


“You!” the merchant shouted at me. He stepped closer to peer at me with deep set eyes.

“Boy! I’m talking to you!”

Raising his coiled whip he motioned at me to come closer and scuffing my knees on the steps I climbed up onto the rear deck of the ship, slipping past the great sweating arms of the drummer.

“Yes Master?” I bowed my head before him. He picked up a bronzed jug and passed it to me. I felt it’s weight and took it in both hands

“Take this wine to Lord Aeryston — and mind you don’t spill a drop” he said.

Nodding, I turned and made my way off the after deck. The ship rolled slightly as I reached the door to the rear cabin, but lithe from months at sea, I deftly side stepped the motion of the great vessel and carefully back myself against the door, I undid the latch and stepped down the three steps into the darkness of the cramped room.

— o —

Here were silken hangings and swinging bronze lamps. A room filled with treasures and luxuries but deeply steeped in the shade of the summer sun which blazed high across the ship. I stood motionless as my eyes grew used to the gloom. From outside came the sound of the creaking oars and the regular double boom of the drum.

Tonton. Tonton. Tonton.

“Hello?” I called softly into the room.

A hand appeared above the edge of a gilded coach and peering over its edge I found my master Aeryston of Cythera lying naked on the deck.

“My Lord…” I began, but with a wave of his hand he silenced me. I paused awaiting his command, but he simply closed his eyes and lay back. I looked down on his great muscular form and noted the scars of battle. Aeryston was a hero of war, a great and glorious leader of men. I’d seen him from afar, at the prow of the ship and marvelled at his beauty, but now, laying here in near drunken stupor, I found he was still a young man, not so many years older than I. When he said nothing, I looked about for a place where I might put down the wine without spilling it.

“What’s your name boy?” he said suddenly.

“I am named Phaedrus” I replied. He opened his eyes again to examine me curiously.

“Phaedrus you say? I had a brother in arms named such.”

He struggled to his feet, but then decided against it and sat heavily on the couch.

“Let me see you” he said. He reached across and took a hold of my arm and pulled me into the light of the great bay windows. He ran his eyes up and down my slender figure.

“A handsome youth indeed” he said to himself and I began to feel slightly uneasy. Much was said of Aeryston of Cythera and his mighty appetite. I need not have worried on that account however for he then pushed me away and laid his weary head back into a soft silken pillow.

There came a banging at the door which was then pushed up. Miltiades, first sword of Cythera, entered the room. His huge body blocking out the light of the sun and as I had done upon first entering the cabin, he peered into the gloom.

“Aeryston” he said. “Come at once”

The young noble’s eyes flinched at the harsh tone of the older man.

“Why?” he demanded. “For what reason do you disturb my contemplations?”

Miltiades seemed to suddenly see me standing there and he nodded with a wry smile.

“I apologise Aeryston, but I wager you’ll wish to see what is off the starboard quarter. It is a vision of the Gods no less.”

Aeryston began to laugh but Miltiades turned and left the cabin and from outside came the sound of men’s voices raised in consternation. Aeryston suddenly seemed to come alive and he sprang to his feet and grabbing a robe he rushed to follow.

Forgotten, I put the jug of wine on a low table and then made my way to the door to peer outside.

— o —

The crew were clustered along the starboard side, pointing and chattering excitedly. Out across the sea I saw a verdant island which rose up to a single mountain top and around which were several white buildings. Even from afar, I could see these were temples and palaces of splendour.

“What Isle is this” I heard Miltiades demand of the merchant, but the man merely shrugged and babbled that no such island had ever appeared on this route before.

Aeryston and his men gathered around the mast and conferred quickly amongst themselves, Miltiades stood in their midst, his great body taller and heavier than most. I saw his dark eyes moving back and forth with intelligent purpose.

“The men must arm themselves at once” he said and Aeryston nodded without hesitation. He gave the order and the men scattered to where their weapons and armour were stowed where they’d slept. The merchant and his crew stayed by the starboard side and talked incoherently amongst themselves.

— o —

“There you are” Hesperon suddenly appeared at my side and took a hold of my arm. “Where have you been?”

Hesperon was Aeryston’s man, responsible for his catering to his many noble needs. I was Hesperon’s helper. My job was to assist him in any way he saw fit. My father had pressed me in düziçi escort to this service and I had gladly taken it to avoid becoming a goat herder as had befallen my older brothers before me. This was my first voyage upon the great sea.

“What is happening?” I gasped

“I know not” Hesperon replied as he pulled me to the hatch that led down into the big ship’s hull, “But we must not stand in the way of the men!”

I did not struggle against Hesperon but my urge was to climb back up to the deck to see what was happening. Instead I ran to the side of the ship’s hold and opened a small rope hole there. At once I could hear the voices of the crew above me

“It is no place for men” I heard one say.

“The warriors are going ashore” another replied.

“Hesperon!” Miltiades’s voice thundered down the hatch. I turned to look back over my shoulder and saw him descend in full armour with his shield slung on his back. Hesperon stepped forward.

“Gather up your pots and pans” Miltiades told him. “We’re going ashore!”

— o —

The heavy merchant ship could not come so close to the shallow beach without running aground, so we arrived on the island in the ship’s small boat. Aeryston, Miltiades and the men had already waded ashore and they stood in a group, two dozen in number. The beach was golden sand and stretched away in either direction and inland was an embankment upon which Aeryston stood resplendent in gold and bronze. His helmet turned to look this way and that and the movement of his blood red crest gave him the appearance of an angry rooster.

On the beach Miltiades was briefing the men. As I jumped into the surf and waded ashore with my arms full of cooking pots, I heard him telling them “two lines evenly spaced and archers to the rear.”

Hesperon took the pots from me and sent me back to the boat to fetch provisions.

For the rest of the day Hesperon and I made camp in a small shallow area beyond the crest. Further inland were many trees and beyond them I could just make out the roof tops of two mighty buildings. Hesperon prepared food for the men’s return and I dragged bleached wood from the beach to feed the fire. Anchored against the tide the merchant ship waited. Music came from aboard and the voices of the crew were raised in bawdy sailor’s songs.

As the day drew to a close we heard voices and then suddenly the men reappeared, walking jauntily along with shields slung and their spears on the shoulders. Aeryston and Miltiades walked at the head of the small column, both talking jovially and gesturing back towards the buildings. When they saw the big pot hanging from its tripod above the fire, the men gave a small cheer and doubled their pace.

“They’re hungry” Hesperon noted. “You make sure they get enough wine, but not too much. We don’t want any drunkenness in camp.”

— o —

The men ate like wolves and they drank accordingly. Several times an amphora was simply pulled from my hands and I fretted that Hesperon would hold me accountable. When I looked back at my master though, I saw he was standing with Aeryston, talking and laughing.

Three young warriors were seated nearby me. They were Kleon, Lysandros and his younger brother Artemon. As I served them wine, I noted the latter held his eyes on me. I glanced at other two but they were talking about the buildings they had visited.

“Such buildings” Kleon gushed. “Have you ever seen the like?”

“What were they like?” I asked. I was flustered but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. Kleon looked at me and narrowed his eyes. He had an old battle scar running across his left cheek.

“Phaedrus, no?” he asked. I nodded eagerly.

“Such magnificence as you have never seen” he continued. “Golden doors and great marble floors there were.”

“Statues of all the gods” Lysandros interjected. He was taller than his brother Artemon, with tawny gold hair and pleasant eyes set far apart. I liked his manner. He was big of heart and generous of spirit.

“Golden statues” Kleon nodded.

“No people though” Artemon said. “No homes or pens for animals either.”

All three fell silent as they contemplated what this might mean. I looked at Artemon who looked back at me. He was taller than I but not as tall as Lysandros or Kleon. His arms were long and slender with strong muscles and when he held out his goblet for more wine I noted his fingers were equally strong and well defined. His face was not as broad as his brother’s, nor as pleasant in demeanour, but his eyes were intense and his darker hair gave him an aura of mystery and cunning.

Hesperon drew closer.

“Tomorrow we shall all move inland” he said, “Aeryston wishes to see more of these strange buildings. For now, gather more wood along the beach. We need to keep the fire going strong all night.”

Kleon downed his last gulp of wine and belched loudly.

“I will sleep” he declared “and tomorrow I will be ready for anything”

Lysandros agreed and edirne escort the two friends lay beside each other on their bed rolls. Artemon watched them for a moment then turned to me. “I am not yet weary. I will help gather wood for the fire”.

— o —

Away from the light of the camp the stars became ever more visible. Scattered across the sky like the spray from a big wave the great arc of the sky shone brightly above us. As I gathered up an armful of bone dry drift wood, Artemon walked beside me staring upward, with just a single stick in his hand.

“Have you ever seen such a sky?” he wondered. Unlike Kleon his voice did not hold any great sense of wonder, only a soft musing. I looked up at the wondrous display. Truly I had never seen such brilliance in the night sky.

“This place” Artemon continued. “Everything is different here. The trees are bigger. The buildings are bigger too. Even the celestial firmament seems to be burning with the glory of Zeus.”

“Is this really an island of the gods?” I asked.

Artemon looked at me and though his face was clad in shadow, the distant camp fire reflected in his eyes and caused them to glitter in the dark.

“Who can tell?” he asked. “The buildings were full of splendour, but they were empty. There is no one here it seems, no one but us.”

I suddenly became aware that Artemon was standing very close to me and I hadn’t even noticed his approach.

“Phaedros” he said in a low voice. He leant closer to my face and very softly kissed me. At first I simply stood and did nothing, but then he raised his hand and caressed my smooth cheek. He slid his hand around my head and his fingers ran through my hair. I felt my body reacting to him and when he kissed me again, I opened my mouth and let him pass within. I dropped the bundle of sticks I was holding, being mindful not to drop them on our toes, and tentatively ran my hands up under his tunic to feel the taut muscles of his body.

For all his fierce attitude, Artemon was a tender lover. He pressed me down into the sand and lay atop me. I opened my legs and as his body pressed down onto mine I felt myself moving involuntarily against him. I had never lain like this with anyone before and a great elation took a hold of me. As Artemon began to move his pelvis against me, I could feel his engorged manhood rubbing against my own. Then as he pulled aside my tunic to bite at my nipples a large wave crashed on the shore beside us and a shower of sea water cascaded across our bodies. I felt a shiver pass through me and somewhere in the back of my mind I seemed to sense sunlight and heat, as if a memory had suddenly come unbidden.

— o —

Artemon took me in his mouth and my legs closed instinctively about his head. With one hand in his hair, I bit the other to stifle the soft noise that was coming from my lips. Another great wave sent yet more salty water across us and Artemon pushed my legs wider apart. He lifted one leg onto his shoulder and moved his attentions downward. A sudden fear came over me. This was surely forbidden! His tongue moved about me and I struggled in something like a panic but he held me fast with his strong hands. I felt the release flowing from me in a sudden eruption and a shuddering gasp that started in my throat burst from my mouth in a high pitched wail. Again, the sensation of sunlight and warmth came to my mind, but this time I seemed to sense another presence close by. As my body shuddered and my legs shook, Artemon moved to bring himself closer to me. I looked around, unsure if someone was nearby but the beach was deserted. The camp was too far away for anyone to be near and yet it seemed as if someone were close by.

Artemon spat on his hand then using his saliva to facilitate himself, he entered me slowly. At first the press was painful but I had heard others back home talk about how to accommodate a man and breathing deeply I tried to do as I had heard others describe.

“That’s right” Artemon whispered. “Be calm and open yourself”.

Thankfully he was a patient man, for it took some time for my body to obey me, but eventually I succeeded and we lay together in the sand and spray, joined in spirit and body. Artemon kissed me softly about the face, whispering my name. I felt him begin to move and my body responded with waves of pleasure that moved upwards from our coupling and radiated out through my limbs. I began to breathe faster and make small urgent gasps but he covered my mouth with his kiss and stole my breath that I might not begin to cry out in pleasure. This soon became harder to do and so he covered my mouth with his hand and my breath came in snorts through my nose. His thrusts suddenly became much stronger and the pleasure seemed to press up into my head and take away all my senses. For a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, I saw and heard nothing. I felt only the expulsion of my life’s energy and came a long drawn out happiness.

Artemon withdrew from me and rolled away, laughing edremit escort softly. I turned my head to look at his face, now made visible by the star light.

“What is it?” I asked in confusion.

“You are beautiful” he replied.

— o —

We broke camp early the next morning and eating cold meat as we walked, we passed up into the higher lands beyond the coast. As we marched, I caught sight of the two great buildings that the men had explored the day before. Just as Kleon had described, they were truly magnificent. Great buildings of white columns and that seemed too big for mortal men. Aeryston paid them little attention. Instead he took us up a paved road that snaked its way upwards. I had never before seen the like. The road was paved in pure white stone with no sign of wheel ruts or other wear. The others remarked on this too. The road it seemed had never been used.

After a while at a bend in the way, we reached a great statue and Aeryston called a halt. We gathered around to stare up at the figure of a large muscular man with a great beard. One arm was raised and in his hands he held a golden lightning bolt.

“Mighty Zeus” Miltiades said and all the men backed away and bowed their heads in reverence. Aeryston alone stood his ground, gazing up into the stern face.

“Hear me Great One” he said aloud. “I am Aeryston of Cythera.” He stepped back, drew his sword and raised it in salute. Then he bowed his head as his men had done and stood mute for a moment of respect.

— o —

We followed the pathed road for some time before we reached the next building. This one had the appearance of a temple, but like the others it seemed too big. Behind the columned facade, the entrance was three times the height of a man. Two great bronze doors stood open wide and the men followed Aeryston within. Hesperon and I stood outside and waited and I noticed he was agitated.

“I do not like this place” he declared. “I feel as though someone is watching me all the time.”

I nodded. I had a similar feeling. The trees were close around the temple and we stood in a paved clearing surrounded by the dark forest. As Artemon had said, there were no other buildings to be seen. It was a strange place indeed. Nothing moved except the occasional bird.

Cautiously, I approached the temple doors and peered within.

The building appeared to be empty except for a tall white state of a goddess upon whose head was a golden crown. Kleon, Lysandros and Artemon were standing close by and staring up at the statue.

“Who is it?” I whispered and they all turned to look back at me.

“This is a temple to Athena” Kleon said.

— o —

Leaving the temple behind us, Aeryston carried on up the paved road. There had been nothing else to see and his face wore a puzzled expression. The men too muttered amongst themselves in confusion. Where were all the people they asked? Who had built these magnificent buildings?

“This is reckless” Hesperon muttered to me as we followed the warriors. “Clearly this island is not meant for mortals.”

I had nothing to say. The island was certainly mysterious, but my mind was preoccupied with such thoughts and emotions from my encounter with Artemon. As I walked at the rear of the column, carrying the great cooking pot packed with utensils on my back, my eyes continually wandered to regard him. Like the other warriors he now wore his armour and helmet. He carried his spear in one hand and his shield in the other. Every so often, he paused slightly and looked around him and several times I saw him looking back at me. Each time he did, I felt a stab of happiness and lust and the burden on my back seemed to grow momentarily lighter.

— o —

“Halt!” Aeryston shouted and we all stopped. Up ahead was another building, but this one was different to the others. It appeared to be a ruin. Thankfully, I set down the cooking pot and sat upon it. It was a hot day and we’d been walking up hill for some time. I wiped the sweat from my brow and watched as the warriors approached this new structure.

Hesperon sat on a boulder at the side of the road and panted. He was much older than I and the exertion was greater for him. I looked at him in sympathy and as I did so, I caught sight of a mark carved into the stone on which he sat.

“What is that?” I pointed.

Hesperon looked down between his legs and then stood up to get a better view. It was a crude figure of a man but the head seemed different. The face was elongated and strange. Beneath the figure was a single word

“Tartarus” Hesperon read. He stepped backward and glanced at me. “Is this the underworld?”

I shook my head in confusion. How could we be in the underworld? He looked towards the nearby ruin and cursed.

“I must warn Aeryston and the others” he said. He began to run towards it, but even as he did so, there came a sound that froze us both. A high pitched, metallic roar came from the forest and the hairs on my neck rose in alarm. What kind of a creature could make such a sound? I stood up in consternation and glanced around. Hesperon too looked wildly about, and then once again he took to running to towards the broken columns of the ruin. As he ran, I saw several of the warriors emerging from the building and looking around.

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