
Not IN Love Ch. 20

Ball Worship


This is a fictitious story. All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to real people is coincidence. Do not take any information in this story as health advice.


Jenny was sad that Maggie had moved to Melbourne but she was also glad that her life was getting back to normal. The automation building of the E-trips was mostly over. She and Joe had moved back into her home. Joe was practicing Tai Chi and still spending some of the weekday afternoons at the factory but he was just making sure that everything was working properly and that Harry had very clear and concise instructions.

Jenny was still playing tennis on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings and she was seriously considering applying to remotely study literature at a university. She still wasn’t confident that she could matriculate or pass the subjects.

Maggie, on the other hand, had realised that part of her need to hurt people was due to her abuse where she worked as a mechanic and now that she had inflicted revenge on those coworkers, she felt less urge to hurt people.


Tracy and Jenny were getting changed in the tennis change rooms when they overheard four other women talking on the other side of the lockers.

“Did you hear about poor Tracey?” said one woman, “I heard that her husband divorced her.”

“He went off with a younger woman didn’t he?” asked another woman.

“He’s a lawyer isn’t he?” said a third, “Poor Tracey she must have been taken to the cleaners.”

“She probably had to move out of that big house that they lived in,” said a fourth.

“A woman needs to do things to keep her man,” stated the first.

“She must be devastated. Statistically she’s not likely to find another man.”

The conversation continued and it wasn’t very flattering towards Tracy. Jenny could see tears welling up in Tracy’s eyes and she’d had enough. She quickly gathered her things to leave, walked around to the other side of the lockers to face the women and said, “Excuse me but unfortunately I couldn’t help overhearing your discussion about Tracy.

“I was a witness at Tracy’s divorce proceedings so I know what happened, not like other people who speculate without knowing. I’d just like to clear a few things up.

“Kevin was having an affair with another woman, who incidentally testified against Kevin and did NOT go off with him so obviously she realised what he was like.

“Tracy divorced Kevin not the other way around.

“The court found that Kevin was at fault and so Tracey still lives in her home. Apparently she’s done very well out of the proceedings.

“Tracey was the perfect wife, Kevin was the perfect arsehole.

“I highly respect Tracey. She works very hard to organise the tennis club and these games that we all benefit from. I have chatted with Tracy a couple of times and she seems very happy with her decision to dump Kevin. She certainly does NOT seem devastated.

“I suppose you’re going to talk about me behind my back when I leave but that’s okay. Some people just can’t help themselves. I’m not interested in THOSE type of people. Good day,” and then Jenny walked off through the main exit.

Tracy sneaked out the back way and ran to catch up with Jenny as she was getting into her old Volvo. Tracy held the driver’s door open and said, “Thank you Jenny. That was not only very brave off you to stand up to those women to defend my honour but you also, potentially, opened yourself to criticism.”

Jenny smiled up at Tracy and said, “You’re welcome Tracy and don’t worry, if those women talk like that behind other people’s backs then I don’t really want to know them. I can’t stand people lying and what I heard were just vicious lies.”

“Never the less, thank you very much,” Tracy said and then paused before asking, “Would you like to do lunch sometime?”

Jenny was a bit taken back. She wasn’t a very social person and mostly kept to herself, but for some reason she felt that she’d like to know this lady more so, to her own surprise, she answered, “Yes, that would be lovely, but not today. It’s my turn to cook and I’m preparing a slow cook for dinner.”

Tracy smiled but looked disappointed and said, unconvincingly, “Okay, another time then.”

Jenny felt a bit guilty. It probably looked like she was fobbing off Tracy so she said, “What about after tennis next week?”

Tracy seemed to cheer up and said, “Yes, of course. That would be wonderful,” She help close Jenny’s car door, stood back and waved goodbye as Jenny drive off.


Jenny had developed a reputation from the ‘locker room incident’. Apparently, she was a hard nosed woman who you don’t mess with. Jenny didn’t mind, She didn’t want to be friends with the gossips.

Jenny had watched Joe when he was in the karate contests. He would always have a blank expression on his face and it seemed to scare some of his opponents. Joe would say that making a face would take the energy away from his karate moves and may also give his intentions away to his opponents. Jenny tried using the blank, Büyükesat Escort face expression during her tennis matches with some of the gossips and it seemed to work. Well, she seemed to win more games that way.

Jenny tried using the blank expression on Tracy during one of their matches but Tracy just laughed and said, “Come on woman, don’t you think I’ve seen that sort of psychological warfare before. It won’t work on me, besides you look more beautiful when you smile.”

Jenny never tried the blank expression on Tracy again, unless she wanted to make Tracy laugh. Which sometimes worked, because Jenny would serve while Tracy was still laughing. However, Jenny often did use the blank, face expression on her opponents that she didn’t like.


Jenny and Tracy had a few lunches together over the months and both started to feel comfortable with each other’s company. They usually chatted about the morning’s tennis games and a little bit about their personal lives. They laughed a lot about mostly nothing. It was just nice to chat and relax.

At one lunch Jenny caught Tracy surreptitiously looking at Jenny’s breasts. Jenny was worried that she may have been leaking milk and excused herself to check for sure in the toilet. No, she wasn’t leaking and she wondered what Tracy was looking at. She decided to confront the situation because she was feeling a bit self conscious. “Is there something wrong?” she asked when Tracy was staring at her breasts.

Tracy looked up into Jenny’s eyes and blushed, “Ah… no… nothing’s wrong,” and then looked down at the table.

“Are you sure?” asked Jenny, “You’ve been glancing at my chest quite a bit.”

Tracy looked up into Jenny’s eyes again and pleaded, “No, no. There’s nothing wrong. I…”

“Out with it woman,” commanded Jenny with a smile, “I think we know each other well enough to be honest with each other. Don’t you?” She laughed again and said, “Are my tits too small?” She was deliberately being a bit vulgar to relieve the tension.

“No, no,” gasped Tracy, “They’re perfect,” and then felt embarrassed because of what she’d said.

“Really?” asked Jenny. She was enjoying herself and then felt guilty with Tracy’s discomfort.

“Oh, you know what I mean,” laughed Tracy as she was becoming more comfortable with her predicament because Jenny didn’t seem insulted. Tracy looked around and then whispered, “You don’t often wear a bra do you?”

Jenny looked down at her chest and then asked in a concerned manner, “Do I need to? Are my breasts sagging already?”

“No, no,” replied Tracy, “Definitely not. You have, ah, well, um, very firm breasts.”

Jenny smiled at the complement and said, “Thank you. I accept the compliment,” and smiled at Tracy.

Tracy still seemed to be deep in thought and there was an uncomfortable silent period. She didn’t want Jenny to misinterpret the situation. She decided to just come out with it. She looked around again and asked, “Are you still lactating?”

“Ah, now I see,” said Jenny as she smiled and tapped the side of her nose, “Still thinking of the milking incident at your home are we?”

Tracy hesitated and blushed. She then said, “Yes, I can’t stop thinking about it. I… well… just can’t.”

“Something tells me that you’re not telling the whole story?” asked Jenny, smiling knowingly.

Tracy looked around again and before she could say anything, Jenny asked, “Do you want to talk somewhere more private?”

“Yes please,” Tracy replied, “It is a bit open here isn’t it?”

Jenny looked at her watch and said, “Why don’t you come back to my place and we can chat over a cuppa? Do you remember my address?”

“Yes, that would be lovely and yes I do remember where you live,” replied Tracy feeling a bit more comfortable, “I’ll follow you there.”

They drove to Jenny’s place and Tracy walked down the side driveway as Jenny was closing the garage door. “This way,” said Jenny as she opened the backdoor.

Jenny put the kettle on and gestured towards the old leather lounge and said, “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll just put these away,” as she carried her tennis things into her bedroom.

Tracy still had on her tennis clothes. She seldom changed in the change room after the locker room incident. Jenny on the other hand, at least removed her brassier in the change rooms. It felt too restrictive. Tracy had kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs under herself. Jenny was pleased that Tracy, at least looked comfortable in her home. Jenny made a couple of cuppas and sat down on the lounge next to Tracy. They both relished the smell of their beverages. Finally, Jenny looked Tracy in the eyes and said, “So you can’t stop thinking about my lactating?”

Tracy almost spilled her drink as she coughed a bit after her mouthful went down the wrong way. She was hoping that Jenny would have forgotten about that. She looked at Jenny and saw that she was smiling. She then stared at Jenny’s obvious braless chest under her blouse. She looked into Jenny’s Elvankent Escort eyes and nodded.

Jenny noticed that Tracy was looking at her breasts and asked, “I can put my bra back on of it makes you uncomfortable. I just find them restrictive. I probably only wear one during sport and when I’m going out to somewhere formal.”

“No, no. That’s fine,” replied Tracy.

Jenny smiled and waited. Tracy said nothing and so Jenny asked, “There was something else you were going to say about my lactating.”

“Ah,” hesitated Tracy and hid behind her finished cup of coffee.

“Out with it woman,” demanded Jenny and Tracy jumped. Jenny gently put her hand on Tracy’s am and then said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. You just look like you want to say something but you’re too embarrassed to say it. No one can hear is here.”

Tracy bit her bottom lip and then built up enough courage to blurt out, “What’s it like?”

It was Jenny’s turn to look a bit shocked, but when she saw that Tracy was very embarrassed, she closed her eyes and answered, “It’s wonderful. At first my breasts are sore but then I feel the milk ‘let down’ and the milk starts to move towards my areolae. That’s when I need relief and, thankfully, I’ve got Joe to suck them for me. His lips caress my nipples and when he sucks them I feel my milk begin to flow. At first, it’s frustrating because I want the milk out but it won’t flow. Eventually Joe’s sucking entices the right amount of flow and I feel ecstatic. I also… can have… a small orgasm,” Jenny opened her eyes to see Tracy staring at her, open mouthed and eyes opened wide.

Jenny asked, “Oh… sorry… too much information?”

Tracy came out of her shocked look and said, “Ah… no, no… Ah… that’s fine. Don’t get me wrong. I feel so privileged that you felt comfortable enough to share that with me. It was so beautiful. You obviously get a lot of, um, enjoyment out of it.

“But I was wondering, what does it taste like?”

“Oh,” said Jenny, “THAT’S what you wanted to know. Well that’s a bit embarrassing,” and they both laughed.

“Well… my milk tastes… um… sweet, a bit more watery than full cream milk, more like low fat milk but sweeter.”

Jenny noticed that Tracy was biting her bottom lip. She asked whilst smiling, “What do you do when you, quote, ‘can’t stop thinking about me lactating’ end of quote?”

Tracy laughed and looked down into her lap. She then braced herself, looked Jenny straight in the eyes and said, “I masturbate,” she then went red and looked down at her lap again.

Jenny felt a bit sorry for Tracy’s embarrassment and said to make her feel less embarrassed, “Hell woman, that’s SO hot! Well, that’s what Lucy would have said,” and she then smiled at Tracy’s reaction.

Tracy laughed and then looked up at at Jenny smiling with a very relieved expression. She asked, “Do you really think that’s hot?”

“Of course,” answered Jenny smiling, “You get yourself off by thinking about my milk. It IS so hot,” they both laughed and Tracy collapsed back into the lounge. Jenny wondered why she had never noticed how beautiful Tracy was until now.

Tracy had a very beautiful face framed with short ‘bob cut’ blond hair. Her hair was so straight, Jenny wondered if she used a straightener to keep it that way. Tracy’s smile was very inviting right at this moment as she was laughing.

Tracy was shorter than Jenny but she had the perfect hourglass figure. Not the comical over curvaceous, but obviously very much a woman. She had long beautifully tanned legs that went right up to and obviously beyond her very short tennis dress. Jenny could see Tracy’s practical tennis bloomers and wondered what was underneath. Even though Tracy had on a sports bra, it was obvious that she had, probably, B sized breasts and there were tiny bumps where her nipples would be.

Jenny wondered if Tracy was turned on as much as she was about the conversation. She decided to take a chance and asked, “Does that answer your question?”

“What question?” asked Tracy looking a bit confused.

“What my milk tastes like?” answered Jenny still smiling.

Tracy burst out laughing and answered, “I guess so.”

Jenny then said, “On the other hand, Joe’s milk is a little bit less sweet but still very, very delicious.”

Tracy was again, open mouthed and her eyes were nearly popping out of her head. Jenny laughed and then smiled when Tracy eventually asked, “Joe’s also lactating?”

Jenny nodded and said, “Ah ha.”

Tracy looked confused and asked, “But how?”

Jenny answered, “Hormonal. Somehow, Joe has or had an imbalance in his hormones and was diagnosed with gynaecomastia. In other words he grew breasts. Both Lucy and I loved sucking them and after a while he started producing milk.”

“That’s so HOT!” exclaimed Tracy as she started to clamp her legs together.

Jenny noticed Tracy squeezing her hands between her thighs and asked, “Would you like to try my milk?”

Tracy bit her bottom Beşevler Escort lip again, something that made her look even more beautiful to Jenny. She, wide eyed, glanced to the kitchen and back and nodded enthusiastically, thinking that there might be some milk in the fridge.

Jenny sat back into the lounge, tapped her lap and said, “Lay down.”

Tracy frowned in confusion but did as she was asked and when Jenny took off her T-shirt, she saw, the underside, of the most beautiful breasts that she’d ever seen. They were small but full, firm and gravity defying.

Jenny leant forward and offered Tracy her right breasts. At first Tracy was confused but then she realised that Jenny wasn’t going to give her some milk from the fridge, she was offering milk straight from the source. She sat there frozen until Jenny asked, “Have you changed your mind. Don’t you want it anymore?”

Tracy could see that Jenny was a bit embarrassed and so she said, “No, this is great, um… what do I do?”

Jenny laughed which became infectious and so did Tracy. Jenny then said, “You obviously suck my nipple,” and kept laughing. Once Jenny’s breasts stopped bouncing around from her laughing and when Tracy also stopped laughing, she stuck out her tongue and licked Jenny’s nipple. Jenny’s body involuntarily jerked and so Tracy took Jenny’s nipple into her mouth and gently sucked. Jenny rested her hand in a natural position on Tracy’s belly and gently ran her left hand through Tracy’s hair.

Tracy’s feet were still on the floor so Jenny said, “Put your legs up on the arm of the lounge of you like. It’s a very old leather lounge so you won’t hurt it,” Tracy did so and Jenny noticed that the bottom of Tracy’s dress fell down onto her belly revealing Tracy’s very practical tennis bloomers.

At first nothing happened so Jenny said, “I’m not due for milking until this evening but if you suck harder my milk will ‘let down’.”

Tracy nodded her head and concentrated on sucking harder. She could taste some milk and couldn’t help but moan, partly because it tasted so good and partly because she had successfully enticed Jenny’s milk to flow. After a while Jenny said, “Suck more of my breast into your mouth and try to suck my nipple between the back of your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Almost like swallowing my nipple.”

Tracy did as she was told and Jenny sighed. When Jenny’s milk started to gush out she sighed again, closed her eyes and leant her head back onto the wall. Jenny absentmindedly caressed Tracy’s lower abdomen and took her hand off Tracy’s hair.

After a while, Tracy could feel Jenny’s fingers moving under her head. She sighed when she realised that Jenny was touching herself. Tracy started to suck harder and Jenny’s body trembled for a minute or so.

Jenny opened her eyes after coming and could see Tracy staring at her wide eyed. She smiled at her and asked, “Do you like that?” Tracy nodded ‘yes’ and kept sucking. Jenny lifted her hands up and then said, “Move up, time for the other breast.”

Tracy shifted up so that her head was on Jenny’s left thigh, closed her eyes and started to suckle on Jenny’s left breast. Jenny took the opportunity to drink in the beauty of this woman milking her. She noticed that Tracy’s right hand was down in her pragmatic bloomers and could see her fingers moving under the material. Jenny lowered her hands. One hand rested on Tracy’s hair and she started to caress it again. Her other hand rested on Tracy’s naked right thigh. She let her hand ever so slowly and gently slid down the inside of Tracy’s thigh. Tracy moaned and when Jenny’s hand could go no further, Tracy opened her legs wide.

Jenny was very horny by now. She watched Tracy’s fingers frantically working inside her underpants. Jenny gently touched the leg band of Tracy’s bloomers and then she slid her fingers under the elastic, Tracy trembled. Jenny became more daring and then slid her fingers under the leg opening of Tracy’s underpants. She could feel Tracy’s wetness and when she pushed the tip of her finger into Tracy’s opening, Tracy moaned and squirmed. Jenny formed a hook like shape with her finger and rapidly rubbed Tracy’s G-spot.

Tracy’s whole body stiffened. She detached herself from Jenny’s nipple, sat up a little bit and said, “Ohhhhh,” as she came. Her body relaxed and she opened her eyes as she caught her breath. She took Jenny’s nipple back into her mouth and started drinking again. Jenny started to move her finger out of Tracy’s vagina but Tracy grabbed her wrist and held Jenny’s hand in position. Jenny smiled at Tracy. She slipped two fingers into Tracy’s vagina and kept gently kneading her G-spot. Jenny said, “That’s right my beautiful baby, suck out all of mummy’s milk,” Tracy moaned and sucked harder. Jenny closed her eyes and let her orgasm take over. She gently trembled as she came.

Eventually Jenny ran out of milk in her left breast. Tracy laid there with Jenny’s nipple resting in her mouth, questioning whether this had just happened. Jenny opened her eyes and saw Tracy smile at her with her eyes. Jenny gently eased her fingers out of Tracy’s soaked vagina. Again, Tracy grabbed her wrist but this time brought Jenny’s fingers up towards her mouth. She pursed her lips then stuck out her tongue to sampled her juices with the tip of her tongue. Tracy looked deep in thought as she tasted herself and Jenny smiled as she asked, “Does it taste good?”

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