
My Son’s Teammate Pt. 02


Chapter 3

I slept for about 15 minutes but awoke when I felt some movement next to me. I was momentarily disoriented but it came back to me in an instant when I moved my hand and found it resting on the base of Benny’s penis and surrounding pubic hair. I combed my fingers through the short hairs, played gently with his flaccid cock and looked Benny over. He was sleeping on his back with his bent arms spread above his head. I nuzzled the underarm next to my face. In repose, Benny looked particularly young, breathing easily through his nose and slightly open mouth. I noticed that some cum remained in his dirty blond hair above his forehead, holding some of his hair upright like hair gel. He looked like he only needed to shave once or twice a week, with signs of growth on his chin and upper lip and not much else. There was no body hair at all between his underarm down to the pubic hair entwined in my fingers, not even a love trail down his tummy. His nicely developed chest rose and fell gently with each breath and his abdomen was flat and firm. I played for a while with his dick and balls but got no reaction from Benny – he was out cold.

I rolled off the bed and put my clothes back on, pausing to again take in the sight of the beautiful young man. I walked down the hall to the kitchen and fixed myself a scotch (not my first that evening, I confess) and took it back to my den. There I sat back in my favorite chair and enjoyed a few sips before hearing some stirring in the adjoining bedroom. I entered the room in time to see Benny’s naked behind as he walked into the bathroom. I followed him in and asked if he’d like to join me with a drink and if so, what.

“A beer would be great right now, if you’ve got some,” he said.

“We’ve got a nice selection, actually,” I replied. “Why don’t you put on some clothes and I’ll show you what we’ve got.”

Benny returned to the bedroom and bent over to retrieve his boxers. As he stepped back into them, I appreciated the muscles that rippled through his butt. Oh to be young, slim and fit. With the boxers in place, he threw on a shirt and decided that was enough.

After Benny picked out a beer, we returned to the den to enjoy our drinks and talk. We sat catercorner on two chairs, our feet stretched out, sharing an ottoman.

“That was something else,” I offered, trying to break the ice. “I haven’t done anything like that since I was around your age. I think I’ve been missing out.”

“That was one of the most intense orgasms I can remember,” Benny replied. “No girlfriend of mine has ever gotten into oral sex like you did – we did.”

“It helps to know what feels good on the receiving end, I guess.” I paused to enjoy a few more sips of my drink. “Do you often play with other guys?” I asked.

Benny paused, evidently pondering what to reveal. I rubbed his feet with mine, thinking the contact would encourage frankness. “Actually, the weekend up at your house was the first time I’ve fooled around with other guys,” Benny replied.

“Tonight was fooling around with a guy,” I stated. “I wouldn’t say the massage up at the house qualified, would you?”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean your massage. No, that wasn’t fooling around although it felt pretty darnn good. No, the fooling around happened the night before. I shouldn’t kiss and tell – I know you wouldn’t want me to do that about tonight and I feel the same way.”

“I think we have the same interest in discretion, don’t you think?” I said.

“Definitely. We should keep this to ourselves. I shared a bed with another guy on the team that weekend at your house – not your son – and a little hanky panky took place,” Benny admitted.

Benny evidently didn’t remember that he had told me before that he shared a room with Adam but that was okay.

“So what did you do?” I asked.

“Well, the team hung together until about 3 in the morning doing this gaziantep suriyeli escort and that. Nothing too bad but it probably qualified as hazing of a sort. You know, the freshmen had to strip naked and walk around the hot tub in an elephant walk.”

“Elephant walk?”

“Yea, you know where each guy has to lean forward and grab the genitals of the guy in front of him while the upper class men hoot and holler at them and comment on how pathetic their dicks are, stuff like that.”

“I missed that one when I was in school,” I said.

“A couple of the frosh started getting hard and that naturally drew some derisive comments. We decided that anyone with a hard-on got thrown into the pool to cool them off. At some point, we put all the freshmen in the pool and then basically the entire team stripped down and went in. It was actually a lot of fun.”

“Cool,” I responded, picturing a few dozen really fit 18 to 22 year-olds buck naked in my pool.

“We ended up staying naked for another hour, finishing off the kegs we had.”

“Just the guys 21 and over, though, right?” I joked.

“Well . . . Not exactly.”

“Drinking beers when you’re all staying away from cars seems okay to me, even if that’s not exactly what the law says.”

“When the kegs went dry, guys gathered their stuff and went off to their rooms. Adam and I were pretty drunk – shit, so much for discretion. Anyway, Adam and I shared that bed in the pool house and didn’t bother putting on any clothes when we crashed. We weren’t exactly wasted but any inhibitions were definitely in low gear. Adam was in the bed first and after brushing my teeth and joining him he just kind of rolled over and extended his leg over mine and started rubbing his cock against my hip. I tried to push him away but not very hard. I don’t remember who grabbed whose dick first but pretty soon we were both hard and giving each other hand jobs.”

That sounded pretty hot, I had to admit. Adam was a junior – a year ahead of Benny. He had about four inches on him in height and was another absolute if somewhat bigger twink, with a slim, muscular build. He had curly, light brown hair and was one of the stars of the team. He had talked about working towards international competition in the decathlon since he was such a natural, well-rounded athlete. Imagining Adam and Benny side by side, naked and hard, pumping each other’s cocks, caused some stirrings in my groin.

“Wow, that sounds really hot Benny,” I said. “But I seem to recall some straps tied to the legs of the bed when we went in the room that next afternoon – what was that about?”

“Time for another beer, don’t you think Mr. Douglas,” Benny said lighty. But since his beer was empty, we went into the kitchen and picked out another. This time, I joined him with a brew of my own.

When we returned to the den, we took the same places and I reached down and started rubbing his feet with my hands. Benny stretched out both legs and enjoyed the attention.

“Okay, so the straps. Where do I begin?”

I was all ears.

“As I said, Adam and I were giving each other hand jobs and I was getting into it, at least on the receiving end. I guess I started breathing a bit heavily and at some point, Adam repositioned himself and really went to town on my dick, forcing me to let go of his. It wasn’t too long before I could feel myself beginning to cum. Adam redoubled his efforts and I came so hard. Cum shot up my stomach and chest and the second or third squirt hit my face. I think I let out seven or eight squirts and not very quietly either. It was awesome.”

“That sounds incredible.”

“It was incredible. And I was spent, I can tell you. As usually happens to me when I cum, I fell asleep. And when I fall asleep after sex, I really fall asleep – like comatose.”

I had noticed that a short while earlier.

“And my post-sex slumber is usually on my back and I extend my arms over my head like this,” he said and demonstrated the look I had seen that evening. “I’m not sure how long I was asleep but I woke up to feeling hands on my arms. I was kind of slow to come to but when i did I saw not only Adam but also Drew.”

Drew was another athlete on the team, also a junior and a pretty decent long distance runner. His mother was Asian, his dad Caucasian and he was really attractive like lots of kids who are half Asian, half white.

“Drew was holding on to my left arm and when I tried to move my right, I realized it was bound by a strap. And Adam was in the process of attaching a strap to my left arm too. I looked at them and said something like ‘what the fuck!’ As I struggled with my bound arms, Drew sat on my legs, holding them down and Adam attached straps to each leg too.”

“You must have been freaked out,” I said.

“I was still kind of drunk, but you’re right, I was really freaked out. Drew tightened the straps and I really couldn’t move any of my limbs. Once he had me tightened down, Drew started licking my cum off of me. First my face, then my chest and then working down my abs. Once he decided I was pretty clean, he started sucking on my cock and getting those last few drops of cum that hadn’t shot out.”

“I can’t believe you slept that long and heavily that they could put the straps on the bed and start on your arms without you waking,” I noted.

“I found out afterwards that Drew had put the straps on the bed legs earlier in the evening and just kept them out of sight. He and Adam had planned this out.”

“Ok, so you’re strapped down on the bed, buck naked and spread eagle, I assume.”

“Yup, that’s the picture.” And it was a pretty hot picture, in my mind’s eye.

“Then what? I think I’d be yelling bloody murder, if that had been me,” I told him.

“Well I was yelling bloody murder but in a stage whisper. Remember, there were other guys from the team in the other bedroom and the living room of the pool house and I wasn’t exactly anxious for them to find me like that, naked and bound.”

“Yea, I can understand that.”

“But I also told them I was going to call the cops when I got free if they didn’t let me go right then. Adam said to me that he thought I’d find this hot but that if I was going to freak out, they’d undo me. And they did. I sat up and after telling them what a-holes they were for a while, we all kind of laughed. Drew told me he was into bondage and thought I might find it exciting too. He talked about some of his experiences with bondage and I have to admit I did find it kind of hot. Drew finally suggested that I agree to have my arms – but not my legs – bound and that we’d agree on a safe word that I could use if I wanted out. After a bit of back and forth, I said yes.”

“So they put the straps back on your arms – then what?”

“Well first, Drew put his arm under my knees and just picked me up so that only my upper back was on the bed.”

I found the idea of having complete control over a bound Benny pretty hot.

He continued: “Adam slipped a few pillows under me and so when I was back down, my butt was sticking up, ready for action. Drew went down on me, starting in again on my cock and then my balls and finally my butt. I’d never had anyone lick my anus before and I have to admit it felt really good. I mean REALLY good. I started getting hard again.”

I was getting hard myself, listening to this tale.

“Adam pulled out a bottle of lube, moved Drew out of the way and squirted some on my crack and started pushing his forefinger into my hole. Meanwhile Drew was smothering me with kisses and sucking on my earlobes. After getting my butthole good and loose, Adam put in two fingers and then three. He knew where my prostate was and worked it. That felt even better. I was hard as a rock, so I couldn’t exactly claim I wasn’t enjoying it. Drew got out a box of condoms and put one on and started to lube that up. So here was something else new coming up – getting fucked in the ass.”

“And Drew was hard and ready?” I asked,

“Oh yea, he was hard. You may not know this, but Drew has always been into manscaping – he doesn’t have any hair on his body below his shoulders. He’s always gotten kind of kidded by guys on the team for that but he basically says ‘fuck off.’ He’s been out since before I was a freshman – I’ve always kind of admired his courage.”

It was well known among the team and its supporters that Drew was gay. We’d met a boyfriend or two the previous two seasons. I can’t say I was aware of the manscaping but I had heard of such things.

“Anyway, he’s got a decent dick in any case, but without any pubic hair at all, it looks pretty darn big. As he lubed himself up and applied some more to my butthole, part of me wanted to say the safe word but another part of me said, try it. And that’s the part that won out.”

“So Drew finished the prep, placed my legs over his shoulders and put his covered dick up against my hole and pushed. It didn’t pop in at first but Drew coached me to push out and eventually it did pop. It wasn’t very comfortable initially but I got used to it and Drew pushed a bit further with each thrust. I’m not sure how long it took but eventually he was all the way in and started to pump away. He looked down on me and occasionally leaned down and kissed me. I’d never been under a guy like that – it was . . . different.”

“And what was Adam up to all this time?”

“Well, I wasn’t exactly paying him much attention but after Drew got his rhythm going in my butt, Adam kneeled over my head and I started to suck his balls and give him a rim job. Another new experience for little Benny!”

“That really was a night to remember, wasn’t it?” I said.

“I’ll say. Adam kept moving around since I wasn’t exactly mobil, getting me to suck one ball, then the other, putting his dick on my lips, rubbing it across my chin stubble. He seemed to really enjoy it when I licked his anus. I wasn’t sure I could do that but he was clean and he definitely enjoyed it so I got into it. I wasn’t completely aware of what Drew and Adam were doing with each other but at some point I noticed that they were leaning in and kissing while Drew pounded away at one end and I had Adam’s dick in my mouth at the other. And Drew was pumping my cock too so it was a real three-way.”

By this point, both Benny and I were sitting back and it was kind of obvious that I was enjoying the story. Benny moved his foot up and gave a quick rub to my hard-on.

“Adam was the first to go. He grabbed his dick and managed to place it more or less in my mouth. His first squirts went into my mouth and then they landed on my face and chest. That was pretty intense; I’d never had a close up view like that of cum squirting out of a cock. When he’d finished coming, Adam positioned himself next to me and took my dick into his mouth. It was wild having one guy pounding away in my butt and another blowing me. It didn’t take too much of that for me to cum and it was as intense as the first one that night. As I was finishing my last squirts – all in Adam’s mouth, by the way -Drew let out a gasp and tensed and came hard in my butt. He had on a condom but it still felt pretty awesome.”

It sounded pretty awesome.

“Drew kind of collapsed on top of Adam and me and eventually pulled out of my butt. Adam gave my anus another few licks and then pulled the rubber off of Drew and gave his cock some loving attention. And then Drew came up and French kissed me. Eventually they released the straps and I was unbound. Not sure I’d do that again, but it was intense.”

Benny gave another poke to my groin with his foot and I reached forward and rubbed the outline of his hard prick through his boxers. We finished our beers and looked knowingly at each other. Our night wasn’t done, of that I was sure.

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