
Oxygen Games Ch. 07


[Recap: While trying to get his wife pregnant, Aidan has come up with a game to spice up their love life. It appears to be harmless enough, so Rosa reluctantly agrees. This round is orgasm denial and Rosa has the upper hand, planning on teasing Aidan all weekend. But is her luck about to run out?]


Aidan is in the storeroom rearranging the exercise weights when Jaden finds him.

“Your two o’clock is here,” Jaden calls from the doorway.

Aidan grunts and slides a storage box back into place. Jaden doesn’t wait around and is gone by the time Aidan turns around. He’s the new kid and knows when the boss is cranky.

Aidan straightens out his shirt and heads out to the reception desk. The last thing he wants to do today is a one-on-one. He can feel how edgy he is. He’s been surprised by just how much the cock cage has impacted his mood. He can feel the weight of it hanging off him, and in the back of his mind there’s something that he’s only just started to figure out. Most cages were plastic, but Rosa had paid the extra and gotten this one; she wanted something more substantial. Was it over-engineering, could it have been a back-handed compliment from his wife that she thought he would need steel to keep his manhood in check? Or was this part of some larger plan she was cooking up? Was she dreaming up some way of repeating this exercise in future weeks, locking him up again until his balls were blue and overflowing, so she could milk him like a fucking bull with that tight little pussy of hers at the goddamn correct point in her cycle?

Standing by the reception is a petite woman in her late thirties. She has mid-length hair, dyed blonde and styled expensively. Her name is Cassidy Hayes and she has the money to upgrade herself from the yoga class twice a week for a personal training session. Her husband is some big shot, Aidan seems to recall, and she’s got two kids. She wants her old body back, the one she had when she first met her man, before she gave birth twice. She’s no different to twenty other women that come into the gym in that regard. Aidan forces a smile.

“Mrs Hayes,” he says, “Ready to go?”

She’s got dark brown eyes, like his wife, and about the same height. He suspects that if she ever grew her hair out, it would be brunette. Her expensive exercise-wear shows off a good body and he looks her up and down. He knows she likes this.

“Keeping it up, I see,” he says.

She smiles and does a little pose for him; they have a good rapport. She has a yoga mat slung under one arm and a little backpack over her other shoulder to hold her towel, a water bottle and a change of clothes.

“Feeling good,” she replies, “Though I’ve got to be done by three to get the kids from school.”

Aidan nods and says, “Rapid burn it is. You ready for some cardio?”

Aidan leads her towards the running machines, but she pulls close to him.

“Actually, I have something else in mind, and I want a straight answer.”

They stop in the middle of the floor and he waits for her to elaborate.

“What do you think about my muscle tone?”

“It’s excellent, Mrs. Hayes, like I said you’re keeping it pretty tight.”

She wrinkles her nose and suddenly Aidan remembers. “Uh, sorry. What do you mean, Cass?”

She had previously asked him to not call her Mrs. Hayes, so he’d settled on Cass since her full first name seemed still too formal. She wants to be informal, and with his brooding he’d forgotten. He realises he needs to focus.

“I was thinking,” she continues, “Well, more like I was reading about these women that go in for body building.”

He can see she’s nervous. She’s beginning to feel foolish.

“You mean the hard body look?”

“Yeah. I mean, no. Not full hard body, but I… uh.”

As she falters, Aidan steps in. “You mean not full sculpted, a little softer?”

She nods. “Maybe I need to pick something more realistic though.”

Aidan can see she’s confessing something to him. There’s a reason she’s asking.

“Tell me something Cass. Do you want to look good in the mirror?”


Aidan smiles. “Well, you already do. You know you look hot, right?”

She’s a full head shorter than he is. He knows her well enough to know she usually enjoys the flirty banter, the fun of having a connection, but this time as he looks down at her, he can see her expression is pensive. She’s opened up to him, vulnerable, and for some reason it calls to something deep within him.

Immediately, he is aware of the cage and his mood starts to darken. He fights it; he likes Cass and if she’s getting something off her chest she deserves his full attention.

“Look, the first step is assessing where you’re at now. Let’s get you in front of the mirrors and take a look.”

“I’m probably over-dressed, though, right? Let me just go change real quick.”

Before he can respond, she’s heading to the change rooms. He can see the nervous energy in her walk. Aidan goes over to the weight rack Ankara Ucuz Rus Escort and begins to pick out a set of dumbbells to train with, trying to distract himself from his own issues, willing himself into a better frame of mind. Cass is one of the good ones, he reminds himself. He always gets along great with her. They can banter; in their sessions he can just relax and enjoy it.

“I’m back.”

Aidan turns to see Cass standing behind him in a set of skin-tight shorts and a sports bra. Her body is no match for Rosa’s but she’s trim, with mid-sized breasts pushed up by the sports bra into a little valley of cleavage. The sight of her body so close to his is absolutely not what he needs right now.

Aidan manages to find his voice. “Okay. Good. Uh, how about we start with biceps? Let’s get the blood pumping.”

Instantly, he is reminded of his trapped cock, and regrets his choice of words. Cass takes the dumbbells and begins a set of curls facing her reflection in the mirror. Aidan stands behind, his hands on her upper arms. He can feel her muscles moving under the skin; he can also feel the pressure beginning to build between his legs. It was a self-reinforcing cycle: once he was conscious of his trapped erection it begins to swell, which makes him more conscious of it. He glances down at himself briefly in the mirror and can see the unnatural bulge in his shorts. Then Cass glances down too. It looks so obvious: surely she can see it as well?

They move on to the weight bench and Cass lies down. Aidan stands over her head, spotting the weight bar as she begins a set of repetitions. He’s watching her pectorals flexing, but realises to his embarrassment that it looks like he’s just staring at her breasts.

“Good muscle tone in the upper chest,” he comments, “Let’s see you do another ten.”

Too late, he realises that his crotch is on full display above her upturned face. From below, the bulge of the cage must be obvious. The only mercy is that he’s now fully compressed, his raging erection stifled by the steel bars rather than making a tent pole in his shorts. He needs to move along.

“Okay, let’s move on to lower body, maybe do some leg presses and check out those quads.”

When Cass is sitting on the leg press, pumping the foot panel back and forth, she turns to Aidan.

“Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

Aidan’s eyes are on her thigh muscles, but her replies, “Sure.”

“Is it very uncomfortable?”

Startled, Aidan blinks and shifts his gaze up to Cass’s face.

“Uh, is what uncomfortable?”

Cass nods at his crotch, still pushing the weights and puffing out quick breaths.

“What you’re wearing down there.”

His mouth opens but no words come out. A wave of humiliation sweeps over him.

“It’s okay,” Cass continues, “I’ve seen them before.”

“You have?” Aidan stammers. His mind is racing.

“When did you start with the cage?”

Aidan looks into her soft brown eyes, but only sees compassion. She’s being matter-of-fact about his cage in the same way that he’s been discussing her body throughout the session.

“I’m a relationship therapist,” she confesses, “I’ve come across a wide range of behaviours.”

Cass stops pumping the weights and belated Aidan realises she’s done her set and is waiting for his instructions. Aidan recovers his presence of mind, leading her towards the next station.

They spend the last half hour in relative silence as Aidan assesses her body and begins to work up a strength training plan. The hour finishes and Aidan is standing in front of the women’s changing rooms talking her through it. Before he can close, she puts a hand on his arm.

“Aidan,” she begins, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. It’s just that it looks like it’s bothering you. I wanted to maybe help. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

Cass holds eye contact and he can see she’s got more to say, but he needs to head her off. He switches tack.

“And what about you?” he asks, “Body sculpting is a long, hard road. To get that kind of definition takes a lot of work. Why do you want to do it?”

Cass lifts her chin and he sees defiance in her eyes.

“My husband’s cheating on me.”

She lets the silence lengthen.

“It’s stupid and irrational, but I’ve seen the girl he’s fucking. I want to have a hotter body than she does.”

“That’s a little messed up.”

“Don’t I know it. I’m not practicing what I preach, that’s for sure.”

Cass gives him a lopsided smile, but he can see the hurt behind it.

“I’m sorry he’s cheating on you. He’s a fool.”

Cass doesn’t reply, but her smile fades away. Aidan gets the merest glimpse of what it must be like to build your life around a person and then see them choose someone else. He puts his hands on her delicate shoulders.

“I tell you what Cass, I’m gonna help you get that body. You’re going to look smoking Yenimahalle Rus Escort hot. We’re going to make him reassess his life choices.”

She smiles and Aidan feels his mood lift. “Sounds like a plan,” she says.

“See you on Wednesday.”

“Yeah, uh,” she replies, hesitating, “Thank you, Aidan. It means the world to me, it really does.”

She straightens, tucking her hair behind her ear, and he watches her vulnerability evaporate. In a few moments she’s her smart, sassy self again.

“And in return,” says Cass, cocking her head to one side, “You know you can talk if you need to. Whatever’s going on, sometimes just having someone to listen can make the world of difference.”

With that, she turns and heads into the changing rooms. Aidan watches her go, his eyes following the way she moves, the way her bottom wiggles in the tight exercise shorts, confident and in control once again. Despite himself, he begins to imagine her body toned up after a sculpting programme. She could give Rosa a run for her money, Aidan concedes, but then the cock cage impinges on his awareness again.

After dinner, they retire to the couch. Rosa can see that Aidan is withdrawn; they hardly spoke during the meal. He sits down next to her, a glass of water in his hand. That’s all they drink these days, with alcohol off the menu, but tonight she could really do with a drink. It would be great for just one night to let it rip and have fun, to drink too much, to maybe do some other stuff, and to come back and dive under the covers and breed like rabbits. The guilt sets in.

Aidan complained about the lifestyle changes in the beginning, but has now come to accept them as part of the deal. As she sits next to him, her mind drifts to the cock cage. She’s forcing him to accept all sorts of things in the name of fertility. Then the thoughts swirl in her head again, the understanding that everything he’s sacrificing for her, like the drinking, the going out and now the caging of his manhood, isn’t going to fix the problem: the tests showed that he’s fine. It’s her body that’s defective. A little dark part of her knows that she’s playing these games because she’s having to pay the price, that she resents the way Aidan gets away without consequences. It’s excruciatingly unfair, and there’s nothing she can do to change it. Rosa has always prided herself on the way she’s tackled life head-on. Whenever she comes up against an obstacle, she always just pushes through to the other side but this fight is different: now, she’s fighting against the fundamental limits of her own biology, and her body isn’t playing fair.

Aidan is flicking through the shows, distractedly.

“For a Saturday night, you think they’d have something on worth watching.”

“We could see what’s good to stream?” Rosa suggests.

“We’ve seen everything.”

She can see how irritated he is. She’s beginning to regret the stupid bet; they could just go straight to bed and she could make him feel a lot better. Then it hits her again, the need to save it all up, keep to the schedule. It would feel so good to have him inside her tonight, to feel that connection, but it’s an itch she can’t scratch. She realises that Aidan is not the only one wrestling with cages.

“How about something else?” she says.

“Such as?”


“Oh, wow. As in we sit here and uh… watch porn?”

Rosa regrets her suggestion instantly and begins to back-peddle. “Yeah, maybe not.”

“What kind of porn?”

“I dunno. It was just an idea.”

Aidan hits mute on the remote and in the silence, she can see he’s mulling it over.

“This isn’t you torturing me again, is it?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Getting me rock hard and not letting me out. Are you doing this to make me suffer?”

Rosa shrugs.

“Rosa, you don’t watch porn.”

“Do you?”

Now Aidan is the one looking uncomfortable. Rosa tries to smooth things over.

“I have to confess, maybe a bit,” she says, “Like you.”

Aidan frowns, then throws his hands up.

“Okay,” he says, “Let me see. Do you want to watch on the laptop or on TV?”

“Uh, TV, if you can.”


Rosa is amazed at how easily her husband has taken the suggestion, as if it wasn’t out of place in their usual routine. She frowns to herself; it’s fair to say that nothing would be out of place in their usually routine, lately. Aidan gets up and starts fiddling with the TV and eventually manages to bring up a porn site on the big screen.

“So, Rosa, what do you want to watch?”

They spend the next hour surfing videos together. Part of her feels weird about sitting on the couch with Aidan watching men and women fucking in front of them. She’s watched porn before, but always in secret and certainly never with her husband. At the beginning she keeps sneaking sideways glances at his face, watching his reactions, seeing how enthralled his is, but after a while she finds herself similarly hooked on the scenes playing out in front of them.

They start out with vanilla man-and-woman but this soon turns into scenes of pretty blondes on their knees taking huge partners into the mouths and down their throats. The men seem to last forever, rearranging their partners on the bed, changing positions and then ramming themselves into the eager orifices presented to them. Often, they finish on the girl’s face or breasts and Rosa feels a twinge of disgust as the girl licks up the milky reside from her fingers. Her hand has strayed into Aidan’s lap and she can feel the cage under his clothing, held rigidly in place by his constrained erection. The action on screen is making him hard.

Rosa shifts in her seat and feels moisture between her own legs, but it’s not so much the actions of the people on screen as it is imagining herself in some of those situations, with Aidan’s rigid cock in her hand to play with. Going down on her knees submissively to give him head is that last thing she would ever do, but she’s beginning to see why it appeals to Aidan, why he’s so hard under her hand. The idea of just being a plaything, of giving in and permitting herself to be used for his pleasure, twists her guts in an unexpected way. She’s caught part way between revulsion and arousal at the thought of it.

“Do you want me like that?”

Aidan’s attention shifts to her. “Why, is this giving you ideas?” he replies.

“Maybe it could. Or maybe I’m just horny now.”

Aidan pulls her into his lap and slides a hand into her underwear. She feels his fingers exploring her slit and she knows that he’s discovered her moisture. She feels a finger begin to trace around her pussy lips in slow circles.

“Well then, I think we need to keep watching,” Aidan murmurs into her ear, “Tell me if you like something you see.”

Rosa doesn’t resist as he continues to masturbate her slowly, all the white flicking through the videos on the screen. Under his navigation, they begin to venture further into the more obscure content. She watches a woman being spanked, then two women fucking each other with strap-ons, their bodies sealed into shiny black latex bodysuits. They watch an older man in jeans and a black t-shirt carefully wrap a young girl in bright red rope until she is completely immobile and suspended in mid-air, writhing helplessly with sexual frustration and moaning into a ball gag. Rosa watches him pull the gag out of her mouth and replace it with his own rigid cock, forcing her to swallow when he ejaculates down her throat.

All the while, Aidan’s unhurried fingers are working away between her legs. She can feel her juices leaking onto his hand, saturating her underwear. He’s choosing the videos now, showing her scene after scene of women being brought to the point of ecstasy while his fingers circle her clit and dip into her entrance.

“Let me drive,” Rosa murmurs.

Rosa begins to choose, unencumbered now by feelings of awkwardness or remorse as her own arousal begins to build. Aidan is working away steadily inside her now, happy to let her choose her own path. She watches a woman being spit-roasted by two large men, gagging on one cock even as the other slams hard into her pussy. She watches them pick her up like a ragdoll, sitting her in one lap with a cock buried deep in her pussy while the other man enters her rear. Rosa has never seen anyone double-penetrated before and, unbidden, she begins to imagine what the woman is feeling, how it would be to have two cocks plunging into her at once. All the while, her husband’s tireless fingers work on her clit to bring her closer to her release.

Rosa clicks through to another video, feeling Aidan bringing her to the edge, waiting for the right moment to tip her over. He’s playing with her now, she realises, making her desperate to climax. The video shows a woman strapped to a board, powerless to move as her lover begins to pound himself into her. She clicks to the next: two women making love to a blindfolded man. Rosa begins to groan.

The next video starts with promos for other shows and in frustration she jumps forward into the middle of it. She sees a close up of a woman’s body spread wide on a bed, a man leaning over her with his cock poised at her pussy lips. Behind, she can see another man, kneeling on the carpet, hands on top of his head. Rosa feels herself begin to reach her peak. The camera angle shifts to show the kneeling man full-frontal, his cock straining against a cage, and she is suddenly conscious of how her own fingers are resting on her husband’s rigid steel cage. Rosa can see the wedding ring on the kneeling man’s hand and she realises that the woman is filming the scene herself, her left hand reaching into frame to steer the monster cock of the man who isn’t her husband into her, the wedding ring flashing on her finger.

The camera work is shaky and it hits her with a jolt that the woman is filming herself being fucked by a stranger while she’s forced her husband to kneel on the carpet, caged and impotent. She can see the lust and humiliation on his face as his wife makes him watch a stranger’s cock give her pleasure even as she’s denying him any access to touch his own. The cruelty of it, the unfairness twists something inside and Rosa’s orgasm hits hard, sending her over the edge into ecstasy.

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