
My Stepbrother, The Lawyer

Big Tits

When my parents got a divorce, I remember feeling as if the world was ending, but I didn’t realize that the apocalypse had started when my mother had started her new job and the fights were a direct result of her lack of discretion. My mother had always had questionable relationships with her superiors, but the turning point was when there was no question about their relationship.

I had seen Harold come to the house a few times when Dad wasn’t home, but didn’t really think twice..I didn’t want to think twice, either. What she did on her own time was her business and not mine. I was an only child when she was with Dad, but when she finally got her hands on Harold’s money, they tied the knot and suddenly I had an older brother. At first, I loved it. When I was a ‘lonely only’, I had the attention of both my parents in abundance, to the point of needing therapy twice a week and a prescription for anti-anxiety drugs. My Dad still called me every other night to check in, but my mother’s attention was constantly divided between Harold and Danie and she had no energy left to worry about me yet still managed to be halfway decent at her job, which was working as a secretary at Harold’s law firm.

This, and Harold tried his hardest to get me to love him. Anything I mentioned I wanted or even just dropped subtle hints I had any desire for Harold would come up with an excuse to buy it for me and when he ran out of reasons I would just find his gifts tucked into my purse, my backpack when I was in highschool, and even just sitting on my bed when I got home from school or just sitting on my bed. The greatest gift was parked in the driveway on my nineteenth birthday. I woke up on the day of and saw a new car in the driveway that I thought was someone else’s, maybe someone Mom had over. An hour later, Harold told me where he hid the keys to my brand new black Malibu and I almost died. I had just totaled my first car trying to avoid hitting a deer and had been saving everything I earned to replace it. The weight was suddenly lifted. I didn’t have to take public transportation, pay Uber, or beg my friends for rides anymore. I was elated. I thought,

‘Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I still got the attention I wanted, really, more than enough.’

The only compromise was Daniel.

Daniel was the most obnoxious boy I had ever met when he was a teenager, but as he grew into an adult, I experienced things that I thought of as’positive attributes.’ He was great at some of the video games I liked to play. Whenever I was in a tournament and he was home I would ask if he would join my team for the guaranteed win. When we were younger, I remember installing a padlock on my bedroom door because I came home to him digging through my hamper one day after school. Looking back, it wasn’t the only time I caught him doing weird things like that, but I didn’t really consider them anything sexually gratifying for him. I always just saw those incidents as accidental happenings and probably something I would have been more wary of if I didn’t spend a good portion of my life without a sibling before he showed up. Mom was in her own world half the time too and I didn’t know how mentioning anything like that would go over with Harold, so I kept my mouth shut and eventually forgot about whatever happened. Other than those few things, we mostly got along, especially when we got older together and became adults.

Daniel was the first to move out on his own. I wanted to take a year off to work and save money, but also to test the waters. Daniel had always had the idea that he would follow in his father’s footsteps and become a lawyer, but I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do and what skills I needed to do anything. College seemed like the option everyone took regardless and I was afraid that I would end up in debt, waste a good four to seven years of my life, and not have anything to show for it other than a stupid piece of paper. My mother had a piece of paper and still pretty much slept with her boss to secure her salary. I picked up a job working as a bartender at a new nightclub that opened in the city while Daniel attended his first semester of college and then his second. The second semester was when things started to get interesting. I was still bartending at the time and had taught myself graphic design and software engineering over the past couple years, so freelance work was also providing cash flow and I was just starting to think that it may be worth getting that fancy piece of paper in software engineering or something relevant.

I got my expensive fancy piece of paper after dedicating another two years to staying at home, working at the club, and saving money. I also ended up moving out of my parent’s home and into my lover’s apartment, finally breaking free from the strange household that Harold and Mom created.

I had started seeing a guy that I met at the club just before Daniel was to come back home for a bit after he started on Didim Escort his Bachelor’s. He was older than I by five years but I thought he was the sexiest man I had ever had the pleasure of meeting and we had become exclusive, other than the rare but hot kink and fetish event we would attend at adult entertainment clubs all over the city – just an example of what I thought was so exciting about my new man, Trey. He was always up to something. Before him, I had had a few guys that I called ‘boyfriends’ that I would stay with for a few months, get bored, and move on to something shiny and new. Trey was my glittering diamond, my never ending source of new and inspiring adventures. I found it easy to stay with him, but his age would show at times. He did have a good 8 years on me at 29. I was kind of eager to introduce him to my parents, but I kept my cool. With Daniel coming back into town for the summer, I could introduce Trey to my whole family. It didn’t work out like that, though.

Just before Daniel flew in, Trey and I got in a ridiculous fight. I don’t even remember what it was about. I want to say that he thought that I was talking to other guys behind his back (I wasn’t) and when I ignored it as alpha male bullshit he blew up on me like he was a ticking time bomb. We had never fought like that before. I didn’t even want to be around him anymore. So, I used the get together at my parent’s house just to get away from Trey. I knew that Daniel would let me bitch and moan about my relationship without saying a word. I missed talking to him like that.

The first night at my parents house was so high energy that Mom and Harold fucked off to their bedroom around ten after both of them nodded off several times. We had the house to ourselves and both of us had had a few drinks by the time our parents tapped out. Daniel ran up to his room while I poured myself a rum and coke and made him a gin and tonic. Harold always had this thing about keeping a well stocked and fully equipped dry bar in the den and, as a bartender, I respected that. I had no idea what some of what he kept it stocked with was. Most of the top shelf stuff we had at the club was common, the usual top five, but Harold also seemed to have an obsession with obscure and expensive liquors. I was looking at the label of one of the more strangely designed bottles when Harold came bouncing down the stairs with something in his arms.

“Get ready to have the time of your life, sis,”

When he came around the corner I could see that he was holding a Nintendo 64 console with two controllers and a familiar cartridge jammed into the top game slot. I hadn’t seen that console in over a decade and I could just feel the smile that started to wrap around my face, ear to ear. Daniel tossed me a controller and began to hook up the console to the widescreen television in the den. He had brought a special adapter so the colored probes funneled into an HDMI cable since newer televisions didn’t have the ports needed to hook up the older systems anymore. He had thought of everything and just thinking that he had taken the time to plan this out made me smile even bigger. Once he flipped the one switch we were both immediately transported into the land of nostalgia and stayed there for a good two hours.

After both of us won some and lost some it was about one in the morning and we were more than a little tipsy. Daniel had made himself comfortable in the huge faux leather recliner that Harold loved and I had sprawled out on the sofa with my feet up. Daniel had picked an old movie as background noise for our conversation.

“So, any lucky ladies in your life?”

“Nah, no time. I mean, sure, one night stands. Nothing serious. What about you? Any lucky lads..or ladies?”

Daniel smirked. He knew that I didn’t really have any particular gender preference, though I found myself dating men more than women, I had hooked up with both and a trans woman before. He had been at the house for some of those memories. I sighed. I needed to drink more before I started talking about Trey so I finished my fifth rum and coke in one gulp.

“So, I was with this guy Trey, we live together, actually. I met him at the club a few months back and I really thought that he was a great guy. I was planning on bringing him with me here to meet you, Mom, and Harold, but he turned out to be a real douche,”

“I’m sorry, Harm. Guys do be like that sometimes,”

Daniel quoted the meme with sincerity. He was still the only person that called me ‘Harm’ as a short form of Harmony when I had been going by my middle name, Morgan, for the past few years. I didn’t mind when Daniel called me Harm or Harmony. It was something somewhat exclusive to my family. Both Mom and Harold still called me Harmony, but only Daniel called me Harm.

“I thought he was going to be like..the one? Is that silly? He’s older than me and so fuckinghot. Yea. Idefinitely have a thing for older guys. Is it so Didim Escort Bayan weird to have that thought after being with him for damn near a year?”

Daniel just shrugged at me while he swirled his gin and tonic around his glass.

“Don’t look at me. I haven’t been able to hold a woman down for more than a couple weeks. You’re beating me in that department.”

He chuckled and took a swig from his glass as he gave me a wink over the rim. I really didn’t want to let Trey ruin my evening again so I changed the subject to something more fun which would really just become the gateway to everything that happened with Daniel that night. I reached into the pocket of the cut off denim shorts I was wearing and found the joint I had rolled earlier for an after dinner treat. Daniel used tolove smoking green, but if you saw him now you wouldn’t think that he was into anything like that. If he was in the right mindset, Daniel was often the life of the party and willing to try anything once. My friends openly crushed on him once they met him and he did date some of them, but nothing came of it. He was also a bit of a player back in school. I couldn’t blame him. He had the looks of a guy that belonged in a boy band with just enough edgy allure to give off ‘rebellious bad boy vibes’ that would drive any girl crazy at that age. It’s funny how much of a 180° change Daniel made when he started law school. If you saw him now in his business casual attire with cuffed, belted jeans, button down flannel shirt, and manscaped hair and face.

“Dare you to smoke this J with me,”

I waved the joint around to entice Daniel and he smiled at him. I was always the bad influence, honestly, even though Daniel was my ‘big brother’ I was always the one that introduced him to things he would never have tried without my encouragement. Marijuana was one of those things. Granted, it became legal for medical use here and everyone, myself included, had a prescription. I admit that it was much hotter to me this way. Here Daniel was, this straight laced, high class paralegal that was the only one technically doing anything wrong when he decided that he would take my dare. So he followed me out onto the screened in lanai where Mom hid the ashtray and I placed both a cigarette and the joint in between my lips to light them at once and handed the joint to Daniel who held it for a bit before he took a long drag.

“Since you started off with a dare, do I get to pick what you do next?”

“Uh, I’m pretty sure that is never how this game worked but I’ll entertain you just this one time,”

I smirked at Daniel and took the joint from between his fingers into my own. He exhaled a long stream of smoke and attempted to blow smoke rings like he used to do when we were kids, but didn’t do it at first. It took Daniel a few more attempts before the rings took shape in the air.

“Tell me the truth, are you a stripper or a bartender?”

“I haven’t seen you in like four years and that’s what you have to ask me?”

I almost choked on the smoke from puffing on the joint, coughed, and laughed all at the same time. Of course that was what he would ask me after all this time. It is still pretty funny thinking about it now. I turned on the lounge chair, looked him straight in the eye and very simply said,


“Iknew it,”

Daniel laughed and took the joint from where I had it clasped between my lips with his fingers. I don’t know why, but I felt the urge to just playfully bite his finger. I stopped myself from getting too weird then, but once we got high everything was fair game. We were two unrelated adults, regardless. That’s how I looked at it anyway, but I wasn’t really sure how Daniel would react. I didn’t tell my parents about my dancing because it was pointless. They didn’t need to know anything about that or my sex life in general, but I would tell Daniel whatever he wanted to know without inhibition, and no, not just because I was drunk or high. We had been like that before we drifted apart. Just really comfortable around each other. I missed having that comfort of unconditional love that Daniel brought and never really felt that way with anyone else. It was his turn now to take his pick in the game.

“Alright, alright, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth. Yea, truth.”

“Did you pick up any space AIDs from a foreign hooker?”

We both cracked up at that question, but Daniel begged me to ask him a ‘real’ one after that so I took my time coming up with something I actually wanted to know. I thought I had nailed it with what I asked, but I didn’t receive the answer I expected.

“What would you say your kinkiest college experience has been thus far?”


“You started it with the stripper question. If you don’t want it, my dare is to jump in the pool with your clothes on.”

“Oh no, not with my clothes on!” Daniel mocked me. The joint had become less than a roach and more like a burning Escort Didim piece of paper. I put it in the ashtray and set my vape on the table between us. Both of our drinks were empty at that point too, so that the THC vape would be our nightcap from that point on, not that we needed anything else.

“Alright, so that frat I pledged at the beginning? One of their stupid trials was to be a part of this group thing with one of the guy’s girlfriends..”

Daniel stopped. I could see that he had turned red and he must have known that I was fully engaged because I had started to rest my head on my hands, propped up on the table. He couldn’t look me in the eye. I found it amusing so I just stared at him until he started to speak again.

“..Like a gangbang thing.”

“Was it consensual, Dan?”

“Yes! Of course, what the fuck? No, she definitely wanted it. We captured the whole thing onher phone. It was this whole thing about our cum mixing together in her pussy, making us brothers…Fuck! Why am I telling you this?”

“Because I asked,”

I smiled up at him. I may not have realized how flirtatious I was at that time. Looking back, I’m sure I was giving off ‘Fuck me, big brother ‘ vibes to him but his smile never really left. He was embarrassed, but I knew that Danielwanted to tell me.

“Truth or Dare?”

He asked me now and I was quick to answer ‘Dare’ because I was in the mood to do something fun and outrageous. Daniel didn’t take that long to hit me with the best thing he could come up with.

“Show me your stripper routine.”

“Here? I don’t have a pole,”

“Do floor stuff then. You know what I mean. Or even better, give me a lap dance.”

Daniel had a strange look on his face after he said that. Like something clicked in his head that he didn’t realize before and that blush he had going on from before was really red now. I wasn’t about to pass up a dare like that. I went inside and grabbed my phone from the sofa and found my dancing playlist on Spotify, picked my favorite song, and set my phone down in front of Daniel. I then pushed out the table to give us some room and turned so I had my back to Daniel, waited for the chorus of the song before I wrapped my arms around myself and played at lifting the hem of my shirt before I slid it over my shoulders. I tossed my shirt off to the side and pressed my ass into Daniel’s lap where I pulsed my hips back against him to the rhythm of the song. I could already feel him hard through his pants when my ass brushed against him and couldn’t stop the smirk that he couldn’t see where he was sitting.

I turned to face him and put both hands on the back of his chair so I could kick my legs up around him. Daniel was awestruck. It was almost laughable. Like a little boy that just saw his first pair of tits in his dad’s old Playboy. I could just imagine the look on his face as I started to unbutton my shorts, twirled so my back was to him again and touched my toes before I wiggled my shorts to the ground. I had chosen a matching black designer bra and cheeky panty set with nothing sexy planned for the day, but it was one of my favorite lingerie sets and I’m glad I chose it. As I started to lean back into Daniel, who sat with his legs open wide, I could feel his cock, pitching a tent against his now even tighter jeans against my bare ass. He leaned back further in the chair as if he could resist me. I wasn’t on a mission to seduce Daniel, at least it didn’t start that way, but the feeling of his cock pressing against my ass cheeks just encouraged me to continue like Iwasn’t grinding into my stepbrother’s cock as the result of a cheeky dare. I couldn’t see it, but I’m sure that Daniel was smiling. When I did turn to look over my shoulder, I could see the wild grin on his face and his hands twitching on the arm rests.

The song came to an end and I went to slide off Daniel but I could feel something tugging on my panties and thought I had gotten hooked onto the chair somehow. When I stumbled and turned around I realized that it was actually Daniel’s index finger that he had dug into the hemline. I don’t know why I started to blush at that moment. It wasn’t like I didn’t expect this outcome. Daniel tugged at me again playfully so I just went with it and fell back into his lap. Daniel didn’t say anything. The feeling of his warm breath against my stretched neck didn’t help how turned on I was from the lap dance.

“Okay, maybe we shouldn’t go this far,”

I whispered to him. It was not so much that I wanted him to stop, I just didn’t want to be blamed if he had regrets afterward because we had been drinking and smoking. Daniel didn’t seem like he regretted anything. The hand that hooked me over to him was now rising up my body to curl around my tits underneath the cup of my bra. I had been straddling his knee at that point and just having something solid between my legs to grind my clit against was more than I could ask for at that moment. I’m kind of easy to please. Daniel’s other hand came around the pooch of my belly and slid underneath the band of my panties.

“Why? Why haven’t we gone this far before? You aren’t my blood relative, but thinking like I am is making you just as hot as I am, isn’t it?”

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