
Neighborhood Secrets Pt. 08


Neighborhood Secrets= Part 8

First, I apologize for how long it took to get this part out. For a number of reasons, I couldn’t get any writing done for about a week. I also struggled with what I was writing. As with some of my other stories I have become attached to the characters, and I wanted to make sure parts of their story were told. This resulted in a much longer final part than I wanted. I finally decided that I couldn’t finish it in just one more part so here is Part 8. Part 9, the final part, should be posted soon.

I heard Callie come into the house not long after I had gotten out of the shower. It was just after four o’clock, a little later than I had expected her to get here. I heard her call out to me first saying Dad, and then Aunt Bri which caused me to chuckle. I walked out of the bedroom.

“I am up here, be right down.”

I heard her head up the stairs and we met in the hallway. She let go of her suitcase and quickly moved to me and squeezed me tight in a hug. I squeezed her back; it was the first time we had seen each other in over a month.

I finally let go of her and looked at her. She was dressed very casually and comfortably in leggings and a tee shirt. I wasn’t sure but it looked like she was a little curvier than the last time I had seen her. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

“How was your drive and how did lunch go?” I asked.

“Lunch was great. I really like her, and she gave me some great advice. Thanks for setting that up for me. I do have a question though?”

“Okay, ask away.”

“So, I have always thought you had chosen Brianne as your girl’s name because it was close to the name Brian. Did you pick it because of her? Because if you did, I could see why. It sounds like she is a badass as both a person and a firefighter, while at the same time she is very girly girl.”

I laughed. “You are perceptive. If the firefighter thing doesn’t work out the police detective thing really should be your second choice.”

“After having lunch with Brianne, I want to be a firefighter even more.” Callie said enthusiastically.

“After finishing college though, right?” I asked a touch nervously.

“Yes, Dad.” Her tone sounded slightly annoyed.

“Brianne did tell me to say hi to you and that she is very excited about tomorrow night.”

“Thanks. How was the drive?”

“It was okay. I left as soon as I could after my nine o’clock class ended and was at the restaurant right at one o’clock. I am a little surprised that Aunt Bri wasn’t here when I got home?”

“I was working in the yard and just got out of the shower.”

“I guess Mr. Marcus was working today then. I figured you two would take advantage of the house being empty if he was off. Mom and Aunt Becky are going to be here around six, right? Are you ready for Aunt Becky to meet Aunt Bri?” She had winked after she mentioned the part about the house being empty.

“Mom said if it was going to be later than six, she would call. When she headed to the airport to pick Becky up it said her flight was still on time. I am nervous about her seeing me dressed but that is always the case the first time I let someone see me dressed.”

I choose not to say anything about her comment about Rob. The truth was I hadn’t hooked up with him in over a month. I wasn’t sure if he was moving past his chick with dicks fetish stage, or the novelty had worn off for him, or if maybe things had gotten better with his wife. Kim and Steph were still good friends, but I hadn’t heard much about Kim from my wife recently.

I missed hooking up with him, or maybe not him specifically but I missed the opportunity to get some dick. Last week I pulled out one of my dildos and used it for the first time in months. I enjoyed it, and it did the trick of helping me get off, but it definitely wasn’t the same as the real thing. I also knew that after having had the real thing, giving a blowjob to a sex toy was probably never going to happen again and I really missed being able to do that.

The sex with Steph had slowed down also over the past month or two. After a second honey moon phase that had started back in May when we had some type of physical contact almost every day it had slowed down to a couple times a week. With Callie now off at college Steph had been picking up extra shifts at the hospital and I had been picking up overtime shifts, so part of the reason was the lack of opportunity.

Another part was probably my fault, with my crossdressing out in the open and my clothes available all the time, I was dressing a lot more than I had. I was experiencing what some crossdressers called The Pink Fog. Steph had been honest with me and told me she had no interest in me sexually when I was dressed, and it seemed like that was extending into not having interest in me on days she had seen me dressed.

“I see that the Plenhem house is sold. That didn’t take long, it only went on the market in late July. Mom probably isn’t getting dörtyol escort the mail anymore either since she isn’t running out every time, she hears a motorcycle out front. Any news on who the new neighbors are going to be?” Callie chuckled a little when she mentioned her mom running out to the mailbox.

The truth was that had pretty much stopped right after Steph and Mark had gone for a motorcycle ride and then had sex afterwards. Her fantasy of hooking up with a biker hadn’t been what she dreamed of. It had also pretty much ended the six months of flirting that had been going on between them prior to that.

I didn’t think that had anything to do with him deciding to sell his house. I do know that instead of being sad it was for sale, Steph was relieved. She had told me it was really awkward seeing him now and she avoided him whenever she could. I understood because it felt a little like that was what was happening with me and Rob now.

“I haven’t heard. I would assume they would be moving in soon. He moved out over a week ago. Are you going to see Zach while you are home? Is that still a thing?” I asked Callie.

“Tell you what. Why doesn’t Aunt Bri start getting dressed for this evening. I am always more comfortable talking to her about my love and sex life. Have you picked out an outfit yet?”

“Yes. Pretty close to what I wore for my debut to you. Think that is a good idea?”

“Definitely. Although I would go for the patterned tights and those ankle boots you got right before I headed off to college. Make sure Aunt Becky knows her sister-in-law is a touch… let’s just say slutty.” Callie laughed.

I gave her a frown that turned into a smile and went into the guest room and grabbed the tights and the ankle boots. I had my new black fish scale, closed toed platform pumps and black pantyhose laying on the bed in my room. Callie was in the bedroom holding up the new purple-based tartan skirt I had bought. The silk blouse that matched the purple was laying on the bed.

“Let me change and we can chat while I do my makeup.” I told her.

“Sure, I will go put my suitcase in my room. Just yell when you are decent.” Callie winked at me.

I quickly removed the clothes I had on and stepped in the black lace thong and then slipped on the matching bra before dropping my forms into it. I hadn’t told Steph this but more and more I wondered what it would be like to have real breasts. I then rolled the tights on and got them situated before putting the blouse on and quickly buttoning it. The skirt was last and when I zipped it up, I let Callie know she could come back into the room.

“I changed my mind. I think the pumps would be better. The tights are what makes the outfit, and the boots just make you look like you are trying too hard to be younger than you are.” She said.

I preferred the pumps to the boots, so I was happy to make that change and quickly dropped them on the floor and stepped into them with ease. I picked my wig up off the dresser and moved into the bathroom before setting it in place.

“Okay… so Zach? Is that still going on?” I asked as I sat down and picked up a brush to start on my foundation.

“Not really, kind of, maybe.” Callie said from behind me.

“Well, that is a definitive answer.” I smiled at her in the mirror.

“I know. When I left for school, we told each other we could see other people. We didn’t really define what see meant. Was it casual one-time dates, was it casual hook ups, was it more serious than that. And we didn’t say if we were supposed to tell each other when it happened.”

“Oh… yes, I can see where that would be a problem. Have you… I guess… seen or hooked up with anyone? Has he?” I finished my foundation and was working on my eyeliner.

“Well, that is the other problem. He keeps texting me and saying he doesn’t want to see anyone else, misses me, and can’t wait to see me again. That is nice but I don’t know how to respond when I get that text right after I hooked up, well not really hooked up, but right after I have sucked off a guy at a party.” Callie grinned sheepishly at me in the mirror.

“Does that happen a lot?” I asked with a small smile.

“I guess it would depend on your definition of a lot.” She laughed. “I’m not sucking dick everyday but… let’s say I am enjoying the opportunities college is giving me.”

“Good for you. Just be safe. I think you need to be honest with Zach.”

“You and mom… I mean she is okay with you and Rob, right? And it is obvious something happened between her and Mr. Plenhem. You all make that work and you are married not just dating.”

“Yes, so far. But there are some rules, first I can only do that when I am in Brianne mode, which is easy because it is the only time, I want to do that. Second, we are honest with each other, and always tell each other what is going on.”

“Yea… I thought that was the case. You are right, we are going to see each other tomorrow night dulkadiroğlu escort while you have your girl’s night out, I will tell Zach then.”

“Good. And lately I haven’t had to tell your mom anything. It looks like Rob has lost interest; it has been over a month since the last time… you know.”

“Aunt Bri, you haven’t been able give a blow job in over a month? I would be going crazy. You know men can be real ass holes, sometimes. You need to find some dick auntie!” Callie was smiling at me as I finished doing my eye shadow.

“Yes, they can be, and you are right.”

It wasn’t lost on me that somewhere during that conversation we had briefly broken the third rail and had acknowledged that I was her mom’s husband. I was definitely more comfortable when she switched back to talking to me as Aunt Bri.

I put on my mascara and lipstick and was done with my makeup. Callie had gone to pee and walked in as I was looking at myself in the mirror. I was happy with what I saw, and she told me I looked great. As we headed down stairs and sat in the family room, I could feel my butterflies beginning to grow knowing my sister-in-law would be here soon.

She was coming into town to attend a funeral on Saturday. A friend of Steph and Becky’s parents had passed away. They had lived in a neighborhood where all the parents and the kids knew each other. They had block parties, holiday parties, watched each other’s kids and everyone was really close.

Becky was staying with us tonight and tomorrow and then she and Steph were driving the three hours to their parents and were going to stay there on Saturday night. Steph had decided this would be a great opportunity for her sister to meet Brianne and Becky had agreed. They had planned a girl’s day and night for us tomorrow. I was excited about the plans while at the same time being very nervous. For the first time I was going to leaving the four walls of our house as a woman.

I heard the garage door opening and Steph’s car pulling in. Callie looked over at me, smiled and winked. With all my senses heightened I heard the doors of the car open, then the trunk closing and finally the sound of the door to the kitchen from the garage opening. We both got up and she walked into the kitchen, I held back.

“Callie, wow, you are well… what happened to the cute little girl that was my niece? You are beautiful woman now. Oh my God!” Becky exclaimed.

“Hi Aunt Becky. Thanks. It is great to see you! You too Mom. I missed you.” I heard Callie say.

“I missed you also. Way too much!” I heard Steph tell her.

There was a moment of silence, I imagined they were exchanging hugs.

“So… I understand your other Aunt is here also. Or at least she is supposed to be, right? I have been looking forward to meeting her.” Becky said.

I took that as my queue to move into the kitchen and slowly stepped past the threshold. My heels announced my arrival and all their eyes turned to look at me. Becky’s eyes immediately widened in a look of shock. Steph looked me up and down her face showed a look that I took as my outfit was too something… too young, slutty, or just plain too much.

“Aunt Becky this is my Aunt Bri.” Callie said.

“Wow… just holy… wow… I don’t know what exactly I expected but I didn’t expect hot as fuck that is for sure.” Becky said.

“Thank you. How was your flight? Can I get you anything, water, a glass of wine, a stiff drink.” I asked, not knowing what else to say.

“It was fine… um… wine… sounds good.” She answered.

“I got it. Do you want a glass also? I will go ahead and order the pizza. How about you all head out to the family room. Callie can help me bring the wine out.” Steph said.

I turned and walked out of the kitchen first, Becky was behind me. I took a seat on the couch, and she sat across from me on the love seat.

“How do you walk that well in those heels? I would barely be able to stand up in them. When you sat down, I was sure you were going to flash me, but you looked like you wear a skirt that short every day. Steph said you were dressing up a lot more these days, but you move like it is every day.”

It felt like these were rhetorical questions and I was saved from answering them when Callie and Steph walked out carrying wine glasses and a couple of bottles of wine. The first bottle was uncorked, Steph poured, and Callie handed me my glass, then her real aunt got one. I watched Steph fill two more glasses.

Steph came and sat next to me and when our daughter picked up a glass and sat next to Becky, I raised an eyebrow at my wife. She just smiled at me. It wasn’t that I didn’t think Callie drank, it was that we had never let her do in front of us. Her nineteenth birthday was a couple weeks ago so she still had a couple years before she could legally do it.

“So, what is the timeline tomorrow?” Becky asked.

“We will head out after lunch to get our nails done, come home and düzce escort start getting ready, head to dinner around six, and be at the club around eight.” Steph smiled at me as she laid it out.

“And I can come for the nails, right?” Callie asked.

“Yes, as long as your Aunt Bri is good with that.” Steph looked over at me.

“Sure… the more support I have tomorrow the better. I am excited and super nervous about all of this.” I told them.

The pizza arrived a short time later. While we ate, the second bottle of wine was finished. Steph had let Callie have one more glass and then told her she needed to switch to water. I did the same after my third glass because I didn’t want a hangover tomorrow.

While we ate Becky filled us in on how her daughters were doing. I did notice that she didn’t mention her husband. Callie also updated us on how school was going. When her mom and aunt asked about boys, she was evasive but did sneak a wink when she looked over at me.

I was happy to not be the center of attention. Just after ten o’clock I told them I was tired and going to head to bed. I picked up the pizza boxes, empty wine bottles, and other trash and took them to the kitchen.

I came back out and said good night to everyone before heading upstairs. I heard a chorus of good nights and see you in the mornings.

“It was great to meet you, Brianne.” Becky said with a big smile.

When I got to the bedroom I slipped out of my outfit and put it neatly in our closet since Steph’s sister was using the guest room. After removing my makeup, I took a quick shower and put on my normal sleeping attire of nylon gym shorts and a sleeveless t shirt and climbed into bed.

I woke up the next morning, slipped out of bed and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Steph was sleeping pretty hard when I exited the bedroom and went downstairs. I looked in the family room and saw that another wine bottle had been emptied and Becky’s and Steph wine glasses were sitting on the coffee table.

I figured they would both wake up a little hung over, so I took a couple of water bottles upstairs along with some Advil and put one bottle and some Advil on the counter in the hall bathroom and another bottle and some Advil on Steph’s bedside table.

After I got back downstairs, I cleaned the family room and started some coffee. I wanted to get a run in this morning, so I had a light breakfast of toast and yogurt. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard someone on the stairs. I looked up expecting to see Callie and was surprised when it was my sister-in-law.

“Good Morning.” She said cheerily.

“Uh Good Morning. You are up early and… happier and peppier than I expected.” I told her.

“Yea… still used to having to get up early because of the girls although pretty soon that will change. Thanks for the water bottle and Advil. I am assuming that was you?”

“Yes… want some coffee? It is fresh.”

She told me yes and I stood up and grabbed her a mug, filled it, and brought it to her. I noticed she seemed to be looking at me with a strange expression on her face. It was starting to make me uncomfortable.

“Uh… everything okay? You are looking at me… like I don’t know… something.” I asked as I sat down across from her.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to… well… I… I just can’t get over how you looked, moved, everything, last night… compared to well this morning.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that so I just kind of smiled and took a big drink from my coffee mug.

“When Steph first told me about it. I couldn’t picture it in my mind. I know a part of me wanted you to look ridiculous… or something. I was also happy… it was great to find out that her perfect husband wasn’t perfect. I hated feeling that way, but I did.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because I was so jealous. Steph would tell me all the wonderful things you did for her, what a great dad you are for Callie. I am married to an asshole… who isn’t a bad dad really, but he wishes his daughters were boys or at least were jocks.”

“Well… I definitely have more than my share of baggage that is for sure. We really struggled because of it but seem to be doing okay now. I am so lucky that Steph has accepted it.”

“Well, you earned a lot of that… maybe part of the reason you are the way you are as a husband and person, the way you think, the thoughtful and caring things you do… is because of your… feminine side?”

“I don’t know… still a lot to put up with.”

“I guess… it could be worse, you could be a borderline misogynistic, living in the past, selfish jerk… like my husband. One quick word of advice though, don’t overdo it. Steph wants her husband in her life. She doesn’t want a girlfriend… She already has those.” She smiled at me as she said the girl friend part.

“Did she say something to you?” I asked nervously.

“I am not going to betray my sisters’ confidences, but we did stay up after you and Callie went to bed and finished another bottle of wine. I will tell you this, she loves you, she really hates you had to hide a part of yourself and deny yourself your dreams and fantasies. She wants you to have those experiences, she just needs a husband also, or maybe she just wants some dick, I don’t know.” She winked at me.

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