
Our Town


Nina’s Story – Appendix A

Aristippus’s course director tells her story.

“Nina… Nina,” I heard someone calling my name as I was making my way across the campus of Ball State University. Turning to face whoever was calling my name, I spotted this guy I knew, Jeff. He was racing to catch up with me, and two of his buddies were just a few steps behind. I think I’d met one of them before; I just couldn’t remember his name. I’d never seen the third guy before, but they must have all been frat brothers, as they were all wearing Sigma Alpha Epsilon sweatshirts.

I didn’t realize Jeff was a Sigma Alpha, but I wasn’t surprised. We’ve had several classes together over the last three years, and he always seemed like a typical frat rat. Arrogant, conceited, and generally a textbook narcissist. And as his two buddies were wearing similar shirts with the Greek letters ΣΑΕ emblazoned on them, I assumed they were all frat brothers and that the coming request had something to do with their house.

As they caught up with me, Jeff was the first to speak. “Nina, where are you heading?”

“To check my mail,” I said, with a noncommittal tone to my voice.

“Have you had lunch yet?” Jeff asked.

I rarely ate lunch. I was always just too fucking broke. My parents divorced when I was in elementary school. As far as I know, my dad paid his child support, but never a penny more. He generally sent me a birthday card once a year, and sometimes it would include a gift card for $40 or $50, but that was it. I haven’t seen him since my sixteenth birthday. My mother worked the proverbial two jobs to support my two younger siblings and me. She gave me five hundred dollars when I graduated high school and wished me luck. I know that sounds cruel, but she had probably been saving nickels and dimes for years just to scrape together five hundred dollars seed money for me to start my life with.

I had already been accepted at Ball State University, and I did receive respectable student aid, but I had no money, no car, no off-campus job, and had to rely on student loans for the rest. I lived at the Noyer Centre dorms because they were the oldest and the cheapest. And to keep my student loans as low as possible, I only took the Ten-Meal plan. That meant that I only got five breakfasts per week – Monday through Friday. And five dinners per week – Sunday through Thursday. The assumption was that you would go home on the weekends, so you wouldn’t be eating in the dining hall.

So, when Jeff asked if I’d had lunch yet, my first thought was that I might be able to get a free meal out of this. “No,” I said. “Why?”

“Can we buy you lunch?” the guy said that I couldn’t remember his name.

I knew they were setting me up for something, and I was pretty sure it had something to do with their fraternity. After all, it was Rush, and every Greek organization on campus was looking for new members. “Sure,” I said nonchalantly. I didn’t want to appear too eager, but I was always up for a free meal. Generally, I only had a sweet tea and a bag of chips for lunch. Not because I particularly liked either one, but they were both cheap and high in calories. And I needed the calories. In college, I was what many would say was a tall drink of water. I was almost six feet tall (5′ 11″ actually) and generally weighed under 126 pounds. Giving me a Body Mass Index of only 17.6. I was skinny, and if I lost any more weight, I’m sure people would think I was anorexic or something. So, I took it any time a free meal was offered.

Standing in line at the Cardinal Grill, Jeff introduced me to his two friends. “Nina, this is Ted,” the guy I couldn’t think of his name. “And this is JR.” As both guys reached out to shake my hand, I remembered Ted’s name. I think I’d met him at a party the year before. As for the new guy, what’s with the initials? I’ve always thought that was weird. Did it stand for junior, or was he just too embarrassed to go by the name his mother gave him? But in any event, he was younger and never said much anyway.

Since I wasn’t paying for this, I ordered a cheeseburger, large fries, and a milkshake. All loaded with calories, and I was starved. Once we were seated and I had dug into my burger, Jeff opened with his request – as I knew he would. “Nina,” he started slowly. “As you know, it’s Rush, and we’re booking as many new members as we can get our hands on.”

And before he could say another word, Ted interrupted with, “And there is this guy we really want, but there’s a problem.”

“A problem?” I casually questioned as I picked up my milkshake and held the straw to my lips.

“Yeah,” Jeff said, trying to regain control of the conversation. “How can I put this?”

“Just say it,” I calmly said, halfway knowing what was coming.

“He’s a virgin,” Jeff said, as all three boys stared directly into my eyes for my reaction.

“And that’s a problem?” I said, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah,” Jeff continued. “You see, we really want this guy, but we’ve had this Girne Escort long-standing tradition of no virgins.”

“It’s a rule,” Ted added.

“It’s tradition,” JR said, trying to add something to the conversation and correct Ted at the same time.

There was an awkward pause for a moment as the three frat brothers waited anxiously for my response. I was honestly fighting the urge to burst out laughing, but they had bought me lunch, so I was trying to take them seriously. “So, what’s in it for me,” I finally said, still just toying with them.

“Sixty bucks,” Ted blurted out again.

“Yeah,” Jeff said as he tried to shush Ted. “We all pooled our money together, and we can offer you sixty bucks to bring this guy up to Sigma Alpha standards. If you know what we mean?”

“So, sixty bucks for a mercy fuck,” I said in a deadpan voice.

“Yeah,” JR blurted out, to the dismay of his companions.

“Nina,” Jeff said, trying to rephrase JR’s rapid response. “I wouldn’t exactly say that. I would just say it’s more of friends helping friends. I know you’re always a little short of funds, our pledge is in need of a little female companionship, and we’re in need of him pledging Sigma Alpha. This could be a win-win-win for all of us.”

I had already decided to do it. I hadn’t had sex with anyone (other than myself) in several months, so getting laid and getting paid, sounded better and better. But I still had to toy with them a little bit. “So, why is it so important that this guy becomes a Sigma Alpha?”

They all looked at each other for a moment, before Jeff volunteered, “He’s a legacy.”

“Oh, he’s a legacy,” I said sarcastically. “So, his dad is a Sigma Alpha.”

“Well, his brother, an uncle, and a couple of cousins,” Jeff said.

“And what’s his major?” I asked as if I was filling out some sort of application.

“He’s enrolled in the Honor College,” Ted said before Jeff could answer. So, that was probably the real reason. The Sigma Alpha’s needed the grade points. Every fraternity and sorority must maintain a minimum grade point average to keep their chapter on campus. And Sigma Alpha members have never been known for their brains. In fact, they’re usually on probation most of the time. And the Honor College is the toughest school to get into at BSU, and every student has to maintain a 3.33 grade point average to stay enrolled. Now the question is, could I get more than sixty bucks?

I thought about dragging this game out a little further, but I needed the money, and I didn’t want them looking elsewhere. “I’ll do it,” I said as I stuck a couple of fries in my mouth. “When and where?”

You should have seen the look on their faces. It was almost like they hadn’t expected me to agree. “The Sigma House,” Jeff said. “Tomorrow night, say around eight o’clock.”

“I’ll be there,” I said as I casually stuffed a couple more fries in my mouth. “Oh, what’s this kid’s name?”

“Blaine,” Jeff and Ted said simultaneously.

“And what does he look like?” I asked.

When no one immediately responded, Jeff looked at his brothers and said, “Well, average height and weight, fair skin.” Then added, “Very fair skin and dark straight hair.”

“Okay,” I said as I picked up my milkshake again. And as the boys started to stand up to leave, I put my milkshake down and held my hand out. “Where’s the sixty bucks?”

I knew they hadn’t planned on paying me in advance, but these weren’t exactly honorable guys, so I felt I should probably get my money upfront. Besides, the look on their faces when I asked for the money was almost worth the sixty bucks. They quickly stood and huddled with their backs to me before Jeff turned back around and handed me three crumbled twenty dollar bills.

I slowly unfolded each bill and counted it in front of them several times to make sure it was sixty bucks – which it was. “Thank you, gentlemen,” I said. “I’ll see you tomorrow night – eight o’clock.”

They all thanked me profusely before turning and dashing from the student union. I calmly folded the money, stuck it in my purse, and then leisurely returned to my lunch.

I arrived at the Sigma House front door a few minutes after eight o’clock the following evening. And not to my surprise, the lights were all on, and they were obviously having some sort of party. I didn’t knock; I just turned the doorknob and walked in. I quickly spotted Jeff leaning against the bar with a beer in his hand. And went he spotted me, he immediately rushed to greet me. “Nina,” he said, with a massive smile on his face. “Welcome. Can I get you a beer?”

“Sure,” I said, scanning the room for anyone who looked like a pledge with pasty white skin and black hair. As soon as Jeff returned with my beer, I asked, “So where’s Blaine?”

“Oh, he’s around somewhere. Let’s go see if we can find him.” And with that, he looped his arm through mine and started leading me from room to room like he was going to introduce me to his parents. Magosa Escort As we entered the kitchen, “Oh, there he is,” Jeff said as he dragged me over to meet him. “Blaine, I’d like you to meet Nina. The girl I was telling you about.”

Blaine instantly put down his beer, wiped his hands on his pants, and stuck out his right hand to shake mine. Somewhat of an unusual first greeting, but these were unusual times. So, I guess it made sense. I accepted his handshake and said, “Hi Blaine, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s great to finally meet you.”

I admit, that was sort of cruel. Blaine really was a nerd, and I should have been more sincere. But again, I was just having a little fun, and under the circumstances, what could it hurt? As Blaine dropped my hand and picked his beer back up, we silently studied each other for a moment in awkward silence. He was about average height and weight but had a nerdy round face, which reminded me of two characters from the Three Stooges. He had the dopy round face of a very young Curly and the goofy cereal bowl haircut of a teenage Moe.

In order to break the silence, I offered, “So, Blaine, how do you like BSU so far?”

“Oh, it’s fine,” he nervously responded as he started to take a sip of his beer, stopped, and then resumed. Still unsure of himself and what his frat-boy brothers had set him up with.

“Have you chosen a major yet?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

“Oh yeah,” he said as he started to relax a bit. “I’m in Honors College. Have you heard of it?”

“Oh sure,” I said. “That’s where you get to pick your own graduation requirements.”

“Yeah,” he said. “With the guidance of your faculty advisor, of course.”

Blaine was starting to loosen up, and I pulled back a little on my snarky attitude. With a sip of beer, I asked, “So, what is your primary field of interest?”

He really seemed to like that question and, after a sip of his own beer, explained, “Well, my interests are in computer science and economics. I want to design computer programs for economic modeling and forecasting.”

He was now starting to show signs of actual personality and brains. I love intelligent people, and I generally like being around them. That’s one reason I don’t normally hang around with frat rats. But this kid did seem a little different. So, with a smile on my face, I took his hand and said, “Would you like to go someplace where we could get to know each other better?”

I could see the fear instantly return to his eyes, but he blinked a couple of times and said in a squeaky voice, “Sure.”

As we walked back hand-in-hand to the front of the house, I spotted Jeff and signaled that we were going upstairs. He flashed a huge smile and held up both of his open palm hands – showing five fingers on one and three fingers on the other. I interpreted that to mean room eight, and I nodded my understanding. We headed upstairs, and to my surprise, room eight wasn’t on the second floor. It must be higher up, so we climbed the second flight of stairs and soon found a room with the number 8 on the door. The door was closed, so I tapped lightly, and when I heard no response, I turned the knob, and we entered.

The third floor of the house must have originally been the attic. As the rooms were small, but nice enough. The room had a single bed with a side table, a wardrobe, a chair and desk, and a dormer window at the end of the room. There was a light on the desk, which I clicked-on, before returning to the door to close and lock it. I then placed my beer on the bedside table, took Blaine’s beer from him, and placed it next to mine.

He was so nervous that he was actually shaking. I was genuinely touched by his innocence and committed myself to make his first sexual experience one he would forever remember as a pleasant and enjoyable one. I turned to face him, and placing my arm around his shoulders, I drew his lips to mine and gently kissed him. It took him a second or two to return my kiss, but soon he did and wrapped both of his arms around me.

We remained standing, lips locked in that forever first kiss, for a minute or two. Then after slowly breaking our kiss, I nudged Blaine backward until his calves touched the mattress, and he was forced into a sitting position on the bed. I knelt in front of him and first removed his shoes. Then getting up on my knees, I gingerly undid each button of his shirt – one by one – before pulling his shirt from his body and tossing it to the desk behind me. As I began on his belt and waistband snap, he reclined back onto his elbows and lifted his hips as I pulled down his zipper. To break the awkward silence, I said, “I love that sound.”

“What sound?” he asked nervously.

“The sound of a zipper going down,” I whispered, just before breaking into song:

“Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

My, oh, my, what a wonderful day

I see a penis heading my way

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!”

Blaine Kıbrıs Escort didn’t immediately respond verbally. But he did smile, and when I motioned for him to raise his hips so I could pull his blue jeans off, he quickly complied. He was wearing boxers, dark blue with a green and white paisley design on them. And to no one’s surprise, they came off with his pants, and he was soon down to nothing but his socks, which I opted to leave where they were.

With Blaine now naked (except for his socks), I stood silently in front of him for a moment. Then I slowly reached behind my back to loosen my dress before grabbing the hem with both hands and pulling it up and over my head. This now left me naked except for my sandals and my thong. I wasn’t wearing a bra, which I think somewhat startled him. I pushed him over a little, so I could sit on the bed next to him, and as I did, I took his hand and placed it on my naked breast.

I actually loved my breasts. Being as skinny as I was, I was okay with my thighs and my tight little tush. But I hated my upper arms; they were just too skinny. And I hated that my ribs showed. I don’t think that is sexy on either men or women. But my boobs – I was pleased with them. They were what I had always called Goldilocks Breast, not too big, not too small, just right. They were full and round and stood magnificently regardless of the circumstances.

And Blaine must have liked them too, for as soon as his cool hands cradled one, his cute little pecker shot straight up. I say cute because it was probably only five or five and a half inches, but well proportion, circumcised, straight, and standing tall in a charming little black forest of short and curlies. I touched it gently with my cool hands, and it twitched back and forth, almost making me laugh. But I didn’t, as I wasn’t sure how he would take it, so I just said, “Oh, what a beautiful dick you have.”

He had no verbal response – what was he going to say? But he did move his hand to my other breast, and he even tried to cup both of them in one hand. He was so hard; I knew he wouldn’t last long. I had never actually had sex with a boy virgin. I’m pretty sure this was my first. So, I wanted to make his first time memorable and in no way traumatic. So, I knew I’d have to fuck him fast. But his pecker was so cute; I just had to suck it a little bit.

I lowered my head to his crotch, and holding his cute little wiener with one hand, I lightly kissed the tip. It smelled of Old Spice Body Wash. To me, that made him even more adorable. He clearly was aware of what was in store for him tonight and planned carefully for it. I gently and slowly sucked him for two or three minutes, but I was cautious not to take him too far. Letting him slip from my mouth, I reached over to the bedside table, slipped my hand into my purse, and pulled out a flat foil package. I had purchased a six-pack of condoms at the CVS before heading to the Sigma house that evening. So, after tearing it open with my teeth, I rolled the latex contents down his lovely little pink pecker.

With his little man now safely encased, I stood beside the bed, and looping my fingers under the waistband of my lacy golden thong, pushed them to my knees and wiggled my hips until it fell innocently to the floor. Blaine’s eyes got as big as saucers as he probably laid his eyes on the first adult puntang in his life. A huge smile spread across my face as I gently took his hand and directed it to his first sensual touch of a woman’s pudendal cleft. I allowed him several minutes to run his fingers back and forth before taking his hand and bringing it to my lips. Taking his fingers, which were rich with my scent and moist with my juices, I sucked them slowly, one at a time. This sensual exercise heightened my own sexual awareness, as I am sure it did for Blaine. But to bring Blaine to the next level, I placed his middle finger back into my mouth, sucked it gently, and withdrew it with a ball of spit on the tip. I then directed his dripping wet finger to its previous location and allowed him to enter me for the first time.

Now allowing Blaine to gently finger me for a minute or two while I returned to tenderly kissing him. However, I was soon ready to move to the main event. I gently pulled his hand back from between my legs. And placing both of his hands back onto my supple breasts, I allowed him to marvel at their softness and sensitivity. Then as I swung my leg over his torso, I slowly settled my loins over his rigid pole. It’s true; Blaine added very little to the act. He had been a passive participant. And that was fine with me, as he was safely wrapped in latex and only lasted about two and a half minutes. But it was official; Blaine was no longer a virgin. I laid gently across his body and allowed him to wrap his arms around me until it was apparent that he was about to slip out of me.

As I slid off of him, he was still breathing heavily. Still wet between my legs, I had no way to dry myself, but I slipped my thong back on anyway and stepped back into my dress. As I was now dressed, before leaving the room, I removed the condom from his deflated penis and pitched it in the trash can. Then kissing him quickly on the lips, I said, “You’re an amazing lover Blaine, and certifiably, no longer a virgin.”

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