
Nadia Chronicles: The Slumber Party


“I have an announcement to make.” The hostess said ceremoniously. “You don’t gotta go home, but you can’t stay here.”

Some of the partygoers groaned, others simply chugged their last bit of beer and straggled to the door. Nadia looked around, her chances of going home alone were getting greater all the while. She would probably walk home with her house-mate Margaret, lock her door and masturbate herself to sleep.

The hostess tugged on her arm quietly. “Can you guys make sure he gets home?” She gestured to Richard, a man Nadia worked with sometimes. He was obviously loaded enough to have trouble getting home, but conscious enough to make the long trek.

“Sure.” Nadia said, laughing lightly. The alcohol had gone to her head a bit and she was giddy.

The walk home seemed long, but Richard kept it highly interesting. Nadia had to admire him, a man of lofty ideas. He talked philosophy. He spoke in poetry, words charming to her ears and even more charming to the soft wetness building in her womanhood. She ignored her desire for him as they wandered home, Margaret tagging along like a lost puppy.

It was decided that Richard would sleep in Nadia’s room, since she didn’t have a roommate. She pulled out the extra mattress and plopped it on the floor. Richard and Margaret chatted in the living room for awhile and Nadia joined them again.

“Can we have a slumber party?” Margaret asked.

Nadia sighed. Margaret had spent the night in her room plenty of times before, but it was simply a friendly relationship. She wondered if Margaret was straight or not, a question that always perplexed her. Sometimes she would make a comment about becoming a lesbian just to sleep with a certain woman, and that would be it. It was enough to keep her guessing, but she never cared much to find out the answer.

Nadia herself was very bi-sexual and always open to new things. “I’ll try anything once.” She often said, laughing with a lurid grin. “Why not?” She said. Margaret nearly bounced out of her seat. “I’ll get my pillow.” She said.

All three shuffled into the room, Margaret hopping ankara olgun escort onto Nadia’s huge bed first and sliding over to the wall. Nadia climbed in next and Richard kneeled on the extra mattress on the floor. “I dare you to get in bed with us.” Margaret chided. “Well now.” Nadia thought to herself. “This is interesting.” This was pretty risky behavior for the typically play-it-safe Margaret. She thought she might as well join in. “I triple dog dare you.” She breathed aloud.

“I dare you to get naked.” He replied whilst removing his clothing in the darkness.

Nadia immediately pulled off her top, revealing her large rounded breasts in the pale light from the street. Margaret squirmed. Richard stood waiting while Nadia gave him the once over.


“I’m working on it.” She said wiggling out of her pants and panties, breathless with anticipation. Richard crawled over her as she dropped her clothing to the floor. They talked for a time, easily laughing and joking. Their bodies beneath the green velvety covers however were in a riot of tension, his heated smooth skin sliding along her side.

Margaret refused to take off her clothing, although she did remove her shirt. Perhaps she was trying to open up, or maybe it was just her abject need to fit in. Nadia would never know. As far as she was concerned Margaret was not participating fully and therefore would never know the entire gamut of the experience, from the elation of ecstasy to the shame of betrayal.

He chatted casually with Margaret as his hand approached Nadia’s breast. It was a silken touch, a quick rub across the nipple, enough to drench her full again with her odd passion for this man. Of course, Margaret couldn’t see this interaction, so she thought nothing of it and continued talking on. Richard took Nadia’s hand and placed it lightly on top of his manhood. She smirked with mischief and began to massage little circles over his engorged balls. She knew full well what she was doing. She was baiting him into action. He grazed his ankara ucuz escort hand down the length of her body, resting it on her velvety bush of pubic hair. He forced her legs apart lightly and began to stroke the length of her slit expertly. He could feel the juices beginning to flow within her and took his time, finding the little hood covering her clit.

He applied slow easy pressure at first. As soon as he realized the power he had over her he increased the speed. His dexterity was simply amazing. She bucked and thrashed about a bit as he wiggled his finger ever faster over her highly sensitive nub. She was shaking all over and couldn’t help herself.

“Oh my god, you’re better than my dildo.” She whispered into his hair.

“You have a dildo?” He asked, relenting for a moment.

She sighed. “Yes. It’s pink. I named her Eileen.” “Eileen?”

“Yeah, like the song: Cum on Eileen.”

He laughed. “Get her out; I’m sure she can move faster than my fingers.”

Nadia swooned, a man unafraid of a dildo. However, she refrained. With Margaret lying next to them she felt uncomfortable. She’d been in a threesome before, but then all three were participating. Margaret simply lay on her side, facing away from them, cut off.

He knew he was pushing her boundaries. He was amazed he got her as far along as he did. He looked at her through the gloom in the room. He leaned into her ear and whispered: “I want fuck your brains out.”

That was all it took. She was fully primed and nodded her head in agreement. He rolled over onto her stomach, pushing her legs apart with his able hands. He was not by any means a large man, but Nadia found him highly sufficient. He worked his way in between her labia and pushed all of his shaft into her. She arched her back automatically. Had it been that long since she was last with a man? The sensation was amazing. A tingling filled her abdomen and she rolled her hips into him. He was slow at first, taking his time learning the calm rhythm of her slight body. As soon as she ankara yabancı escort wrapped her legs around him, pushing her heels into his buttocks he began to truly fuck her. She grabbed for the headboard; she needed something to steady her wild body as she groaned against him. His passion had become fierce and he was really digging in now. Her cunt opened for him in ways she could hardly remember. He could feel her muscles working inside along the length of his cock and it only pushed him further over the edge. He wanted to feel her riding him, rising on top and stroking down.

“It’s your turn.” He said, sliding out of her and waiting for her to crawl on top.

She obliged, taking his soaking cock into her hands and guiding him carefully like a lighthouse guiding home a ship at sea. She slid down onto his prick, staring at his upturned face. The line of his jaw was so square you could use him to build a perfectly angled house.

She writhed over his body, laying her chest against his and bringing her face close to his. She began to nibble on his throat and from the slight moan she evoked she knew she’d hit the jackpot. She started to clamp down a little harder, using her teeth on the rough flesh of his neck.

She was slower in tempo than he, fully savoring every down stroke onto his throbbing dick, enjoying the gentle release as she pulled away from him again and again. He could hardly stand it. He began to move his hips against her, forcing the tempo to his desired pace.

Margaret tossed in her sleep and Nadia came to an abrupt halt. The blankets they had earlier hidden under were now beneath the bed, having fallen off in their fit of frenzied lovemaking. All covering was gone and Nadia was riding Richard in full view of Margaret. If she opened her eyes she would see them…

Nadia couldn’t move. She was paralyzed with a sudden fear of her incredible act of exhibitionism. She had never, never in her whole life done something so peculiarly terrifying and so damned exciting at the same time. “I can’t fuck your brains out with your friend here, can I?” He asked her in a husky tone.

She conceded: no he could not. Her embarrassment was beyond her control. He pulled out, disappointed but not surprised. Nadia was a willing participant, but she’d never done anything like this before. Having sex with someone else in the room was one thing. Having sex while someone else was sleeping in the same bed was just plain weird.

To be continued…

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