
Packaging Julie


This is my second attempt at erotica writing. It is a challenge to match the quality of many of the submissions posted. Please email me with comments and thoughts. Enjoy!


Let me tell you about Julie. Julie is 29 and is single and unattached. I am not really sure why she has no significant other. I am positive she is not gay, doesn’t have a secret life and desperately wants to hook up with someone that can appreciate her attributes. Julie is a hard worker and does a credible job at most everything she takes on. She has a dynamite figure with big breasts and a derriere that begs attention. As far as I can see, Julie’s only problem is that she is attracted to bad boys. Every relationship she had been in has turned bad with some guy either knocking her around or walking out leaving her holding the bag.

I have tried many times to counsel Julie, telling her that she needs to hang out in establishments classier than Mike’s Dugout, the local watering hole. “Go to the Four Seasons or the Boston Harbor Hotel for drinks. Who knows what can happen”, I stated.

Maybe Julie’s real problem is that she lacks self-confidence and thinks that she is worthy only of the bad boys at Mike’s Dugout. I finally decided that enough is enough and I was going to manage her social activities for the next week or so. Would I like to fuck her? You bet! The only problem is that she is my wife’s daughter from a first marriage and as much as she turns me on, I still would never make a move on her. She cock teases often and tells me of her sexual escapades. Many a night I have left Julie’s apartment and headed straight to my office to jack off. I have seen her naked once coming out of the shower and once taking a midnight swim in our pool. Again, no matter how excited she makes me, I could never act on the desire within me.

I told Julie that we would be going out Tuesday evening and she should be ready by 6:00 p.m. “Why so early? Things don’t usually start happening until 10 or 11”.

“This time, we are going to make things happen, so take a nice soothing bath and put on your sexiest lingerie and dress. We are going to do the town and you are going to meet Mr. Right”, I told her.

I picked her up right at 6pm. As she opened the door of her modest apartment, I was immediately taken back by her appearance. She looked marvelous in her short black mini, white sheer blouse, black stilettos and a gold pendant around her neck with matching earrings. Her bra was also somewhat sheer and upon close inspection, one could barely make out the circle of her dark nipples. The fragrance of Channel was subdued but unmistakable. I gave her a big kiss and complemented her on how great she looked. She had a smile from ear to ear. She looked good and she knew it. We jumped into the car and headed for the lounge at the Four Seasons.

The Four Seasons Hotel has a lounge that is a hot spot for upwardly mobile executives. They come in to be seen and to check out the action. There are always a number of very sexy unattached women seated at the bar. I assured her that if we met anyone interesting she should give me a sign and I will fade into the sunset, leaving them to their own devices. As we pulled up outside the hotel, the doorman went straight to the passenger side to assist Julie out of the car. As she swung her leg out, I have no doubt the doorman was treated to a sight he will long remember. I left the keys with the valet and we walked arm in arm into the foyer of the hotel.

“People are staring at us”, she quietly whispered in my ear. “No my darling, they are staring at you. You look absolutely stunning. Look at the drool running off that Bellman’s chin”, I joked to her. We approached the bar where the stools were quickly becoming occupied with I guessed mostly business men, lawyers and probably a few doctors, given the close proximity of the hotel to the Mass General Hospital, just up the street. The men either sat at the bar or stood beside their colleagues and talked about their conquests of the day. The room got very quiet as we took a seat at the bar, near the oak-paneled wall beside a humidor of fine Dominican cigars. Julie slowly crossed her legs and let then dangle in the direction of the guys that were showing interest. Her calves looked wonderful in the sheer hose that she had chosen to wear. As she sat her mini slightly rode up her smooth creamy thighs exposing just a glimpse of her black garter snaps holding up her hosiery.

Guys escort bayan were wispering to their associates and looking our way. I am sure they were trying to figure us out. Was this a guy with his mistress or perhaps a boss and his secretary? Surely he was too old to be of interest romantically to her. They were obviously interested. I ordered a Vodka Martini and Julie asked for a glass of Moet. As we began to survey the room, looking for possible victims, er I mean candidates, the barman brought us our drinks and informed us that they were compliments of the gentlemen four stools away from us, around the corner of the L shaped bar. The barman also informed us that he had taken the liberty of substituting the Moet that was ordered for a glass of Dom, which is what the gentlemen had instructed him to do. We graciously accepted and raised our glasses in his direction.

He was a distinguished looking gentleman, I would say in his late 30’s. He had on a very expensive tailored suit, Allen Edmunds brogues and a gold watch that appeared to be a Rolex Datejust. He stood about 6’ tall and had an ever so slight gray streak to his jet-black hair. He looked like he could have been a stockbroker or maybe a financial guru. One thing for sure, he acted like he enjoyed the finer things in life and his attention was now focused on Julie. He was trying to make eye contact with Julie and she would look his way, smile and modestly look down at the bar. Before I knew it he was off his stool and was headed our direction. “Hi, my name is Brian, I have never seen you two here before”, he said as he outstretched his hand in my direction. He shook my hand with a solid grip and then reached for Julie’s hand and ever so softly kissed her hand. There is no doubt this guy was turning on the charm for all it was worth. I explained to him that we were in fact locals and that I had taken Julie here for a drink to help celebrate a recent promotion.

As soon as Brian understood that we were not an item, he moved in closer and pulled up the stool next to Julie. They sat facing each other as his eyes feasted on her body. Her hand behind her back clearly gestured for me to take a hike and I took this as my cue to excuse myself and bid farewell. I kissed her neck and whispered to her that I expected all the juicy details in the morning. I shook Brian’s hand and again thanked him for the drink and I left the room.

Part Two

I had a very restless sleep that night. I didn’t share the events of the evening with Pam, my wife. She would never understand and would in fact be suspicious of my motives. I thought my motives were honorable. After all, she needed to meet a charming prince and I was marketing major with a lifetime of packaging and advertising experience. Given the natural beauty and God given talent I had to work with, this would be a chip shot. In any case, my anxiety caused me to not get much sleep.

I awoke early the next morning and decided to stop at Julie’s apartment, before going to work. I was anxious to get the scoop on how the night had gone. I knocked on the door of the apartment but there was no answer. That could either mean that she spent the night with him or that she had a terrific evening and had been out very late. I guessed, incorrectly I might add, that she had spent the night with Brian. I put my spare key in the door and entered the apartment.

Everything seemed as we had left it the night before. As I approached her bedroom, I looked in and I could see her sleeping naked on the bed. I looked towards the other side of the bed to see if she was alone. She was in fact alone and as I inched closer to the bed, I could see the most satisfied look on her face. She was sound asleep but you could not mistake the look of triumph. My eyes focused lower down the length of her body and I could not repress the excitement I felt looking at her full, beautiful, naked breasts and her ever so small patch of tuff covering her V. Her legs were slightly apart and I could clearly see beyond the tuff to her slit. I moved closer and could now see her beautiful labia. I resisted the temptation to pull out my cock and wack it right there and then. Suddenly she started to stir so I quietly backed off and left the room. I went to the front door, waited for my erection to subside and then opened the door and shut it loudly calling “Julie, are you home”?

“Just a minute” she called back as she raced to put on her robe and she met tuzla genç escort me in the entrance of her apartment. “How did it go last night?”, I asked. “It was wonderful”, she beamed back. Brian is a great guy. We shared a bottle of Dom and then went to Morton’s for a choice steak and then capped the night off back at the Four Seasons. She told me they talked for hours about his law firm and the type of work they do. Mostly though, he wanted to know about me, she said. He was romantic and sexy and I know he was definitely interested. She told me she had made a decision not to be romantic with him until the time was right. He respected the boundaries she had set and asked to see her again, this Saturday. He was going to take her to dinner and then to a Neil Diamond concert at the Fleet Center. His firm had a corporate box for most major events at the Center. She agreed to go out with him and with that he kissed her softly and called her a cab. He had offered to drive her home but she declined.

That’s it? That’s all? He didn’t make a move on you all night. I thought Prince Charming would have had her in his bed before the night was through. I was disappointed in the fact there were no more juicy details. Then Julie dropped a bomb. It took me with such surprise, that I was dumbfounded with how to respond. I need your help if this thing with Brian is going to go anywhere. Will you teach me what I need to know to please a man? Most of the guys I have gone out with are only thinking of themselves. I have only had one orgasm in my entire life, she confided. It will be our secret and nobody need to know anything”, she added.

I swallowed hard and thought about this tempting offer before me. The head on my shoulders was saying no way but the head in my trousers was saying, “she needs us”. Please! Putting her arms around my shoulders, her robe opened slightly and stepping into me, her gorgeous tits were now clearly visible and only inches from my face. OK, OK, OK, I relented. Here are the rules, Julie. No one must ever know and it can never happen again, do you understand? She agreed without reservation. I kissed her and promised to come over at 6 PM that evening.

My stomach was in knots all day thinking about what I was about to do. The desire to be intimate with Julie had taken over my mind and I could not fight it. I did not have any will to do so. As 5 PM approached I hurried about the house, packing guns, ammunition and equipment for my fictional pistol match at the club. My wife would not expect me home until 10 PM or so. I jumped into the car and sped onto the interstate heading for Julie’s.

How do you tutor someone in making out? I stopped at the local adult video store and picked up a couple of soft porn flicks. I also picked up a couple of big fleshy dildos, almost as an afterthought. I figured the movies might help to break the ice and they may even be useful in showing her how to suck a cock. I certainly had no experience sucking cocks and although I know what I like, I thought that if she saw others participating in oral and anal sex, she would not think of me as a pervert. The dildos I reasoned were in case she was more than I could handle and I needed help. I turned onto her street just a few minutes before 6 PM and the butterflies were raging in the pit of my stomach. I took a deep breath; looked up and down the street rang the bell and slowly entered the apartment.

Julie was standing in the hall, near her bedroom door wearing a slinky black see through number. Hope you like it; I bought it special for our session. It was a sheer, low cut up top that left nothing to the imagination and the hem came down to about 6” above the knee. I could see her amble breasts and nipples protruding against the fabric. She had on her high heels that she wore the evening before and her hair was perfect. She looked wonderful. I walked close to her and embraced her in my arms. Asking her is she was sure she wanted to go through with this, she assured me that she did. I did not have the will or desire to ask her twice. I gently kissed her with passion while my hands explored her figure. I grasped her buttocks and drew her closer, so close that she could feel my desire pressing against her leg. I was on fire as I felt the warmth of her body against mine. I stepped back and asked her to undress me. I kicked off my shoes and she slowly undid my belt, clasp and zipper. My cock was sticking out like a tent pole and she smiled tuzla kendi evi olan escort as she removed my under shorts. I pulled my V neck sweater over my head and threw it on the floor. Picking up my bag of tricks, we headed into the bedroom.

I put the first tape in the VCR and turned the sound down low. Then I walked over to the bed and kissed her tenderly. My hands cupped her breasts and I raised a nipple to my lips. It responded immediately by growing to the size of a thumbnail. I turned my attention to her other breast and then slowly lowered her onto the bed. I fell to my knees and gently kissed her body starting with her lips and with determination, moved south to nibble on her tits, belly and finally to the lips of her wide open vagina. My tongue gently flicked her clit and brushed along her entire slit from her tuff of red hair to her anal orifice. She smelled sweet and tasted even better. “Oh, that feels so good”, she purred! “I am going to squirt”!, Oh, Oh, ah……A hot stream of liquid substance filled my mouth that was glued to her pulsing snatch. Climbing up on the bed beside her, she turned ever so slightly and told me how wonderful that was and that no one that really enjoys eating pussy had ever done her before. She kissed my chest and took my waiting cock in her hand. As she slinked down the bed, I opened my legs so that she would have complete access.

I could see a woman on the TV sucking a man’s cock and it was incredible to watch the scene on the screen right at the same time as Julie was doing me. She, er Julie, licked a bead of pre-cum that had formed on the tip of my cock and tasted it. “It tastes so sweet”, she declared. “I need more”. She turned her head and her mouth slowly devoured first the large purple knob, then 4 inches, 6 inches and then the whole thing just disappeared from view. She had her mouth full of cock and yet her tongue managed to swirl around and tickle the shaft of my cock. She started to bob up and down on me and I simply laid back and enjoyed the shows. I could feel pressure starting to build in my loins and I knew I would not last very much longer. I warned her I was going to come and she removed my cock from her mouth and told me that when she lived at home, she often heard her mother and I making love in our bedroom. She had spent many a night frigging herself and dreaming about taking my load. She was not going to miss the chance to make her dream come true. With that she stepped up the pace and the first rush of thick, white cream shot into the back of her throat. My cock continued to pulse and several more offerings were presented which she graciously gobbled up. This girl’s technique was incredible. She continued to gently suck me as my erection subsided and when she was finished sucking my cock it lay to one side, completely spent, at least for the time being. It was clear to me that Julie did not need any lessons in how to suck cock. She had mastered the art and sucked like she had been doing it all her life. We both laid on the bed our bodies entwined as one, and we cherished to moment. I could not believe how radiant she looked lying naked beside me.

After a brief interlude, I took a breast in my hand and slowly tweaked her nipple. I loved how it responded begging for my lips to continue what my fingers had started. Julie’s hands were softly brushing my chest and inner thighs and from time to time would brush against my flaccid cock. It stirred to life a little with each brush of her hand until to my surprise, It was again erect and reporting for duty. Without a spoken word, Julie got up from beside me and straddled by loins, slowly burying my cock in her beautiful pussy. Her cunt muscles gripped my knob and pulled me deep into her being. Julie rode my cock cowgirl style with a look on her face of total contentment. I could see the lips of her erect pink labia around my cock. I was wonderful seeing it appear and disappear only to re-appear once more. Julie had fantastic muscle control as I could feel the walls of her snatch pulsing against my raging hardon. The crescendo peaked once more and on a down stroke, I completely filled her pussy with my seed. My thoughts immediately turned to some type of malaise as I realized as good as this was, it could never happen again. People say a stiff dick has no conscience and men who cheat are sorry the instant they cum. No truer words were ever spoken.

We embraced as we showered together and felt the warmth of the hot water beating down on our bodies. My hand gently took Julie’s chin and raised her head to meet my lips as we shared our last sweethearts kiss. We both knew we would share this secret memory for the rest of our lives. Did it end? You will have to wait for more stories to find out.

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