
Party Line


Author’s note: Although this has been selected for the Incest/taboo category there is only a suggestion of incest. There’s plenty of other sex though.


“And what are you looking so mischievous about?” I remarked, in a deliberately fatherly tone.

“Are you going to Geoff’s party?” Jill asked conspiratorially.

I was standing at the photocopier when Jill came over. She was in her early twenties and had long dark curly hair with just a hint of red. She was pretty with ice blue eyes and slim figure. Her shapely legs with a just the hint of a bow, clad in dark stockings, appeared from a dark brown mini skirt. She was bright and bubbly and had a spring in her step. She was my wife’s brother’s daughter – my niece.

She tossed her hair and smiled. She had my attention.

“I’ve been invited but am not really sure. I’m too old for all that.” I answered stoically.

“Don’t be silly. You’ll love it.” She leaned in closer after first looking over her shoulder. “It’ll be really mad, if previous parties are anything to go by. You MUST go.”

I’d heard some rumours. How truthful I wasn’t sure.

She looked about again.

“The last time, at Jay’s place, they all ended up in bed together – allegedly.”

She leaned away to gauge my reaction, which was one of prurient interest. Encouraged she said.

“I just want to see if it’s true and have a laugh.”

I felt a stirring in my loins. I had heard snippets of what went on at these parties.

“I might go, but I don’t want to spoil the party…”

“Go ahead you’ll enjoy it.” She interrupted and patted my back. “You enjoy a good time, I know.”

I gave her a look of surprise at this comment. She looked a bit less self-assured.

“You do – don’t you?” she looked quizzically.

I patted my finger along my nose.

“Perhaps – but I may not want my niece knowing.”

She laughed, realising I was joking.

“The only problem for me is that pig Darren will be there.” She said

“Oh! Don’t you like him?” I knew what he could be like particularly with women and she used to work with him.

“He’s so arrogant!” She shuddered. “I hate him!”

“Well don’t let him spoil it for you. There are plenty of good guys going.” I said trying to make her feel positive.

“Oh you must come. You’ll enjoy it. Anyway you don’t have to join in anything. I don’t intend to.”

“I’ll have to think about it.” After a brief pause I asked. “Who’re you going with?”

“Julia….” She gave me a knowing glance then coughed clearing her throat. “….but SHE might.”

Jill knew I was aware of some of the antics her best friend got up to and probably felt guilty by association.

“It might be worth it just to see what SHE gets up to!” I said and we laughed, the tension relieved.

“Go on! You know you want to.”

I was half convinced.

“Look we’ll see. I have to think about things.”

She stood hands on hips. Feisty and fiery.

“What things? Like me being there?”

I had to admit that was a major concern. It’s one thing to go along to a party that ends up like an orgy. It’s another to be there knowing your niece is there, even if she is old enough to make her own decisions.

“Well I can’t deny it, but …” I added. “I am a company manager. I have my position to think about.”

“I’m a big girl now and make my own choices and I won’t feel guilty.” She looked up holding my eyes with her ice blue orbs, her small freckled nose screwed up. “So you needn’t make me an obstacle to your decision making. As far as your position is concerned it’s outside work time and they’re all adults — not your problem!”

“Look we’ll see but it better not get back to Helen.” Helen was my wife and although she was fairly cool, I don’t think she’d appreciate me going to something that could get that wild, especially with her niece there. “Or your dad or mum!”

“Well I certainly won’t tell any of them.” And with that she grinned clenched her fists raised her thumbs and said. “I’m excited.” Then walked to her desk.

I stared after her shaking my head and smiling. We worked for the same company and had a good relationship. We had attended a number of events and nights out at the pub, with colleagues but I had not been to one of the notorious parties which occurred every quarter or so. I had heard about the last one from Geoff himself but wasn’t sure if he had exaggerated or not.

The rumours were that there was a good deal of sexual activity culminating in a mass bed event. My curiosity had been aroused at the time and I had been cajoled until I promised to go to the next party – but if Jill hadn’t mentioned it I wouldn’t have pursued it.

I didn’t dwell on it but each time I bumped into Jill she would smile excitedly and whisper things like “I can’t wait” or “two days to go” or words to that effect.

The other thing that niggled at the back of my mind was my bad luck when it came to anything remotely sexually surreptitious. I always got caught. When I was at school gaziantep ofise gelen escort I was introduced to this sexy book shop, with an owner who never questioned the age of his customers and thought I was on to a winner. I managed to get a pile of books which were really sexually explicit. This was great and satisfied my adolescent curiosity until I was caught with them in school. I was hauled up before the Head Master and my mother summoned and informed about her perverted son, to my everlasting shame.

My mother became more suspicious about my activities after this and I was caught masturbating by my her. Then by my sister after she found stains on my pyjamas. I was caught having sex by my mother once in my house and by the parents of another girl in her house. All-in-all it did not bode well for me were clandestine sexual activity was involved. However, I reasoned it was many years since those far off pre-marriage days and I was far more mature now and anyway this party was a private party in a private house and I didn’t intend to join in. I would go for a laugh.

I decided to go and informed Helen where I would be on the Friday night. She was Ok with this, as she had made arrangements to go out for a meal and a gossip with her friends. Geoff had said that there were maybe twenty coming to his house meeting in the local pub first. I was conscious I was older than most of the others but got on well with them all and they knew I was game for a bit of fun.


On the night I arrived at about eight. The party was well underway and the drink was flowing. I immediately started catching up, swallowing a couple of large G and T’s until I felt the ruddy glow, permeate my body. There was quite a bit of horseplay. I looked about at the party goers present.

Geoff, the host was heavily involved as usual. He was a convivial and charming guy who used to work at the company but had left earlier in the year to take up a better position in a partner organisation. He had been to previous parties when he worked at the company and was the prime instigator in my invitation tonight. We got on well, living on the neighbouring estate from each other. He was handsome and athletic with sandy hair and ice blue eyes and single. His most noteworthy feature was – his schlong. His cock, wang, dick, Johnson, weiner, willy, dong — get the message his penis. He called it ‘The Master’. It’s fame (or infamy) was widespread.

Jill had arrived with Julia. They were dressed in the same style but for the dress colour, Jill’s green and Julia’s red. Julia also had curly hair but light brown in colour, she was slim — no thin, but with a nice pair of tits which were rumoured to be enhanced by surgery. Whatever they were, they were firm, as I could testify from the occasions when she had forced a kiss on me and pressed the orbs against my chest.

Jay in her forties, an unnatural blonde multi-divorcee, average height with large breasts hips and thighs, purportedly always wore stockings with her knee length boots; usually as part of a ‘power-dressing’ ensemble, business suit with blouse. Her look bordered on the dominatrix, with lots of black leather, probably why she had so many satisfied male clients. She had hosted the last notorious party; when the attendees had allegedly ended up in bed; and was a very game individual. She was quite sexually aggressive but evidently she loved young men, so that, thankfully kept me safe.

Alison was in her early thirties a friend of Jay’s. She was taller than Jay with long mousey hair. She was attractive but not in a classic style. Above average height with a curvaceous, though not fat, body. She had one of the best shaped arses I had ever seen rounded but not fat. She was single. I knew for a fact that Geoff had slept with her, at her birthday party; he had told me the intimate details. It was also obvious because whenever he gave the slightest hint of interest, she melted and responded like a lapdog.

Carol, Donna and Kelly worked together and had arrived in the same taxi. They were all attractive and in their twenties. Carol and Kelly both blondes. Kelly had attended a previous party and enjoyed it to the full by all accounts even though she had a steady boyfriend. It was Carol’s first party and she was in a heavy relationship. Donna was dark haired, single and it was her first party.

Kim was in her thirties and married she was quite plain looking but with a twinkle in her eye. Dave who worked in my team, had done a spot of muff-diving with her on the boardroom table one night after work he told me and I had no reason to disbelieve him.

Dave was thin, bald and with eyes that looked out of synch. For some reason, that none of the men could fathom, he had a way with the ladies and could have them eating out of the palm of his hand or anywhere else. He was intelligent and empathetic. He listened to their problems, offered advice, gained their trust and then they did whatever he wanted. I’m not suggesting he wasn’t gaziantep öğrenci escort sincere but he tried it on any and all women.

The rest of the party were men, Darren who was tall dark handsome and married, Jim the youngest, blonde, hairy and single and Tom who was young relatively new to the company with thick wiry hair, the hunk of the office. He was engaged to be married.

To my surprise Gaz was there. He was average height, with auburn hair his major facial feature a large nose. I was surprised because he was widely disliked. Dave didn’t have a good word to say about him.

I could understand why as he had an irritating manner but felt a bit sorry for him. He was always ok with me but I was a manager at his work and he had an authority thing. He thought that authority was always right. This left me feeling uncomfortable as I wanted to take some enjoyment out of the night, without having to be judged by Gaz. He was looking particularly morose tonight so I approached and engaged him in conversation. He said he had heard about the party and as he was feeling a bit down just thought he’d pop along on his own, to see if there was any action. After a few minutes of talking to him I found it draining and diverted my attention, by talking to Tom.

“What’s he doing here?” Tom asked.

“He just popped along.” I answered.

“Well I hope he doesn’t stay. He’ll spoil it.”

“Oh he’s ok.” I tried to get him some sympathy. “He’s just feeling a bit miserable and needs cheering up.”

“I hope he changes his miserable face or he’ll drag us all down.”

I knew what he meant.


As the night wore on the drink flowed, and conversations turned to the previous party, which no more than half of them attended. There were whispered conversations between attendees and non-attendees followed by guffaws of laughter.

Jay had already homed in on Jim who was the youngest male. She was sat on his knee running her fingers through his hair as she downed copious amounts of rum and coke.

Some of the girls got up to dance, on an impromptu dance floor created by moving the tables. Soul music boomed from the jukebox. At about nine the landlord approached me, presumably as I was the oldest, to see if I could bring any order to the group; as they were disturbing the other customers.

Carol, Donna and Kelly were dancing with their skirts up their arses, flashing their panties. This was upsetting the quiet ambiance of the pub for the married couples who had come out for a quiet night; the wives wore stony faces, the husbands sneaked a peek pretending to look elsewhere.

I spoke to the girls and asked them to calm it down but they were on a mission and we weren’t at work, so they ignored me. Julia and Jill danced and flung the hems of their dresses around flashing their thighs and stocking tops. A couple of male old age pensioners were clearly reminiscing.

Gaz sipped his drink and looked with some distain at the performances. Somehow I’d ended up beside him.

“The girls seem to be enjoying it.” He said without emotion.

“Yes.” I said.

“A bit slutty if you ask me.” He pointed with his drink at them.

I was annoyed at his tone, especially as his observation included Jill.

“Look they’re having a bit of fun. Don’t spoil it.” He detected my annoyance and I saw my opportunity. “Anyway, leave if you don’t fancy it. Don’t spoil it for everyone else.”

“Oh I’m not meaning anything just that they want to be careful.” He was defensive. “They could give people the wrong impression.”

I was starting to agree with Tom that Gaz would put a damper on the party. I thought I’d have a word with the gregarious Geoff to discourage him inviting Gaz but before I could speak he’d already invited him.

The landlord diverted my attention to Jay devouring Jim’s head whilst her hand was stuffed down the front of his opened fly. I rolled my eyes. I used my most tactful and firm managerial tactics, to usher them all on to Geoff’s house. Issuing a profusion of apologies to the other customers. We left the pub, in a fairly orderly manner.


Geoff managed to run back to his house so that he could greet everyone as they arrived. He was handsome, average height, with an engaging smile and terrific sense of humour. I managed to arrive first as the rest dawdled. He clasped my hand and hugged me to him.

“Glad you could come man. Have a great time I know the rest will.” He winked at me and added. “Don’t worry you don’t have to get involved. I have a viewing room upstairs.”

“Really?” I exclaimed he nodded and laughed. “You dirty bugger!”

He quickly moved on to the next arrivals Carol, Donna and Kelly. Hugging and kissing them in turn, deeply. Kelly pulled herself away, breathless and giggling with embarrassment to the other girls.

“Gosh! Stop it!” She flicked her hair away with her hand and half-covered her face. “You’re making me horny.”

“Well boy, have you come to oğuzeli escort the right house!”

He laughed and indicated for them to move inside.

I got myself a drink and stood back taking in the room. For a single man’s house it was very tidy but the décor was predictably all male. There were trophies for football and medals for running. He had a couple of pictures of football stars but also some tasteful artwork, probably bought by his mother.

Jill came over to me looking invigorated and stunning in a green smock-styled mini-dress, dark patterned stockings and black leather boots. I couldn’t help but notice her slim but shapely, slightly bowed legs.

“Well what do you think?” She asked excited and breathless as she approached. “I wonder what Helen would think.”

“Don’t say that! I feel bad enough being here. I don’t think she’d be best pleased.”

“Only kidding.” She said and patted my arm. Julia was behind her swirling her glass, in a matching red smock dress and boots. She was slightly worse for wear, flirting being suggestive and dismissive with several of the men.

The music got people dancing in the room, mainly the ladies.

Julia smiled lasciviously then placed her arm around my shoulders.

“Hi Dougy boy.” She placed an open-mouthed kiss on me. I could feel her breasts against my chest and it warmed me up.

I tried to resist because Jill was there but was enjoying the soft cushion of her lips and sweet succulent tongue, as it probed my mouth. I couldn’t help but find myself responding with my tongue. We parted and she made a deep guttural sound then said.

“Hmmmm Doug. Naughty, naughty.” I flushed with embarrassment as I looked at Jill, but also laughed as Julia flicked my collar and said to Jill. “You’d better keep your eye on uncy baby.”

She turned her attention to the room as I composed myself. Jill only laughed then exploded.

“Oh my God!” Directing me to look at the far side of the room. “That’s shocking!”

I looked beyond the dancers and could see Jay with her head in Jim’s lap. He was sat back with his blonde head on the settee cushion, as Jay held his large cock in her fist, licking up and down his shaft. The dancing continued but as word got round people’s attention turned to the pair on the settee.

Jay was kneeling on the seat cushions with her arse in the air. Dave approached and lifted Jay’s black mini skirt revealing black silk panties, stockings, suspenders and black leather boots. He ran his hand over her buttocks and down between her legs. She lifted her head to him in appreciation but soon returned to Jim.

It became more difficult to see as people gathered around but her head was bobbing up and down in a steady rhythm. It didn’t take much imagination to realise what she was doing. The crowd encouraged them and one or two started to touch each other intimately.

“Seems to be warming up.” I whispered in Jill’s ear, catching a whiff of her distinctive fragrant perfume.

She turned.

“I know isn’t it outrageous?” She shrugged her shoulder slightly, screwing up her nose.

I needed the toilet which was upstairs. I made to move to the door, away from the action when Jill said.

“Too much for you?”

“Er no … I er need you know..” I pointed upstairs. Then looked into her smiling eyes.

“I was kidding.” She said in a tone which suggested I should have realised and to lighten up.

I felt stupid for biting, so laughed nervously to cover my embarrassment and left the room.


On my way back I was passing a bedroom door when I heard what I recognised as Kelly’s voice.

“You understand this is just a fuck.” She was saying making the position of her and her potential lover clear. “No relationships. Nothing after. Just friends ok? I have a boyfriend and I love him.”

Strange way of showing him I thought. Kelly had wasted no time in finding a temporary partner. I was intrigued as to who she was with. I had worked with her some time and found her fun. I heard a low voice but couldn’t quite make out who it was. I would have suspected Dave but he was downstairs.

“Yes. No problem.” He said sincerely disinterested in a relationship apart from the immediate one on offer. I heard them kiss and a gasp emit from Kelly. I felt perverted standing listening at the door, as the party rumbled on below. Still it was quite stimulating and I was interested who the male was.

“Did you enjoy that dance with Donna?” He enquired. “You know in a sexy kind of way.”

She groaned a reply, which was non-committal. He asked again about her and Donna. Pushing, trying to get an answer I was not convinced she wanted to give or was that interested in. I had him now and I knew why he was asking.

It was Tom.

Kelly who was an ex-pole dancer and Donna had been to a company night out and performed an outrageous dance together. It had involved gyrating their hips against each other in an extremely provocative way and had turned-on several of the watching men. It had particularly captured the interest of Tom’s small section entirely populated by young men. They could not stop talking about it and although it was obviously a bit of fun to Kelly and Donna, their youth and sexual desire had convinced them it was serious. I had heard about it from Donna herself and she had treated it casually. It had spread like wildfire throughout the office and was a big talking point.

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