
My Rapping Down Stairs Neighbor


I was tired and cranky. I had just got off from working a double shift as a waitress at a local eatery and all I wanted to do is sleep, or so I thought.I peeled off my shorts and collapsed on to my bed. Then, I heard a disturbing rumble coming from the apartment below mine. I was incredulous. It was ten at night and not the time I wanted to hear the deep rumbling and insistent “thump-thump-thump” of rap music. I climbed out of bed and stomped on the floor. Nothing happened. I stomped again. Still nothing.I made my way down the stairs. I was not a happy neighbor. I banged on the apartment door below mine. I was ready to unload of my neighbor, whom I had never taken the time to meet, when the door opened and “Mr. McDreamy” peered back at me.The first words out of his mouth were, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know how late it was.”He was in his mid-thirties and had a square jaw line, a little facial stubble, jet black hair and steely blue eyes. GQ Quarterly lived under me and I didn’t even know it.Almost simultaneously, I became extremely aware of how God-awfully unkempt I must have appeared, with my hair a mess, my make-up clearly smudged and wearing nothing but a pull-over t-shirt and my panties.“I’m sorry,” I replied, “It’s just that I am tired.”He said he understood and before I knew it, he had closed the door. I trudged back up to my apartment and back to my bed. As I lay there, I couldn’t get the image of my down stairs neighbor out of my mind. I wondered if he was single, or perhaps had a girl-friend. Surely, I thought to myself, a şişli escort guy like that is attached to someone. Then I thought, maybe he is gay. Oh no, I I thought, I hope he is not gay.I was startled back to reality as the music re-started. “OK,” I thought to myself, “Is he deaf or stupid?”I made my way back down the stairs to his apartment. I rapped on his door, but he didn’t answer. So I banged a little harder. He cracked the door open and peered out.“Is it too loud?” he asked.With my hand on my hip, and biting my tongue, I sarcastically replied, “What do you think?”He opened the door and slipped a door block in front of it with his foot. I watched as he walked into his living room to adjust the sound on the music console. He had on tight blue jeans and was shirtless and barefoot.Damn. He had a body to match the face. I ran my hand through my hair, unsure of what to say or do, as he made his way back to the open door. He handed me a folded-up piece of paper.“This is my number,” he said, “So if I am a bit loud, just call me, unless of course you want to just come and knock on my door.”I lingered, trying to figure out what to say, not because I was at a loss for words. I can speak my mind when I need to. I undertook a quick glance for a wedding band on his left hand. Not seeing one, I pressed on.“I just got off work,” I replied. Before I could finish my statement, he interrupted to ask me where I worked.“Delaney’s,” I replied.“I’ve been there before,” he said. “Coo place. How long have you worked there?“Just escort şişli started a few days ago,” I replied.“I may have to come in and check you out,” he said, proffering a smile and a wink. Wait a sec. Did he just wink at me?“You don’t need to go in to check me out,” I replied, “I’m right here.”Oh my God. I couldn’t believe the words just fell out of my mouth like that. He smiled.“So, come on in,” he offered, taking a step back and offering the open space in front of me. Now normally, I would not walk into a guy’s apartment unless I knew him very, very well. I am just not that type of gal. But, this was my neighbor and I figured if he was up to anything bad, he wouldn’t dare try anything, since I lived over him.At the time, I was happily single. I had dated a few guys, but none of them were serious boyfriends. I was twenty-one and had lived on my own since leaving home at 18. My parents were consistently fighting and arguing and I needed a break.The apartment was sparsely decorated. A half-eaten apple lay on the pass through between the dining area and the kitchen. A stack of papers lay cluttered on the dining room table. I quickly surmised he didn’t have a wife or a girlfriend, because no self-respecting woman would allow such an unkempt appearance.I plopped down on the couch and immediately sprang back to my feet. I looked behind me and saw a fork on the seat cushion.My neighbor quickly apologized and removed the fork from the couch. He quickly asked if I wanted something to drink and I took a mecidiyeköy seat and crossed my legs in front of myself.“A beer will do,” I replied. I really wasn’t in a drinking mood, but spying a half empty beer bottle on the coffee table, made me think I might as well join him if for no other reason than I might find a friend rather than an obtuse downstairs neighbor. Besides, he was rather good looking and very muscular.“Stan,” he said, introducing himself as he extended his hand with a cold beer bottle in it.I took a quick swig from the bottle and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, as he took up a seat next to me, leaving a small space between us. He quickly apologized again about the loud music. He went on to say he had never lived in a multi-story apartment before, having always lived in flats or houses.Oh my gosh. He had such a smooth and mellow sounding voice. His blue eyes were piercing. I tried desperately to push aside carnal desires and thoughts, but it wasn’t working very well.He shifted on the seat beside me and stretched out his legs.“So, do you have a boyfriend?” he brazenly asked.“No,” I replied, “I’m happily on the market.”“So what are you looking for in a guy?” he asked.I had to bite my tongue. “Off the wall wild and crazy sex.” I thought to myself.“A guy who will treat me like a lady and is responsible,” I replied.He smiled. Oh my gosh- that smile.“I’ve been employed as an architect for ten years,” Stan replied. “I’m still working on the first part.”“Well,” I replied, “A lady can overlook a few indiscretions from time to time.”I didn’t want to sound desperate, but this guy was jump-into-bed sexy. I could feel a tingling developing in my private parts and although I wanted to push back that feeling, the more I tried to suppress it, the stronger the feelings became.

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