
My Sex-Packed Holiday (Incest Version) – Chapter 9 – A Final Threesome With Matt and Sally


I hurried up to the room that I was sharing with Matt and went straight into the en-suite bathroom, latching the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My body was still flushed and glowing, and I was a bit embarrassed to see how hard my nipples still were, poking out inside my bikini top. I slipped my top off, baring my breasts, then pulled down my bikini panties so I was naked. Still looking in the mirror, I touched myself between the legs. My clitoris was still aroused, and I slipped a finger inside me to see how wet I was. Damn, I was soaking and still really horny, but it would be dinner soon: I might have to wait until later to satisfy myself properly. Turning on the shower, I soaped myself all over and turned the temperature as cold as I could bear it, to try and cool myself down. I tried to think of non-sexual things, but my mind kept filling with the image of Abi’s naked body and the way she had made me come.I heard Matt come into the room while I was drying myself off.“Just a sec,” I said as I heard him rattle on the bathroom door, and I wrapped the towel around me again before letting him in.“Cheers, Annie,” he said. “I think I need a shower before dinner too.”And I bet Sally does as well, I thought, unless she wants to sit there at dinner while Matt’s semen slowly seeps out of her pussy into her knickers. On the other hand, she might quite like that; I know I would.I heard the shower go on, and I listened to him sloshing around while I dried my hair and pulled on one of my summery dresses. I was just primping myself up when I heard our Mum at the door.“Are you two ready for dinner?” she said.“I’m just coming, Mum,” I replied. “Matt’s just finished in the shower – I’ll hurry him up.”I could hear him having a pee. “I’m just going down to dinner with Mum,” I shouted.“Ok, I’ll just be a minute,” he said, coming out of the bathroom in his boxer shorts, towelling his hair.Mum and I went downstairs and met my Dad in the bar, where he was choosing wine for the meal. I saw Abi and Sally just sitting down at their table, and I waved innocently at them. As soon as Matt arrived, we sat down for dinner, and spent the meal swapping stories about what we’d supposedly been doing all afternoon; Fikirtepe escort bayan shopping, swimming, walking…some of it was even true. As I was finishing my pudding, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and Abi leant over.“Did you all have a good day?” she asked. My Mum started telling her what we’d all been up to, when I glanced sideways and realised that Abi’s dress was gaping open at the top and I had a perfect view inside of her left breast. Oh god, she wasn’t wearing a bra and I could see the whole smooth curve of it, right down to her dark nipple. I knew straight away that she’d done it on purpose: I was the only one getting the benefit of her intimate flash. And that answered one of the questions I’d been asking myself in the shower: had she regretted what we’d down that afternoon and wanted to pretend it had never happened? The answer was obviously not!She and Sally then disappeared towards the lounge, and I did my best to finish my raspberry torte without my hand shaking. Luckily no-one else seemed to have noticed Abi’s cheeky exposure (though I don’t supposed they’d have mentioned it if they had – it’s not the sort of thing our family would talk about over dinner). By the time we got to the lounge for coffee, Abi and Sally had gone. My mind was all in a bit of a whirl about everything – I wanted to find Abi, but I wasn’t sure if now was the right time. In any case, she was likely to be with Sally, so it would probably be really embarrassing trying to make conversation, knowing what I – we – knew. Argh! Why can’t life be simple?In the end, I finished my coffee and announced that I was going to walk along the cliffs for a bit before going to bed. I was quite pleased that no-one offered to join me, as I wanted a bit of time to myself. I popped upstairs to put on some more comfortable shoes, and went out the side door of the hotel onto the path that led to the cliffs.It was cooler now that the sun had gone down, but still warm enough to be pleasant. I ambled slowly along the path, and sat down on a bench looking out over the sea. The waves were breaking gently over the rocks below, and it really was very peaceful. I tried to clear my mind of all Escort Sancaktepe complicated thoughts, but not surprisingly they kept filling with images of a sexual nature: Matt fucking Sally; Abi masturbating me. My hand strayed between my legs, pressing against my clit through my skirt. I pulled my skirt up and slipped my hand underneath. I could feel the heat between my thighs. Looking round quickly to make sure there was no-one around, I raised my bum and quickly pulled my panties off, stuffing them into my handbag.It was lovely, just sitting there on the bench, looking out to sea, my legs apart, gently playing with my pussy. I just let my fingers slip inside and wiggled them about, feeling my juices well up. Flickering over my clitoris, I felt myself tingle all over in that lovely sexy way. I was quite happy just keeping myself on the edge of orgasm, building up to it slowly, but then suddenly I was interrupted by, of all things, a Labrador dog bounding past. Whoops – at least I had time to pull my dress down and wipe my fingers on my dress before the owner walked past. We exchanged a few words before he walked on, but the spell had been broken, and I decided to go back to the hotel. With a bit of luck Matt would be asleep and I could finish myself off in bed.I couldn’t see Matt or my parents downstairs in the lounge when I came back. I went upstairs to our room, and opened the door quietly. The room was dark, and I could hear steady breathing; all this fresh air must have tired him out – that, or the vigorous exercise he’d been getting all afternoon with Sally.Not wanting to disturb him, I left the light off, undressed quietly and slipped on my short nightie. I brushed my teeth in the dark in the bathroom, groped my way to my bed, and slid under the single top-sheet. It was so hot that we’d each chucked our duvets onto the floor – I’d much rather have been sleeping in the nude, but with Matt there it wasn’t really an option. It wasn’t that we were particularly embarrassed to be naked when the other one was there, but we’d kind of slipped into the habit of respecting the other’s privacy. So he’d get dressed while I was in the bathroom, and vice versa. üsküdar escort I’d happily potter around in my underwear with him there, and he usually wore boxer-shorts which didn’t give much away, but I’d have been a bit embarrassed if he’d seen me wandering around with nothing on at all.So I lay there quietly, thinking back over the day’s events. Watching Matt fuck Sally had been seriously hot, and what had happened with Abi was even more amazing. I was starting to wonder if I should have let it go as far as it had. Shit, she was old enough to be my mother – literally – but what we’d done had been one of the most sexually arousing experiences I’d ever had. Oh god… should I try to pretend it had never happened? And what was she thinking now, lying in her bed with Sally – freshly-fucked Sally – in the same room? Had she mentioned anything to her daughter? I didn’t think she would have, but who was I to know?All I knew was that all this thinking about sex was making me horny again. It was time to finish what I’d started earlier. I pressed my finger against my pussy through my nightie, and felt how very wet I was. I carefully pulled my nightie up around my waist under the sheet, parted my legs just enough, and slipped a finger between my labia. Whoo, I was still soaking – my finger just slid in with a little “schlup” noise and I felt a dribble of liquid run down between my thighs.I steadied my breathing, keeping as quiet as I could, and slid a second finger in, before beginning to move them in and out. Trying to be so quiet made me aware of the other sounds in the room, and suddenly I realised that Matt’s breathing was different too – had he woken up? I paused with my fingers up inside me, and held my breath. As I lay as still as I could, I could hear a rhythmic rustling. He was trying to be quiet, but it was obvious – he was having a wank! I stopped my own diddling to listen to the steady swish of his hand against the sheets. I bet I knew what was in his mind – or rather who! What exactly was he imagining doing to Sally? Was she sucking him off, or was he fucking her from behind on the grass? I raised my head and by the light through the curtains could just make out a steady movement at about waist level.I’m still not quite sure why I did it – things might have been rather different if I hadn’t – but it just kind of happened.“Hey Matt,” I whispered, loudly enough for him to hear. “Sally’s, like, pretty hot, isn’t she?”There was a frantic rustle from my brother’s bed, and a rather cross voice whispered back.

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