
My New Lodger Ch. 02


Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy it, Mica xxx Yorkshire England.

In the evening as we prepared for bed, I wondered if John would expect to sleep with me overnight. I rather hoped not, I do like my own bed for sleeping. Shenanigans are fine of course, and in fact may even be welcomed, but when the time comes, I want to be in my own bed.

He didn’t seem to expect it, we said goodnight, and he went to his own room. Excellent. My dreams were full of the moments we had, as well as the one we didn’t. There was a whole term ahead to think about the missing moment, there was time aplenty.

No awkwardness in the morning, which was good to see, I did momentarily wonder if he thought that was ‘it’, or if he just wasn’t interested enough to take things further. I couldn’t read him, basically, I didn’t know him well enough. I dressed in bra, white knickers and pale blur mid length dress. and went down to the day room.

I made him a bacon sandwich for breakfast and then he headed off to Uni.

Just after he left, I had a phone call from the nice people at the Uni. One of their students had been let down at the last minute and had nowhere to live. I had said I had two more rooms, could I possibly help out in the short term whilst they find somewhere else for the student to Lodge.

Difficult to say no really. Might make things difficult for John, but, well life can be like that. They said they would be bringing him at around lunchtime if that was okay. I scooted upstairs and rushed around the second spare bedroom, tidying, putting fresh clean linen on the bed, ensuring drawers and wardrobes were empty, moving everything I could into the third bedroom, which was now quite full. Satisfied that the room was acceptable, I rushed around with the vacuum and duster, opened the windows for air, and went down to make myself a much needed cup of tea.

I had just finished my tea when the door bell rang. I put my cup and saucer in the sink and went to the front door. A ginger haired woman with a rather large satchel type hand bag stood there with a young nervous looking man, possibly West African, I have no way of knowing, to me a person is a person, it is what they are, rather what skin they wear, that matters to me. There was a small pile of bags at their feet.

“Hello,” she said, “I am Morag from Uni Lodgings and Hostings. This is Samual.”

“Hello Samual, I hear you have had a bit of an upset, come on in and let’s at least get you a cup of tea. Morag would you like one too?” Well, you have to be welcoming, don’t you?

“Thank you miss,” he said.

“Oh we don’t need formalities here if this is to be your home for the next year, I am Mica, okay? That is all you have to call me. Now, you bring the bags in and dump them in the hall. We can go to your room when we have had a relaxing cup of tea. Morag, if you could just pull the door to when you are done, I shall make us some tea.” I am not a porter.

I topped the kettle up and put it on to boil, rinsed my cup, and retrieved another two out of the cupboard. Tea bags, for simplicity. Three teas made and brewing in their cups and then they came in.

“Sit anywhere, now milk, sugar?”

Both sat to the table, they both had milk, neither had sugar, so that was easy. Bags out, milk in, done, I put a cup of tea kapaklı escort before them both and sat on my sofa holding my tea.

“Samual has had some issues then Morag?”

“Yes, sadly an unexpected death in the family he was going to stay with, so obviously, well, he can’t go there.”

“Oh bless. That must have been quite a shock for you Samual. Hopefully no traumas here. Let me take you and show you the room that I have that can be your home for the next term if you want it. Come on.”

I got up and led the way upstairs and opened the door to his room and ushered him in.

“All the spaces are empty, the drawers, the wardrobe so you can store all your stuff away in them. There is a desk you can use for your laptop or computer whatever you have. I have another student with me, John, he is in the room next door. I will leave you look around and I will go down with Morag, just come down when you are ready.”

He just nodded, perhaps a little shell shocked, must be odd going somewhere and then someone dies on your first day. Back in the day room I faced Morag.

“What happened?”

“The dad of the house he was going to live in had a heart attack over night. Deceased. Obviously his wife has more than enough to deal with than a student.”

“Yes. So. He can stay here under the same conditions as John. I will prepare food, if they want it, it is included. They cannot prepare food in their bedrooms, no illegal content on the WiFi. Come and go as he pleases, presume he has his bus pass and stuff sorted?”

“Yes, all that is done. I am sorry that it is short notice, but, well, you were an obvious person to ask.”

“Oh? Well I didn’t know why that would be, however, can’t let a young lad down when I can help.”

“Here is the paperwork,” she said opening her folio and sliding paperwork that looked remarkably similar to what I had signed for John previously.

I did the signing and passed the papers back, keeping one copy for myself. That will go in my paperwork tin, next to Johns.

“I’ll go and help Samual with his luggage,” Morag said and went from the day room. I sat back and thought. In a short space of time, I have gone living by myself to having two eighteen plus year olds residing under my roof. This would be interesting. There was the sound of cases being carried upstairs, and then Morag came down.

“That is him sorted. Any issues, you have our number. Hopefully he isn’t too traumatised by the events of last night.”

“Well, I’ll look out for him.”

And then she was gone. I wandered upstairs and Samual was surrounded by clothes and stuff on his bed, busy trying to find the right home for them in his drawers and wardrobe.

“When you’re done, pop back down, we’ll have a drink, and you can tell me about yourself.”

“Okay Mrs…” I stopped him.

“Just Mica Samual, just Mica. Oh, and the only door that needs to be knocked on is my Bedroom Door.” Again, I said it wrong. “This is your home now, so wander around as you like. I am sure you will get to meet John later and you and he can work out your own boundaries between you.”

“Thank you Mica,” and he went back to homing his clothes. I did not really look at his clothes, they were his concern, not mine. Back in the day room I made myself a glass of Elderflower pressé and karabağlar escort sat on my sofa. Interesting how life changes, I wondered how Samual will cope, it must be unnerving for him. I heard him walking down the stairs.

“In here Samual,” I called.

He came in and sat on a chair facing me. I realised that I hadn’t smoothed my skirt down and so my knickers would probably be showing. Ah well, I noticed that is where his attention seemed to be. Interesting.

“Everything okay Samual, enough space in your room for you belongings?” I enquired, hoping that the answer would be yes as I wasn’t sure what I could do about it if it wasn’t. I pressed my ankles together.

“Yes Mica, thank you,” he answered, and looking directly up my skirt he said, “it looks as if I shall be very happy here.”

“Oh I hope so young man, I really do. Whatever I can do to make you happy and comfortable.” Well, you know, there isn’t always a need for reason.

“Thank you Mica, thank you.”

“Are you close to your mum,” I asked.

“Not so much my mum but I have an Auntie I was very close to; I shall miss her tremendously.”

“Oh, when you say close?”

“Oh Mica, very. It will be a wrench for me.”

“Oh? Well now, perhaps you and I can be come close in the same way and then you won’t miss her so much.”

His trousers were really tenting. I looked at the clock, it would be at least an hour before John came home.

“Did she help you with your personal needs?”

“Yes Mica, when no one else was around, she helped me.”

“I see. Would you care to show me what she helped you with, and then I can see if perhaps I can help you in my own way.”

“Oh. I am not sure Mica, If we are not talking about the same help, then I will be in trouble.”

“No Samual, no you won’t, and whilst we are alone you can say anything or do anything, you won’t get into trouble.”

“I am scared Mica.”

“You may be scared Samual but you seem to have a big problem that needs dealing with, and unless you show me, I can’t help now can I?”

He stood up and pulled his trousers down, his eyes fixed on my face. There is was. Quite big and very hard looking and cut.

“Would you like me to help you with that Samual, because I can, but we would be better off upstairs in my bedroom.”

“Yes Mica.”

He stepped out of his trousers and picked them up, and followed me as I went up to my room.

In my room I unzipped and removed my dress and turned to face him in just my bra and knickers. My bra off first, allowing him to enjoy my breasts, and then I took off my knickers, stepping out of them and standing with my legs apart.

“My auntie is very hairy, I have never seen the detail of a woman.”

I went and lay on the bed. “Now is your opportunity Samual.”

I looked at him as he pulled his top off and came and knelt on the bed and leant forward to look more closely at my sex. I shimmied my legs a little further apart and closed my eyes. I felt his fingers teasing my labia apart and the a finger sliding along my valley, first to tease my clit out from its hiding place, and then down to my entrance. Perhaps his auntie was exceptionally hairy? I know that some dark haired ladies, and I assumed, being his auntie, that she would be very dark haired, grew an abundance karabük escort of hair in the groin, all over the mons, the lips and even down onto the legs.

He knew his way around, he was no virgin. My pulses began as his finger toyed with my clit, gently he touched, lightly flicking, oh yes. I felt my breath catching as he slipped down my wet valley and circled my entrance before gently pressing two fingers inside me. Oh.

I could feel the tingles inside, his fingers rubbed against my G Spot, then a finger nail came back and gently caressed it, his finger crooking, widening me, stretching me. Oh my goodness that was so delicious. My nipples felt as if they were too big for my breasts and were tight, straining, my fingers seemed to be trying to dig into my mattress and as he started moving his fingers in and out of me, I realised I hadn’t rolled my quilt back. Darn it.

As his fingers worked inside me, his thumb was rocking on my clit, and another finger lay across my perineum to my crinkle. This lad really has had some good lessons from Auntie. My pulse was beating and my whole groin was throbbing. I sensed a movement and opened my eyes, he was above me, and then I realised his dick was pressing.

He used his hand and wiped his dick up and down my wet valley and then pushed at my opening, kept going and bottomed me out, Lord he was a big boy. That felt so good, a dick inside me after so many years, oh how I had missed it, so much better than BOB, my Battery Operated Boy. He pulled back and I swear my fanny breathed a sigh of relief, he was really stretching me, and he paused and looked down at me, his big teeth grinning.

He slammed in to me, hard, I think my breath left my body and I know I gasped loudly. I felt nothing, not his rim sliding inside me, nothing just empty then stretched wide inside. He pulled back again, again he paused, and this time I was prepared when he slammed inside me, his pubis slapping loudly against my mons, my gasp loud as he reached my depth. He pulled back and then started a steady shag, more easy on my fanny, not brutal, my fanny appreciating that, accommodating him, me enjoying him as he shagged.

“Yes Mica,” he said, “I think you can help me the way Auntie did.”

I could feel the press of his dick as he reached my bottom depth, his balls just touching my thighs as I couldn’t take his full length, his hardness sliding in and out of me, stimulating my bumps and wrinkles, me not caring just lying there grunting as he filled me, gasping at the relief as he pulled back. My pressures were building, my tingles growing, a slight soreness that I ignored, my whole groin tensing, my buttocks clenching as he drove into me.

My back spasmed, it tried to arch but his hips help me down, my heels dug in, my toes pointed up, my fingers squeezed and I screamed, hard and loud and my fanny clamped hard. My orgasm erupted though me as an explosion of pleasures and pains, electric tingles coursing through my nerves. He carried on, I slumped.

He kept pushing in and pulling out, his speed increasing as he shagged harder. A minute, two, he carried on shagging and then with a mighty push, he held his dick deep inside me and I felt his ejaculation, long spurts, at least three, filling me, flooding my womb, squirting along his dick and spreading out across my thighs. He held for a moment and then pulled out and rolled to his side.

Phew. Frankly it has been many years since I was shagged like that, wow.

“Thank you Mica,” he said as he got up, “I shall go and wash.”

Well yes, I better shower before John gets home, crumbs.

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