
My Three Girls

Big Tits

I knew darned well that I was going to cave eventually. I just didn’t know how quickly it would happen and how it would be accomplished. My ex and I adore each other — just not in the same city. Not in the same province, for a long time. The sex was always good and every time we tried to get back together, two things happened.

1) We ended up in huge terrible arguments that led to horrible breakups.

2)We ended up producing another daughter, three girls that we both love dearly but who are determined to drive the pair of us to an early grave.

Case in point: our middle child, Heather. She is a beautiful child. She’s a dark-skinned brown-eyed brunette (my ex, Monique, is black). Heather is intelligent, funny and a Straight-A student. Never a problem, she has a part-time job and banks her money religiously, spending only small amounts on herself.

Heather is also spoiled and willful, when she wants something or sets her mind to it, she can be disturbingly single-minded. In this case, the object in question was something I wasn’t caving on in a million years. My beautiful daughter wanted a motorcycle.

There was no way, not in a million years, not ever, not going to happen, not a chance that I was going to let Heather have a motorcycle.

I am sure all of you fathers with daughters know exactly what’s coming.

I knew somehow she would manage to find a way to wrap Daddy around her little finger and get herself a motorcycle. I was determined to hold off for as long as I could. I couldn’t really stop her from buying one as she was then 20 and an adult, but she was an adult living under my roof RENT FREE. I held the trump card.

Or so I thought.

“You know she’s going to win, Sean,” Monique said to me over the phone. “I’m just curious to see how she does it.”

I had to admit to curiosity about that myself. Heather may be spoiled and willful, but she isn’t petulant. She wouldn’t sulk or anything like that. She did try debating my point but I think they’re dangerous and I didn’t want her riding one. When she pointed out my hypocrisy (I had ridden one when I met Monique) I reminded her that I had been in three accidents and now drove a much more sedate Lamborghini.

I did not expect my daughter to win me over with seduction. Please readers, I am not a child molester and although I knew my daughter was beautiful, I never thought of her in that way. Not until I came home one night and found her curled up in my bed wearing a tiny white teddy and a feather boa and white stilettos that all looked incredible against her dark skin. Heather is more beautiful than her mother; she got the best of both of us. “Daddy,” she purred in a husky, sensual tone. “I’m here to make you a little — proposition.”

My daughter stood up and even her way of moving had changed. It was now sensual and alluring and she wasn’t averting her gaze. “You like my outfit, don’t you Daddy? I will wear things like this for you — and ONLY you — as often as you want. Do you understand what I mean, Daddy? I’m willing to become your lover. You get what you want if I get what I want.”

Okay, you can all think it because I thought it too. Consider this if you will — I was a 43-year old bachelor not dating anyone seriously. My work at the Lamborghini dealership I co-owned with my brother kept me busy and I hadn’t had a chance to go out and meet a lady in a while. In front of stood a mocha-skinned beauty with dark, curly hair and the body of a Playboy centerfold. She’s an adult, I’m an adult and dammit, I wanted her! I pulled her close and snarled “Okay, you devious little bitch, you win!” There is a saying “a stiff prick has no conscience” and mine sure as hell didn’t seem to.

Heather walked to the bed and stretched out on it. “No Daddy, we BOTH win,” she told me. “I’ve wanted to find a way to fuck you for a long time; I’ve wanted to know why mom kept fucking you over and over. Show me Daddy — make me your little slut, your little biker slut.”

How do you argue with something like that? I sure as hell couldn’t, so I joined Heather on the bed. She showed me skills that proved to me she wasn’t a virgin. I wasn’t taking advantage of her; she drove me crazy with a tongue skilled beyond her years. I was being undressed at the speed of light and when I was totally naked, by cocoa-kitten climbed on top. “I’m going to fuck you so well Daddy, you won’t want to fuck other girls,” she purred. “I’m the kind of girl that gets in deep and makes a man want to come back for more and more.”

She was telling the truth about that, my Heather was. Her body almost seemed to slither on top of mine and when she moved, she also seemed intent on taking my breath away. Heather’s body was demanding that I gave her my best work and she writhed and twisted, her ebony beauty catching the Osmangazi Escort light every so often. It gave her a beautiful glow and I knew that as wrong as this was, it was going to happen again and whenever she wanted it too. I knew as well that this wasn’t just about a motorcycle, that was only a small part of it. My middle child really wanted Daddy to fuck her and she had set out to fulfill her wish.

I spent hours in bed with my daughter, making sure she got as much out of me as I got out of her. When we finished, we went down to the dealership and she picked out the bike she wanted. To my surprise, she didn’t want me to buy it for her as I had expected, only co-sign the paperwork. “You silly man,” she laughed as we drove home. “Did you think all this time I wanted you to pay for it? No Daddy, I had the money saved for a large down payment, I just wanted to get your approval.”

Okay, I felt like a huge schmuck.

I should have known things weren’t going to be that simple either. I mistakenly assumed that Heather would keep our little liaisons to herself. I never counted on the fact that she would share them with one of her closest confidantes and that, in turn, would lead to a further complication.

I was home by myself one night; my girls had gone out with friends. Frankly, I was glad to have a night free from Heather; although it was possible she might sneak into bed with me later. The sex had been non-stop and in the interest of full disclosure, it wasn’t always my daughter who initiated. The first time I saw her in those slinky leather pants and black boots, I nearly tore her apart in bed. Heather didn’t seem to mind a bit.

I was surprised to receive a visit from my oldest daughter, Nicole. She had been living with her boyfriend, Terry. From the expression on her face, things were not going well. My 22-year daughter knew all-too well how I felt about Terrance. Look up “asshole” in the dictionary and you’ll likely see his picture beside the definition.

“I want to move home, Daddy,” Nicki said after hugging me hello. “Terry wants to control every facet of my life and I just can’t stand it. Would it be okay if I came back here to live for a while, until I save up enough money to afford a nice apartment of my own?”

I looked at her quizzically. “How do you plan to do that if you’re going to be paying me rent?” I insisted that once the girls graduated high school, they had to contribute to the expenses of the house, including our cable, electricity and phone bill.

Nicole looked at me with her big brown eyes and wiped a stray auburn curl from her forehead. She looks like my side of the family and is taller than Heather by almost 5 inches. “I was hoping that maybe I wouldn’t have to pay rent, if we could work something out,” she asked me with a crafty smile.

“Work something out, how do you mean?”

“I mean, an arrangement that is kind of like the one you have with Heather,” she stated calmly. “A one where I get what I want and you get what you want.” All of my daughters are lovely and Nicole is no exception. In a short black mini, spangly, silver-sequined top and black high heels, all against tanned skin with great legs, she knew what she was selling. Okay, she knew about Heather and me. I should have expected that. Now, the only answer would be was I dumb enough to go the extra mile and succumb to my oldest daughter’s sexual advances?

I think you know the answer to that or you wouldn’t be reading this story, right?

In bed with Nicki, things were much different. Nicole had always liked to be pampered and it was no different during sex. She liked Daddy to undress her and she enjoyed having me make a fuss over her body. It wasn’t hard to enjoy the sweet curves of a 34D, long-legged brunette who was into sex. Like her younger sister, Nicole seemed to exude sexuality and she wasn’t shy about expressing herself when I did something that turned her on. I loved the way she breathed when I was eating her pussy. I thrilled to her digging her nails into my scalp and clamping her thighs around my head as I went down on her. I had committed a cardinal sin with two of my daughters and I can’t honestly say I gave a damn! I was getting something I desperately needed, a hot sex life and the girls were willing to give me something for something they both wanted. Nicole wanted to live with us again, fine! Not only would I have two hot pieces of ass living under my roof, but Nicole loved to cook. I just wondered how I would co-ordinate things between Nicole and Heather. Knowing Nicole and her dominant personality, she would insist on having more of me than her sister, as she was the oldest child.

Nicole loved cock as much as her sister did. She made a big fuss over my cock before she sucked it and she sucked Escort Osmangazi it until I gushed down her throat. For a while, she just stroked my body and then she began to stroke my cock again. Wouldn’t you know it; the little bitch had me hard again and ready to fuck her. Unlike Heather, Nicole wanted me to do her in the traditional position first. She spread her legs wide apart and wrapped them around me once I started to fuck her. “Really go in deep, Daddy,” she grunted as I started to fuck her. “Make me feel your cock, every inch of it.”

“You got it, my little whore,” I told her. She laughed at that and told me she’d be my little whore any time. I fucked her with slow, practiced strokes and let her feel me. She turned her head from side to side and whimpered her pleasure as her Daddy fucked her hot, tight pussy. Either Terrance didn’t fuck her very much or he must be hung like a chipmunk, because my gorgeous daughter was almost as tight as a virgin!

I wasn’t getting off that early. She moved away from me and got on all fours. “A whore should be fucked from behind, Daddy,” Nicki told me. “Make me feel it too and spank me and pull my hair. I don’t mind it if you get rough with me, I’m in good shape.”

My bed was creaking in protest as I fucked her and the only thing louder than the bedsprings were the shrieks coming from my daughter’s lips. I don’t care what anyone says, making your own gorgeous daughter moan and groan like that is a thrill. When Nicole came, I wasn’t far behind her. She cleaned up as much as she could and then went off to shower.

When Heather came home the next morning, I announced to her that her sister was going to be moving back home for a little while. I saw a few curious looks pass between them and I was pretty sure that either they knew what had happened or the old man had been set up in advance. It really didn’t matter, we only had one obstacle left to deal with and in the end, it proved not to be an obstacle at all.

Pepper is my youngest daughter and she’s completely different from her two older sisters. For one thing, she’s a pale-skinned, freckled redhead. I have auburn hair; Monique is black — so where did Pepper get all of this? We did check and yep, she’s my kid. My mother thinks my youngest is a throwback to our Irish roots, but we all love her anyway.

Pepper is also the one of my kids who will state flat out what’s on her mind. A few days before her 18th birthday, she told me straight out what she wanted. “It’s a very special gift, Daddy,” she told me with an impish smile. “I want what Nicki and Heather are getting. I want you to fuck me and be my first man.”

Obviously, at this point I was too far gone to refuse. I nodded and told her “okay”. Her older sisters took her shopping and to the salon. When she came home the day of her birthday, I saw my daughter transformed. On their dime, the girls had turned their little sister into a vivacious sex kitten. In a pretty pink skirt and white blouse with a pink scarf and heels, her makeup and hair all done, I was almost drooling. How did a guy like me earn three such smoking hot babes? The girls each gave their little sister a hug and a kiss and told us they’d be out for the entire evening. We two had the house to ourselves.

I still wanted my daughter’s first time to have some magic to it, so I had arranged a limo to take us to a swanky restaurant where I wined her (I figured if she was old enough to have sex, a few drinks wouldn’t hurt) and dined her and spoiled her rotten. I had gotten her a small silver chain she could wear around her ankle — sex couldn’t be my only gift — and we sat and talked and laughed. I had no idea Pepper was so bright. In some ways, she is the giddiest of my kids, but here she was, impressing me with knowledge of the world I did not know she had.

She was also very flirty, a lot more so than her older sisters. I was mesmerized by this now-18 year old beauty who kept running her foot up my leg. I loved fucking Heather and Nicki, but I really wanted to fuck Pepper. We finished our meal and I asked her if she wanted dessert. She shook her head and whispered naughtily “The only thing I want is what’s in your pants. Come on Daddy, take me home and show me what I’ve been hearing through the walls for the past few months.”

I sighed. I had hoped she wouldn’t hear us, but Nicki’s a screamer when she gets really into it. I nodded and we had the limo take us for a ride so that the champagne could wear off. Once we were home, I think Pepper set speed records in racing upstairs. I tipped the driver and followed my impatient daughter.

She was in bed already, her clothes in a messy pile on the floor. Seeing her, I didn’t care because she was now wearing peach-colored lingerie and those heels. I joined her Osmangazi Escort Bayan on the bed and she sat up so that I could take her in my arms. She tasted sweet as we kissed and I couldn’t stop kissing her. I wanted to consume my youngest child and I was thrilled that she seemed as into it as I was.

“Oh God Daddy, my sweet darling Daddy, this is just what I wanted,” Pepper chirped happily as she began helping me out of my suit. “Just you and me, fucking and doing whatever we want. You’re a lucky man Daddy, to have 3 daughters that want to fuck you. I know you love fucking Heather and Nicki, Daddy, but I’m going to give them a run for their money. You’re going to love fucking me Daddy, and you’re going to be the first.”

That part caused me no little trepidation but I did try to push past it. I am not the kind of man who wants to be the first. I was Monique’s first, but thankful that both of our girls had enjoyed boyfriends before me. Being the first can be a bit of a hassle, but as Pepper … well, peppered me with kisses, I just enjoyed the thrill and the flattering thought that this gorgeous young thing had chosen me for the honor. I started kissing her back and told her how sexy she looked. I had told her that several times throughout the night because it just so happened to be true.

Pepper loved stripping me and when she saw my cock, she gasped. “I don’t know if that will fit,” she said to me, looking at me with her baby-blue eyes. “I want to try Daddy, but you’re big!”

I know I’m only a bit bigger than most guys, so I assured her that pussies were elastic and it would fit. I also got the thrill of giving my daughter her first pussy licking and I sucked on her nipples until they were pink, erect little pegs. She loved each and every minute of it until she asked me to stop. “I’m so turned on Daddy that it hurts,” she groaned. “I’ve never sucked a cock before, but Nicki and Heather tell me to just go slow and listen to you. I’m ready to do it now, but don’t laugh if I don’t do it right.”

I assured her that I wouldn’t and watched in amazement as that adorable little face of hers bobbed up and down on my shaft. She didn’t miss a beat, she was almost as good as her older siblings and furthermore, she seemed to like it. I was starting to cum and moved away, but she pushed me back down and to my further amazement, swallowed my cum. “Yuuuummmeee, Daddy,” she said to me, licking her lips and smiling. “I’m going to want a lot of that from now on.” She must have been talking a fair bit with her sisters because she just touched me and massaged me until my cock began to stand up again. Then, she crawled over and straddled my waist.

“The girls say this is probably best for my first time, Daddy,” Pepper grinned. “It will still hurt, but not as much. They also say for a tiny girl (Pepper is only 5’2″) it’s the best way to fuck. I’m finally going to do it — I’m going to fuck my Daddy!”

I wonder if she knew that every time she said “fuck”, my cock danced a tiny bit? When that elfin body of hers slid down on to mine, I felt a bit of resistance. I heard her emit a tiny grunt and the deed was done. Now, she began to rise and fall on my cock. I was now a man who had screwed all three of his kids. Or been screwed by them, it can be a bit confusing at times.

Pepper seemed to know what she wanted. She used her tiny hands to brace herself against my chest and moved at a nice pace. I loved having her gorgeous tits in my hands and I slipped one nipple back into my mouth. All of my girls are special, but there has always been a connection between Pepper and me. I’ve always thought she “gets” me better than her older sisters. Now that connection was physical and I could not have been more thrilled. I felt her body convulse and knew that she had achieved orgasm.

“I came too fast, sorry Daddy,” she grinned sheepishly. I told her not to be so foolish, there wasn’t a proper time to cum, and besides, we could go again. That seemed to placate her and soon enough, we were going again. I hadn’t cum yet and my little wildcat proved to be insatiable the second time around. I was astonished that she wasn’t a bit sore, but she said no. After our second fuck, she went to shower and just as I heard the water running, the bedroom door opened and in rushed Nicole and Heather.

“What are you two doing here?” I asked. “I thought this night was supposed to be about your sister?”

“Who do you think called us, Daddy?” Heather asked.

A minute or so later, Pepper entered the room, holding her cell phone. “I hid this in the bathroom Daddy, just for this occasion. I wanted Nicki and Heather here. So far, we’ve been making demands of you and you’ve never really asked anything of us. You have three sexy daughters, Daddy — don’t you think it’s time you enjoyed a threesome or a foursome?” She walked over to Nicole and started kissing her. Heather started removing her leather mini and heels and joined me in bed. Her sisters followed seconds later.

What are you going to do with three daughters like mine, right?

I did it — and more — until the sun came up the next morning.

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