
Now Starring Ch. 02


In the weeks that followed I saw little of David, his filming schedule and mine were not in sync. I wasn’t quite comfortable with just ringing him up and asking him out, so when it came time to shoot some scenes on location with him I was revved up and ready to go. As we loaded onto the bus to go to the location I beat Mollie out in sitting next to him only by a hair, she glared my way and instead settled for sitting right in front us.

David looked exhausted; I wondered how hard the director had been working him. After a few minutes the sunlight coming through the bus window made him drowsy. At first he slept with his face against the side of the bus, then he turned putting his head on my shoulder and his hand resting on my thigh. I circled his shoulders with my arm pulling him a bit closer, enjoying the experience.

Mollie turned around, “isn’t that precious?” she laughed.

“You’re just jealous.” I replied.

“Aren’t I though?” she admitted, “but the minute he wakes up, it’s on. We’re going to be on location for a week. I wager he’ll be in my bed before three days are up.”

At the hotel Phil was fuming. We had booked the correct amount of rooms but the front desk insisted we hadn’t, so we were short. He ranted and raved but the blank faced desk clerk just kept repeating that they were booked up. Finally he gave up and turned to us, “Looks like we’re going to have to double up, any volunteers?”

Mollie stepped up, “I’ll share with David.”

David, who until that declaration was still half asleep, snapped awake and looked at her in horror, I’m sure his mind racing with all the ways she could make this week hell for him.

He was saved by Phil, “I’m sure your husband would love that,” he looked at us and started pairing up the people of the same gender, and handing them keys. Luckily since David was nearby and we got paired up.

David took his key and bag and went up to the room. When the lobby cleared it was just Mollie and I left, “You lucked out, big boy,” she hissed, “but that doesn’t mean you win. I still have some tricks up my sleeve.”

When I got to the room David was stretched out on one of the beds, his jacket still on, and his eyes fully open staring at the ceiling.

I took a seat on the other bed, “you OK?”

He turned on his side propping his head on his hand, to look at me, “I am just not sure about these sleeping arrangements.”

“You don’t have to worry I’m not going to creep into your bed and take you by force in the middle of the night, that’s not my style,” I assured him, “if or when you ever decide you want me to follow up on my offer, then and only then I will make love to you. Until then, it’ll be hands off, I promise. You’re not that irresistible, I think I can manage.”

“It’s not you that’s the problem,” he rolled over on his back again, and was silent for a while, “on the bus I wasn’t asleep when I laid against you, I did that on purpose and when Phil started handing out room assignments I made sure I was next to you.”

“Oh, David,” I sighed, moving to sitting next to him on his bed.

“Now that we’re here, alone, I am petrified. I don’t know if I can do this.”

“You don’t have to do anything,” I assured him.

He sat up and looked me in the eyes, “Do you and Mollie really have a bet as to who can sleep with me first?”

“Who told you?” I asked, suddenly ashamed of myself.

“Who do you think?” he countered.

“Mollie and since you were really awake on the bus, you heard us discussing it.”

“You got it,” he looked away, “I don’t like being a prize, John. If you tell me all this seduction you’ve been laying on me is to win a bet…”

“It’s not!” I protested, “I’m not the one who put that down, it was Mollie. I genuinely feel for you David.”

“But what is it really you feel?” he asked, standing up. He opened the door of the hotel room, stepped into the hallway, and then turned back “when you’re ready to start being honest with me, let me know.”

After the day’s shooting we all met at the hotel’s bar, since we had rooms to stumble back to the group seemed to collectively make the decision to get as drunk as possible. Mollie managed to sit right next to David and the more cheap red wine she poured into herself the more buttons on her blouse got undone. As for David, he nursed one beer all night while the rest of us drank like rationing was going to start the next day.

By the time we closed the bar down, I was having a hard time with my balance and had to lean on David to remain upright. Once we got back to our room, he put me on the bed, took my shoes and shirt off and pulled the covers over me.

“Thanks mommy,” I joked, finding myself massively humourous.

“I doubt your mommy would be thinking these thoughts,” he laughed.

“What thoughts are those?” I challenged.

“Nothing you could follow up on right now, go to sleep.”

I closed my eyes but the room dipped and swayed, I opened them to see David watching me, “are you going to be sick?” gaziantep suriyeli escort he asked.

“Are you going to stare at me all night?” I groused.


I closed my eyes again and I guess I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up some time later, the sun was poking holes in my brain. On the nightstand next to my bed was a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin, along with some pink stomach medicine. I made use of them all and then looked over at David’s sleeping form. He was on his side, holding a pillow in his arms, mouth slightly open, and completely dead to the world.

His eyes were his most striking feature but even with them closed he was very good looking. The freckles that dotted his nose and cheeks keep him from being classically handsome but I found them quite endearing. I sat on the edge of his bed and brushed a lock of hair out of his face, which instantly woke him up.

“It’s alive,” he announced, sitting up.

“Barely,” I groaned.

“I’m not surprised, I have never seen any one do that many shots of tequila before.”

“Tequila? I drank tequila?”

“That and pretty much everything else you could get your hands on,” he yawned, and glanced at the clock, “it’s early yet. Good thing we have a later start, you look awful.”

“You look wonderful.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” he replied, running his hands through his hair, and stretching.

“You really do, you look good enough to eat.”

“I’m not on the menu.”

“You should be, I bet you’re delicious,” I ran my hands over his chest and then slid them under his t-shirt, to touch his skin. His breath caught in his throat as I touched his nipples and pinched them gently in my fingers. When he made no move to stop me, I moved my hands lower, untied the string of his sweat pants, and cupped him. He grew hard as I stroked him, and I thought I was home free.

After a few minutes, he grabbed my hands, pulling them off of him, “I can’t do this.”

“You don’t have to do anything. You just relax, I’ll do it all.” I swung my knees on either side of his, careful not to put my weight on him, put my hands on the small of his back and gently lifted his hips up as I slid his sweat pants to his ankles. Then I laid him down, putting an extra pillow behind his head so he could watch, and took him into my mouth.

Due to his size I had a hard time getting all of him into my mouth, but I gave it my best shot. On an upstroke I stole a glance at him, his eyes were wide but unseeing, and he clasped the sheets on the bed so hard his knuckles were white. I put my hands over his, stroking his skin until he relaxed his grip, and looked down at me. I could see the emotions play on his face, he was obviously turned on but there was also fear in his eyes.

I stopped and sat back up for a moment, “it’s OK, David. Just let me pleasure you, I promise you’ll be fine.”

He nodded slightly and closed his eyes, so I went back to work. He was so quiet it was unnerving; the only sound was his breathing and the slight creaking of the bedsprings, caused by my actions. When I felt him grow bigger, I opened my throat, taking him all the way in. He tensed up and then came into me. After the last spasm ended I let him go and moved up next to him on the bed. When I touched his face he opened his eyes looking into mine, but remained mute.

“Are you going to say anything?” I finally asked.

His voice was totally flat; “I really should take a shower.” He extracted himself from my embrace, pulled his pants up and got off the bed. He turned to go towards the bathroom, moving as if he was in a trance.

“Was it really that bad?” I called to his retreating form.

He stopped and turned back towards me with a look of complete despair in his eyes, “on the contrary, it was very good. In fact, was wonderful.” With that he went into the bathroom, and locked the door.

David seemed determined to take a shower until all the hot water was gone, so tidied up as much as I could in the basin in the hallway, threw some clean clothes and went down to the restaurant for breakfast.

Since I wasn’t the only one who over indulged the night before there were a lot of green faces and pinched expressions in our group. Mollie looked worse than the rest, but she managed a finger wave in my direction. I helped myself to the buffet and sat down opposite her.

“How can you eat?” she groaned, holding on to a cup of milky tea.

“I’m ravenous,” I replied, taking a huge bite of a crumpet.

“I hate you,” she sighed, and then she straightened up, “so how’d it go with our boy? Did you win the bet yet?”

“Not yet,” I answered, after all it was the truth, I didn’t actually sleep with him, or really have sex in the classic definition of the term.

“Not even first base?” When I said nothing, she smiled, “OK first base then? Well, I’ve been there too, so that’s not a point for you. How about second base?”

“Drop it Mollie,” I warned, aware that other eyes and ears were tuning us in.

She brightened further, “Ooo, you got to second base?”

“I’m serious Mollie, drop it.”

“Guessing from those tight jeans he wears I’m betting he is quite the handful, or mouthful,” she giggled.

Phil came over to us, face stern, “I don’t usually get involved with on-set romances, what you all do in your rooms is up to you, but I do ask you two to be a bit more discreet.”

“Yes, that would be nice,” I turned around to see David standing behind me.

“How long have you been there?” I asked.

Mollie giggled even louder, “since second base!”

“Bitch!” I spat, rising out of my seat

“Pansy!” she countered and threw her remaining tea at me, followed by the cup.

“Enough!” Phil declared.

Mollie stormed out of the restaurant, and to my surprise David sat in her place across from me. I regained my seat, “I’m sorry…” I started.

“No need to apologise,” he took a sip of his tea, “I heard you trying to be the gentleman, you can’t control other people.”

“It doesn’t bother you?”

He put his cup down and leaned forward, and in a very low voice he hissed, “hell yes it bothers me! I am furious with you, and at Mollie, but mostly at myself.” He sat back took another sip of tea and then in a normal tone, “But there’s nothing I can do, short of time travel, to take that all back. So I will just have to live with it.”

That day’s shooting was cut short by an equipment failure, at noon Phil gave up and sent us off for the day. Mollie made a beeline for David, putting her arm in his and asked him to accompany her into town for some site seeing. To my dismay he agreed and I was left to amuse myself some other way.

It was almost 2am when David came back to the hotel room. He got undressed in the bathroom and got into his bed very quietly, obviously believing I was asleep. I sat up and turned on the bedside light, “did you have a good day?” I asked keeping my voice level.

“It was OK,” he replied, turning away from the light and from my gaze.

“What did you and Mollie find to do until 2am?” I demanded, an edge creeping into my voice.

David let out a short laugh and turned back towards me, “excuse me? John, you’re neither my mother nor my wife, so just let it go.”

I moved over to his bed, “she’s married, you know that, right?”

“And you have a boyfriend,” he countered.

“Did you sleep with her?”

“Why is that any of your business?”

I grabbed him by the shoulders pulling him up off the bed, “Did you sleep with her?”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” he twisted out of my grip and stood up, “Since it seems to matter so damn much to you, no I didn’t. I got to carry her bags while she shopped, and fend her off when she had a few drinks in her, then she went to her room alone, but not for lack of trying on her part. Then I got to listen to Phil, in the hotel bar, as he told me endless stories about anyone he’s ever met and how wonderful he is. Are you satisfied now?”

“So why didn’t you take her up on her offer?”

“Oh you are precious,” he laughed, “first you are upset at me for possibly sleeping with her and now you ask me why I didn’t? I give up, you’re impossible. Do I have your permission to go to bed now?”

I stood up and walked over to him, “I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry.”

“I can’t figure you out,” he asked, not giving an inch, “what is it you want from me?”

“I want you to love me, as much as I love you.”

“You can’t possibly love me, John, you have no idea who I even am. You don’t know a thing about me; we only met, what three weeks ago? That’s not love, that’s infatuation, or lust, but it’s not love.”

I circled his waist in my arms, “I do love you.” I insisted.

“Oh god,” he moaned, and pulled away. “Go to bed John, it’s far too late or far too early to be having this conversation.”

He got back into his bed, and I started to walk to mine, when he sat back up. “Do you want to sleep with me? Just sleep, no euphemisms, just share a bed, can you deal with that?”

“I’d love that,” I replied and he moved to one side of the bed pulling back the covers, admitting me.

I watched him until he fell asleep then slipped my arms around him spooning him against me, as his back touched my chest he put his arms on mine and sighed.

I woke up some time later, dawn’s light beginning to filter in through the windows, to being kissed. David had turned in my arms, and his eyes were closed. Even though I enjoyed the experience I didn’t want to take advantage, “David, wake up, I’m not Sonja.”

“Well thank god for that,” he said, “because you definitely need a shave.”

“You’re awake, then?” I tilted by head back to get a good look at him.

“I’m pretty sure I am,” he opened his eyes and smiled at me, and then he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me back to him and kissed me again.

I nipped at his lips playfully until he parted them, and I slipped my tongue into his mouth, pulling him tight against me. When my erection pressed into his leg, he tried to break from my embrace but I held him firm. Once he relaxed again, I loosened my hold and moved my lips to his neck, and my hands to his cock. When he tensed up again I moved him over onto his back, and looked down at him, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“If you waited until I was sure, it would never happen,” he sighed.

Even though my body wanted to desperately, my mind was still enough in control to say, “I don’t want you to rush into anything.”

He sat up and turned away from me, “I thought this is what you wanted?”

“More than anything,” I assured him, “but is it what you want?”

“I want you,” he said turning back to me, then before I could say another word he pushed me onto my back and lowered himself on top of me, his mouth found mine and his hands moved to my cock, freeing it from my pyjama bottoms.

I gave in to the sensations as I let him explore me. He sat back and slowly unbuttoning my shirt, stopping to kiss the flesh the opened buttons revealed. When I was fully exposed he took one of my nipples in his teeth, and teased it with little bites, while he stroked me in the same rhythm. He went still, tilting his head back for a moment, closing his eyes, I worried he was going to stop there, leaving me hanging. Then he leaned in just inches from my face, his eyes wide with desire and a grin formed on his face. Then in one movement he slid down, and took me into his mouth.

He struggled with it at first, gagging a few times. It was obvious he had never done this before but he was a quick learner; using the changes in my breathing and the noises I couldn’t stop, to figure out what was working for me. I laced my fingers in his hair and held on tight, the desire building in me in ever more intense waves. I felt my orgasm building and tried to pull out, but he cupped my ass holding me in place. When I came into his mouth he made a choking noise but didn’t let go, instead he swallowed hard and ran his tongue over my head a few times, tasting me.

I sat up taking his chin in my hands and looked into his eyes, noticing he was frowning I was extremely worried, “Are you OK?”

He was silent for a moment, “it really does give you perspective…”

I laughed, “does that mind of yours ever rest?”

He moved up putting his head on my shoulder and his arms across my chest, touching my cock lightly, “does this?” he asked as it sprung to life again.

Just then there was a knock at the door, David sat up quickly and scrambled off the bed, “You answer it!” he commanded as he disappeared into the bathroom.

I made myself presentable and opened the door; luckily it was only Phil. He was making sure everyone knew that the replacement equipment had arrived and the day’s shoot was on. I caught him looking over my shoulder, into the room. It was quite evident that only one bed had been slept in, I could see the realisation in his eyes and his mouth grow tight, but he said nothing about it, and just asked me to tell David that he would be expected downstairs within the hour.

At the set, as I watched David getting ready to film his scenes Phil came up to me. “He is a nice bit of ass,” he said, “I don’t blame you one bit for getting some of that while we’re here.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I lied, hopefully convincingly.

“Don’t give me that John, you’ve been sniffing after him since he came on board, I’m not stupid, or blind. But don’t you see? That’s the reason that we hired him, is because he is a sexy bit! Tall, fit, tight little ass, big soulful eyes, and a winning smile. You know something for the ladies to swoon over, get wet thinking of, buy posters of him, and boost our ratings. Now, how do you think it would go over with the brass to find out he is a switch hitter? And that one of my stars turned him?”

I said nothing, letting Phil’s words sink in. It never occurred to me that I could ruin David’s career. Then in a purely selfish moment I realised, and my own.

“I’ll grant you all the time we’re here, no interference from me, just tone it down a bit with between you and Mollie. And stop following him around like a lost puppy. Fuck him senseless all you want. Hell, give him a good one for me! But once we get back to London, it has to end.” He clapped his hand on my shoulder, “I wouldn’t pass on a piece of that either given half a chance, but you know I’m right.”

That night in our hotel room, David was still revved up from the day’s shoot and going on about everything at a mile a minute, unable to wind down. I stood by the window watching the lights of the town sparkle in the darkness, with Phil’s words in my head and a vision in my mind of the calendar; we only had four more days on location. Four. Would I be able to let David go?

He came up behind me putting his arms around my waist and blew into my ear, “you still with me?” he whispered.

I turned around, “we have to talk.”

His smile faded, and he sat on the edge of one of the beds, “this sounds serious.”

“It is,” I said sitting next to him, “Phil took me aside this morning…”

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