
Naughty lesbian mommy


Naughty lesbian mommyMy name is Katherine Swanson and for the past 18 years, I have been married to my best friend. His name is Gary and I love him with all my heart. I knew I would marry him when I was 6 years old and he and his family moved in across the street from us. I just knew. I saw his handsome, 7-year-old face and his cute little smile and that little girl set her cap for him. Of course, most boys thought girls had cooties at that age, but not Gary. We became instant pals, probably because I could keep up with him. We were practically inseparable. By high school, we were already a couple. Neither of us dated anyone else because neither of us wanted to. Why bother? We were perfect for each other.We got married right out of high school, for the same reason. I knew I wasn’t going to find anyone better for me. I had saved my virginity for our wedding night and I wish that I could say it was magical and fireworks went off, but it was just nice. We made love for the first time and cuddled and fell asleep. We spent our honeymoon in France and had sex twice.I came to realize in the first year of our marriage that while Gary adored me and cherished me, he was mostly asexual. I thought maybe it was me, but I’m a very attractive brunette with nice legs, a sexy attitude and lovely breasts. I’m desirable and I know it. I noticed Gary didn’t look at other women either. I’d notice a pretty Asian girl here or a lovely blonde there and comment, but Gary never seemed to care. In every other way, he was a perfect husband. He worked hard at the car dealership and came home every night, he rarely drank and he always had a kind word and a hug. But I think I could safely say over our nearly 20 years together, we haven’t averaged sex once a year. It didn’t really bother me. I wasn’t thrilled by it either; I thought maybe I was asexual myself. When I got pregnant, I was thrilled and our first c***d filled my days. I loved Melanie, who was a mini-me with a warm personality. When I got pregnant again a year later, we welcomed Danielle into our family. She’s a bit quieter and introspective, like her Daddy, although both of my girls are cheerleaders. She’s blonde and blue-eyed, like her Daddy.As the years went on, we settled into a new house and became part of the community. I liked most of our neighbors, although with two girls, I kept busy and didn’t have as much time to socialize as I would have liked. Once both of my girls were in high school, I had time to change all that. I invited some of my neighbors to coffee and we’d play cards and a few times, Gary and I had them over to barbecues. My favorite of my new friends was a younger wife named Beth. She isn’t 30 yet and has been married for 5 years to her husband, Carl. By all accounts, they have a great marriage but she confided in me once. Beth had had a few too many glasses of wine and she told me that Carl was only so-so in bed. “I married him because he’s nice and he’s got oodles of money,” she giggled. Carl is 10 years her senior. “He doesn’t care what I do and he doesn’t ask fucking questions.” Beth has a bit of a potty mouth.I suppose I’d had a few too many myself, because I told Beth that Gary and I rarely fucked. Her pretty blue eyes went wide with shock. “You have got to me fucking k**ding me,” Beth gasped. “If you were mine, the only time I’d let you out of bed was to use the bathroom, eat or put on lingerie. You’re a MILF bitch, is he fucking crazy?”I giggled because Beth made it all sound so naughty. I also had a weird tingle I’d never felt before. I knew I was good-looking but Beht had told me that I was sexy. That sounded so nice and it made me feel special.Beth insisted that I needed to make some more friends and put myself out there. I wasn’t about to disagree, my girls were marvelous about helping out around the house and I had time to myself. A few times a week, I now had the freedom to go over to Beth’s and have a little coffee and sometimes, even a little of that wonderful wine. I was a lot happier. Gary, bless him, was thrilled. “You do so much for your family, sweetheart,” he told me. “I’m glad that you finally have time for yourself.”Beth is my polar opposite in some ways. I’m brunette and fair skinned, she’s blonde and tanned. Beth is a true California beach bunny with the attitude to match. She’s very outgoing and makes friends easily. I liked all of her friends and soon, I was one of the group. Our little coffee klatch included Dr. Adeline Mitchell, Beth’s closest friend. She’s blonde like Beth but much more professional looking in her demeanor. I mentioned to Beth that my brother’s wife might like to meet some new people as well, so Janice joined us. I adore my sister-in-law; I think she’s too good for Ben. She’s a 5’10” redhead who is a bundle of laughs. Her daughter Amy is 14 and best friends with my girls, her cousins.The youngest member of our little group is Donna. Donna rents the basement apartment of another of our girls. Donna is like me and she married young, but it was a disaster. Her husband was a lush – well, still is – and she had just divorced him when she met the final member of our group. That would be Constance, our “senior” member who was 37. She’s a petite little redhead who looks exactly like what she is – a librarian. She married at 16 because she got pregnant. Connie’s a pistol though – she may look like a librarian, but she doesn’t act like one. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind.We would get together a few times a week and the girls and I always had fun. One time, Adeline suggested that we should go out to a strip show. “We can dress trashy and let our hair down,” she laughed. “It’ll be good for us, relieve the pressure.”I was okay with that. I knew my Gary wouldn’t mind my looking at a little beefcake; it likely would rev my libido. I might even be able to lure him into bed and have a little romp. I felt all tingly again and told the girls that I was in. I then realized one problem. “I really don’t have anything trashy to wear,” I told the girls. “I’ve been a stay-at-home mom all these years; there never really was a point to it.”Beth sighed. “The point is dummy; every girl should have a few fun items in her wardrobe.”Adeline nodded in agreement and unbuttoned her jacket and blouse. She always looked so respectable; I couldn’t believe what was underneath. Her bra was lacy and black, but it only came up under her breasts. They were fully exposed under her silk blouse. “I love the feeling of the blouse against my bare skin and it’s fun wearing things like this that only I know are there,” she said in a soft tone. I had no idea that Adeline had that side to her, but I supposed every woman was entitled to a few secrets. I had one of my own – I did have a few trashy pairs of shoes, I absolutely adore stiletto heels. Gary completely fails to understand why.”We’ll go through my closet Kath, I have a few things I think might fit you,” Beth smiled at me with a laugh.”I’ve got a few more curves than you, they might be a bit too tight or too small,” I commented to my friend.”Yeah well, that’s kind of the point,” Janice giggled. “We’re all going to have fun sweetie, let your hair down. Gary won’t mind.”I guessed that was true so I nodded my head. We all chatted and spent the rest of the time gossiping and enjoying our time together. The next day, I went over to Beth’s place and she rummaged through her closets to find an outfit for me. The blouse that she chose was low-cut, very sheer and clingy; you could see my breasts quite easily. She insisted that I wear the sexiest bra that I owned with it. After looking around a bit more, she emerged with a mini skirt that türbanlı kırıkkale escort I wouldn’t have dared wear 20 years earlier. I managed to squeeze in to that and if trashy was the look we all were going for, I had achieved it. I sat in a chair and Beth appraised me warmly. “You look sexy as all hell,” she said to me and actually kissed my knee. I felt a bit odd at that. “I want you to add some stockings to that, go for the full effect,” Beth insisted.I didn’t argue, because by then I knew it was pointless to argue with Beth and she usually got what she wanted. We always had fun, so when I showed up the following night, all of the girls in our group whistled and cheered and hugged me. There wasn’t a one of us who didn’t look sexy and Beth led the pack. She wore a halter top that revealed her gorgeous torso and leather hot pants that hugged her bottom with black, thigh-high fetish boots I didn’t even know she owned. Obviously, there were more layers to my pretty young neighbor than I knew about. We piled into a couple of taxis (we intended to get drunk that night but none of us are foolish enough to drive drunk) and were soon at the club. That’s where I got my first surprise of the night. I had naturally assumed we were going to a male strip show – but we weren’t!I looked at Beth and she laughed. “The woman put on a better show and the drinks are cheaper,” she laughed. “Besides, women are beautiful and men are just beefcake. Don’t worry about it Kathy, you’re going to have a great time – I promise.” Everyone else was piling inside so I just went with the flow. I supposed that I could always call a cab and leave early if I wasn’t having a good enough time.The place was actually quite nice inside, not sleazy at all. The music was a bit loud so you really couldn’t have a decent conversation, but few people were there to talk. Most of the customers were men, but not all – there were quite a few women. I had a few drinks and tried to listen to whatever the girls were talking about while keeping one eye on the stage. Some of the girls were pretty and Beth was right, some did move very well. I wasn’t repulsed by anyone, but I knew that this wasn’t my cup of tea.Suddenly the music changed and went to a hard beat. I looked up and heard the DJ announce “the lovely Natalia”. The girl on-stage moved with an erotic flair that caught your eye and held it the entire time she was on. You could not look away from her and you didn’t want to. She was breathtaking and moved with an effortless grace. She wore black leather and high heels and I watched as she stripped down to nothing. I’m not sure but I think I might actually have been breathing hard. Then the lights went out for about 30 seconds and she was back again. This Natalia was in a wispy, pale green teddy and her show was now sensual, slow and alluring. My heart was actually racing and I was trembling. I knew the female body was beautiful and here was the evidence in front of me. Natalia had an allure I had never known before. If any of the girls was saying anything to me, I wasn’t hearing it. I was totally under her spell.Her number finished and there were cheers and hollers, I was still in a daze. My friends were saying something to me but I couldn’t make it out. One of the servers leaned close and said that Natalia wanted to see me backstage. I had no idea why and she whispered that my friends had all chipped in and bought me a private performance. I looked back at Beth’s grinning face and everyone else was smiling too. I didn’t want to go but I decided refusal would not be a good idea. I allowed myself to be taken backstage and into a large, private room. A minute later, Natalia entered.To describe her wouldn’t do her justice, but I will try. Tall, exotic-looking with black hair. Mine is black, but hers was almost a blackish-blue, like ink. Perfect, up-tilted breasts. Long, incredible legs and a face that reeked of sex. Cat-like green eyes. This young girl was getting to me again, I could feel my pulse begin to race. She came close and smiled at me, speaking in a light, but sensual tone.”I noticed you out there, watching me,” she said to me. Her hand touched my face gently and she smiled. “I was going to have you come backstage anyway, but your friends paid for my time. I think you’re sexy and we’re going to have some fun. Don’t worry about anything, have you ever been this close to a woman before?”I shook my head, not entirely sure what was going on. She smiled again. “That’s okay, I’m going to make our time together lots of fun.” She smiled again and I saw the mischief in her lips and eyes. She danced a bit, to a tune only she heard and then she leaned close and kissed me softly, her tongue insinuated between my lips. I was being kissed by this beautiful young woman and it was so sensual and erotic. Her hand was moving and she was pushing my blouse away, baring my body. “Stop …” I protested.”Do you really want me to?” Natalia asked. “Or are you just afraid of your feelings? Be honest.”I wasn’t afraid, I was terrified and I whimpered. She pushed the blouse away and then she removed it. The nearly-naked Natalia was making me naked too, was she intending to do what I thought she was? Yes, she was. She bared my breasts and licked them and I felt a heat between my thighs I had never experienced. Her mouth and lips moved down my body and I shifted in my chair. Good thing too because my skimpy skirt followed the blouse to the floor. “Ooh, I love your underwear and stockings,” the young beauty murmured. “Let me show you how much.” To my utter astonishment, she took my legs in her hands and kissed up my thighs. If I thought she would stop there, I was wrong. She kissed the inside of my thighs until I was a shaking mass of jelly. I hadn’t experienced anything like this in my entire life. I wasn’t even aware if I was talking or just sighing.”May I?” She asked me. I knew what she meant, she wanted to remove the tiny thong that Beth had insisted I wear under my skirt. I had never worn anything that skimpy before, a T-bar was usually as small as I went. I knew that I shouldn’t allow things to go any further, but I didn’t stop her. I nodded.”You’re beautiful,” Natalia smiled and she began to stroke my newly-trimmed pussy. I shook a bit and then I began to really shake as she lowered her mouth to my pussy and began to eat me. Oral sex wasn’t really part of the sex I enjoyed with my husband and until that night, I didn’t know what I was missing. I felt a stirring and then it was almost like a small explosion. I realized very fast what had just happened – I had experienced my very first orgasm!”More,” I managed to murmur as she lifted her head from between my thighs.”Of course sweetie, any time,” Natalia smiled. “But wouldn’t you like to kiss me, play with me? Let’s get down on the floor, over there. See, there’s a big mattress – no one will disturb us, we can play as long as we like. Lots of the girls bring `friends’ back here, we’ll enjoy ourselves. You can do whatever you want to me, whatever you want, and I’ll enjoy it. I’m a little slut,” she giggled.I really was going to do something with this young beauty and I looked at her and knew that I wanted to, more than anything. Just as we moved to the large, clean mattress, Natalia appeared from another room. But – I was with Natalia – wasn’t I?”You promised me that you’d wait, you bitch,” the Natalia who had just entered the room said. “We both wanted her.””She’s too alluring,” MY Natalia said. “Forgive me, baby?” She asked, kissing the other girl erotically.”Always,” the girl sighed as they shared türbanlı kırıkkale escort bayan a torrid embrace and then looked at me. There were two of them and then it hit me. TWINS!”I’m Natalia,” the girl I was with said. “That’s Sophia, my twin sister. We both work here and our twin thing is a little secret. Very few customers have ever caught on and the club owners get a lot of use out of you. We both wanted to fuck you and Sophia insisted that we invite you backstage for a little play before your friends paid for us. Normally, we’d only be yours for about 30 minutes, but we were almost done for the night anyway.”Sophia approached me, she was the one in the gauzy lingerie. “You’re even more beautiful close up. What’s your name?””Katherine – Kathy.””Mmm, have you ever been with a girl before, Kathy?”Natalia told her sister what I had said. Sophia had an evil little smile. “After tonight, you’ll wonder why not. I saw the way you were looking at us. You might not have known it before tonight, but you’re into girls – big time. That’s okay, my sister and I only do it with girls and with each other. We’re lesbians Kathy and so are you. We’ll prove that tonight, we’re going to blow your mind and all that you have to do is let us and follow our lead. Ready?”This was the part where I should have left and gone home. This was the part where my life changed forever. I heard myself saying “Yes, oh yes, I am ready.”The sisters put me on the mattress and kissed again. Vaguely, I knew I should be repulsed my Sophia’s telling me they had sex together, but they were eerily beautiful. Sophia got between my legs while Natalia got closer to me and sucked my breasts. The likliklik sounds that filled my ears were of the lovely girl between my legs. I just let it happen. I saw now that Natalia was totally naked and she was close to my face. “I know that you want to eat my wet, juicy pussy,” Natalia smiled. “Take your time and savor it, Kathy. You only get one first time but you have two hot bitches to experience it with,” she grinned.I reached out and held her close and let my tongue graze the completely-bared pubis. I thought – well, I don’t know what I thought – it might taste bad? No – it was sweet, a bit like honey and after a few tentative licks, I dove in and went all-out. I was licking pussy, I was having lesbian sex and I was thrilled by it. My body was jolted alive by Sophia and my own erotic thoughts were allowing me to pleasure her gorgeous sibling. I licked as best I could with the skills I had and I guess I must have been doing okay because Natalia was groaning loudly.Katherine Swanson – loving and loyal wife, devoted mom – was eating pussy and loving it! Not only that, she was having a threesome with yet another girl! Twins! My mind was fogged with lust and it was a unique experience unto itself. I had never enjoyed sex this much and despite any guilty feelings I might have had over betraying Gary and our marriage, I knew how much I needed to feel this way. Sophia lifted her head from between my thighs and had a delighted grin. “Man, what a fucking sweet cunt,” she said to her sister. “How’s she doing up there?””Wonderful,” Natalia grinned and leaned over to actually kiss some of my juices from her sister’s mouth. “She might not have known it, but she’s a natural lez. Let’s switch places and I’ll eat her some more and you can feel her tongue for yourself.””You’re always so good to me,” Sophia smiled and kissed Natalia again. Every time they kissed, my body tingled. It was so wrong and forbidden and I think that’s what turned me on most.”Always,” Natalia smiled just before her sister lowered her pussy to my face. I wanted to eat her pussy just as much as Natalia’s. They used words like “cunt” that were so raw, I wasn’t used to such language. I had come so far in just one night but not that far, not yet. I was having a little adventure, I really wasn’t a lesbian. I tried to convince myself it was the alcohol, but I’d only had 3 drinks that night. I wasn’t that drunk. These young beauties were the cause of my arousal, plain and simple.I was almost proud of the fact that I’d gotten Natalia off, so I made sure to give her twin a good time with my tongue. I used my fingers a bit too, I went in for the kill and tried to blow her mind. I wasn’t about to let two women younger than I have the complete upper hand. Sophia was noisier than her sister and Natalia was really giving it to me. We came in a very short time.We got into a nice little Daisy Chain so that I could have them both at some point and we had the best sex of my life. The girls told me that I was to come back and party with them again. “We don’t have a lot of girlfriends around here and we both really love older women,” Natalia told me.That’s when I got the shock of my life. You have to be 19 to dance in clubs here – and the twins were just 18 – only just, as of last week. A friend had made them fake IDs for $100 each and a private show. They wanted to work and earn money for their own place and around pretty women, so this job was ideal.When I left the back room, I found the place closed up for the night. We’d been having sex for nearly 2 hours and my group was long gone. I used my cell to call a cab and made my way home, wondering what excuse I could give them when we met next? I didn’t want them to know what I’d been doing. I was even more concerned over the guilt emerging. I had betrayed Gary and our marriage.I didn’t realize that things were only beginning to change for me.I avoided Beth the next afternoon. Feelings of guilt washed over me. I had liked what I had done with the young twins, but knew that I could never, ever do something like that again. It was my little rebellion from the staid marriage in which I was living. If found out, I could get into big trouble. I trusted Beth and knew that if she ever discovered my secret, she would keep it to myself but I didn’t dare let anyone else know.I also felt the most tremendous sense of guilt over my betrayal of Gary. True, our marriage was essentially sexless, but I had never once entertained the idea of an affair. I had to make amends but hadn’t a clue how. I could be a torrid, horny woman for him but it wouldn’t really make a difference. I thought that as I had an entire day to myself, I would go buy him a present. Something he really wanted. I had planned to get him new golf clubs for his birthday. I guess his birthday was coming early this year!I left the pro shop with a smile on my face and feeling a little less guilty. I decided to indulge in a coffee and pastry as I had hours before my daughters were due home from school. When I finished, it still wasn’t even 3 PM. I thought I might go home and do a load of laundry or have a nap. I had lots of time.When I walked into my home, laundry or a nap were the furthest things from my mind. I am sure no mother would have expected to see the sight I saw and I almost fainted. No mother would expect to see my oldest daughter fucking her sister with a strap-on while her cousin is feasting on her pussy. 3 girls engaged in a tryst of lesbian lust under my very roof!”Am I hurting you, sissy?” Melanie asked her younger sister. I had never heard her voice sound like that before, soft and husky. It was as if she was a different person.”God no baby, fuck me like a slut,” Danielle sighed, her voice breathy and soft. “I have to learn if I’m going to keep playing games with you and Amy.” Danielle’s big tits were bouncing as her sister fucked her with the toy. I wondered how she was taking that big cock so deep; it had her father’s beat türbanlı escort kırıkkale by several inches. I let their words wash over me – Amy and Melanie had had sex before and now were including Melanie in their filthy activities. I wanted to rush in there and put a stop to it! So why were my fingers sliding into my skirt and past my panties? Why were my nipples hard and my breathing shallow? Was I that depraved that my daughter’s lesbian play was arousing to me?Yes! Yes to all of that and more!I was beginning to realize that I was not the woman I had always thought I was. I hadn’t known my daughters were sexually active and certainly wouldn’t have thought they were lesbians. The phone was constantly ringing off the hook with boys asking them out. I suggested they go out on dates; it was fine with Gary and myself. “What for?” I now remembered Melly saying to me. “Most guys are own age are boring.” I had just assumed they would find some cute athlete and date one or two of them, but was I totally off?”God, I’m glad your sister caught us Mel,” Amy sighed as she lifted her head from Melanie’s pussy. My niece combines the best of both my brother and Janice. She’s petite and has auburn hair with green eyes and a gorgeous little ass. I had never noticed it before but wiggling the way it was, it was hard not to see it. I just wanted to run over there where they were at play on the couch and bite her ass. I wanted to be with all of them! I even noticed that Amy’s toes curled when she was aroused. I looked over at the floor and saw a collection of lingerie and shoes thrown willy-nilly on the ground. I wasn’t even aware my girls owned such things and wondered where they had acquired such intimate apparel.Melanie got up and unstrapped the toy. “God, you’re noisy when you cum, slut,” she chuckled to her sister. She leaned close and took Danielle’s face between her hands and kissed her. “Just k**ding love, you know how special and pretty I think my baby is,” she smiled. “Both my babies, I love doing these things with you.” Amy got in between them and they hugged and kissed. It was loving and still so erotic. I was so turned on by all of this and hoped they wouldn’t see me. I stayed close to the wall and kept my eyes glued to the teen girls and their loving.I saw them move around a little and loved how sweet they all still looked. I loved the similarities and the differences. Melanie was almost 5’9″ by that point and Danielle had grown over the last year. Mostly in the titties department. My youngest daughter was going to be very well-endowed; she was already nearly a 34DD chest. Her grandmother – Gary’s mom – is very busty. As for Amy, she was just so yummy that I must have thought of her erotically a hundred times in just a few minutes. It was okay, I rationalized – you didn’t give birth to her, she isn’t your daughter. But it wasn’t okay and I knew it. She was my niece and besides, the thoughts I was having about my own girls were not any less lurid.I watched as the girls continued to play. They were all so wrapped up in each other, I don’t know if they would have known I was home unless I announced myself. I wasn’t about to do that. They moved about and changed positions. Now it was Danielle who was loving Amy and Melanie’s body was lowered on to her cousin’s waiting mouth. An agile little tongue shot out and I heard a low groan emerge from my daughter’s lips. I watched them together. They were very sophisticated in their lovemaking and I knew that this could not possibly be their first tryst.Who had started it? How did Danielle catch them and why hadn’t she said anything to me or to her father or her aunt? Who had taught the girls so much about sex? I thought all of this and more but felt juices dripping down between my thighs. I was so horny and my fingers were flying in and out of my pussy. I loved playing the voyeur. I had loved watching Natalia just yesterday. I had thrilled when I saw her with Sophia and the i****t there got me off as well. Now I was cumming to the most perverted sight yet – my girls with their cousin in a teenaged lesbian show!A responsible parent would have put a stop to it. A responsible parent would have ended it, called Janice, sent her k**s for counseling. I knew I was too far gone for any of that. I allowed myself the thrill of viewing each second of their sex acts, not caring a whit for what a “responsible” parent would do. At that very moment, I was knew the truth. I was exactly what Natalia had said I was – a natural lez. I didn’t care about the consequences; I just wanted to see sexy girls having sex together. I realized something else – really sexy teen girls got me hot! I was panting as I watched Amy lick and suck my daughter’s pussy. I wanted to be there myself but I promised myself I would never allow myself to go that far. I had to keep some measure of control and dignity. It was fine for the girls; they were young and open to experimentation. They could do whatever they liked. I knew that I would have to seek out Sophia and Natalia again if I wanted some sexy young stuff. They were not my daughters or niece, whatever we did together was not basically immoral. I tingled and knew I would return to the club soon. I had gone over the edge and it was useless to deny it.The only sexual desire I now had was for pussy. I had to experience that again, to see if it was the true me or just a temporary aberration. Looking at the girls, I probably knew the answer but was trying to convince myself otherwise.The glorious visions in front of me were sexier than any erotic video or piece of erotica or novel could ever hope to be. I loved watching Amy in the throes of passion. Although she was the youngest of the trio, she was also the noisiest and the naughtiest. Her fingers were moving in and out of Melanie’s pussy as she ate her and she was humming while doing it. I saw the erotic grimace on my daughter’s face and I wonder if she knew how eerily sexy it was? I looked over at Dani and couldn’t believe how sexy she had become. I was used to Melanie’s beauty, she had been growing into a lovely, tall beauty for years, but now it was hard to deny Danielle’s sexiness. She had this impish grin on her face the whole time she was playing and she wasn’t giving anything less than her best efforts. Her face was really deep inside of her sister’s pussy – her gorgeous, succulent cunt.My mind was allowing me to think in ways that I never had before. I watched the girls all tumble from our large couch on to the floor, laughing and squealing and sighing. My fingers were rubbing my pussy raw and I had passed a 3rd climax. I saw the girls change into a Daisy Chain and couldn’t believe three teenage girls knew this much about sex.Now it went quiet and the only sounds I heard were slurps and moans. They were now tender and loving and I gasped as my last orgasm crested through me. I looked and all three had their eyes closed. I got my cell out of my purse and saw it was nearing 4:30. They had evidently lost track of time! The way they were still playing, it could well have gone on longer and Gary would be home soon. I had to think fast. I didn’t want them being discovered and have to stop something they all seemed to love so much. Being as quiet as I could, I ran around to the back of our house. I slammed the car door and then I went back in the back door and slammed that. I heard a minor commotion as I entered our kitchen. I called out and heard Melanie’s lyrical voice answer that they would be right down. Three pretty girls came from downstairs, all slightly red-faced, but tidy enough. The only tell-tale sign was the funk of pussy, but that would fade by the time Gary got home. I doubted he’d even notice. I made small talk with my visiting niece while the girls helped me prepare for dinner. I invited Amy to stay for dinner and told her that she was also welcome to stay the night if her mother said it was all right. I hoped that she would. I hoped that there would be a late-night repeat of this afternoon’s show.

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