicked my tongue across the pointed tip. Her breathing was becoming ragged and she was starting to shake as I caught the slightest trace of her aroused scent, so I slid my hand down across stomach until I was massaging her slick labia. She was already so wet I was sure I could slide my cock deep inside in one easy thrust, but it wasn’t time for that just yet. Bill may have taken her physical virginity, and it probably wasn’t the pleasant experience it should have been once the initial pain subsided, but I was determined to take her mental cherry. I trailed my lips down her chest with a succession of soft, butterfly kisses. When I kissed the slick folds of her labia I heard her take a sudden deep breath and hold it, and then a soft groan slipped past her lips as I slid my tongue gently inside. I tasted her oozing juices for the first time as my tongue slowly explored her warm, wet pussy, and she groaned again as I felt her hands on the back of my head.“Oh Tony!” She hissed. “Oh God, OH FUCK! I don’t know what you’re doing to me but please…. don’t stop! It’s amazing….and incredible….oh, eat my pussy, please!!!”My tongue was probing deeply and my lips were pressed firmly against her oozing pussy, so I slid back a little and carefully folded back the hood concealing her hard, inflamed clit. I kissed her little love-button gently, and she squealed and bathed my face in a spray of sweet, tangy cum. I was amazed she could cum so hard and so soon, so I stated sucking gently on her clit while I flicked the engorged tip with my tongue. She squealed and came again, her breathing becoming increasingly ragged, and she used her hands to jam my face against her so I kept going until I had to stop for a breath, my face coated in her warm juices.I eased back up beside her and watched her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Finally her eyes opened, and realizing I was lying beside her, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me against me, her body molding to mine. Her mouth was on mine, her tongue insistent as she kissed me hungrily until she broke for a breath. “I have no idea what you just did to me, but that was just amazing!!!” She whispered. “I have never experienced anything as good as that in my life!”I smiled at her, happy to have given her some pleasure after what must have been a very dark day. I stroked her hair back from her angelic face. “I glad I could make you feel good honey, but I want to make love to you now, if you’re ready for me.”“I am so ready Tony!” She smiled back. “Take me now, please!”She slid her legs wide apart in wanton invitation and I moved down the bed, my cock hard, wet and ready to enter her. I gripped my shaft and lined up my cock head with her glistening pussy and slid in slowly, pausing when I was halfway inside. The heat that radiated from her clenching hole was amazing, and as I waited I could feel her slowly stretch to accommodate my size, so I eased in deeper. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, as I was sure she’d had enough rough fucking to last a lifetime.“Are you ok honey?” I asked.Her eyes flickered open for a moment and she looked up at me. “I’m so much better than ok Tony!” She whispered with a smile.I started thrusting slowly, going a little deeper each time as my cock gradually stretched its way, and enjoying the slippery hold her moist pussy was providing. Despite having masturbated twice I was already building toward my climax, and beads of sweat were forming on my skin. I started thrusting harder, hearing Kat moan beneath me.“Oh God, I never knew it could feel like this! Fuck me Tony! Fuck me please!!!” She groaned.I was thrusting hard and my balls were firing little electric shocks up the length of my shaft.“Oh Jesus!” Kat squealed. “I’m CUUMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!” I felt her cum splash against me as her pussy spasmed around my shaft, and then she came again and again. I couldn’t hold back any longer. “I’m going to cum baby, I have to pull out because I don’t want to get you pregnant!” I groaned.Her legs locked around my butt in a scissor grip, holding me in place as her eyes flashed open. “Don’t you dare!” She screamed. “Mom put me on the pill months ago! I want your cum….in my cunt!!!”I was momentarily shocked at her language but she was lost in a fog of fuck-lust, so I thrust back in hard and roared as I shot my load in her slick, tight fuck-hole. Spurt after spurt fired from my cock so hard and fast the pressure nearly blew me back out, and I held her tightly to stay in place.“Oh YES!” She squealed. “Fuck me! Pump me! Fill my cunt with your hot cum!!!”I was still spraying when my knees started to tremble and I had to collapse onto her, hoping like hell I wouldn’t crush her under my weight. I was struggling for breath but managed to find the strength to roll free and collapse on the bed, a last trickle or cum oozing from my piss-slit as I lay back. She lay her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around me in a loving embrace, and we drifted off to sleep.I woke the next morning with the sun high and light streaming through the window. I realized someone was knocking softly on the door, and praying it wasn’t the twins, I made sure Kat and I were covered. “Come in.” I said softly.The door opened slowly and Cyn came in with a tray with coffee, fruit juice and bagels. “Good morning!” She smiled. “The girls are downstairs making hungry noises, so I thought I’d better come up and see if I can interest you two in some breakfast, before its lunch time!” “Good morning yourself!” I smiled back as Kat started to stir. “Umm….Kat said you were ok with this, and I’m sorry Cyn, I think…..to be honest…..I’m not sure what to think!” I stammered.Cyn put the tray on the bed as Kat wiped the sleep from eyes. “Tony, Bill has treated Kat and the girls very badly for some time now. I tried my best to stop it and I can’t turn the clock back and undo what has happened in the past, but I know the girls trust you, and I know nothing inappropriate has ever happened over here!” She said with a reassuring smile. “An outsider would probably judge me pretty harshly for letting Kat sleep with you, but if helps her to learn that not all men are bastards and there are men that will treat a girl with respect, then I’m fine with it!”I couldn’t argue with anything she had said, and we both glanced at Kat who now looked almost awake. “Hi Mom, mmmm….Hi Tony! For what it’s worth I’m fine with it too. Really…really fine with it!”Cyn raised an eyebrow but gave me a big smile as well, shaking her head as she headed for the door. “I’m going to cook breakfast. If you two can drag yourselves out of bed it’ll be ready in around fifteen minutes.” We made short work of the juice, coffee and bagels before Kat dragged me into the bathroom. She turned the shower on and made me stand outside as she washed my face, cock and balls with a washcloth, laughing as Bayan escort she told me that was as much of a cleaning as I was going to get, and then she showered herself. I marveled at her trusting, uninhibited nature, and the way she could be naked and totally natural with me. We toweled each other dry again, threw on robes and headed down for breakfast with the smell of eggs and sausages wafting up from the kitchen.As we walked in Tiff was standing there trying to look cross with her arms folded across her chest. “It’s about time you two showed up, do you know what time it is?”Kat and I looked at each and back at Tiff as we laughed. “I have no idea Tiff, what time is it?” I chuckled.Shannon ran over and gave us a group hug. “Mr. A, you were so brave, are you all right now?”“Good as new Shannon!” I assured her. “The doctor took real good care of me, which is just as well because Kat was there keeping an eye on them.”“That’s my big sister!” Shannon said proudly. “She doesn’t take any shit from anybody!”Cyn couldn’t help but laugh at Shannon’s emphatic statement. “My God Tony! Do you see what I have to put up with?”Cyn had cooked a fabulous breakfast, and for the first time in far too long laughter and natural conversation filled my house over a pleasant meal. She finished her breakfast and moved around quietly, making sure everyone had enough to eat and drink, and then cleared the table. When the kitchen was tidy she sat down opposite and took a sip of coffee, looking at me over the rim over her cup. “I guess we have some things to do today Tony.”I nodded. “We should get down to the Police station and give our statements so the Sherriff can get things underway from his end. The sooner those men are in jail the better we’ll all feel.” Cyn nodded in agreement as I sat back and looked around the table. “After that I think I’m in the mood for some serious shopping, how does that sound?” The girls were jumping up and down with excitement but Cyn was looking concerned. “Ummm….I don’t have the money for a shopping spree Tony.” She said quietly.“We’ll talk about it later Cyn.” I reassured her. “Let’s just say this trip is on me, no strings attached, if that’s ok with you?”She raised an eyebrow at me, and then gave me a grateful smile. “I guess I’m not used to people helping out without asking for something in return. The girls could certainly use some new clothes….so, only if you’re sure.” “Perhaps you might see something you like as well.” I added. “I have no intention of leaving you out of the fun. And as we men know, a girl loves to shop!”We got dressed and headed into town, stopping off at the Police station. I was surprised to see the Sherriff was still there looking quite tired, and he came over and shook me by the hand. “Hi Tony! How’s your chest?”“Fine thanks Sherriff, and thanks for the ride home last night. I’m surprised you’re still here! Don’t they ever give you some time off?” I enquired.“Well, it turns out your visitors have been busy boys.” He explained. “We tied two of their guns to recent robberies with ballistics tests, so we interrogated them individually and gave them one chance to come clean for a slight reduction in their sentence. Have you heard the saying there’s no honor among thieves? Well they’re all in their singing like a choir! Turns out they’re wanted on federal crimes as well, so the FBI are sending some agents down to interview them tomorrow. They all have previous convictions, so by the time these boys get out they’ll be pushing walking frames. I owe you one Tony, as this won’t hurt my reelection chances one bit!”“You had my vote last time Sherriff, and after last night you’ve got it for life!” I assured him, grateful things were moving quickly. “What about Bill?”Cyn was paying even closer attention now, and the Sherriff led us away from the girls for a moment. “He had no part in the crimes these guys have committed so his case will be tried separately. To be honest, a lot will depend on how you and your daughter want to proceed Mrs. Weston. We will need your statements and testimony in court, but this case is a slam-dunk with your cooperation. Providing a minor for the purposes of prostitution is one of several serious charges he is facing. My only reservation comes from past experience. Preparing a case like this is costly and time-consuming, and in the past when it gets to court the family members sometimes decide they cannot send the person to jail, despite how much they deserve to be there. If you want some time to think about it I can hold him for a few days, but I really need to know if you are prepared to see this through.”Cyn hesitated, but only for a second. “I appreciate your candor Sherriff, but you have my assurance my marriage is over and I will be filing for divorce as soon as I find a good lawyer. My daughter and I are here to give you our statements and we will be in court when you need us.”Cyn’s comment regarding divorcing Bill rocked me for a second, and I realized she could be a firm, decisive woman when she chose to. I realized it made perfect sense after what had happened, as there are some things that cannot and should not be forgiven. “Sherriff, if it’s ok with you I might take the twins for a soda while you talk to Cyn and Kat. When they’ve given you their statements I’ll pick them up, drop them at the mall and come back and give you mine.”“Good idea Tony. It’s been pretty quiet today but I still don’t like to see young k**s waiting around with some of the things that go on here.”I gave Cyn my cell number, kissed her and Kat and took the twins outside. We walked across the park and found a café where I ordered sodas for the girls and a coffee. The girls were excited about shopping but sad about their father’s situation at the same time. ”Is Dad in big trouble?” Shannon asked me.“I’m afraid so honey. He hasn’t taken very good care of you girls, and those men who came to your house last night are in trouble with the police as well.”“I hate Daddy and I hope he goes to jail for a long time!” Tiff said with a level of passion that surprised me. “He should only have sex with Mom. I hate the way he had sex with me and Shannon and Kat!”c***d psychology was hardly my forte, and I was getting out my depth real fast. “Tiff, I know this probably doesn’t cut it right now, but I promise you that not all men treat their daughters that way!” She gave me a dubious look, but thankfully my cell rescued me.Cyn was calling to tell me they had finished giving their statements, so we finished our drinks and walked back across the park. We got in the car and headed down Main Street to shopping centre, and I lucked into a parking spot right out front of the largest clothing store in town. Julie and I had always shopped here as the range of apparel was simply enormous. From baby clothes to business suits and all stops in between, this place had you covered, and Penny the manager was a friend of Julie’s from way back.Penny must have been in the back office when we walked in, but she came out when she saw us and walked over with beaming smile, giving me a huge hug. “It’s been a long time Tony! I thought you’d either joined a nudist colony or we’d lost you to the opposition in the mall!”“Good to see you Penny, and neither of the above is true; I’ve just been a little busy.” I assured her.“I hear you were involved in a little trouble last night, are you ok?”I wondered how she could have possibly known until I remembered she was married to a police officer. “I’m fine thanks, and I guess that’s partly why I’m here. Penny this is Cyn, Kat, Tiff and Shannon and they are my favorite neighbors.” Hi’s were exchanged all round, and I took Penny by the hand and led her a short distance away. “Your husband told you about last night?” I asked.She nodded. “Ken said you did a hell of a job on those bastards. Is this the family he told me about? The father was prostituting his daughters?”“Yeah, and they’ve being doing it tough for quite a while.” I replied.“Well as a woman you’ve scored some major points with me, so what would you like me to do?”“Put them all in some decent clothes, but not just the basic stuff, let them have a little fun while they’re here if you follow me.”She gave me a you-silly-man look. “I’m a woman Tony, I know how to shop! Cover the essentials and some frivolous stuff as well. Is that what you had in mind?”“I knew I shopped here for a reason!” I laughed. “I’m going to take them out to dinner tonight so at least one nice outfit each, and swimwear as well as we might go up to the lake tomorrow. And don’t let Cyn hold back on you, if she tries to tell you she’s fine I want you to tell her I said no commission for you unless she’s got around the same amount as the girls, think you can handle that?”“No problem! Now I hate to ask, but I think what you’re doing is really great and I want to make sure they have some fun without going overboard, so what kind of limit am I working to?”“Say two grand? Do you think that’s ok, or am I out of touch?”She smiled and gave me a reassuring pat on the arm. “For two grand I can show them the time of their lives and give them back to you like its Christmas morning! You really are a great guy Tony, and I’ll cut my margin and throw in some extras as well. This is going to take some time; I’ll probably need a couple of hours at least?”“No problem, take all the time you need. I’ve got to go and give the Sherriff my statement and Cyn’s got my number. She can call me if you finish before I get back.”She made a shooing gesture as we walked back to the girls. “You get outta here now Mister; we girls have some serious shopping to do!” I waved goodbye and headed back to the car, sure they were going to enjoy the next couple of hours more than I was. Giving my statement turned out to be three hours of mental drain and intense concentration. It started with the Sherriff reading back from his notes, and when I agreed he had covered it pretty well a deputy typed them into a computer. He printed copies and we all read it through, making some changes as we went until I was sure we had all the details recorded correctly. I had to confirm the identity of Bill and his visitors from mug-shots, and then we went back through the statement, inserting the relevant names to clarify which man committed each offence. I also had to inspect and confirm the knife they used on me, and then go through the crime scene photos and insert photo ID numbers into my statement. After a couple of hours the Sherriff called for coffee and gave me a wry smile. “The paperwork is a bitch, isn’t it Tony!” “I had no idea Sherriff.” I smiled ruefully. “I know I’m going to have a major headache by the time we’re finished!”When the Sherriff was happy we had covered everything he printed more copies, which I signed and he witnessed. I thought that was it and breathed a sigh of relief, and then he and the deputy started firing questions at me! “We’re not quite done yet Tony.” He apologized. “If you’re called to give evidence the cross-examination can be pretty intense, so we need to make sure your recollection holds up.”More questions followed until he sat back in his chair. “I think we’re done and you’ll be fine Tony, great job! If they all plead guilty we won’t need you in court, but I’ll certainly be in touch to let you know.” I stood and stretched, rubbing my temples in relief. “Thanks Sherriff, Deputy.” I said gratefully as we shook hands. “I guess I’ll be hearing from you.”I headed out to the car and made my way back to the clothing store, my headache slowly receding. I walked into the store and initially couldn’t see Penny or the girls anywhere, and then I caught a glimpse of them through an office window, so I headed over. When I walked into the office Penny and Cyn were sipping on coffees while Kat and the twins had sodas. I received five of the widest smiles I had seen for some time as I surveyed a small mountain of shopping bags and boxes. Kat and the twins wanted to show me everything they had bought there and then, but I politely suggested we had taken up enough of Penny’s time and should be on our way.Penny motioned for me to follow her as she headed for the sales desk. “Everything go ok Penny?” I asked.“They’ve had a fabulous time Tony! You were right about Cyn, but I told her you’d given me very specific instructions and I wasn’t going to upset a good customer. Kat was fantastic! She has great sense of style and showed Cyn a few things I would have picked for her myself, and pretty soon she got into the swing of things.”I settled the account and thanked Penny for taking such good care of the girls.She gave me a wide smile. “It has been my pleasure Tony, this is such a great thing you’re doing for them, and very generous too!” She hesitated for a second, as if she wanted to say something else but didn’t quite know how to put it. “Ummm…..this is really none of my business, but I haven’t seen you this happy since Julie passed away. I know how much you loved her, but I’m sure she would want you to be happy. They seem like a really nice family, and maybe….this could be a second chance for you?”With everything that happened I hadn’t given this aspect any thought at all, but I had to admit I was enjoying having Cyn and the girls around. “It’s early days Penny but who knows, maybe you could be right!” It took three trips back and forth before we finally had all the clothes stowed in the car, and there wasn’t an inch of space left! The trunk was jam-packed so I had to close it very gently, and Cyn and the girls had bags and boxes on their laps and around their feet. By the time we got back to my place my headache was back, as the girls had talked non-stop the whole way! We took their purchases inside and the twins wanted to have a fashion show to display their new outfits. “Ok! Just hold on a second!” I half-shouted. When things had calmed down I smiled at them. “How long has it been since you went out to dinner at a nice restaurant?”“Like….forever!” Tiff replied, getting in first.“That’s what I thought! I’ve booked a table at Karl’s Steak and Seafood for seven, so how long is it going to take you ladies to get ready?”Kat looked at her watch and gave me a horrified look. “It’s just after five now! No way I can be ready by then!!!”I smiled. “Well, I guess its cheese on toast for you then! Anyone else think they can’t make it?”A cyclone erupted as bags and boxes were scooped up and it sounded like a herd of rhinos were charging up the stairs. “I get first use of the bathroom!” I heard Kat call out.“No way Kat!” Shannon moaned. “You’ll be in there forever!”“You can use my bathroom as well!” I called out, just stifling a laugh in time. Peace reigned at last, and I poured myself a bourbon and coke as I slumped on the couch. I knew I only needed half an hour tops to get ready, and I figured I should be able to get into my bathroom by then. It was around six and I was just about to head upstairs when Kat came in and took my breath away. She wasn’t dressed yet, wearing a short robe that was loosely tied around her waist, but she had her hair up with golden bangs framing her perfect face, and smoldering makeup that convinced she was nineteen or twenty. She walked over to me and took my glass, placing it on the side table before she took my hands in hers and gently pulled me to my feet. Then she took my face in her hands and stood on tip-toe, kissing me softly but passionately on the lips.“I never had the chance to thank you properly for last night.” She said softly. “You were just amazing, and I never knew that making love could be so……special. Thank you so much!” I was wondering how to respond, but I never had the opportunity as she merely smiled and walked away to finish getting ready.I headed for the shower with Kat’s words replaying like a continuous loop, and put a waterproof cover over my bandage before turning on the taps. I washed quickly, dried off and shaved the stubble off my face, before dressing for dinner and heading downstairs. Things had gone very quiet and I thought I’d have to hurry Cyn and the girls up, but to my amazement they were all sitting in the den waiting for me.Kat made a big show of looking at her watch before rolling her eyes up in an exaggerated fashion. “We thought you’d never be ready, we’ve been waiting here for ages! Come on Mister Slow, we’re going to be late!”I whistled. “Look at you all, you girls look amazing! I don’t care if we’re going to be late, stand up and let me have a look at you!”Shannon and Tiff had similar stylish mini-dresses with white tights and matching shoes with around two-inch heels. I guessed either Cyn or Kat had helped them with their hair and makeup as they were quite the young sophisticates. Kat was simply stunning, in an aqua evening dress with a serious plunging neckline, silver shimmer stockings and a pair of killer stilettos. Cyn’s hair was up matching Kats, with drop-dead make up that accentuated her eyes and full lips. A pair of silver spiral earrings took my eyes down to a wicked cocktail dress that plunged front and back from her bare shoulders and finished mid thigh. Black stockings and another pair of serious heels stopped me at floor level, and I returned her questioning smile.“Well ladies, its time I took you out and showed you off. One thing for sure, I’m going to be the envy of every guy at dinner tonight!”We went out to the car and headed off to town. Karl and his wife Hannah had opened their restaurant around five years ago, and Julie and I had been among their first patrons. We’d dined there many times and the food and service were always first class, but I hadn’t been back since Julie passed away.We walked in and the waitress at reception asked us to wait a moment. She disappeared and Karl came out, greeting me like a long-lost brother. “Good to see you Tony!” He greeted. “Now what’s this I hear about you showing up empty-handed to a knife fight?”“Not you too Karl!” I laughed. “Yeah, I wasn’t too smart was I?”“You know what they say about small towns Tony. The only thing that travels faster than good news is bad news! Seriously though, it’s so good to see you, and that you’re ok.” The restaurant was packed and buzzing with conversation and I couldn’t see a vacant seat anywhere. “So, dinner for you and your four very attractive companions? Follow me please!”He led us toward the rear and opened the door to a sumptuous private room. I raised an eyebrow as I hadn’t expected this. He simply smiled. “When I saw your booking and heard about last night I moved a few things around. Is this ok?”“More than ok thanks Karl, I really appreciate this.” I replied, unsure what else to say.Karl waved to the same waitress to come over. “This is Josie and she’ll be your waitress this evening.” She smiled and nodded to us, before Karl continued. “Josie this is a VIP party so you’ll attend to this room only and I’ll cover your tables. Enjoy your dinner folks, and I’ll catch up with you later.”Josie led us into the room and seated us, placing napkins on our laps before dimming the lights and putting some soft music on. She handed out the menus and gave Cyn and I the wine list as well. “Would you like to start with drinks Sir?” She asked. I ordered non-alcoholic cocktails for Shannon and Tiff and perused the wine list for a second. A crisp California white caught my eye so I ordered a bottle. “Wine for two Sir?” “For three, thank you Josie.” I replied with a nod toward Kat which got me a wide smile of thanks.When Josie left to get our drinks Cyn leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Tony, there are no prices on this menu; this place must be incredibly expensive!”I put my hand over hers. “No Cyn, it’s not that expensive. Karl is a traditionalist, which is part of the reason why I used to come here often. Correct restaurant etiquette means that the person paying the bill gets a priced menu, all the guest menus have no prices, that’s all.” “Ok then.” She responded. “Can I see your menu please?”“No you can’t.” I replied simply, giving her a reassuring smile. “I suggest you pick whatever you feel like and forget about the prices but I’m having lobster, the seafood here is sensational!” Kat chimed in as Josie came back with our drinks. “I would love to try a lobster if that’s ok Tony?”“Fine with me honey. Good choice!” I reassured here.Josie gave the twins their cocktails and poured our wine, and then explained the different lobster sauces to Kat. I could see Tiff and Shannon listening intently, and felt Cyn’s hand rest on my thigh as she smiled at her daughters’ intent concentration. Her hand starting stroking up my leg slowly as the twins decided on lobster as well. Cyn sighed. “I haven’t had a lobster in years, so I’m in as well thanks Josie.” Josie smiled and left with our orders as I felt Kat’s hand on my other thigh. I was starting to wonder what each would say if they knew what the other was doing, and whether it was likely to be a problem. I took a sip of wine from my glass as I pondered my predicament, thankful that Cyn at least knew Kat had spent last night with me. Matters were taken out of my hands when Kat leaned over and kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear. “Its ok honey, Mom and I know how to share!”“Just to make sure I’ve got this right, what are you sharing?” I asked. “You, silly!” She giggled.I turned to look at her, her eyes sparkling as she took a sip of wine. “Let me make sure I’ve got this right.” I said softly so the twins wouldn’t hear. “You and your mother are conspiring behind my back to decide who gets to spend the night with me?”“Pretty much honey!” She said simply.I shook my head in amazement. “I suppose I don’t have a say in this?”She leaned in close so she could whisper in my ear. “From tomorrow you can have as much say as you want, but just for tonight I’m asking you to be with her the way you were with me last night. I would be sooo grateful if you wanted me to!”I stifled a laugh. “You’re teasing me again, and you promised you wouldn’t!”“I am aren’t I?” She responded with an impish smile, before she kissed my cheek again, but this time she gave me a tiny tongue-lick at the same time which really got my attention! I could have won the argument, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to. “Ok, you win.” I conceded simply.She slid her chair back. “I’m just going to the bathroom.” She walked behind us and paused behind Cyn, dropping her head to whisper something to her. I wasn’t sure but it sounded like “He’s all yours Mom!” Cyn gave me a nervous smile and took a long sip from her wine glass, her hand shaking slightly as she put her glass down. I leaned over to her. “I’d really like you to relax and enjoy your dinner Cyn. I’m not sure about this roster system you and Kat have cooked up, but if you want it to happen then it will, if you change your mind that’s ok too.”She surprised me by sliding her hand further up my thigh until her fingers just brushed my cock. “After what Kat told me there is no way I‘ll change my mind, I just hope you’re not disappointed!” She whispered.I slid my hand behind her and stroked the skin between her shoulder straps. “Somehow I just know I won’t be.”Josie arrived with the first plates of our lobsters and set them down in front of the wide-eyed twins. Another waiter brought the remainder as Kat came back to the table and we got started. The meal was superb and at one point Shannon paused and gave me a cheeky smile. “You are the absolute best Mister A! Can we come back tomorrow?” Escort This had everyone including Josie laughing like crazy.“Fine with me honey.” I replied. “But you’re paying seeing as it was your idea!”She gave me a rueful smile. “It was worth a try!”We finished our meal and couldn’t resist the desert menu, so we were all thoroughly satisfied as Josie cleared the table and Karl looked in. “Everything ok here folks?”“Absolutely perfect Karl, thank you.” I replied. “In fact Shannon wants to come back tomorrow!”He whipped his notebook from his pocket and turned to her attentively. “Would you like me to make your reservation now, Madam?”Shannon looked horrified until she realized we were teasing her. “Cut it out you guys!” She protested.I gave Karl my credit card as we slowly got up, and slipped Josie a hundred dollar tip, thanking her for taking such good care of us. “Thank you Sir, and it was my pleasure. I hope we see you again soon!” Karl returned my card and opened the door for us. “Have a good night, and don’t be a stranger Tony!”We shook hands. “I think you’ll be seeing more of us Karl, and thanks again.” The girls were all raving about dinner for most of the trip home, and I suspect I had three new seafood addicts in the back seat. Cyn was up front with me, her hand once again resting lightly on my thigh. “Thank you Tony. This has been the best day the girls and I have had for longer than I can remember. I feel guilty though, you must have spent a fortune with the shopping and dinner!”I smiled across at her. “It was honestly worth ever cent Cyn. I’ve had a great day as well. I….I’m starting to realize that the way I’ve been living isn’t good for me, and I’m really enjoying having you and the girls around.”We pulled up at home and went inside with Tiff yawning and rubbing her eyes. We went into the den and I waved a wine glass at Cyn and Kat. Cyn nodded but Kat shook her head. “I’m pretty tired so I think I’ll head for bed. Come on you two!” She said to Tiff and Shannon.The twins came over and kissed us both, thanking me for the shopping trip and dinner before they headed upstairs. Kat waited until they were gone before she came over, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me full on the lips. “Thank you Tony, for last night, for amazing shopping, and an unforgettable dinner.” She went over and kissed her mom and paused just before she left the room. You k**s have fun now!” We collapsed on the couch, laughing at Kat’s final cheeky comment. “k**s!” Cyn giggled. “You can’t live without them but they drive you crazy sometimes!”“I’m just starting to see the truth in that!” I agreed as I sat beside her. “I think Kat is sixteen going on twenty-nine!”“She can be a handful!” Cyn agreed as she snuggled up against me. I stroked her hair. “I think I’ve forgotten how to be with a beautiful woman, because I never told you how sexy you looked tonight.”“Better late than never!” She breathed as she reached up to kiss me. Our lips met and our tongues touched before engaging is a sensual duel, and I slipped a hand inside her dress and cupped her breast, feeling her nipple harden against my palm. As our kiss broke I realized she was trembling. “Oh God, I can’t believe how nervous I am!” She whispered. “I feel like a virgin on her wedding night!”“I hadn’t noticed.” I reassured her. “I was too busy trying to stop my knees from knocking!”She laughed. “Your BS skills need work honey! Now will you please take me to bed?”We turned off the lights and headed up to my room, and she stood beside the bed waiting for me. I slipped her dress straps from her shoulders, allowing it to slide slowly down her body until she stepped clear. I knelt before her and eased her g-string down and was delighted to find she had shaved her pussy bare, which had always been a huge personal turn-on! “Kat told me you might like to see me shaved.” She whispered.“I have no idea how she worked that out, but she’s one hundred percent right!” As she stood there I moved closer, molding my lips to her glistening labia as I started French-kissing her smooth pussy. She groaned and moved her feet apart to give a little more room, and rested her hands gently on my head. I slowly licked up and down the full length of her slit, tasting her sweet nectar as my tongue started to probe her inner folds. Her flow increased as her breathing deepened, and she started rocking against me in a slow fucking motion. I used my fingers to ease her labia apart and extended my tongue to explore further, feeling her heat radiating across my face as she thrust harder, trying to push my tongue even deeper. “Oh yes honey!” She gasped. “Keep sucking my pussy like that and you’ll have me cumming in no time!”I matched my tongue movements to her thrusts, so that as she pushed against me I was deep in her oozing hole. I was happy for her to set the pace, and her hands were now holding my head firmly against her. Her flow increased and my face was covered in her sweet juices, I knew she must be getting close. “Oh Fuck! Oh God! Eat meeeeee! EAT MY CUNT!!! OH, I’M CUUUUMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!” She squealed and jammed my face against her pumping pussy so firmly that oxygen starvation would become a problem in a minute or so. Thankfully she released her hold before then, and I sucked in some air as she moved unsteadily back to the bed.“Oh my God Tony!” She gasped. “Kat said you were amazing, but that was…….fantastic!” She lay back across the bed so her head was hanging down. “Come here lover, one good turn deserves another!”I stood and walked over, stroking her face with one hand and my hard cock with the other. “Don’t be shy honey, I like it deep!” She hissed seductively.I rubbed my wet cock-head across her lips and she opened her mouth wide, inviting me inside. I slid my shaft into her warm, wet mouth and felt her lips close around me as her tongue flicked across the head. As I eased in further her cheeks sucked in, and she somehow put her hands behind me until she had a firm hold on my butt cheeks. Her hands pulled me deeper until I felt my cock-head nudging the entrance to her throat, before I slid easily past and my balls were nudging her chin. I was amazed she didn’t gag at all, and overwhelmed by erotic sensations from her throat, tongue and lips, all working to suck my thick, greasy cum from my aching balls. I drew back a little and thrust firmly forward, feeling the exquisite sensation of her throat opening for me as I fucked her mouth. My thrusts became longer and faster as I realized she was not only comfortable with taking me deep, she seemed to be loving every second of it. By now I was pumping her sweet face as fast as I could, trails of sweat running down into my eyes.“I’m going to cum honey!” I shouted to warn her.“Mmmmm….mmmmm!!!” She moaned around my cock, letting me know she was ready. I felt the first spurt of cum fire up my shaft and buried my cock deep into her throat, spurt after spurt pumping straight into her stomach. I could feel her throat working as she swallowed my cream, clenching and releasing my shaft as my flow finally slowed, and then stopped.My legs felt as though they were giving out and I reluctantly eased back from her mouth, her lips fighting my withdrawal every inch of the way. I collapsed onto the bed beside her and she moved up beside me, kissing me on the cheek as I sucked air into my lungs. “I’d forgotten how good oral sex can be when you’re with someone you can trust.” She whispered.“I’d forgotten how good it can be…period!” I stammered. “I didn’t think I was ever going to stop cumming!”“You had quite a load honey, but you taste sensational!” She giggled. “So, would you say we’re even now?”“No way!” I laughed in reply. “I’ve got some catching up to do!”I had built up quite a thirst, and told Cyn to sit tight while I went back downstairs and retrieved our wine glasses and the remainder of the bottle. We lay back on the bed and sipped our drinks as we recovered.“I feel like my head is spinning Tony, things are happening so fast!” Cyn confided.I nodded in agreement. “You’re so right! Considering what we were doing this time last night, it’s hard to believe you’re lying here with me now.” I turned toward her and saw the conflict and concern on her face. “Is this something you want to talk about now, or am I ruining the mood with male bad timing?”“Now is fine with me if it’s ok with you.” She reassured me. “At least we don’t have the girls to worry about now!”That was a good point, as we couldn’t have a discussion like this with them buzzing around the house, so I nodded to Cyn and told her to start wherever she wanted. She took a deep breath and told me about her relationship with Bill. They had been happy enough until he lost his job around six months ago and initially they coped ok, optimistic that he would find work somewhere. As the rejections and the bills piled up and their savings ran out they found it increasingly difficult, and he started to hit the bottle pretty hard and just stopped looking for work. The fights became more frequent and he was no longer interested in her sexually.Cyn thought they could be turning the corner when she managed to pick up some casual work, but then she came home from a shift to find Bill forcing Kat to perform oral sex on him. Kat was pleading with him to stop and Cyn said she went crazy, slapping and scratching him as she tried to pull him away. He slapped her face so hard she was knocked u*********s for a while, and when she came to Bill had taken Kat orally and anally and was calmly sitting in the den drinking beer. Cyn started packing bags for her and girls when he came in and gave her and the girls a fearful beating, telling them if they ever left him he would hunt them down and kill them all. This confirmed everything Kat had told me was absolutely true, as I’d wondered whether her imagination had exaggerated the facts. I could see tears welling in her eyes as she told me she should have called the police or packed up and left town, or just done something! She said she felt completely trapped as her only family lived on the other side of the country and didn’t have room to take in four more people. With no money even for bus fare her options were non-existent, and I told her exactly that.She smiled at my reassurance and went on. When she found out that Bill was also m*****ing the twins, she and Kat came up with a plan where the girls would come over to my place whenever she wasn’t there, which seemed to work pretty well.“Ah, so you owe me for de-facto babysitting!” I said, trying to lighten the mood a little.“I owe you for a lot more than that!” She smiled in embarrassment. The final straw was when a letter arrived from Social Security the other day advising that their payments were being cut back, as Bill had been unemployed for six months. They had already received a foreclosure notice from the bank and their credit cards were maxed out. Cyn didn’t know Bill’s solution was to prostitute his daughters for money, and last night had been the first she knew of his sick plans when the men arrived at the door.Tears were rolling down her cheeks as I gently lifted her chin and kissed her. “The first thing you should do is stop beating yourself up Cyn!” I told her firmly. “Sometimes life deals you a shitty hand and there is simply no way out. You did your best to protect your k**s against a man who was not prepared to play by the rules and treat his family the way he should have. It’s obvious to anyone that your girls still love you and respect you, and k**s are normally pretty good judges of character, so they don’t think you’ve let them down! The fact that you’re here now while he is sitting in a cell is all the proof you need.” She gave me a hesitant smile. “Well….that’s my story for what it’s worth. I’d really like to hear yours …….if you want to tell me.”I hadn’t opened up to anyone since Julie died, but somehow I just knew this was my best chance to start moving on with my life. I took a sip of wine and gathered my thoughts for a moment, before telling Cyn how we’d fallen in love at school, married straight out of college, and been together ever since. A look of concern flashed over her face when I told her we’d never felt the need to start a family, and the places we’d been as we travelled. Tears were forming in my eyes when I told her about Julie’s minor operation, and how I knew something had gone terribly wrong when the doctor came to see me in the waiting room.Cyn held me as I told her how my life had fallen apart, how I never went back to work, and the blinding rage that had consumed me and created my insatiable thirst for revenge. I told how I had pursued the hospital and doctor through the courts until I had my victory, and how empty and lonely I felt when I had nothing left to focus on.“I can’t imagine how devastating that must have been for you Tony!” She soothed quietly.I went on tell her how I’d become a virtual recluse, tried dating and failed miserably, and just gone through the motions until her girls started coming over. I finished by telling her how I started to look forward to their company, even paying them pocket money to do chores for me so they’d come over more often. She nodded. “I wasn’t sure about that when they told me, but it made such a difference to them! I don’t know why, but I was sure they were safe when they were with you. It’s funny how little we know about our neighbors. I mean, we’ve lived side by side for years, and I knew Julie had passed away, but I never even came over to see if you wanted to talk or needed some company! I’m really sorry honey!”“Look, you had a family to raise and your own life to lead, and it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea anyway. I would have shut the door on you as I was so caught up in feeling sorry for myself.”She gave me a wry smile. “Didn’t I tell you your BS skills needed work? So…..I guess the big question is…..where do you want to go from here?”“I think the first thing we need to get straight is that any decisions we make have to be mutual, ok?” She nodded in agreement before I continued. “If you’ve received a foreclosure notice we need to move quickly, as the k**s still need a place to live and where would you go if you moved out anyway? So, if it’s ok with you I’d like to go through your finances from top to bottom and see exactly what we’re dealing with.”She frowned at me. “They’re a real mess Tony, and you’re an incredibly generous person but I can’t just let you keep handing over money for a family that isn’t yours! I mean, you spent more money today than I have in six months, and it’s been the best day we’ve had for a long time, but it can’t go on forever!”I had a feeling this would come up and I’d prepared for her objections. “You said we, didn’t you? Meaning you and the girls?” She gave me a curious look unable to work out where I was heading, but nodded in agreement. “Ok, so you have three wonderful k**s who are now completely dependent on you, agreed?” She nodded. “So I’m really sorry to be brutal about this, but what are your alternatives?” I could see she was starting to follow my direction.I took her hands in mine. “Cyn, there are no strings attached here ok? I’m never going to be on the Forbes Top 100 Rich List, but I invested Julie’s settlement carefully and the interest and dividends I receive are a lot more than I’m spending, so I’m in a position to help you and I’m happy to do so. But if you agree the most important thing is that we do it free and clear, and you don’t feel like you owe me. I would never want you to feel obligated or uncomfortable, as it would probably screw things up between us anyway, and that’s the last thing I want!”She looked at earnestly, almost pleading. “Oh God Tony! Are you sure about this? I mean are you really, really sure?”I gave her hands a gentle squeeze. “Cyn, I have never been more sure in my life! Look….it’s so hard to put into words but…..despite what happened last night this has been best day I’ve had in a long time! I just feel as though I’ve been in a c*** for last two years and now I’ve woken up, and this won’t just be good for you, it will be a step forward for me as well!”She had tears in her eyes again. “Ok Tony, so what do we do now?”“Are you working on Monday?” I asked.“I have an afternoon shift from two to six.” She replied.“Ok then, we can go through your paperwork tomorrow and work out your complete situation, then I’ll come over Monday morning and we’ll start getting things straightened it out.” She hugged me so hard I winced as she crushed my stitches! “Oh God! You have no idea what a relief that is!”“Well that’s a good start, but we’re not quite done yet honey.” I said, interrupting her happy moment.“Ok, what else do you want to talk about?” She asked.I gave her a tentative smile. “You, me and Kat. I’ve never been in between two women at the same time, especially when they happen to be mother and daughter! I’m not sure whether last night and tonight are one-off occasions, and if they are then I’d be disappointed but that’s ok. But if they’re not, then I’m so far out of depth I’m drowning!” She giggled and blushed simultaneously. “We have put you in a tough position haven’t we?”“No k**ding!” I agreed. “And it was more than a little obvious at dinner that you two had cooked up a devious plan to have you here right now. So what’s going on Cyn, have you two worked out a little roster system and forgotten to tell me about it?” She laughed heartily. “Oh dear, I’m so embarrassed. It sounds so clinical when you put it that way! Perhaps I should give you some background first. Up until things started going off the rails Bill and I had always been open with the girls about sex. We didn’t parade around the house naked or anything, but we wanted them to know sex is an important part of a loving adult relationship. We also wanted to make sure that they knew the facts, and weren’t mislead by stories they heard at school. Kat came home a few weeks ago and told me one of the girls in her class is having regular sex in a swimming pool, because she heard the water prevented you from falling pregnant! There is no way one of my girls was going to realize a story was untrue when they missed a period! When I knew Bill was m*****ing them I put them all on the pill, and I wasn’t happy about but I didn’t really have a choice.”I nodded in agreement as there really wasn’t anything else she could have done. Cyn took a sip of wine and continued. “Anyway, Kat is at that age where in some respects she’s still a c***d, but in others she’s a confident young woman with a mind of her own, as I’m sure you’ve noticed! I guess I’m lucky that we’ve always been really close, and in some respects she’s more like a sister than my daughter. She told me last night how she teased you yesterday, and she wanted to come to you and hoped you’d want to make love to her, but she was asking if I was ok with it first. My first reaction was an absolute NO! But when I thought about it I realized this may be a chance to repair some of the damage Bill had done, so I started to come around. If one of my girls is going to have sex then I would prefer their partner is mature, caring, and hopefully knows what he’s doing! The one thing that really worries me is that they may grow up hating men because of what he did, and I felt if this was a chance for her to realize that some men are decent and caring, I shouldn’t stand in her way. So I told her to start with a sincere apology, give you every opportunity to say no and accept your decision whatever it was, and if come back to my room and cry on my shoulder if you sent her away.” She was looking for my reaction, an uncertain expression on her face. “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” I responded. “The fact that you are so close has nothing to do with luck; I believe they call that consistent, quality parenting Cyn. So the question is where does this go from here?”She gave me a sexy smile and reached down to wrap her hand around my shaft, stroking slowly. “I probably shouldn’t speak for Kat, but she was walking on air all day today and told me you were an amazing, caring lover. It was actually her suggestion that I…..I come to you tonight, and I was as nervous as she was last night, so I think you can rest easy about any jealousy between us. The little minx even insisted I should shave my pussy without telling me why. But now that I’ve been on the receiving end of that talented tongue I know the reason!” Oh God, I was blushing again! Thankfully she went on before I had to reply to that comment! “As far as I’m concerned, I’d be happy to share your bed whenever you want me to. As for Kat, I think she’d feel the same way.” She gave me an impish smile. “So stud, why don’t you tell me what you want? Should the three of us sit down and work this out, do you want me to have a woman to woman discussion with Kat, or would you just like us to…..surprise you?”I was a little taken aback by her direct approach, and somewhat distracted by her steady, rhythmic stroking just below my waist. “Ummm….so many choices, can I get back to you tomorrow honey?”“Take as much time as you like lover!” She assured me, before she slid down the bed and took me back in her mouth. Cyn’s oral skins were simply amazing, as she used her lips and tongue in way that any man would find impossible to resist. She had my cock hard, oozing pre cum and ready to go in couple of minutes. When she was satisfied I was ready she got on her hands and knees beside me. “I need you to fuck me please honey. You’ve got my cunt all hot and wet with your wicked tongue, so now you need to put the fire out with some creamy juice!”I moved behind her, inhaling her musky scent as I admired her slim body. She looked over her shoulder with a wicked smile on her face. “Give me some cock lover, don’t tease me!”I slid in hard and fast, my cock sliding all the way into her warm, wet cunt in one easy stroke. “Oh yes!” She hissed. “That’s what I need! Have you got a good load honey? Are you going to paint my cunt white until your juice is dripping down my thighs?”“I going to cum so hard you’ll be oozing fuck-juice tomorrow baby!” I shouted. Her pussy felt as though it was trying to milk me as her muscles expanded and contracted around my shaft. After cumming once I worked up to a steady rhythm, with sexy, liquid sounds spurring me on.Cyn started to writhe beneath me, and dropped her head onto the pillows which gave me angle that provided even more pleasure.“Oh Tony!” She squealed. “Oh honey, I’m cumming! Cum with me baby! Fuck me hard and fill my hot cunt!!!” I felt her cum spray over my cock head as she bathed me in her juice as rushed to join her.“Get ready honey!” I shouted. “You’re going to be gargling cum in a second!”“Do it! Pump me hard!!!” She pleaded. My cum fired hard and deep like an uncapped fire hydrant, and she screamed as she came with me, our juices mixing in a boiling cocktail of lust. “Oh God! Oh sweet Jesus!” She moaned. “You’re filling me up! Your cum is soaking into every part of me!!!”My flow finally ran down and she gave one last tremor as her legs gave out and she collapsed on the bed, taking me down with her. I carefully rolled onto my side, my slowly softening cock still embedded deep in her juicy pussy. What an amazing woman!I kissed the back of her neck and she trembled again, her nerve endings still incredibly sensitive as we slowly recovered. “Thank you Cyn!” I whispered in her ear.“For what honey, you did all the work!” She whispered in a dreamlike state.“For reminding me that fantastic, unbelievable, earth-shattering love-making can be so special.”She purred against me. “Remember the movie Ghost, with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore?”“I sure do!” I replied.“Ditto!” She said simply, and we drifted off to sleep.

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