
Our Story


The true story of how my fiancé proposed to me; the only things changed were names. And yes, everyone in the story is 18 or older. Please let me know what you think and thanks for reading!


When the time came, I woke up, rolled out of bed, stretched, and headed for the bathroom. Although still sleepy, the grin I was wearing wouldn’t leave my face. Tonight was the night of the Taylor Swift concert and I was ready; my grandparents had surprised me with the tickets four months ago so it had been a long wait. But another reason for my excitement was because I wasn’t going alone; my boyfriend of 4 ½ years, Bartholomew, was taking me. As I turned on the shower and shed my night gown, I still couldn’t believe he was giving up his Saturday night to do this with me. Taylor Swift wasn’t really someone he really listened to but after all these years, he still surprised me. Finally finding the right temperature, I stepped in, cherishing the sensation of the hot water running down my body. The nipples on my c-cup breasts were tingling but I resisted the temptation to touch them. I was hoping to have an after party when we got back from the concert. But, as I shampooed my hair, I couldn’t help but think about how sexy Bartholomew was. He had black hair, smoldering green eyes, a tight, muscular body, and-my favorite feature-a snake tattoo that went from his hip to his ankle. To most people, he looked dangerous but to me, he was the love of my life. Realizing I was daydreaming, I shook Bartholomew’s image from my head and finished my hair; trying to ignore the fact that was a little horny. Reaching for my razor so I could shave, I smiled knowing how fun our sex life was. Once everything was smooth, I got out, dried off, and looked at my reflection in my mirror. My straight, blonde hair hung down to my shoulders and, due to the summer heat, I decided on a ponytail and reached for my clothes; a red and white Taylor Swift shirt and jean shorts. After being satisfied with my appearance, I left the bathroom to join my grandma in the living room. When she heard me, she looked up and asked “are you excited for tonight Mable?”

“Very!” I chuckled. “I can’t wait.”

“It won’t be long now.”

We then just talked about different things trying to pass the time. But all I could do was stare at the clock until 3’oclock rolled around and Bartholomew pulled up in his 97 white Ford Taurus. Grabbing my bag, I said goodbye to my grandma and ran to the door to greet my lover. After getting into his car, I asked “are you ready?”

“I suppose…” he sighed.

I giggled, knowing deep down he was a little excited. But our first stop was dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant; it was buffet style and we always ate a lot. Once we were inside and had our food, Bartholomew smirked and asked if I had our tickets. My heart thumped in my chest as I frantically searched my purse. When I saw them I breathed a sigh of relief while my boyfriend just laughed. I looked up at him and asked “why must you torture me like that?”

“It’s just too easy.”

I just rolled my eyes and started eating. This was normal behavior for him and would have actually been worried if he hadn’t trolled me. A few minutes of silence fell over us as we ate the delicious food until Bartholomew piped up with “how much would you hate me if my car broke down on our way to the show?”

Almost choking on my Pepsi, I took a minute to recover before answering “well, I wouldn’t hate you because it wouldn’t be your fault. But I would hate your car.”

Bartholomew gazed across at me, green eyes sparkling before replying “bullshit.”

I laughed because I knew there was no use in arguing; he knew me better than I knew myself. “Yeah, you’re right. I would be pretty fucking pissed…but so would my grandparents because they bought the tickets.”

He just nodded and we continued eating. When the meal was over, the waitress brought over our bill and fortune cookies. I eagerly tore open my cookie and read my fortune, only to find it made so sense. That was, until Bartholomew read his and we realize if we were to switch fortunes, they would be perfect. Not surprised by that, we paid the bill and headed out for the Tacoma Dome. The concert didn’t start until seven but the doors opened at 5:30. Everything was going well until Bartholomew asked “you brought directions right?”

Immediately this sinking feeling washed over me. “Oh fuck, I forgot…I was so busy getting ready I completely spaced…I’m sorry!”

The man driving silently cursed and told me “always bring directions. But for now, look them up on my phone.”

I silently nodded and nervously looked them up, feeling guilty for not coming prepared and worried I wouldn’t find them. A few minutes later, I did find directions but because they took so long to load, we missed our exit and began to get lost. At this point, I was freaking out that we would never find the venue; until about two minutes later we found a new exit that took us straight to Kurtköy Escort the parking lot.

“Sweet, that was awesome!” I spoke.

“Yeah, it was…oh, here’s where we park.”

This is where we ran into yet another hiccup. Parking was $25 and we had spent most of our money on dinner. Bartholomew tried to pay with his debit card but it was cash only. “Ok, we’re going to turn around and get money somewhere” he told the guy. After backing out, he yelled “shit! Why didn’t you look up parking?”

“I’m sorry! I tried but I couldn’t find anything-their website isn’t very user friendly…”

“Yeah, ok.”

After what driving for what felt like forever, we found a gas station. Bartholomew explained that he was going to go in, pay for something with his card, and get cash back. While he was in the store, I was damn near tears. If this didn’t work, there would be no concert for us. I was also extremely guilty for getting us into this situation. When about two minutes had gone by, my boyfriend came back to the car money in hand and a smile on his face. “It worked!”

“Ok…” I trailed off. “I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok. I mean next time, do more research but it’s our first time here.”

When I didn’t say anything back, he finished with “don’t worry, I’m not mad.”

I nodded and smiled. Finally, it looked like everything was going to work out. Turning around, we made our way back to the parking lot. After paying the less than enthusiastic traffic guy, we found a spot and got out. By now, I was practically jumping up and down from excitement. The last things to do were get our tickets approved and find our seats. The lady at the front scanned our tickets and I immensely calmed down; until I saw how many people there were. As we made our way through the crowd, Bartholomew yelled out “I feel like a salmon!”

“Me too!”

After a few minutes, we came across a drink vendor. What was impressive was that the prices were cheaper than movie theater prices. Excited about that, we each got large Pepsis before stopping at every Tacoma Dome worker we saw asking for directions. About ten minutes into our search, “I said I hope these seats aren’t hard to find”.

“I’m sure they won’t. And we have an hour to kill before anything starts.”

“This is true.”

With that being said, we saw a woman looking at tickets so we approached her. Smiling, the woman pointed a little ways off and said “you’re over there. Have fun.”

“Thanks!” I responded happily.

Before I knew it, we were in our seats and anticipation hung in the air. I couldn’t believe I was going to be seeing Casey James, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift all in the same night. Bartholomew just laughed and relaxed in his seat. “Getting antsy are we?”

I blushed and replied with “I’ve been waiting for this.”

“I know.”

So once again, we just mindlessly chatted to kill time until the lights dimmed and the entire audience screamed their heads off; first up was Casey James. I squealed being pleasantly surprised that he was performing. I sang along with the songs I knew and loved this opportunity. It was feeling that came over me during concerts; normally I would never sing in public but something about 20,000 people singing with you made it ok. When Casey James finished, I cheered and sat back in my seat. I then looked over at Bartholomew, hoping for the best when I asked “are you having fun?”

“So far, yes. I really liked that guy.”

“Awesome! And yeah, me too. He was really good.”

Up next was Ed Sheeran and I could feel the crowd getting anxious for a man from the UK that’s taken America by storm. Girls had signs and the noise level was slowly going up until he made his entrance onto the stage. I didn’t know most of his songs but the performance was really fun to listen to; especially his song “You Need Me, I Don’t Need You”. About halfway through the song he launched into a full on rap of the lyrics. The audience went nuts and I was shock. I knew he could sing but this was incredible. The rap went for a good three to four minutes before he finished the song. As I was screaming out my approval, Bartholomew said to me “that was awesome! I think he just beat out Eminem for best flow on a white guy.”

I laughed and nodded. “Oh my gosh you’re right!

We laughed together as Ed began his greetings. “Well hello guys! My name is Ed Sheeran, I’m from the UK and this is my first time in your beautiful city of Tacoma!”

I tried not to react to that comment but once again Bartholomew a rise out of me by saying “beautiful? He must not have seen much of this place.”

I giggled and agreed. “Yeah…I mean I know he’s trying to be nice but Tacoma is not pretty.”

My boyfriend just chuckled while the next song came on. It was his last and one I really liked so I sang back the lyrics. But as much as I liked Ed Sheeran, I really wanted Taylor Swift to come on; and in just a few minutes, that would happen. When Ed finished, my heart started pounding happily inside Kurtköy Escort Bayan my chest. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Ed’s equipment was replaced with Taylor’s and everyone was wiggling. Finally, the lights dimmed, the music for her first song came on, and the screaming inside the Tacoma Dome could not be controlled. It was a bit deafening at first but I got used to it. After making sure Bartholomew was alright, I let loose and sang with everyone in our section. It felt so weird that I was actually there but I loved it; the music, Taylor’s live singing, her band, and the costumes-everything. It was also super thrilling to know there was no difference between her record and her live voice. I felt the music just rush through me and nothing else mattered except the concert and how much I loved Bartholomew for taking me. Glancing up at him, I could tell he was enjoying it and taking it all in. As song number one came to a close, I screamed not caring if I lost my voice and almost immediately after, a new song started that got me just as excited as the last one. I was swaying to the music and making the most of the moment. After that song, she began her welcoming and greetings. “Hello Washington! How are y’all doing tonight?”

She paused for cheering then continued “As I was getting ready for tonight, I heard some rumors about you Tacoma…yeah; I heard a rumor that you guys are so unbelievably loud!”

The noise level went up so high that my ears were ringing. Screaming and cheering could be heard all around and I feel the vibrations from people stomping on the benches. Taylor’s grin as we did that is something I’ll never forget. When we finally calmed down, Taylor responded with “well, it looks like my sources were reliable. Now, I want to know something; some have you have seen me in concert before, haven’t you?”

Everyone that fell into that category cheered until she went on. “I thought so. But, and correct me if I’m wrong, but for some of you, this is your first time right?”

This go around I screamed my head off, wanting to be heard. Once the noise level went back down again, she finished with “Alright. Well for those of you that are new, let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor, and this is the Red Tour!”

After that speech, she disappeared into the darkness only to come back a minute later in a completely different outfit. This maneuver impressed Bartholomew and he said “how did she do that so fast!?”

I just laughed and answered “I don’t know, but she’s good!”

But what surprised me most about this show was that she didn’t just do new songs, but old ones as well; and it was during one of these old songs that my life completely changed. Throughout the concert, Bartholomew had his arm me but when the song Love Story came on, he removed his arm. Being that it was really hot where we were, I didn’t think much of it. I just thought he was sitting down to catch his breath and relax. However, when Taylor began to sing about the man in the song proposing to her, I heard a young woman behind me scream “Oh my god, he’s proposing!”

Immediately I looked down to find my boyfriend down on one knee with a ring in his hand, a nervous smile on his face. I was so shocked; I didn’t know what to do at first. Time just stopped until my heart kick started and joy flooded my brain. After a second, I pulled him up, hugged him tight and yelled “yes!”

After I answered, my new fiancé physically relaxed and everything else around us faded. He just held me as I laughed and cried at the same time, trying to process the fact that I was now engaged. We were finally brought back to semi reality by the people in our section cheering and clapping for us. I heard cries of “congratulations!” and “good job!” Not quite believing that just happened, I sat down next to Bartholomew, letting things just sink in by burying my face in his strong chest and saying “I love you” as many times as I could. My honey just embraced me and replied “I love you too.”

After calming down a bit, Bartholomew gently took my hand and slipped the ring onto my correct finger. It was so beautiful it took my breath away; simple yet elegant. Right after doing that, Taylor finished the show and people starting gathering up to leave. Shaking slightly, I picked up my purses and turned to my future husband. “Ready?”

Smiling just as big, he replied “yeah!”

However, before we could leave, a woman behind us stopped and said “congratulations! Were you surprised?”

“Very!” I responded chuckling. “I had no idea he had that up his sleeve.”

“Well good job young man. Would you two like a picture?”

“Oh, yes please. Thank you, that’s very kind.”

So I handed her my phone, put my arm around Bartholomew, and held up my left hand to show off the ring. She took a really cute picture then handed the phone back to me. “Thank you” we told her.

“Oh no problem” she answered.

With that done, we followed the mass of people to the exit. Escort Kurtköy This whole experience was incredibly surreal and mind blowing; I was officially engaged to the man of my dreams and it was amazing. Once we were outside, Bartholomew sighed. “I ate a ton of Chinese food and drank a lot of soda earlier and I feel more nauseous now…”

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m great! I’m just so happy you said yes.”

I took his hand into mine as we walked to the parking lot and asked “did you really think I would say no?”

“I had a feeling you would say yes but there was still that little voice in the back of my head.”

“Well, you did it. We’re engaged! I can’t believe you did it in front of all those people.”

“Neither can I.”

Before we knew it, we were back at his car. While Bartholomew was trying to get out of the parking lot I texted close friends the good news, getting quick responses of the freaking out and being happy for us. With all the traffic, it took ten minutes to get out of the parking lot but after that, it didn’t take too long to get home. The silence was filled with recaps of the show and how amazingly weird it felt to be engaged. We told each other that in the morning, we would tell our friends and family but for right now, we couldn’t wait to get home to celebrate. When we finally pulled into my driveway, I smiled, knowing how fun the rest of the night would be. As I got out of the car, I could feel warmth spreading to between my legs. After walking up to the front door and unlocking it, Bartholomew and I walked in; trying to be as quiet as possible because if we woke up my grandma or my uncle, the after party would be over. We quickly made it back to my room, shut the door, and we were alone. I didn’t know what it was but everything just felt so different; we were engaged and I could feel how strong our love was. When he kissed me, I was taken aback by how gentle yet powerful he was and all I could do was moan and kiss back. Tired of standing, we laid down after stripping-molding our naked bodies together. At this point, the blood was rushing freely to all the right places and my nipples were tight against Bartholomew’s torso. While we kissed, I teased his mouth with my tongue and he rubbed my back with his rough hands. After a bit, air was needed so we pulled away panting. I chuckled and asked him “are you as out of breath as I am?”

He just smiled and nodded before kissing down my body; first starting at my neck, paying special attention to that special spot right below my ears. The sensation of his hot breath on my skin made a shiver run down my spine. Next stop was my nipples, not satisfied until they were diamond tight and tingling. I had to squeeze his back to hold from moaning too loudly as he licked and sucked me into submission. After a minute of his tongue running against my erotic nubs, I was soaking wet and begging for sex. When Bartholomew pulled away, I could tell by his dazed expression that he was too. But it looked like he wasn’t giving in that easily. Going back to my nipples, each dart sent shock waves to my wet cunt; and while he did that, one of his hands found that magic spot on my back that made me quiver with desire. When he pushed it, my body jerked and I whispered in his ear “please, I need you so bad.”

Smirking, Bartholomew rolled over onto his back, ready for me to take him. However no matter how much my pussy was throbbing to be filled, I knew he couldn’t get away that easy. So I began kissing down his chest, using a little teeth to keep things interesting. When I reached his dick, it was hard and a small amount of pre-cum was oozing out. Using that to my advantage, I spread it all over for lubrication before taking it in my mouth and sucking just enough to throw him off. I could tell he liked it because his penis was pulsing. Not able to take anymore, I removed my mouth from his dick, climbed onto his chest, and lowered myself onto him. The connection I always felt when we made love was something I never got tired of; and tonight was no exception. Starting things off, I began pumping up and down, feeling so delightfully full whenever he slammed back into me. Everything felt so good, I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to cum but I tried to grind for as long as I could before the familiar tingling in my pussy came forth. Going faster and biting my lip, I felt the first orgasm of the night flow through my body. I was stiff as my heart pounded through the sensations before relaxing against Bartholomew. He just simply held me for a second before whispering “oh you’re not done yet” and flipping us so he was on top. With my vagina still sensitive from round one, he filled me again and it was all I could do to not scream in ecstasy. My fiancé was slowly sliding his rock hard dick in and out of me, making everything gentle. I, being used to rough sex, was a little surprised by this but I could once again feel the emotion coming off him. But, when my body started to get closer to another orgasm, I began to tremble. He continued going slow, torturing me by keeping me right on the edge as he spoke softly “you feel close…just let go.”

I whimpered “I’m right there but can’t cum until you speed up…please baby, help me.”

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