
Nude Models Wanted

I needed a couple of young women for a photo shoot. I didn’t want to hire professionals for two reasons. They were expensive and they invariably didn’t have the look I was looking for. Make that three reasons — seasoned models could be real prima donnas. How to find the models? Put an ad in the local paper asking for them, including the nudity required comment.

It’s surprising how many women are prepared to answer an ad like that. All replies were either via phone or email and I quickly dumped most of them. I then started to set up interviews for the ones that seemed most likely.

If you’re going to interview a woman for the first time when she knows that you’re expecting nudity at some stage you do not, repeat not, meet her somewhere private. Only an idiot would come to that sort of meeting. I arranged a time at a local coffee shop.

When she turned up it was easy for her to spot me. I was the one with a whacking great camera sitting on the table in front of me. They, she was accompanied by a friend, sat down and we introduced ourselves.

“I’m Grant,” I said, smiling and not trying to shake hands. (No hands at this stage.)

“I’m Tracy,” came the reply. “This is my sister, Yvonne.”

“Twins?” I asked.

“No,” was the reply. “Yvonne’s a year older than me.”

“Okay. Is Yvonne here as your potential chaperone or is she also applying for the job? I do need to hire two girls.”

“Chaperone,” said Tracy while at the same time Yvonne said, “Applying.”

They looked at each other and Yvonne shrugged. “Why not?” she asked, and it was Tracy’s turn to shrug. “Why not,” she agreed.

“First things first, I need proof that you’re both over eighteen.”

“Don’t we look it?”

“You do, but the cops and judges don’t go by looks. They want proof and so do I.”

They both produced driver’s licenses, showing that they were nineteen and twenty respectively.

“Now if you don’t mind I need to look at you through the lens. While you both look nice I need to see how the camera regards you. Some beautiful girls look like gargoyles under the lens while very plain girls might look like radiant beauties. I, personally, come under the gargoyle heading unless I have so much make-up plastered on that you only see the make-up, not me.”

I took my camera out of its case and on receiving the nod checked them both out. Checking the shots I nodded in satisfaction.

“Yes, you’ll both do very well,” I assured them.

I then went on to explain what the job would require. Basically I would be taking a series of shots, separately and together, at the beach and in the bush. I told them of the area where we would be operating, which was a beach that bordered onto the bush, so there was just the one location to worry about.

I also went on to specify how much I would pay for the shoot. It was a flat sum but the time they were with me wouldn’t exceed eight hours, including travel time. I was paying a reasonable amount and they were definitely interested.

“As you will be nude for most of the shoot you’re entitled to bring a chaperone with you. I have no say in your choice of chaperone if you want one. I do have to pay the chaperone, though.”

I told them how much the chaperone would get but Tracy just shrugged.

“We can chaperone each other,” she said, with Yvonne nodding agreement.

“I assume that you’re both reasonably fit?” I asked and the girls nodded.

“Then that brings me to the last point. Before I haul you out into the countryside I need to see you both nude. I need to check out your figures to see if they’re suitable for what I want. I mean, clothes can hide a lot of flaws. Having you strip off on site and finding you have pot bellies, sagging breasts or scars from a mastectomy is a real no-no. Don’t look so put upon. A woman I once hired turned out to be a drag-queen. Bitched like crazy when I cancelled the shoot.”

The girls were giggling but also looking a little nervous. I moved to calm their nerves a little.

“Do either of you have a place where we could go for a demonstration? Might I point out that if I consider you not quite what I’m looking for it’s not that you’re at fault but that I’m rather fussy? If I do reject you I’ll pay you fifty each for your time and that’ll be the end of it.”

“What if you only reject one of us?”

“Unlikely, as I suspect that you’ll both look very much the same. If I do I’ll pay off the one but she can still come along on the shoot as the chaperone.”

The girls looked at each other and then Yvonne spoke up.

“Brendan’s place. He’ll be at work and I’ve got keys. Brendan’s our brother,” she added for my benefit.

“My car’s out front,” I said. “Why don’t you lead the way and I’ll follow.”

We left the coffee shop and Tracy indicated her car. They left, I followed along, and five minutes later we pulled into a set of apartments. The girls escorted me to an apartment and let themselves in.

“Do you mind waiting here while we get ready?” asked Tracy and I nodded agreeably, settling down into a comfortable armchair.

The Porno two girls vanished into another room and I just waited patiently. After about five minutes Tracy stuck her head out and asked me to come in. I heaved myself out of the chair and strolled on over.

The girls were both naked, standing there and blushing slightly. I looked them over. Two young lovelies with everything on display. They had splendid breasts, perky with no signs of sagging. Their skin was clear and any tan lines were very faint, easily tidied up with Photoshop.

“Can you please turn around slowly?” I asked. “Tracy first and then Yvonne.”

“Why one at a time?” asked Yvonne.

“Doing it together I wouldn’t be able to concentrate properly,” I explained. “One at a time and I can get a better idea.”

“Lovely, the pair of you. Please get dressed now.”

I quickly retreated to the front room and sat down to wait.

A couple of minutes later the front door opened and a stunning blonde wandered into the unit.

“Who are you? You’re not Brendan.”

“Quite right. I’m Grant. Who’re you?”

“I’m Brandy, a friend of Brendan. Is Brendan here?”

“Nope. He’s at work as far as I know.”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“I’m with them,” I said, indicating the girls as they emerged from the other room, fully dressed fortunately.

“He’s interviewing us for modelling jobs,” said Yvonne, and I could hear the cat miaowing in her voice. “What are you doing here?”

“The door was open so I just looked in,” Brandy said quickly. “Modelling?”

“It wasn’t, actually. She just waltzed on in anyway,” I said softly, getting myself a nasty look from Brandy.

“Yes, modelling. He wants to hire us as he can pretend we’re twins, we look so much alike.”

“I can model,” stated Brandy, thrusting her chest out, and she had an abundance of chest to thrust.

“You certainly could, but not for the sort of photography I do,” I said delicately. “A magazine that goes for someone of your abundant features would be more your line.”

Brandy looked a little confused and Tracy sighed.

“He means you’d be a natural for a magazine like Hustler, where they like naked girls with big boobs. You’d be ideal for that sort of thing although possibly a little old.”

“What do you mean, old? We’re the same age. Hustler? Isn’t that one of those men’s magazines? Take off my clothes for a photo? I couldn’t,” exclaimed Brandy, trying to sound offended.

“Brandy,” said Yvonne, “you’re always broke. You’d do it if it paid. Hell, I’ll give you twenty right now if you strip off and let Grant see what your figure is really like.”

“Get undressed here and now in front of him?” Brandy indicated me with a shocked look.

“That’s right. He’s only one man, after all. And twenty is twenty.”

Yvonne had pulled a purse from somewhere and extracted a twenty which she waved around. Brandy’s eyes were twin lasers zeroing in on the money.

“Just get undressed? Nothing else?”

“That’s all.”

Brandy grabbed the money and stuffed it in a pocket. Then she took a deep breath and started stripping. If it bothered her getting undressed in front of a strange man she didn’t show it. She just hopped to and started shedding clothes, dropping them onto a nearby chair. Once she was naked she preened in front of me, proudly showing off her figure.

“Very nice,” I assured her, “but unfortunately not at all suitable for the family magazine I run. I suspect that you’ll be very photogenic.”

Brandy was reaching for her bra to start getting dressed when Tracy spoke up.

“Hey, Brandy. If you bend over that chair and let Grant fuck you I’ll give you another twenty.”

Brandy froze for a second before turning to look first at me and then at Tracy.

“Do you really expect me to allow him to fuck me?” she asked. “Who do you think I am?”

“Someone’s who’s always broke and rent day is tomorrow,” replied Tracy.

Looking at Brandy I could see that her nipples were already peaked. She was ready to go but just need that extra little prod.

“If it helps you make up your mind I’ll also come up with another twenty,” I said, and Brandy’s eyes swivelled back to me.

She finally shrugged and put out her hand and I slapped down a twenty and Tracy did the same. Brandy put the money with her clothes and then leaned over the chair I was sitting on. I rose to my feet and moved around behind her, looking at Tracy and Yvonne with a raised eyebrow.

“Hey, I’m putting up the money, I get to watch,” said Tracy.

“I’ve long wanted to see Brandy branded,” was Yvonne’s comment.

I slid one hand around Brandy to caress her breasts while my other hand played with her pussy, stroking and probing, testing to see how ready she was. My trousers and jocks dropped away without me touching them. I think that it was Yvonne who was being so thoughtful and helpful.

“Why don’t you grab those boobs with both hands?” a soft voice suggested.

I was happy to take the hint and, after I’d done so, I wasn’t too Altyazılı Porno surprised to find a delicate touch moving my cock into position, and it certainly wasn’t Brandy’s hand doing it.

I started driving happily home, not totally surprised to find Brandy pushing to meet me. I started pumping into her, accompanied by happy little cries of, “Yes,” and “Harder,” and one annoyed cry of “Will you two just shut-up?” It seemed Brandy didn’t appreciate her cheer squad.

I very quickly established a nice rhythm with Brandy responding quite happily. If ever a girl could be called hot to trot she was the one. I suspected that the only thing stopping her from repeating the comments voiced by Tracy and Yvonne was their presence.

She may not have been verbalising what she wanted but that didn’t stop her from giving out with a litany of gasps and grunts, which could be taken for general approval of what I was doing. They certainly didn’t sound like complaints.

I stretched things out for a while, amused by the comments from the girls who had blithely ignored Brandy’s demands that they shut-up. They were having fun watching her get shafted. I sensed that there was no love lost between them and the girls were just enjoying the show. I wondered if either of them were capturing some immortal moments on their phones.

I finally decided to finish things off and gave Brandy my all. It didn’t take long and she lost it, climaxing quite noisily.

As soon as we separated Brandy was quickly scrambling back into her clothes, glaring little daggers at Tracy and Yvonne. They just stood there, big smiles on their faces, not saying a thing. Brandy left in a huff and I turned to the girls to finish our business.

I arranged to pick them up at the coffee shop on Thursday morning. This gave them a couple of days to change their mind which I thought was reasonable.

“I’ll pay you when we reach the beach,” I told them, “and before any shooting takes place. Also I’d like to reassure you that there will be no sexual shenanigans during the photoshoot. I’m just putting that out there in case you were wondering.”

“Fair enough,” Yvonne said with a smirk. “I have to admit that it wasn’t you who initiated the fun and games today.”

The girls turned up on time on Thursday and we headed off for the beach I’d chosen. I confirmed with the girls that they’d left messages saying who they were with and where they were going. I had no objection to that as it made them feel safer.

I owned a 4WD and it handled the back roads through the woods to the beach without any problems. It was a nice little beach, plenty of white sand and protected by hills and the trees generally. It was also very private as few people knew about it, it being so hard to get to. I parked and we all piled out.

I gave the girls their pay and suggested they disrobe. They stripped, and looked slightly nervous when they were finished.

“There are a couple of light robes in the back,” I told them. “You can wear them if you wish.”

It turned out that Tracy did so wish whereas Yvonne didn’t.

“Don’t be such a wuss,” she chided Tracy. “Think about an all-over tan.”

That was apparently a cogent argument as Tracy doffed the robe again. I persuaded them to put on some sunscreen, insisting that they rub it well in.

“I want you protected from sunburn but I don’t want great smears of cream showing up in the shots.”

I started having them pose, both singly and together. I took a lot of pictures, then let them rest while I went through them, deleting anything I considered not up to standard. That done we went back to the posing and shooting.

(I would like to point out that these photos were artistic in nature. Not crude ‘look — I’ve got a pussy’ pictures. Yes, you could see private parts but not in a sensual manner.)

After I was satisfied with the beach photos we moved into the woods, first having the girls put their shoes back on. In the wood it was more posing, singly and together with the trees as background. A couple of times the girls very carefully partly climbed a tree, leaning against a branch or the trunk, smiling happily while breathing threats of what would happen if they encountered even the smallest spider.

I suspect that the biggest annoyance for the girls was losing their shoes each time I wanted to shoot and having to put them back on when they had to move around. Yvonne suggested that she just leave them off but changed her mind after two steps on bare feet.

I finally finished off and suggested we head on back to the car. The girls headed towards the beach with me following behind, admiring the sway of two lovely behinds, enjoying the way their buttocks swished back and forth as they walked.

Reaching the car I placed my cameras inside and turned to the girls.

“Now that the photoshoot is complete, who’s game for some sexual shenanigans?”

Now I ask you. You’re a sweet young thing who’s been scampering about in the altogether before a not unattractive man, a man, moreover, who you’ve Brazzers seen in action. On top of that you’ve been climbing trees, knowing that this meant that the man who was lower than you was probably looking right up your Khyber Pass. Put these things together and tell me that the sweet young thing isn’t somewhat aroused.

Sweet young things in this particular case. If they weren’t both somewhat aroused then they had a case against their nipples for lying about them. Anyway, I tossed the suggestion out there and waited to see what would happen.

“Um, you said no sexual shenanigans while on the photoshoot,” Yvonne pointed out, sounding a little nervous and a little annoyed.

“True, but I also just pointed out that the photoshoot is now over.”

“And if we say no?” asked Tracy, also sounding a little annoyed.

“Then you get dressed and I drive you back to town,” I replied. “Of course, after I’ve dropped you off I might go and visit Brandy.”

Both girls started sniggering.

“God, that’d be a riot,” giggled Tracy. “I wonder how she’d explain you to her husband.”

Say what? Husband?

“You didn’t notice the wedding ring? I thought photographers paid attention to detail.”

I recalled my memories of Brandy, trying to remember what her hands looked like. I shook my head.

“No ring,” I said. “Either she wasn’t wearing it or you’re telling porkies.”

“That figures,” said Yvonne. “I bet she saw you with us and took it off before barging in on us. We probably didn’t need to pay her a cent. She came in meaning to seduce you away from us. What a bitch.”

“Who cares? It was fun and you can hold it over her. Ah, neither of you have answered my question. Do either or both of you want to get frisky for a while?”

“One track mind, hasn’t he?” Yvonne commented. “What if we both say yes?”

“Then things will get very interesting,” I replied.

“Um, you spilled that red wine all over my new blouse,” commented Tracy in what I considered to be a total non sequitur.

“Why are you bringing that up now?” demanded Yvonne.

“Pay back,” came the happy reply. She turned to me. “If you spank Yvonne for ruining my blouse then I’m up for your sexual shenanigans, as you so quaintly phrase it.”

I laughed. “I have no objection to paddling Yvonne but she might object. There’s no way I’m going to go chasing her all over the beach and then try to force her over my knee. Sorry, but it ain’t happening.”

Yvonne giggled. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll agree to getting spanked if Tracy also gets spanked.”

“But I haven’t done anything to deserve a spanking,” Tracy was quick to point out.

“Yes you have. Suggesting that a man spank me is just cause.”

“If I agree, who goes first?”

I suspected neither of the girls trusted the other to agree to a spanking if they were second. I looked around and then went and put in my two cents worth.

“If the pair of you care to bend over that boulder next to each other I’m quite willing to paddle you both at the same time. If you’d rather, I’ll sit on the boulder and you can both bend over my knee. Your choice.”

“Take a seat. We’ll bend over your knee.”

Yvonne jumped in far too quickly with that remark. I was instantly suspicious but said nothing. Tracy, on the other hand, proved to be completely gullible, nodding her head in agreement.

I sat down and the girls came over. Perhaps I should say that Yvonne came over, pushing Tracy along and giggling. Once they reached me Tracy was ‘helped’ to move a little closer and I caught her arm, pulling her between my legs and bending her over my knee. Yvonne promptly showed her perfidy.

“I’ll take my spanking later,” she said. “Don’t let that stop you though.”

Tracy immediately said something rude and tried to push herself up off my knee. My hand was already on her back, holding her in place.

“Quiet, you,” I snapped, my hand coming down smartly on her bottom.

“Stop! I’ve changed my mind,” she yelped.

“Too late,” I told her, my hand coming down again. “You’ve already agreed and the spanking is under way. Ah, I suppose that I should remind you that you also agreed to sexploitation after the spanking.”

“No way. That was on condition that you spank Yvonne and you haven’t done that. And stop spanking me. It hurts.”

“Spankings are supposed to hurt,” I pointed out, “and I fully intend to spank Yvonne according to our agreement. We just have to wait until she stops running around.”

It turned out that I might have got a little distracted with our chatting during the spanking. My hand sort of missed her bottom and landed on some very tender flesh, resulting in an outraged squawk from Tracy and a giggle from Yvonne.

“Sorry,” I murmured, rubbing the offended place to soothe the pain.

“Get your hand away from there,” Tracy yelled, “and stop spanking me, damn you.”

“Ah, I have stopped spanking,” I pointed out. “There’s no way that this could be considered spanking.”

The earlier prancing about in the nude while I took pictures might have caused a bit of arousal but the spanking had certainly increased it, probably helped by knowing that her sister was watching and the fact that I was almost a stranger to her. The massaging and exploring that I was now doing was doing nothing to lessen that arousal.

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