


Subject: Operation Pied Piper -Part69 IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Every little helps. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the owner. ———————————————————————- A few planks, and a lot of huffing and puffing later, Pegasus walked gingerly up and out of the pool. `Quick, get him away, I think McPhee is coming round’ Gary vanished with his charge. I stood waiting for McPhee to come round more, before grabbing his arm. `Wake up McPhee, I said wait for me, not fall asleep out here’ His eyes focused on me, genuine fear in his face, he clambered up wincing and holding his side. `Did you see it? `Did I see what McPhee? ***************** Operation Pied Piper � Part 69 Archie continues the story After the full moon of last night; tonight, was black. Luckily the water in the pool had after another hot day in the sun managed to get its temperature right up. We sat watching the wisps of steam float from the pools surface; only our heads remaining above the water, in the cooler night air. Athol, was sitting in front of me, his back tight to my hairy chest; my hard cock squashed flat between us against my stomach, my arms wrapped tightly round him, pulling him back against me. I nuzzled into his neck and gave him a final nibble on his ear. `So, there you go, now you know everything’ It was amazing, I had got so hard relating the whole story to him; that was the problem with McPhee; his cocky arrogance, got me hard. Just thinking about him had my cock rising. Athol looked back at me over his shoulder. `Thank you for glossing over my part in this sorry tale’ Sitting in our warm water cocoon, I had an inkling he found McPhee as horny as me; and not only when drunk. I reached forward, my hand finding Athol’s hard cock swaying in the water, I gripped it tightly, and gave it a few wanks; he let out a low moan. I chuckled and kissed his neck again. `You do know I love you, don’t you? He gasped as I gave his cock another squeeze. `Of course, I do, it could so easily have been me, McPhee is a good-looking guy. Christ knows what got into his head to start all this nonsense though’ `I know, that’s what worries me, I hope Forts can cope with this bizarre world of the British Aristocracy, I have brought him into; he is going to meet lots of opinionated and entitled McPhee’s. Athol seemed to think for a moment `Archie, I have been thinking about Forts further education; do you think I should send him off to Cambridge or Oxford Universities, I can’t decide if it would help him or not?’ `Have you considered asking him, what he wants?’ `Not yet; and now is probably not a good time’ I had to agree, but then again, the decision, didn’t really have anything to do with me. `Athol, Forts asked me today if I would consider setting up a boxing club, to teach the younger ones how to look after themselves, sounds like a reasonable idea to me; I was thinking of asking McPhee to help, get him contributing to school life rather than …’ `McPhee? Are you sure? `Well, if I am involved and Forts too, we should be able to make sure he behaves and keep a much better eye on him. We would be using his undoubtable boxing knowledge for the benefit of everyone, rather than leaving him with it all and the rest of the boys at risk’ `You could be right; it would save me having to expel him; which is the only course of action available to me at the moment. I am all for rehabilitating the kid, he has talents; but needs to be kept on a short leash. How do you think Forts and Davy will react? `I was going to leave it to you to ask them’ I chuckled, `That’s why you are paid the big bucks, to tackle all the difficult stuff’ Athol snorted and squeezed against me, both of us enjoying the warmth of our bodies and the intimacy that came with it. `Forts has talked about starting a running ankara escort group, every morning before breakfast, Gary said he would help him. If that became more all-round fitness orientated, maybe stopping to do exercises on the run, we could tie it into a boxing club easier’ I nuzzled into Athol’s neck again `Could the school budget stretch to shorts, vests and running plimsoles for all the boys? Athol gripped my arm `The school budget hasn’t stretched to a lot of things for some time, but I am sure I could arrange it, let me speak to Armstrong’s outfitters, see if they can help, maybe one of Torcall’s Army fitness instructors, would be able to help until Gary and Forts, got it all going? `Sounds like you’re thinking of making it compulsory? Athol turned his face to mine `Could be a good distractor for the boys, we could have some awards each year, give them something to aim at’ I hugged him tightly `We should, do this more often, you’re having some great ideas’ Athol went quiet for a few moments, his mind working through something no doubt; finally, he spoke, revealing what was really troubling him, but which had to be tackled. `Do you think Davy and Forts will ever forgive me, for yesterday?’ `I doubt it’ I felt Athol’s body tense, he scrambled to his feet and turned to face me’ `I’m joking, I’m joking’ `You b’ He grabbed my head and pushed me under the water, boisterousness took over as we splashed about like a couple of kids; finally finding ourselves in the middle of the pool; facing each other in the dark, suddenly silent. `I love you’ `I love you too’ He moved closer to me, standing between my legs, our arms wrapping round each other once more. I wiped the water from his forehead, and pushed my lips to his, our tongues continuing our pool battle. I stepped forward, unbalancing him, he gave a little jump, his legs wrapping round my hips, I gripped him under his thighs and walked him back to the edge of the pool, our tongues still duelling. Athol leaned back against the side of the pool, `Put me down Mellor’s, you brute’ Ah, here he goes on his Lady Chatterley’s lover `fantasy’ again `Oh, you want’s it M’Lady, you know you like your bit of rough’ I hitched him higher up my waist, letting my cock push under his balls towards his hole. Feeling my cock, between his legs he pushed his lips to mine once more, his hands feeling back positioning me so all he had to do was sit back; which is what he did. ** Forts takes over the story I hadn’t slept much, Archie, had come back and spoken to me to let me know what had happened. I still couldn’t forgive myself for leaving Davy to that animal. I sat by the bed, watching him groan with every move he made, every groan, another tear from me. I stroked his head, trying, in my own inadequate way to comfort him. I could tell each time when he tried to move, he was in pain; his exhausted eyes revealing all. I was going to make that bastard suffer, even if it sounded from what Archie had said that he was pretty knocked about already. Oh, Archie had warned me off doing anything, but I was past caring about any punishment that would be inflicted on me. `Good morning sexy’ I opened my eyes; Davy’s were looking at me from the pillow. I leant forward and kissed his cheek. `Hello Davy, how are you feeling? I immediately wanted to kick myself; how did I think he was feeling? What a stupid question. `Sorry, I know it’s a silly question, can I get you anything? His eyes locked on mine and tears rolled from his eyes `Can I have a cuddle?’ I gingerly knelt on the bed, hearing him wince as the mattress moved under me, I lay down on the bed facing him, carefully putting my arm over him, he began to sob. `Forts, it really hurts’ I moved my head closer to his and tried to kiss away his tears. `Oh Davy, I am so sorry, I should have been with you, not Carstairs’ I kissed him again. `Please forgive me’ He kissed me back `It wasn’t your fault’ Before I could speak, there was a light tap on our door. I was going to just ignore it, but Davy wanted me to see who it was. I opened the door `Gary, Floyd, what is it? Gary waved over to Davy and whispered `Sorry Forts, we know its early, but thought you might want to be in on this’ `On what’ Floyd punched his fist into his hand, his black eye visible even in this light `Pay back’ I knew immediately what they meant, I crossed to Davy. escort ankara `I won’t be long, try and get some more sleep’ I don’t think it really registered, Davy nodded and closed his eyes, I followed Gary and Floyd out onto the landing, Landers and Brookmeyer were standing there. Gary came closer `Right, I can’t hit him again; not after last night, but I will make sure, he can’t hit any of you guys, just make sure each punch counts’ We all nodded, Gary was handed a blanket by Brookmeyer, he moved to McPhee’s door, he listened and then slowly opened the door, he peaked round the door and whispered `He is asleep on the bed; come in when I shout’ Gary vanished inside, we could hear a muffled struggle, then a voice called us in; it didn’t sound anything like Gary’s. Gary was kneeling on the bed, the blanket, wrapped over McPhee’s head. Gary nodded to the four of us, it didn’t matter if McPhee knew who we were, but it was important, he didn’t suspect a member of staff of being involved. Floyd and I led the assault with a barrage of punches to his body and back, he thrashed about, but with Gary controlling his head, there was little he could do. As he became more subdued Brookmeyer and Landers joined in. Thinking of Davy lying in pain next door, I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I renewed my punching to McPhee’s body. `Listen and listen good you worthless piece of shite, if you ever lay a finger on anyone in this school again, you will be found swinging, do you fucking understand? Nothing I gave him another three punches `I said do you understand, you piece of shit? `Yes, yes, no more please’ `Don’t move’ I gestured for Gary to move out of the way, as soon as he had, I pulled up my kilt and gripped my cock, Floyd’s face, went from questioning to nodding, he hurried to do the same; chuckling, as my piss stream started to hit the lump on the bed, Brookmeyer and Landers giggled and then joined in, concentrating on the bastard’s head. ** Gary continues the story McPhee, wasn’t seen all day, Archie, took him some food, but he never came out of his room, later on Archie sought me out. `Gary, did something happen this morning, that I don’t know about? I grinned, `Ah that’s a difficult question, what don’t you know about? `Gary, please don’t be funny with me, frightening him is one thing, beating him up another, that’s dropping to his level’ `Sorry Archie, I don’t know what you’re talking about’ He gave me a look; he didn’t believe me, “dropping to his level” really? That’s all the shit understood. I had been really upset about McPhee having a go at Brookmeyer; Daniel and I had become close, he could be a cheeky fucker, but I liked him. He came to see me after lunch in my office in the walled garden, I heard a knock on the door frame, you will remember, Archie destroyed my door a while back. `Hi Gary. I just wanted to come and say thank you for sorting out McPhee’ `Come here you, don’t be silly, and don’t ever keep anything like that from me again’ Brookmeyer, nodded and came and stood next to me, I patted my knee, he didn’t need a second invitation, he cuddled into my neck `Hey you need a haircut’ I pushed his blond hair out of his eyes, those dreamy eyes. `Do I get a kiss for helping out? He giggled and pushed his lips to mine, then pulled away rubbing his chin `You’re all bristly’ `You love it’ I grabbed him rubbing my chin all over his face and neck as he screamed out in laughter. `Stop, stop, it tickles’ I stood up, lifting him and placing his bum onto my desk so he was facing me, my fingers continuing to tickle him, he was getting breathless writhing about, trying to fight me off, I gave him a wink `I will only stop if I get another kiss’ He screamed `Yes, yes, yes okay’ His eyes focused on mine as I stopped tickling him and leaned in for another kiss, this time he pushed back, his tongue searching for a gap in my lips, this was more like it. I opened my mouth, feeling his probing tongue pushing into me, I stepped between his legs, he wrapped them round my waist at the same time wrapping his arms round my neck. `Thank you, Gary,’ He gasped between kisses `Don’t be daft, I love you’ It was true, there was something about this little guy. His eyes locked on mine `Really? I smiled, `Yes, really’ His little fingers reached forward and began undoing my shirt buttons, as soon as he had a few undone, he slipped ankara escort bayan his hand into my chest hair, making a beeline for my nipple. I groaned as his fingers found it, I undid my sporran and kilt belt and let them fall to the floor. Taking hold of his legs, I eased him forward to the edge of the table, my hard cock bounced up and down. He pulled his kilt up, grinning as he did, he wiggled his cock and balls at me, I grabbed his ankles and he burst out laughing and turned himself on to all fours to get away, so here I was, now faced with a small pert bum only inches from my throbbing and now dripping cock. `Oh no you don’t’ I grabbed his hips and pulled his bum backwards on to my waiting tongue; throwing his kilt up over his back. He stopped and moaned, the struggle to get away abandoned as my tongue found its target. His hand reached back pulling my head deeper between his arse cheeks, he tasted clean and fresh as always; I licked again, maybe just a hint of sweat forming from his walk across, I licked from the top of his balls slowly up over his taint across his twerking hole and on up to the tip of his tail bone. He groaned and begged me to do it again; how could I say no. I drew more saliva in to my mouth and made sure my tongue was dripping as I started my second pass, my fat broad tongue this time, coating him in my saliva, till it was dripping off his almond sized balls onto the floor. I stood up and gripped my thick eight inches, I slapped my fat bellend against his hole, getting it to spasm with each slap, I dribbled more saliva over my cockhead, as it snuggled into the pink flesh surrounding his pucker, all this time I was milking more of my precum on to the pulsing target. I pushed down on his head, forcing it on to the desk and tilted down his hips, my cock bobbed expectantly, more precum forming on its lips. I gripped my shaft and eased it downwards, shifting my weight on to my toes, he moaned and pushed back; again. I slapped my bellend on his hole, then went for it; slowly, very slowly, his hole began opening to accommodate my throbbing wet bellend; I gave a push and it vanished into him. `Oh Daniel, that feels amazing, you’re so tight’ He gasped back `your just fucking huge, go slowly’ I decide to tease him, and popped my bellend back out; his head shot round, disappointment all over his face. I grinned at him `What? `You know what’ I pushed in again; this time to the hilt, he gasped, then gave an appreciative moan and wiggled his arse. I felt his muscles clamping along my shaft, sending waves of pleasure down through my balls. I didn’t last long, he had learned well and soon had my balls tight against my shaft, me clenching my cheeks as hard as I could, the torture of losing control slowly spreading throughout my body, I surrendered to my feelings and blasted, my love into him. ** An update from Archie. Several weeks had passed since those awful few days, but some good had come out of them. Athol had trod that unpleasant tightrope with consummate skill, just like I had expected him too. I had supported him from the shadows, you would expect no less. Now with Christmas just a couple of weeks away, a return to good will was just what was needed. Davy, was well on the way to a full recovery, even wanting to join Forts and Gary’s running and fitness group. This had really taken off, and now the entire school, wind, rain, sun or hail gathered every morning in the courtyard and set off round the Castle grounds perimeter. With the Army PTI’s help, log obstacles had been placed every few hundred yards, these combined with the running were toning everyone up beautifully. The Boxing Club? Yes, that two had been formed, led by me and yes with McPhee helping. **************** Guy’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest

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