
My Perfectly Made Girlfriend Pt. 04

Eating Hairy

This chapter is a little different. I know you will still probably find some errors, but due to other projects starting I wanted to get this one out before I took too much a break. Thank you all for your comments, I will make sure to learn from them all. Good and bad. I do hope that you enjoy and thank you for joining me on this journey.


Chapter 4.

Looking out the window of the rental car, as Terry drove us to the plant, I could still see my male face under makeup. Terry’s hand in mine sent shivers up my spine. I could not begin to explain how he made me feel. I know my ass was sore and stretched and sitting reminded me of all the new realities I was experiencing. Much as I wanted to look at Terry, my heart was a buzz.

Four days ago, the only thing I had even dared to let touch my ass, was toilet paper and my finger. I wore panties when I could because I loved how they felt. It wasn’t until Terry had tugged them that I ever even considered I could find a man attractive. He wasn’t like the studs of my dream, not that I had ever considered what type of guy turned me on. He was more like a slap in the face.

“Sonaya?” His gravelly voice filled the small car. “You ok?”

I turned to smile, I could see the look of worry on his face. “I am in heaven.” I adjusted and lay my head on his arm, the seat belt keeping me from getting closer. His smell was intoxicating. I smiled, trying to look as adorable as I thought I could pull off. I was self-conscious of my voice, but with Terry. I did not care.

“You seemed little spaced out?” He squeezed my hand. “Worried about your trip tomorrow?”

His concern for me made my legs rub together instinctively as my sore ass ached, but not from pain. “A little, this is all new to me.” That was an understatement, I was terrified. Every time I was alone, I was afraid someone was going to grab me and take me away. I was a first-generation immigrant from Iran, my family was super devout.

“Don’t be, I promise Becky will meet you at the airport. They will wine and dine you for four days, and try to buy your soul.” He smirked. “I am more worried Becky will try to keep you at the office there with her in the Valley.”

His confidence in company, while nice, did not do a lot to make me want to leave the car, or his side. “What would you do if I did stay?” I Tried to be playful, but I regretted it instantly, as I saw his face go serious, his eyes gave it away.

“I would be happy that I got to see a beautiful woman come into this world.” His hand lessened a little.

“You think I am beautiful?” I awed a little to pull his arm closer to me.

But his eyes wouldn’t look down, so I ran my hand to his crotch. Smiling as he stiffened and the car jerked a little. He looked down, and I gave him a wink.

“Terry,” I smiled at him. “I keep my promises.” Then gave his package a generous squeeze. He finally smiled and relaxed. I was so glad I put a pad in my panties because I was so horny I could tear his pants off if he would let me. I could not explain the effect he had on me, my flat chest ached, as if my tits were full, and my core felt different. I was on my left hip, it helped with soreness but I would happily give it to him right now.

“Behave,” He chided with a smile, as he looked down at me with those hazel eyes.

“Yesss, daddy.” I squinched my nose at him, without thinking. Another feeling that days ago would have never crossed my mind.

“I mean it. No funny business on the work site.” I could feel him getting into boss mode. Something I had only seen when we were loading the equipment or at the airport. Made my heart skip a beat. “Say it Sam.”

His saying my boy name was like a slap across the face, as it snapped me out of my He saw it too. I pushed back away from him. “Fine, I will behave.” Pushing myself closer to the passenger door. All the sexiness and femininity seemed to vanish when I said my real name. My ache just ached, and while the small bra that had once felt full, now felt like clothing.

After a few minutes, we pulled into the parking lot. I started to unbuckle. Terry looked at me. “Sorry, I know I ruined your morning.” He turned his head. “But this job is my life, and my reputation. I know you are in a new world, but we still have to be professionals.” He unbuckled his belt and unlocked the doors. “If you can’t do that, maybe staying in the Valley with Becky would be best.” He swallowed hard and left me in the car.

I blinked, as my body felt like I had been sucker punched. Terry was serious, as serious as he had been on our first night, as serious as he had been when he offered me a new life. I watched as he walked off, his strong back and jeans, leaving me behind. My throat went dry as a million thoughts ran through my head. I did not want him to go, I did not want to go back either. I took a deep breath and went after my man.

I had not made it more than a few feet, when black dinar escort Dodge pulled into a parking spot, and Zena rolled her window down. “Damn girl, you rock them work boots.” She lowered dark sunglasses that were almost as dark as her hair. She followed my eyes to watch Terry walk away. “Damn you got it bad.” She giggled.

“I upset him.” I hated speaking to other people, the more I tried to sound like a girl, the more it felt fake.

“He is a guy he will get over it.” She opened her door. “Don’t sweat it.” She was a few inches taller than me and carried her weight in a lot better places as well. Her raven hair was down to her shoulders, which she put in a ponytail and tucked into her work shirt. She was amazing in the fact she made her work attire still seem goth by her presence.

“So, did you do what I told you last night?” She smirked, she asked as we walked across the parking lot. My cheeks blushed as I thought about what she had told me.

“Yes,” I said. “You were right, it felt amazing, and so natural.”

“Men are all the same, they can take you hard and rough, but when it is real. They are the biggest teddy bears in the world.” She gave me that knowing smirk. “So did you?”

“Did I do what?” Looking lost.

“Climax, cum, feel the rushhhh.” She giggled. “Did he get to see your OHHHH face?”

I blushed because climaxing with Terry was never a problem. “He fell asleep after he came, because he didn’t move all night.” I blushed.

“Bitch… keep your secrets.” Zena pushed me as we entered the building. “Anyway, guess it’s time to be…” she air quoted “Professional.” She smiled, “I will see you at lunch.”

I finally found Terry in the conference room with CAD sheets from one end to the other. He looked up. Then looked back down at the ball of squiggly lines and wiring patterns. I moved beside him and studied them. Four years of computer science was not a total waste, I would bump into him as I tried to follow his train of thought.

“Sam, you are getting a little too close.” He bumped me away, my real name felt like a hard slap across my femininity.

“It’s Sonaya.” I half protested. He looked up at me. Shook his head and walked over and adjusted the blinds to the conference room, and shut the door locking it.

“Ok, let’s get this straight.” I could feel his mood turn serious, and his eyes fixed into mine. I lowered my head. “No, look at me.” His voice was stern yet calm, I looked up into his eyes. I was trembling. “At work to me you are Sam.”

I started to protest. “I don’t like it when you call me that.”

“Tough, get used to it.” He looked around, making sure all the windows were closed and the door locked. He closed the distance. “Sam.” I felt my gut wretch, I did not want to be his boy toy. I was his Sonaya.

His hand touched my shoulder. “Sonaya, I call you Sam at work, because it’s the only way I can keep my mind off wanting to tear your clothes off.” He said in a whisper. “I thought you understood that. I hate calling you that name. But it’s the only way I can get my mind out of the gutter.”

I closed my eyes, and realized this was as hard on him as it was me. I wanted to grab him, forgive me, I wanted him to lay me on these papers and fuck me till i was senseless. Judging by what he said, he was fighting tooth and nail not to do it. I clinched my fist and willed my libido to take cold shower, fuck I thought, how do real women do this.

“So, do you understand now? Sam.” I saw him fix the shades, swallow hard, and not look at me. “I need to get some coffee, want some?” I knew it was a lie, he had a fresh cup right beside me, but he knew we needed a second. I know I did, because my heart fluttered. Knowing my boy name was no longer a swear but his way of telling me he was getting too hot. I smiled as he left, I am going to love hearing my old name at work.

Zena met us for lunch, well, me rather. I could not pull Terry away from the project. After he returned, I realized how focused he was. I am pretty sure whatever he did in that bathroom must have shot ice water in his veins. She and a co-worker were in the corner table of the factory cafeteria, factory workers filtered in and out as we ate.

“So you get everything patched up?” Zena asked as he played with her salad.

I nodded. I still did not feel comfortable talking around people, though the sight of myself in the mirror was easier to accept. Especially around Zena, she would point out stuff and give me a wink and help me correct it.

“So how long have you been transitioning?” Bree asked, then put her hand over her mouth like she said something dirty.

“Way to blurt it out, Bree.” Zena laughed. “Well?”

I lifted my hand and counted my fingers, “Five.”

“Wow, you look amazing for five months.” Bree cheered. I shook my head.

“No, five days.” I blurted, I don’t know why, but being around the girls gave me confidence and femininity I never felt before. Not as if I am an expert on the subject. As we talked, it diyarbakır escort felt like my nipples were heavier, and my shoulders relaxed more as my body mimicked Zena, and Bree’s unseen cues.

“No fucking way.” Zena dropped her fork. She leaned over, “What the fuck is Terry packing to turn you so quickly, and can I get some.” She giggled as shot a glance at Bree.

“Me too.” She smiled. “Don’t be a stingy girl.”

We talked girl talk for a few more minutes before Bree had to go back to the front office, leaving me Zena alone for a bit.

“So big plans for tonight?” She smiled. “I can already tell you have.”

I am pretty sure my cheeks looked like they were on fire. “Last night till Wednesday. I don’t want to leave.” I smiled at her.

“You will be fine. I would sell my soul to work under Terry.” She smiled and her hand touched mine. “They take care of their people,” she paused. “Ok maybe not Terry, but their other employees.”

“What do you mean, not Terry?” I had to ask.

“Most companies send out like three or four people to work on these projects. Terry is a one-man crew, no one ever stays more than a month with him. Worse, he will work straight thru once he starts a project. The man is a machine, but he is damn good at his job.” Zena smiled.

“No wonder he looked hurt when I said stay in the Valley.” I leaned back in my chair, my heart aching a little.

“Oh, girl, you didn’t,” Zena shook her head. “You are an evil little brat.”

I sat there thinking about the car ride, and how everything changed. It made sense now. “I got to make it up..”

Zena smiled “Five days and you are more women than half the girls who were born a woman.” She squeezed my hand. “You will figure it out, I gotta go. I will check in on you two after the afternoon meeting.” She left her ass swinging in her jeans as she went. I was envious, I wish mine was that thick. I snapped out of my daze and grabbed Terry a sandwich and drink and headed back to the conference room.

He was deep in thought and scribbling notes into a small pad. “Hey Sam, welcome back.” He only looked at me for a second, but I could see he moved his eyes away. I had few delicious thoughts, but I smiled, knowing now how big a compliment he was actually giving me. I kept my distance.

“So, since you are my apprentice, you get to go to the afternoon meetings. Don’t worry, you don’t say your whole job is to take notes, and relay questions to me after the meeting.” He smiled as he rolled another drawing out.

“Terry,” I was terrified. “I don’t know if I can.”

“You will and you can.” He gave me a stern look that made my cunt ache. “Don’t worry, Zena will be at the meeting. Unless you want to go meet with plant maintenance and inform them of all the conduit that needs to be laid?”

I started to say something cheeky but caught myself. “Ok I will go.”

Zena was my guardian angel, she sat to my left, and was quick to divert any attention or questions away from me. When I did speak, it was to say I will need to run that by Terry. The meeting went smoothly except one senior manager, who asked, “why wasn’t Terry here? If all I was doing was being his messenger boy, er girl.. Sorry”. He corrected himself out of frustration. I smiled and forgave him.

Once Zena and I got back to the conference room, it was almost five. So she went and clocked out and we just hung out and talked as we waited on Terry. I could not help but let my guard down around Zena, though she looked goth, she was friendly and supportive. Few minutes after five, she closed the conference door, not locking it.

“So really five days?” She smiled. “I have been full time for four years, and you seem like you have been a girl forever, apart from your voice slipping.”

I blushed, my cunt twitched. She had a way of making me forget about having extra nuts and bolts. Plus, she was where I wanted to be. “No, five days ago I was just a geeky IT guy.” I showed her a pic on my old phone. “See?”

She looked at it, “Wow girl, who did your hair, and taught you to do your makeup? Took me years to get where I was comfortable.”

Smiling, “Terry dropped me off at the mall, and the ladies at Dillard’s gave me the works. The rest I learned from YouTube.” Proud of my success.

“Terry must have worked some magic on you.” She smiled. “So tell me.” She sat on the table, swinging her legs. “How did you two meet?”

“He was working at the site, up north. The next to last day, I was helping him move stuff, and he saw my panties under my work clothes. One thing led to another, he took my cherry and my masculinity in one night.” I bit my lip as my ass ached as I thought about how hard he fucked me that night. I had to stop, but I refused to give up.

“Sounds hot. So from then on you were Sonaya?” She giggled.

“Well, Terry did give me a choice, since he was leaving. We could write it off as a one-night stand or I could go with him, but as Sonaya, that is pretty much it in a nutshell.” I spun doğubeyazıt escort in a chair as we talked.

“What did your family say?” Zena nonchalantly asked. “Mine freaked at first but my mom eventually accepted, my dad still calls me Zack but only when it’s us. He says he has four daughters now.”

“I kind of didn’t tell them.” Sonaya looked down. “I mean I told them I was leaving, and renouncing my faith.” I was lying. Honestly, the morning Terry brought me home, I called my folks to tell them I was becoming a girl. I had met a man, and if he would let me, I would become his wife. They swore and cursed me, told me I was a horrible son, and I would burn in hell and that if they caught me, they would kill me. I shivered. I had told Terry a little about it that first night, because I knew their reaction before it happened.

“Ouch,” Zena looked serious, “can I hug you?” I nodded as she popped off the desk and pulled me close for a hug. It felt warm, and sisterly. Five days ago, a woman this close to me would have sent me over the edge, but she just felt normal.

“Do I need to come back later?” Terry had quietly opened the door and was looking at us.

Zena, without missing a beat, pushed my face into her cleavage, hands in my hair. “Yeah, about ten minutes more and you can have her.” I felt my body go rigid as Terry had caught us hugging.

“I mean, if you would rather spend your last night with Zena than with me.. I can pick you up at her place in the morning.” He said it so deadpan, I half worried he was serious.

“Shesh Terry, the poor girl is trembling over here.” She smiled, looking down at me. “Though if you don’t want her, I would eat her up.” She moved my hair from my forehead.

He smiled. “I prefer to start a little higher.” He winked “You ready to go, Sonaya?”

I don’t know why, but when he spoke my name, I would have crawled across the floor naked for him. I just nodded.

Zena smiled, “damn girlfriend he has you whipped, show a little shame.” She let me go, as she walked by Terry, and swatted his ass. “You better treat her good, else someone is going to take her from you.”

“Zena.” She froze in her tracks. “Sonaya said she might stay in the Valley. If she does, I will need a new apprentice, I am getting too old to keep doing this all by myself.” I bit my lip, fuck he was cruel.

“Oh, she is going to abandon us for some high priced digs out west?” She smirked. “Guess you are going to miss what I got planned for us next Wednesday night. Guess it will be Terry and me flying solo.” She winked at Terry and left.

My mouth was dry, my panties soaked, and my body ached. I wanted to be Terry’s only focus of attention. I made my way to him. Keeping my eyes focused on his crotch as I felt so beat and defeated. My bottom lip half pouted out as I took his hand in mine. Looking up, with my big green eyes, biting my lip. “Terry, if you take me home. I promise to be extra extra special tonight.” God, I meant it too.

“Go get in the car.” He smiled. I would have skipped it if it wasn’t for my steel toe work boots.

As soon as he was in the car, I grabbed his hand, undid my jeans, and pushed his hand down my soaked panties. God, he felt so good, as felt his strong finger rub my soft pined cock and crotch. I wiggled my body as much as I could as he fingered me. I did not care; I didn’t have a real pussy his hand in my pants was like fucking dream. His grip told me I had the same effect on him.

As he drove one handed, while groping me, my legs spread wide as I grabbed his arm. I ground his hand as best I could. I had no clue what I was doing but damn it felt good, I let my lust and body lead me. We pulled into the hotel parking lot, and I was panting my cunt ached so bad, I was in full heat. I undid my seat belt and leaned over. Grabbing his face and kissing him so deep, pushing my chest against his as sucked his tongue and my ass hit the horn. His hands grabbing and holding me.

“Say my name again baby.” I sucked on his tongue, desperate for more. “Please.” Moaning into his mouth. He kissed me harder and I could feel his hands groping my ass.

“Sonaya..” He panted as he held me. “We.. should get inside.” His face flushed. I smiled as I got back in my seat.

“Yes, daddy.” I giggled as I opened the door and ran inside. I was already out of my uniform shirt when the cold air of the hotel room hit my bra-covered chest. I kicked out of my work boots and came out of my jeans when Terry opened the door. I looked back at him.. Wiggled my ass, and lowered my lace panties as the jeans cleared my hips and gravity took over.

His magnificent cock popped free as soon his zipper was low enough. My mouth watered, but I knew when he grabbed me where it was going. I didn’t even have time to grab the bed. He pressed into me and pulled me back. His tip pushed thru and slammed into me hard. I grabbed the bed as he lifted me to my toes. Impaling me on his rod, “fuckkk” was all I could mutter as his rod assaulted my ass. Sliding in and out of my now much better trained ass. I was dry, but fuck, I didn’t care, the pain of having him inside me was worth it. I gave in and let him rock my body with each thrust. I was panting, letting myself go, trying to enjoy the ride. Zena was fucking right, my body felt fucking amazing with cock inside me now.

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