
Paradise Loft Ch. 12


Note: The last chapter was a little rushed / incomplete because I wanted to have a little “Halloween candy” for the readers posted by the 31st. This one is the rest of their night, also short and hopefully, sweet.

* * * * *

Michael is passed out for no more than two or three minutes, by Jenni’s estimate. His eyes snap open and he’s instantly upright and on high alert.

“Oh no, are you all right?” he asks.

“All is well,” Jenni says in her maternal tone. “You had quite a shock, then you sort of fainted. Just for a couple minutes.”

Jenni mentally decides she doesn’t need to tell the others that her babysitter had been unconscious and she was watching over him.

Michael facepalms. “I bet you wonder how I survived… not exactly a tough soldier thing to do.”

“I think this is totally different. Do you remember what happened?”

“Yeah. I hope I will forever and it’s not like a dream you’re sure you won’t forget, then it’s gone.”

“Was it terrifying?” she asks.

“More like awesome, in the old sense of the word. I remember I puked. Sorry about that.”

“That’s why I thought maybe it was fear, but then you said she’s beautiful, so I was confused. I guess it’s not possible to understand unless it happens to you,” she says.

“You know, it was more like being exposed to an infrasonic weapon. She gives off a frequency that’s probably unhealthy for mere mortals. I don’t think she meant to hurt me… even though she was annoyed with us,” he chuckles.

“Maybe Freddy will know how to make it up to her. We should stay on her good side.”

Lucien is awake. Jenni picks him up.

“He needs to be changed. I’ll be right back, okay?”

“Sure. I’ll take out the trash,” he says. “Mussel shells and puke is not the best aroma for Freddy to come home to.”

“Thanks. You don’t have to answer the door if any more treaters show up. It’s okay if you’re not up to it.”

“I just had a conversation with a deity. I think I can handle a few kids.”

Jenni carries Lu to the bathroom upstairs. ‘A conversation with a deity,’ she ponders. He was outside quite a while and unless the experience also distorted his sense of time, there is more to his story than he’s been able to express.

The boys come home. Freddy must have stepped on it, which is against his cautious nature. They find Jenni in the living room with Michael, who is clear-eyed and calmly holding Lucien. The silent baby seems to have a sedating effect on everyone.

“Hi, guys,” says their chagrined babysitter.

Mark sits beside him and kisses his son. Lu pulls his hair as a greeting. “Are ya all right?” he asks, only concerned, not upset.

“I was in shock or something for a few minutes, but she took care of me. The physical effects have worn off. I guess I’m not built for supernatural experiences.”

“I’ll let Evie know. She wanted to come see ya, but we couldn’t find Jasper and she said just to go, rather than wait. The place was really packed.”

“Sounds pretty crazy,” Michael says knowingly.

“Less than your night, man,” Mark says. He gives his shoulder a squeeze, then goes to the kitchen, gets a glass of water, and calls Evie to let her know not to worry.

“I’ve never seen her,” Freddy tells him, “but I believe in her. And I believe you.”


“So tell me everything! Does she really look like my sister-in-law? What did she do? What does she sound like?”

“Freddy,” Jenni says, still in her motherly voice, “ease up, a little. I know you’re excited, but let him be.”

“Sorry. You’re right. I’ll calm down.”

“That’s okay,” Michael says in something close to his usual cheerful tone. “There was a strong physical reaction that knocked me on my ass, but I feel fine now, really. She’s not scary… just very powerful and taller than you are. There’s no chance I was talking to a human in a costume or anything like that, either.”

“What did she say?”

“She was put out that we ate dinner without offering her some first. I handed her the plate and she ate with her hands and talked to me at the same time, so her voice wasn’t really coming from a physical body. I think the sound went right to my brain, probably why I got sick. She prefers your food to mine, too. Something about too much garlic.”

Freddy smirks. “She sounds like my ex.”

“Everybody’s ex,” Michael laughs.

“And that’s it?”

Michael rubs his forehead as if he might be in danger of losing the memory. “She knew things about me, places I’ve been. She knows I’ve killed people but said I’m a healer and that she’ll heal me, too, if I serve her. I think I agreed to that. I mean, what else could I say? ‘No, thanks, I’ll pass?’ Can you say no to a goddess?”

“I don’t think so, no,” Freddy says. “Probably unwise.”

“I think she wants to speak to you. Well, she asked to speak to the hierophant. That must be you, right? I said you weren’t at home. She seemed not to like that. That’s when she said something about it not being a ‘home.’ I got the impression she sees you as her faithful servant. izmir escort Oh, and something about water? A pool? She wants that, whatever that means.”

Freddy’s jaw drops. “I’ve been thinking of building a small water feature in the backyard. I thought it was my idea. Oh.”

“Guess you better get on that, Freddy,” Jenni says.

Freddy rises to go outside and face her, that is, of course, if she’ll finally appear to him, too.

“I knew it,” Jenni says, almost annoyed.

“What is that?” Michael asks, playing with Lu’s fingers.

“That we were turning into a damn cult. I just didn’t know it was a mystery cult. Oh well, stranger things have happened.”

“Um, in this case, not really. Not sure you can say that about this.”

Mark returns and sits at Jenni’s feet. “Evie’s relieved. I think she thought it was somethin’ else.”

“She knows I have PTSD. She must have thought it was that. Honestly, if I hallucinated things, I never would have agreed to stay with them.”

“She wouldn’t have suggested it,” Mark says. “Hell, Freddy’s the only here without a diagnosis.” He raises his hand, “Hi, I’m Mark and I have depressive psychosis.”

“Hi, Mark,” they reply together.

“I think Freddy might have some problems of his own,” Jenni says.

“What problems? Somethin’ I missed?” Mark turns to look up at her. She pets his hair.

“It seems Freddy’s the high priest of a temple… without knowing it.”

“Sounds like 99 problems. Is there such a thing as having too full a life?” he muses.

They hear the kitchen door open and Freddy’s heavy footsteps cross the floor to the sink. The water runs a long time, then he emerges, drying his face and hair with a kitchen towel.

“You were right. It does make you sick. And you were right that this place is hers and so am I. But I’m not the hierophant. She meant Mark. Sir, you had better go see her.”

Mark looks at his husband with tender bewilderment. It just wasn’t fair. A lifetime of devotion to paganism, serving her, tending her garden, offering gifts of food, poetry, jewelry, and sometimes even blood, and now she wants someone else. She chose someone who knows nothing about her or how to worship anything. It wasn’t right.

“Are you sure?” he asks softly.

Freddy nods. “Her meaning was very clear. I prayed for you and was given you, but you were never just mine. We of all people should understand how that works. Sorry, little one, but I think you do have to share him with another female.”

“It would be unwise to say no,” she sighs. It was hard to feel jealous of an actual goddess. “At least she’s not human.”

“She most definitely is not. It’s your turn, Sir.”

Mark goes to him. “What do you want me to do, sweet boy?”

It’s clear to everyone that Mark would stand up to even a deity rather than cause him any pain. It’s probably why she wants him. His lachrymose boy is choked up at his fearless devotion to his family.

“I w-want you to do what’s right, Master. It doesn’t hurt me. I f-finally got to meet her, so I’m happy.”

“Those are happy tears?” Mark asks.

“Yes. I don’t mind that I’m the submissive and you’re in charge, even in her eyes.”

Mark puts his arms around his boy’s neck and stands on tiptoe to kiss his lips. Freddy sinks lower in his knees and embraces him, caressing his back and cupping his ass. It’s that kind of a kiss. Mark’s sigh is sweet and feminine. They sway a little and hum as their mouths dance together. The others can feel Mark’s painful effort when he pulls away.

“Best not keep the Lady waiting,” he says.

Freddy somberly agrees. He hates the thought of anything that could hurt his husband, but they don’t really have a choice. Mark walks out the back to meet his destiny.

“It’s like he’s going off to war,” Michael muses.

“I don’t think she’d hurt him,” Freddy replies, not reassuring even to himself. “I need a Cognac. Will you have one?” he asks Michael.

“I could use it. Thank you!”

Freddy retrieves two elegant glasses.

They make unsuccessful small talk while they wait and wonder what is transpiring outside. Jenni schedules an appointment for her tattoo. She’s leaning toward a unicorn. “The way things are going, I’m going to find out they’re real, too,” she jokes.

Two drinks later, they hear the kitchen door open. It appears the immortal’s frequency doesn’t have the same deleterious effect on Mark. He’s got color in his cheeks and struts through the narrow house like he feels great in his body after an hour of massage. He wears a grin and nothing else.

He’s also got the semi-erection he gets from stimulation that’s not necessarily sexual, like strange weather or creating art in the nude. It’s the one part of him not in exquisite visual harmony with the rest of his body. It’s simply too big not to draw the eye to the center of the composition, but, despite the freaky proportions, he’s beautifully formed. Right now, the foreskin has slipped tight across the round head, the exposed tip of which looks like a morsel of perfectly adana escort medium rare steak. Jenni swallows her spit and her eyes flick to Michael, whose gaze has been captured by the same sight. He shakes it off and returns his attention to the baby pulling yarn from his sweater.

Mark runs a hand through his shoulder-length hair and pauses, looking like he’s striking a pose, but he’s deep in thought about how to start. The others wait patiently.

“Here, gimme Lu,” he rasps softly.

He lays the baby on the couch cushion and removes the onesie, then holds his son tight to his chest in the kind of skin-to-skin contact recommended for a newborn.

“I’m covered in blessin’s at the moment, so this will be good for his development,” he explains.

“What kind of blessings, Sir?” Freddy asks. Jenni wonders why he’s naked but decides that’s an ignorant question. If she were a deity, she’d probably take advantage of him, too.

“It was kind of a spell, I guess. In stages. The first part was to purify me, the next to protect me. The next was to make me stronger and then one to give me clarity to see things as they are. It finished with something about making me a better lover,” he adds with a dirty little laugh. “She said she wants to perfect me.”

His spouses look at each other. Mark seemed a strange choice for a fixer-upper. To them, he’s already perfect, even though Jenni knows that’s just their opinion. Perhaps it made sense to start with someone closer than most humans. She wonders what their demon friend, truly a “millennial,” would think about the possibility of perfection in the human realm given his longer perspective. To her it seems like a fool’s errand, but what does she know compared to a goddess?

Lucien’s plunged his hand into his father’s mouth and Mark nibbles it as the baby tangles his other hand in his hair.

“And what does she want in return for this treatment?” Freddy asks. “Or is that the reward unto itself?”

Mark tosses his head to free himself. He dresses Lu again because it’s too cold for a baby to be undressed. He himself seems impervious to the cold night.

“Ya strengthened her with all your psychic energy, Freddy. All these years of treating her like she’s real have made her real strong. And now she wants more. She appeared to us tonight because we were more likely to be able to see her. She wants there to be no doubt we got a goddess in our midst. We gotta start treating her accordingly.”

Freddy scowls a little. “I thought I’d been treating her well,” he says. Jenni and Michael exchange a guilty look.

“You have. Now ya have a family and she wants all of our attention. We have to worship her… better, I guess.”

“And she told you how exactly we do this?” Freddy asks.

“Well, no. I thought you’d know. You’re the one who knows all this stuff.”

“I wonder if I know anything at all, suddenly, about ‘this stuff.’ It does make sense that a goddess of love and war would be unreasonably demanding.”

“There is one thing we’re supposed to do tonight. She told me to take y’all to bed. Her bed, as she put it. Seems everything here is hers, in her opinion.”

“She’s like a cat,” Jenni jokes.

“And what does ‘y’all’ mean, Sir?”

“You all.”

“I know that! I meant, everyone present?”

“Uh-huh. Seems she claimed Michael, too. Are you bisexual at all?” Mark asks him in the same tone he’d use to ask if he takes cream in his coffee.

“I am, somewhat. At least She doesn’t hate me,” he replies.

Mark continues. “Baby, don’t worry. Remember what we talked about when we got married? Same rules apply.” He turns to Jenni, “Baby girl, you look like you’re in shock. What are ya thinkin’ now?”

Slowly an expression takes shape on her doll-like face. “This was all a little much for her. I sent Jenni to a lovely place I know she’ll like. You don’t mind, do you, Mark?”

“Leitayin. Well, hello, there,” Mark says coolly. “I had a feeling this might be a night for you to pay us a visit. And no, I don’t mind. Jenni’s attraction to Michael does make me a little jealous, actually. I’d just as soon it wasn’t really her fuckin’ him. You can use her body if you’re careful with it.”

“I will be. This is just ducky, isn’t it?” he laughs, clapping Jenni’s hands together.

“Ducky,” Freddy mutters.

* * * * *

Freddy’s bedroom has a large open area at the foot of the bed, which is pushed against the back wall. There is no front wall, but a railing that overlooks the high-ceilinged living room. Between that and a standing privacy screen is Lu’s little sleepover crib. They don’t have the heart to put him in the guest room on his own because he can’t cry to send someone running if he’s scared. Here, his innocent eyes won’t see anything they shouldn’t, though he might hear some odd sounds. For now, it’s the best solution.

Mark lays him in his crib with his stuffed bear. “Goodnight, Lu,” he says. “Goodnight, Lucien,” he whispers to Dr. Z., wherever he may be in the universe.

This would be interesting. This adıyaman escort permutation would put Inanna’s last blessing on him to the test. He’s never been in bed with more than two people. Between him as the new “hierophant,” whatever that means, and a demon he doubts anyone will get left out.

Freddy is his main concern. He’s sensitive and has to be the recipient of most of his affections tonight. He walks over to him and starts to undress him, not asking again. They understand this has to happen. Mark unbuttons his shirt and slides it off, then unbuckles his belt with one hand while rubbing with the other. He smiles up at him; his husband is very hard already, though still frowning a little.

“I’ll make this good for you. You still trust me, right?”

“Of course I do, Sir. Always.” He smiles now, too.

Leitayin does the same for Michael, lifting the hem of what’s left of his sweater to leave him half-naked. As she undoes his trousers, he watches her curiously: This is not the submissive, motherly little girl he’s come to know. His earlier shock has removed any skepticism that this is really a being other than Jenni. It’s not her and whoever it is wants him in a way that is hard to resist.

“I’ve admired you for a while,” it says in an uncanny timbre.

“I don’t think we met that night,” Michael answers, stepping out of his remaining clothes. “That’s a shame.”

“There is no such thing,” Leitayin whispers. He lifts Jenni’s arms and Michael pulls off her shirt, unhooks her bra, and enjoys the sight.

“I’m usually dominant, but you might not like that from a… human guy.”

“It just so happens I do. And something tells me that you might prefer if the tables were turned on me… if we were in my world, I looked like myself, and you embodied one of us.”

The idea makes his cock twitch. “Is that possible?” he asks, excited.

“That would be tricky. Let’s focus on the moment,” Leitayin says while taking him in hand. Michael’s black eyelids close like shades. He gasps at the skillful touch.

The four of them get into bed and adjust for a moment to each other’s naked and sexual presence. “You two boys should begin by worshipping Mark. She’d like that,” Leitayin says. Though he doesn’t mind a Dom taking charge, these people seem to need a little help.

Freddy and Michael obey, going down on Mark together. This part, Freddy doesn’t mind. There’s plenty to share. Mark’s leaking deliciousness.

Leitayin snuggles up to Mark, knowing he doesn’t entirely like him. “Kiss and make up?” he asks.

“You may,” Mark growls at him.

“Oooh,” the demon responds and lunges for his lips.

The taste is familiarly Jenni’s but the style is wildly different. Mark has the distinct impression of a forked tongue wrapped around his own and gently masturbating it like it’s a small cock. He surrenders to the feeling, kissing him back, gripping his wife’s soft flesh, but rougher than he’d handle her. “Be careful of her,” Leitayin teases him.

“Ngh, uh-huh,” Mark moans. He’s being eaten alive by three people and could not be more content about being devoured. God had always forsaken him, but now he was favored by a goddess and has never felt as fully alive. We can forgive him for not missing his little girl in this moment.

Leitayin twists his nipples. “Do you want to come like this, beautiful?” he asks.

“Mmm, no. I want my boy inside me,” he commands.

“How do you want me, Sir?” Freddy asks immediately.

“On my back, crushin’ me. Michael, it’s okay. You can have her. She’d want it if she was here. There are condoms in the drawer right there.”

Mark stretches seductively on his front and his sub licks him open just like his Master does for him. Mark ruts against the bedclothes and moans while Michael rolls on a condom to fuck his wife.

“I really wasn’t expecting this,” he says to Mark, almost like he’s overstepped. Mark can’t respond, may not have even heard him.

When Freddy enters him, the pleasure for both is all-consuming.

Letayin giggles. “So much for those two playing with us.” He does shift closer to feel them moving together against Jenni’s side. The heat coming off Mark’s body is searing. “Like this,” he says, looking up at the wondrous work of art between her legs. “I want to see that face I’ve been dreaming of… not that I can dream.”

“I wish I could be like you,” Michael says.

“Well… I could mess with your mind a little. So long as you understand it’s not real. You won’t be frightened?”

“I can’t promise that. It won’t be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“I know. This might feel strange, but you can have a little taste of what it’s like in my world.”

With some difficulty, Leitayin grabs a handful of flesh from his lean back. He yanks it free, but not the meat itself, just the illustration of the wing into three dimensions. He repeats so Michael can regain his balance, flapping his new wings with a powerful draft that cools the ustulating other couple.

“Well. Those are angel’s wings, but close enough. Like it?”

He falls forward onto her/him, landing softly as a bird and answers by stabbing into her and fucking much more like a demon than an angel. Leitayin adds a little something to the buried part of him that makes him scream with joy.

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