


Subject: New Adventures with Older Brother part 13 Disclaimer � This story is a work of fiction, and depicts incestual sexual action between teen boys. If you are uncomfortable with that, or live in a community where that material is forbidden, please stop reading. Don’t forget, Nifty is a great resource, so please fty/donate.html Please leave any comments or critiques at ail, I appreciate and value any and all input from you all! Chapter 13- … Must Come Up. The next few days passed like a blur. Days filled with classes, longing glaces with my brother, jokes shared with new friends, and an eagerness to get home. Nights, while we haven’t really had a chance to try to get intimate again, since Mom’s back home, we enjoy the company we can share. Some cuddling and movies here, some dirty talk and stripping there, throw in a 69 and some mutual handjobs, and we’re living the dream! Before we knew it, Saturday rolled around. I call up Harry, who thankfully gave me his number the day before. It was the first time I asked for someone’s number, even if it was just for a platonic friend date, but hey, baby steps, right? “You still okay with going to the movies with us? ” “And miss an opportunity to watch your big brother get scared and maybe grab my hand for comfort? Never!” “I… Umm… I don’t think that fantasy is going to play out like you think it will.” I snort into the phone. “Why you gotta be a buzzkill, Army? Let my masturbatory dream have a faint hope!” He feigns annoyance but I could tell he’s smiling. This is going to be fun. “Did you want to meet us there, or pick you up?” “Mind picking me up? My parents are gonna be out all day, and my sister would sooner slash her own tires than drive me anywhere.” After taking down his address, I hang up and walk to the bathroom, where Ben’s been slowly, painstakingly getting ready. Still like having a sister, takes his sweet ass time, but at least I can open the door without fear of a punch to the face over embarrassment. I come across Ben, clad only in gym shorts, leaning into the mirror, the buzz of his hair trimmer going as he reshapes his scruff to look nice and tidy. I won’t tell him this, but I do think the looks better a little disheveled, a little feral, but for his own self-esteem, he enjoys grooming. Can’t fault a guy for that, right? “So Harry asked if we could pick him up, but he’s still set to join us.” I bring Ben up to speed on the plans, resting my head on his shoulder. “Cool. What did you wanna do for lunch? Popcorn isn’t enough for this big guy, haha,” Ben glanced at my reflection, smiling past the trimmers currently fixing his mustache. Leaning forward with him, I check out my own face for any stray hairs, but sadly all I’m left with is the ghost of “Facial Hair Future,” haunting me. “Checking for a sign you’re finally going through puberty, dork? Haha. Give it a few years , you’ll get there, champ!” Ben mocked as he cleaned off the spare hair. “Oh, `haha!’ You’re so funny! Jerk…” I rolled my eyes. “Awwww, don’t get mad, I was kidding. You are too sensitive sometimes.” Ben set his trimmer down and turned to look at me, but I cross my arms and turn away. “Don’t be like that, come on…” Ben spins me towards him, grabs and lifts me up easily, rubbing his newly minted scruff against my smooth cheek. “I love you as you are, Army. Don’t ever think twice about it. Got that?” “Yeah, uh huh.” “Plus you can enjoy mine! I know how much you love feeling it…” He gave me a big smile, knowing he was completely right. Gawd, I hate him. “Not as much as you enjoy feeling me… I can feel you poking me through your shorts.” I pointed out, glaring at my brothers almost incessant horniness. “Can you blame him? Or me? I can’t control him! I think he likes you, haha.” He sits me down on top of the sink, and gives me a kiss, sweet and innocent at first, but as usual, this ferocity came over him, and he gripped me harder, pulling me closer, kissing me deeper. I felt my own passion rise to the occasion, our lips and tongue upgrading from dancing to full on fighting, rough, sloppy, overcome with emotion. We part, and I look into his eyes… however, the clock behind him catches my attention. “Fuck, we don’t really have the time to mess around… We have to leave soon so we have time to eat!” “I could always just eat you, Army…” Ben gave me a very tempting smile, the devil himself would be impressed. I lay my hand on his face, “We got tonight, don’t worry! Hopefully “Big Ben” will be okay. Don’t want him getting nightsmares from the scary movie…” “He could always just find a nice safe spot in your mouth… or your ass, whichever…” Ben winked at me as he pulled away, leading the way to the bedroom to get dressed. . . . . . We hop into the truck and head out to grab our guest. The drive is sadly short, so I couldn’t really get to enjoy holding Ben’s hand for longer than I really wanted to, but as we pulled into Harry’s drive way, I snuck a quick kiss on his cheek and even quicker grope of now dormant “Big Ben.” I lead the way to the front door, peering around the house, a boring 2 story house that looked exactly the same as the other ones. Well, except its slightly uglier twin house 2 doors down, with its unkempt grass and spotty paintwork. The whole front was flat, like it wouldn’t look out of place on Elm Street. Ben rings the doorbell, and we stand a little, awkwardly wondering if we got the wrong house. “UGH, şişli travesti WHO THE FUCK IS RINGING OUR DOORBELL! I SWEAR, IF ITS THE MORMONS AGAIN, I WILL-” The door snaps open a crack, and a single green eye peers at me. “Who are you?” She says, in a very annoyed tone. Wow, if this is his sister, Harry was right… “Well, whatever it is, we do-” Her eye caught sight of Ben, and without hesitation, the door was opened. “Oh, h-hello…” In front of us stood a tall brunette girl, clad in an oversized t-shirt and cut-offs, who looked about Ben’s age. You could immediately see the resemblance between her and Harry. The same shade of long brown hair, same green eyes, the same semi-smirk stuck on her face. Probably the same pale face too, except she started blushing. Good gawd, girl, get a grip. It’s just… probably the sexiest guy on the planet in front of you. I can’t judge, given my own obsession, but still… “Hey, we’re here to pick up Harry?” Ben took charge, since it appeared the shrill harpy had been tamed by his smile. “Oh, right, yeah, the movies.” She walked to the stairs and yelled up. “HAROLD, GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE!” “SEND THEM UP! AND FOR PETE’S SAKE, STOP SCREAMING!” A voice shouted back down. She spun back to us, and smiled at Ben, completely forgetting I was there. “You must be the new guy. I’m Riley,” she tried to flirt, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I think we have Economics together. Maybe we should get together and study sometime.” I watched as she took a step closer to Ben, as though she were trying to mark her territory, but my brother instead just maneuvered past her. Ha, nice try, wench! “Yeah, sure, sounds like a plan, sometime, sure. Sorry, nice to meet ya, but we gotta go soon!” Ben politely shut her down, rushing through cordial pleasantries, and we rushed up the stairs, eager to escape the desperation. On the 2nd floor, we see a small hallway and like 6 doors, but thankfully one is open. Would hate to run into any other family members… We walk in, and find Harry rummaging through his closet, clad in only wet hair and jeans. “Oh, hi guys!” He turns to us, giving us a signature smirk. Damn, it’s uncanny how much he and his sister look similar. “Sorry, just got out of the shower, give me a sec.” Damn if the view wasn’t nice though. Harry was very… wow… without his shirt. Still pale, the only hair on his torso was under his arms and his dark trail leading down to his belt buckle. His chest and arms looked very defined, not huge or broad like Ben, like if someone blended muscular and lanky into a person. Sadly, his jeans fit very loose, no good way to tell if the lower half was as striking as the upper half. If it weren’t for the belt, I’m sure his jeans would drop straight down, leaving him only in his boxers, and the thought caused my mouth to water a little. “*Ahem*,” Ben coughed very lightly at me, rolling his eyes. “What did you want to eat, Harry? I’m starving.” Harry stepped back out of his closet, putting on a t-shirt. Such a shame, I liked the view… “How does pizza sound? I know a good place on the way.” “Oh, that does sound good. That fine with you, Army?” “H-huh? Y-yeah, that’s great!” I stammered, feeling super awkward. Shit, shouldn’t be checking out my new friend. I’m not that much of a thirsty horndog, like my big brother… am I? “Cool! Let me just toss some shoes on and we can get going!” I wandered around the bedroom, and soaked in all the… Wow, he was really awesomely dorky. The room was a nice forest green, but hard to tell past all the posters. One of the solar system, a few of some bands whose names I couldn’t decipher, some video game ones. In the corner was a computer desk with nice monitor and a huge stack of computer games. The other corner was taken by an acoustic guitar and a ton of notes books and bits of paper on a stool. A nice full size bed with some baseball themed sheets. A dresser with a stereo, a small TV, and a game console tethered to it. And finally, the coup-de-grace, a huge bookcase filled to the ceiling with books, games, and CDs. Holy hell, there were a lot of books and CD’s. Bands I never heard of, genres never knew existed, instruments I never could be played! I rushed over to browse the details, the titles, everything! So much to absorb! “Haha, liking my room, Army?” Harry laughed at me, lacing up his shoes. “So much stuff! Holy hell, you got a lot of music, Harry! And wow, look at all these games! Fuck, you must never be bored! And so many books!” I couldn’t contain my excitement at all. Harry kept rising to super cool status in my book. “Calm it down, dork. Don’t cream your pants because he has a first edition of some nerdy-” Ben started with a joke, but something caught his eye. “Wait, holy shit, you got their first EP?” He grabbed an album from the top shelf, and holding it to his face, eager to scan every detail. “I love this band! I’m so pissed I missed their show here last summer!” “That’s a fucking shame, it was a fun as hell show! Hit me up next time, we can go together! I didn’t know you were into…” They trailed off talking about concerts, music taste, judgements and proclamations of love for other bands. It was nice to see Ben get dirty with “nerdy” vigor that he was just about to mock me for, haha. *Knock knock* We turned to find Riley standing at the door, smiling a lot nicer than she was earlier… Is she wearing make-up now? Guess when a hot guy is around, beylikdüzü travesti she actually has to try… “Hey… It’s Ben, right? You’re on the baseball team.” She asked, twirling her hair again. Oh dear lord. “What are you doing later? I’m going to a party tonight, it’s at Courtney Gibbs house. She’s dating your teammate, Ronnie, I think. He’s gonna be there too. And since her parents are out of town. I’d love to give you a tour of all the popular people…” She put on her best seductive smile. “Uhhh…” Ben looked at me. “What about my little brother?” “Oh, he can stay here with Harold. Our parents won’t be home till tomorrow so just call it a sleepover. Right, Harold?” She turned to her brother, shooting him the dirtiest look to accept her plan. Harry, of course, was busy ignoring his sister dagger stare, but he enjoyed the idea. “Yeah, that sounds great!” Ben grabbed my arm and led me to the hall. “Let me talk to my brother real fast, don’t want him ratting out to our Ma.” He smiled and we walked back down the stairs. “Ratting out? Wow, I’m not that lame.” I rolled my eyes. “Only excuse I could think of to get us a moment. You okay with staying the night with Harry? Sorry, but I would like to go party with some people my own age, y’know?” Ben gave me a sincere look, and I couldn’t be mad at him for that. “Totally fine, go have fun. Just don’t come home drunk again, we aren’t alone this time, haha. And don’t get tempted by some kind of succubus.” I winked at him. “Trust me, none of these guys or girls hold a candle to that ass of yours. You already got me seduced.” He looked up the stairs, and gave me a quick smack on the butt. Harry came downstairs and pushed us towards the door. “C’mon guys, let’s go! I’m starving!” We hop into the truck and Harry haphazzadly guides us to the pizza place he mentioned. “So Riley obviously has a big dumb crush on you.” Harry said, pointing down a small side road for us to take. “Who?” Ben said, confused. “My sister? That thirsty bitch you just met?” “… Her?” Still confused. “Haha, I know! I didn’t think I’d get competition from my own sister!” “Competition…?” Ben started to ask. “Oh! Turn right here! There it is!” We turn into the parking lot of… well, it looked like an old bank. Harry hops out, and we follow along, walking to the entrance. “You sure this is the right place? I want to eat, not apply for a mortgage.” I said. “Haha, don’t worry. They took an old local bank that went out of business and converted it into… well this!” Harry opened the doors and found ourselves in a nice bustling restaurant. The whole thing had a nice 1920s theme to it, waiters and waitresses dressed as dapper zuit suit gangsters or flapper call girls. One entire wall had half a fake car sticking out of it, like it had just backed into the building, with the back open showing bags of even faker money. I’ll give them credit, they got a theme and stuck to it. “Welcome to Heist Pizza! Party of 3?” The server took us to a booth near the fake car, and we sat down, and a waiter popped up, ready to take our order. We settled on drinks and Harry, wasting no time, ordered 2 large pizzas for us. “Trust me, these are the best things on the menu!” he said, with an air of all-knowing. Ben stood up, saying “Well I’m gonna go piss, be right back,” and walked away. Harry looked at me and smirked, “Sorry I almost got us lost, I sometimes lost track of where we were going. Your brother is… very distracting.” “I know. Surprised we could leave the house, your sister was about to just drop her underwear. I can’t take him anywhere.” I sighed back at him. “Too late, I called dibs on him, haha. Riley can go find another guy to torment.” “She is taking him to that party. That gives her an edge on you.” “Ugh, don’t remind me. She’ll get drunk and be like `I’m sooo tipsy, wanna make out, Benny?'” “If she calls him `Benny,’ she better be ready to fight, because he hates that nickname, haha.” Harry and I continued joking around till Ben returned, who took a seat beside me. Harry flashed me a fake dirty look, jealous I get to sit next to my own brother. Oh well, even if I can’t touch him, I can just get high on smelling him. His scent, his cologne, even the pomade in his hair. The smell gives me flashbacks… Our bodies intertwined, smiling, kissing, fucking. The phantom feeling of his lips on mine, his big arms around me, lifting me up, his hands grabbing me, stroking me, groping me… Guess you can call it a “fleshback”… Yeah, that was an awful attempt at a pun… Armando, why are you so lame! The three of us just chatted the time away, bonding over shared love of bands, games, and tv shows. And really overt flirting from Harry. He made fun of his sister for it, but he was one hair twirl and a finger lick away from being a porn parody… But he at least kept his drool in his mouth, which is more than I can say about myself. I’m still embarrassed about that… Food finally arrived, and we were greeted with 2 pizzas. One classic looking, thick crust, gooey cheese, covered in pepperoni, ham, bacon, and sausage, and smelling divine, while the other… “Okay, so the one on the left is their iconic Meat Lover’s pizza, while the one on the right is their `PB&J’ pizza. I know it sounds weird, but it’s fucking amazing.” “I trust ya…” Ben grabs a slice of the peanut butter pizza, and takes a hesitant bite. He chews istanbul travesti briefly, before his face lights up, and grabs another bite. “And that trust was rewarded! Holy fucking fuck, this is fucking great. What’s in it?” “So, it’s like a basic pizza. Instead of tomato sauce, its peanut sauce, like from an Asian place. A little spicy, but savory still. Instead of cheese, it’s spiced jelly. And instead of pepperoni, its little bits of bacon. All mixed on top of a sweet dough.” He grabs a slice of it as well, and takes a big bite. “Try it, Army, you’ll love it!” We feast, eager to enjoy every bite of this newly uncovered delicacy, savoring every taste in between our shared dumb jokes and stories. And sometimes, if I was feeling risky, I would sneak my hand onto Ben’s thigh right beside me, just to share a physical moment between us. He would turn and look at me and smile, his eyes burning with happiness and a hint of passion. I knew in his head, he was thinking “If only we were home, I’d have you pinned down on our bed so fast…” If only, Ben, if only. Or he was just happy to be eating, sometimes I give Ben too much credit… _ _ _ _ _ Fuck this food is good! I was basically wasting away, but Harry’s idea for pizza paid off so well, I might just come here every night! In between Harry’s great taste in music (I still can’t believe that guy loves so much good music. Half the time I bring up music, I get blank faces and dumb stares!) and Army trying to paw at my dick (Give it a rest, bro! You got it almost every night this week! It’s not gonna fly away!) I felt like I was in heaven. If this was a date, I’d want it to go on forever. We finish up, and pay up, and box up our leftovers. Time to roll out to the movie! Now, confession time… I hate scary movies. I know, I know, a big guy like me, but shit like loud noises when it was silent, or when the girl goes down into the basement because she hears noises and finds only a rat, but then the monsters or spooky doll or what the fuck ever grabs her?! Drives me up the damn wall! But Army asked me to come, and I can’t say no to him. Plus I bet he’ll enjoy every single fucking time I flinch when the “Big Chap” alien dude pops up. Make himself feel like the big strong brother, haha. I pull up to the movie theater, and Army hops out, eager to get good seats, while Harry and I park the truck. “Oh, there’s a good spot,” Harry leans in forward from the back seat, his left hand resting on my shoulder, pointing with his right. The truck settles into the free spot, and I get ready to hop out… “Hey, Ben?” I turn to look at Harry, and his face is blushing a little, but his eyes are focused directly into my mine. Big, intense, I don’t know how to feel honestly. “What’s up?” “Listen, I’m not one to play around and shit. I’m not sure if you’re gay, but I really like you, you’re really cool and funny and super damn hot, and have a lot more going on under the whole “hot jock” persona. If you ever wanna go out on a date or whatever, I’m game. If not, oh well, we can still be friends. Think about it, will you?” I… Umm… what… I’m confused. Didn’t realize Harry was actually gay. I made a joke at Army’s expense, but wow. But into me? That throws a wrench… nah, it throws an entire fucking tool box into my plans. “You know what? Fortune favors the bold, right?” Harry gave me a big smirk, moved to hop out of the truck, but hesitated and turned back to me, and deftly leaned in, and we locked lips for a brief moment. Holy Fuck. HOLY FUCK. HOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Harry plants the fastest and most confusing kiss ever. Like some kind of gay ninja. Homo-lip-locking justu mother fucker! Too shocked to react, too stunned to reciprocate, and too… I don’t even know! I don’t know what’s gone over me, but this is… wow. His lips feel like a taser to me, a hot sweet soft taser! He breaks off after a moment, but it felt like forever. Maybe because my body feels literally submerged under the most awkward water ever. I’ve never been so damn useless and weird. Like how it feels getting in a fight in a dream? Just weak and unable to react! He smirks again, and flees, looking like he just got hit in the face with a tomato. Harry is into me. My brother’s best friend… super into me. I mean, he’s cute and all, like if Legolas was a dorky high school kid, and smart and has very good taste in music. And the fucking balls on that guy, just going in for the kill without a damn care if I was gay or interested… Color me impressed, for fucking sure. And he’s pretty awesome, and… why the fuck am I even considering this?! I could never betray Army like that. I’d have to kick my own ass for breaking my little brothers’ heart. But what of Army? Do I tell him? Does he already know? I don’t want to say “he kissed me” and get into THAT stupid argument. Army would understand… right? And what to do about Harry… If I lie and say I’m straight, that’ll be… I feel like that’s wrong. I can’t lie about who I am, then what was the point of admitting anything if I’m gonna lie? That seems fucking dumb. I can say I’m taken, but that might be a trail of breadcrumbs to Army, given that Harry knows us both. Can’t risk that. Wish I had a cigarette or a drink, fuck this stupid stress. This got very complicated, very fast. And I’m already stuck in a complicated thing with my own damn brother. Ugh, why can’t life just stop with the curve balls. Whatever, I’ll deal with it later. I rush to the theater, and Army and Harry flag me down from a comfy spot in the middle row. Apparently they saved me a spot in-between the 2 of them… This is gonna be a long movie… End of Chapter 13. Thanks for reading!

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