
Naked and Taking Risks Ch. 02


I have to admit the idea scared me.

I knew though it was only a matter of time before my desire overcame my fear.

So far, every time I had tried something like this, it had been worth it. I felt incredible afterward, my friends and family noticed how much happier and alive I seemed. Each time afterward I wanted to push my luck even more.

I wondered how I had come to need to satisfy myself so much and so often.

I smiled, “Orgasms,” was the quick answer.

But it was more than just the release.

These urges, the desires, and thrill of exposure, the feelings my body generated right up until the orgasm, and the way I felt afterward were all part of it.

I have to admit, I didn’t want to stop. I figured I wasn’t hurting anyone. After all the years of denial, of making sure Mel and my kids were always taken care of first, and after ignoring my own needs for so long, I saw what I was doing as something for me, something I deserved, and certainly nothing I should feel guilty about.

Now that I had a taste, I wanted to do all of the things I had ever fantasized about. I hadn’t felt this free, and this sensually driven since before my daughters were born.

In the past decade, even at our most active, we maybe had sex once a week, last year I think we might have done it once time, Mel was too tired, and he didn’t feel like it, or any number of a million excuses. Now I was having an orgasm almost every day. I knew I needed to do this, I needed to use the time I had before I really was too old.

At first, I could satisfy myself just inside the house. Sometimes it only took a few minutes. More and more I wanted to stretch out the pleasure, bringing myself right to the brink slowly. I allowed moments to linger and revel in the experience, and now, especially when Mel was out, I might masturbate for an entire hour or longer. I also was naked much more often, sometimes as soon as I got home from work, anything to capture even the smallest desire.

That had been enough … for a while …. then I started late at night venturing outside naked and masturbating in the cool night breezes. That night after our anniversary had been the first time. Each time afterward only enhanced the feelings.

I turned it up even more after that night at the theatre when I had masturbated in bed, right beside Mel, and now I was doing that regularly. I even started to wander down our road a little, not just in lingerie, but more often than not, completely naked. Was the risk worth it, so far most definitely. I couldn’t imagine not doing it or going back to the way things had been before.

A few nights ago, I had made myself cum, masturbating in the hallway just a dozen feet away from where Mel and his buddies were watching the game on the TV. No one even noticed. They were all like Mel, so totally focused on “the game” that literally only a few feet away I was naked and masturbating and they never even noticed when I was moaning and whimpering. The next morning, I started masturbating in the car on the way to work and again that evening.

That feeling of playing with my pussy while sitting at traffic lights and while driving made the thirty-minute commutes suddenly something I looked forward to.

A long time ago in my old jobs, again long before kids, I had masturbated in the staff washrooms at break time. I hadn’t done it since but last week, I started again. I was nervous at first and always stopped when someone else entered the washroom, until one day I couldn’t stop in time and I didn’t. Whoever she was didn’t notice, didn’t say anything, and didn’t call security, so now I don’t stop until I’m finished.

Now I had done it at my desk too, while people were just outside my office.

With each time, the risk increased, but the pleasure and excitement also increased. The rush I was getting by masturbating in unusual places was almost as great as the physical sensations of each orgasm, well almost lol.

It seemed the more risks I took, the more I wanted to do it. I wanted to know if every woman experiences these feelings.

I asked my friend Liz one night when we had some wine and she replied, “Only the lucky ones do.”

Liz went on to explain that she had gone through the same feelings when she turned sixty. I had asked her how she dealt with it and if life ever returned to normal.

“God, honey, I still masturbate everywhere too, and as often as you do. Trust me you don’t want to go back to normal.”

“Buy yourself a few vibrators. Maybe try the small ones you can wear with a remote control,” she laughed, and then she seemed to smile at me and said, “Maybe I’ll buy you one and keep the remote control, that would be fun,” she laughed even harder when I blushed.

“Brenda, if you don’t want to mess around, by all means, girl, enjoy it,” she said as my phone started to ring, she squeezed my hand and gave me a quick hug before letting me answer my call.

I thought about what Liz had said and hoped it would last for a long-time.

I Erzurum Escort knew to keep feeling this way, I needed to keep pushing my boundaries, I knew it was just a matter of time and taking advantage when the opportunities presented themselves.

This morning while eating breakfast alone, I was thinking about what I might try next. I thought about someplace I would like to experiment. I thought about different places and then thought about the beach. It was a short drive away and it had been forever since Mel and I had gone to the beach together. I used to love walking along the sand and feeling the soft warm breezes on my body, especially at night. I had also daydreamed many times when I was younger about being naked at the beach too.

“It might work,” I thought and checked the calendar, “It might just work.”

Mel was playing ball tonight and I decided to go with him. The game would be in a small town located next to the sandy beach. It was during the week, and I figured the beach wouldn’t be crowded like it was on weekends, my pulse sped up just imagining what I might be able to do.

All day at work, I had trouble concentrating. I knew it would be risky, and there would be no place to run if I got caught. That evening, while I watched his team warming up, I could hear the surf calling out to me from the parking lot and the longer I waited, the louder the sound of the waves grew. I was almost entranced and it wasn’t long before long the sounds of the players were replaced by the rhythm of the beach.

None of the other wives or partners seemed interested in leaving the game but I really wasn’t interested in them coming anyway.

Would it be possible tonight? If the beach was crowded, I wouldn’t be able to try it. Anxiety grew within me, mentally I calculated how many people it would take to stop me from getting naked. As I walked the number grew. Darkness was already falling before I even left the park as Mel’s team was playing in the late game. I walked away from the stands and no one even noticed. Out of the park then the few blocks to the beach. With each step, I was trying not to hyperventilate.

I wanted to sprint to the beach, but I forced myself to walk slowly and just to look like someone was just out for an evening stroll.

When I reached the sand, the beach seemed deserted. Interestingly, my heart beat even faster.

Good news. I think I would have gone through it even if there had been people there.

Deserted worked though, maybe I suppose that the people living here had gotten used to the beach and found other things to do on nights like this. Whatever the reasons I didn’t care, My body was already reacting, I could almost feel my pussy dampening and the extra pressure as my nipples strained against my bra.

Personally, I could never get tired of the waves, I loved everything about the sand, the water, and the soft breezes. The way the still-warm sand felt between my toes, the tickle of the breeze in my hair, and just the immenseness of it all. Lost in my thoughts I walked towards the sunset along the very edge of the water. As I walked my thoughts turned to what had happened in my office the other day.

I had been so lucky.

It had been so reckless of me, to masturbate in an office full of people, what if I had been caught or seen. The danger had seemed intoxicating at the time and looking back at it I shuddered at the risk I had taken.

“Was it worth it?”

I thought about it, and I knew the answer, it had been highly erotic and frankly, it had been my best orgasm so far.

“Brenda, my dear, you are living the kind of adventures that people read about,” I said to myself and shivered despite the warmth of the night. Deep down, I knew too, I would do it again, the increased risk of getting caught was only adding to the intensity of my feelings.

I could feel those same urges tonight. That same recklessness, that electricity, with each step I knew I was going to do it despite the risk and despite the danger.

The darkness was rapidly overtaking the setting sun. The moon hadn’t appeared yet, and I hadn’t even thought about the moonlight, but no moon only helped me, and I was grateful. My internal voice, that good girl voice that had dominated my thinking for so long seemed to have also given in to my desire for pleasure.

As I walked along the edge of the water, the memories of my “office playtime”, and the feelings it had let loose became more vivid. The urges were getting stronger, I could feel my heart racing again, and I was learning not even to try to fight them. I had to force myself to keep walking at the same speed. The warm sand, the breeze, and the sounds of the waves only added fuel to my desires. I could see dunes ahead and I knew what I was going to do, the only question was where.

Right now, it seemed like there was only me, the waves, and the darkness.

The water was so warm, the rest of the world stopped existing to me; before long I was walking Erzurum Escort Bayan through the dunes, and I noticed, as I had hoped, some of them totally blocked the view of the water from the lights of the town. Without thinking I glanced up and down the beach. No one. The urge was now all-consuming. I noticed a few people walking, all of them a distance away, and all of them just increasingly indistinct dark shapes.

I came to a stop, inhaling the fresh air and soaking in the images, my heart almost bursting from my chest. I dropped my sandals I had been carrying into the sand. The sun had now almost disappeared into the waves, it would be totally dark in moments.

Any sense of modesty crumbled as the waves crashed in the background. There had never been any doubt, I gave myself to the urges I had barely been able to control.

At the back of my mind, I thought Mel’s game would be at least another hour, there was still lots of time.

I slipped my tee off and let it fall onto my sandals. I could feel goosebumps on my skin as I reached behind myself and unclasped my bra.

Exhaling with the freedom as the constraint fell away and using my toe, I moved the discarded bra onto the tee.

Cupping my boobs, I closed my eyes as I caressed my exposed skin.

Moaning softly my well-practiced fingers moved lightly over my boobs, feeling the size and hardness rising and feeling the rush of excitement building as well. I stood like that seemingly for hours, letting the waves and the water filled my senses.

Shivers ran through my body, but not because I was cold, I knew given enough time I could make myself cum just from playing with my boobs. I knew that I would get off, but I was planning on something more to take me past the edge tonight. I hooked my thumbs around the waistband of my shorts and my panties at the same time and pushed.

Over the flare of my hips, down my thighs, and off, joining the rest of my clothes in the small pile. Naked finally, I resisted the urge to run into the surf, which was too cliche. Instead in a moment of momentary clarity, I took a few mental landmarks about where my clothes were and started to walk away from them further down the beach, out of the protection of the dunes.

For a split second, I worried, “What if they were found by someone and taken.”

I dismissed the thought, at that moment, thinking being stranded without clothes would only make my excitement rise higher, “Let them,” I thought.

My hands began exploring my body as if they had never felt a woman’s body before. I felt so deliciously exposed, so free, and so sexy all at the same time.

Almost without thought and with my eyes closed, I softly pulled on my nipples, each was already as big as I had ever felt them, and they now ached from being so hard. I had to stop for a moment because my knees had become so weak, and I was surprised at how far I had walked from the dunes in so little time. I let one set of fingers drop to my pussy. Standing totally nude on the darkened beach, my form only a black silhouette to anyone looking this way, I started to caress and penetrate my pussy with a soft but deliberate touch.

It felt so incredible, at this particular moment driven by my urges, for the next little while nothing else mattered to me, this time was just for me. My fingers on one hand pinched and pulled on my breasts and nipples, the other with, first one, then two long fingers pushing deep inside me.

My soft but frequent whimpers and moans filled the air around me, drowned out by the sound of the waves. Eventually, I collapsed down to my knees, unable to stand as my own waves began to build and crest within me. I didn’t care if I was breaking any laws, and I did care if anyone thought I was being slutty, All I cared about were the feeling rippling through my body like the waves pounding on the shore. Then suddenly I shrieked, “OOOOOMMMMMGGGGOOODDD!!!!” as I came right on the beach. I couldn’t believe how quickly my body had responded. The normal buildup of tension which was so pleasurable seemed to happen in moments, the cresting of the waves just seemed to go from zero to “fuck yes,” in the blink of an eye. It was like a tsunami had suddenly appeared and engulfed me.

This time, my entire body shook, trembled, went rigid, and then went limp several times in the space of what seemed like several minutes, but I didn’t care about time, the beach, or anyone around me. I have no idea if anyone heard the noises I made or not. Gradually the tremors and waves passed, and I was left physically exhausted a quivering hot mess of hair, sweat, and pleasure.

I rested on my knees, and I began to feel vulnerable again, I noticed both my knees were almost buried in the sand from my twisting and gyrating.

“Fuck!!!!!!,” I said softly to the ways and just breathed in the sounds of the waves.

I was enjoying the relaxation and trying to catch my breath. I could really get used to this I thought, “Wow.”

I Escort Erzurum stopped breathing, I thought I heard something.

It was the sound of talking, in the very limited light I noticed two dark shapes moving indistinctly toward me in the darkness.

A couple, maybe a man and a woman, I couldn’t make out who was talking. They had a flashlight, and its beam was still just a small circle of light. They were maybe two hundred feet away and coming right toward me.

“Fuck,” I whispered, not in reaction to pleasure, but this time in panic.

Naked, my body covered in sweat, on my knees, the scent of my pussy dancing in the night air, and my pussy likely puffy and inflamed. All that had to happen was for them to flash the beam toward me, anyone would be able to see me.

Why hadn’t I noticed them sooner? My eyes had been closed savoring the receding waves of my orgasm and the sound of the actual waves had masked the sounds of their voices. Now they were so close, and I had no place to run or to hide. My bravado from earlier disappeared as quickly as my orgasm had.

It was definitely a man and a woman, they were fifty feet closer, and I had no time. My stomach felt like it was full of butterflies, and they were all taking off at the same time.

I managed wobbly to get to my feet and despite my fear and feelings of panic, I fought the reaction to run into the surf, strangely my urges were back, and an idea popped into my head. Surprising myself with my brazenness I started to walk slowly towards the light, just at a slight angle away from them.

Their voices were much louder now, and I was holding my breath, all that had to happen was for that flashlight to rise up and I would be fully exposed. I exhaled and called out.

“Hello, I didn’t want to startle you, nice evening for a walk,” they were still a distance away and they stopped talking, I watched the flashlight beam track towards me. I made myself keep breathing but just stood still. Had I actually been walking they would have shone it on me. As it was the beam stopped only a few feet away.

“Don’t do that,” a softer voice said, and then the beam swung away and a female voice spoke, “It is a beautiful night for a walk,” the first message was for the man, the second for me. Somehow, with my heart in my throat, I started walking again.

The man said something as we passed within about thirty feet of each other, the beam staying in front of them. Both of them, like I was to them, were just dark shadows moving against a darker background.

My body felt like it was on fire, my nipples rock hard again and my pussy almost dripping again as I was totally naked so close to complete strangers. I almost moaned as I responded to him, just barely managing to restrain myself as I managed to say, “Have a nice night too.”

I knew I had just set a new bar for my urges, the feelings I had were a mixture of fear, panic, and sensuality. My appetite for being naked in public hidden only by the darkness quickly had just become my new favorite thing.

The thoughts of “What if they caught me, what if they took pictures of me, what if they raped me, what about the negative publicity,” we all mixed with the slutty thoughts of “What if they did?”

I don’t remember much else of the walk back, I disappointedly didn’t see anyone else, but the rush of being naked on a lonely beach, with the wind in my hair and the feeling of total freedom was still on my mind later as Mel told me about the ballgame. Several times while Mel was talking I wanted to make myself cum again, but I knew I already had really pushed my luck tonight, there would be time to do more again very soon.

As Mel droned on, I smiled thinking about my adventure. Finding my clothes in the dark wasn’t as hard as I thought, I decided to leave my panties and bra on the sand, a souvenir perhaps for some walking along the beach, maybe that couple I saw earlier, maybe they would wonder, maybe it might inspire them for a little fun of their own.

I got back to the ballpark just as the game was ending. Mel was excited they had won and all the way home had to give me a play-by-play. He said he was sorry I had missed it.

As we drove, I asked him the same questions I always did, but part of my mind was still walking along the darkened beach, my hair blowing in the wind, the waves rushing against my toes, and my nakedness is hidden only by the darkness.

I saw my reflection in the window of our car, my nipples rubbing softly against my tee, the small points barely visible, I smiled. The idea of doing it again made my heart race and the risk scared me a little.

I thought to myself, “But that’s where the thrill lives.”

I was still thinking of being naked on the beach when I fell asleep later that night.


I felt bad because I was only half listening. It had been maybe a week since my night on the beach.

Liz was talking and was quite animated. I smiled because she was so excited.

I wasn’t trying to be rude, but she was already talking about her upcoming Christmas vacation, and it was still months away.

I was trying hard to look interested, but it was summer, and I didn’t even want to think about the snow that would inevitably be here when she and her hubby went to the Caribbean.

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