
Pat and Jennifer Ch. 05


Richard and I hung up, and I took a very deep breath, grinning and clutching my pussy. It had to wait until I had called Pat and told her everything, answering her enthusiastic questions. She was delighted to hear that Richard wasn’t circumcised. My pussy was also delighted when my fingers did everything they could, as I had new fantasies about what the three of us could do together. I had more of those during the next couple of weeks, trying to imagine everything two girls and one man could do together.

The last week in August, I called them both, confirming that Richard would join Pat and me for supper Friday evening. Pat and I had a longer conversation, both of us wondering how we would start. We couldn’t just strip off all our clothes and jump into bed. Supper first, I suggested, with enough to drink, and then suggested the idea that they both should have a shower as a way to get naked, telling that I would have one before they arrived. Pat snickered and asked if I was thinking of them having a shower together. I was, and she snickered again.

Friday after work, I made a noodle salad, recalling that noodles were a favorite of marathon races.

I had bought two bottles of red wine for the evening – more for later – two bottles with 13% alcohol. I took my shower, grinning and chuckling as I shave the soft stubble on my pussy. As I about to get dressed, I suddenly recalled that they would have taken their shower, that I shouldn’t have too much to take off much. And if my nipples popped out without a bra, that would also be good, and why then panties? In just a shirtwaist dress, I waited for them, hoping that when I sat down my pussy wouldn’t leave moist spot.

I waited, not sitting down, setting the table, and wondering if I shouldn’t put on panties. I was about to do so, when the bell at my flat door rang. Which one, I wondered, as I opened the door and saw them both standing there. They both had somewhat sheepish expressions, smiling wryly at me. Pat was first to speak:

“Here we are, ran into each other at the entrance.”

“Yeah, kind of funny,” Richard added.

“Very!” Pat agreed, giving him a glance. He nodded with another wry smile and then looked at me and said:

“You look as good as I remembered.”

I felt my nipples stiffen as I replied:

“You too.”

“Them too,” he almost whispered, more than just glancing at them.

They couldn’t get any stiffer. Pat sniffed with smirk, nodding. Although I felt a little embarrassed, I realized that he had said the right thing by immediately mentioning my aroused nipples. That was why we all were there, to have sex together, so the sooner a reference to anything related fell, the better. And my idea to go without a bra had also been good, but I was now less sure about my leaving off my panties. Pat picked up nicely on his comment with smile:

“Mine did too, when we introduced ourselves downstairs.”

“I didn’t notice,” he replied with a chuckle, glancing down at her breasts.

Pat almost giggled, then said:

“They did again, but I’m wearing a bra. And, well, Jen’s are a little more prominent.”

“If you say so. Hm-hmm! I’ll be the judge of that,” he replied with a grin.

We all chuckled, almost laughing out loud to release the nervous tension about how we would get around to why we were together. His last words and our chuckles confirmed our agreement about that, especially when Pat then grinned at him and said:

“Just don’t tell me you like hers better.”

This time we really laughed out loud, and again after he replied:

“Oooh! I’d never do that!”

I caught my breath and said:

“Before you have a chance to, supper. If you want to wash or something, Pat knows where.”

They glanced at each other with grins, and Pat led him to the bathroom, where I had laid all my towels on the laundry basket. While I got a bottle of wine and the corkscrew, I was surprised not to hear the bathroom door, and to hear whispers and chuckles. Were they both in there together? Maybe not, but when they returned, they both were grinning. Richard snickered and remarked:

“She warned me that she shaves down there.”

I snickered and replied:

“I told you we both do,” and – what got into me, I was completely sober? – I flipped up the skirt of my dress. His eyes widened, and he nodded with a grin. Pat admonished:


“Since you told him.”

“But I didn’t show him.”

“Not yet,” Richard remarked with a grin.

Pat and I also grinned. No question about it, we were off to a good start. I suggested to Richard that he open the bottle of wine, and we sat down at the table. While he did, I served my noodle salad. Then he poured, more generously than a waiter would have, but that was appropriate. When I raised my glass, the other two did. With a smirk, Richard said: “Skaal.”

I had a sudden flashback vision of how he and I had so often been, when we toasted each other, and responded, and then Pat also said “skaal,” and he and I included her before we drank. We all smiled, winked. Before we could put down bursa escort our glasses, Pat grinned and raised hers again and said “skaal” again. Richard and I responded, and with chuckling smirks, we all drank again, exchanging smiles.

As we picked up our cutlery, Richard said:

“I think this is going to be good.”

“I hope so,” I replied, before I noticed that he wasn’t looking at his plate, his eyes glancing back and forth at Pat and me. Pat nodded with pursed lips and said:

“I do too, pretty sure now.”

“Me too,” I agreed, adding: “but hope you enjoy the meal first.”

We all chuckled, exchanging glances. Richard didn’t have to tell me that my nipples had stuck out again, but did. Staring at them, he murmured:

“And then them too.”

“Should have taken off my bra,” Pat remarked with smirk.

While we ate, we managed to talk about what we were doing after college, Richard now in grad school, explaining to Pat his Swedish background and studies, that he had spent a couple of summers in Sweden. Pat then grinned and asked:

“And those Swedish girls?”

“Every one of them,” Richard replied with a smirk, adding: “not all Anita Ekbergs, but at least Ingrid Bergmans.”

That was not the only time our dinner table conversation sidetracked like that. We had no problem emptying the bottle of wine, taken our last sip after more “skaals.” Then there was a moment of pregnant silence, both of them looking at me as hostess to suggest something. Did my nipples stick out again? Probably. I took a deep breath and said:

“I was thinking that you both probably wanted a shower after a day’s work.”

“Good idea,” Pat immediately enjoined, giving Richard a smirk.

“Very good idea,” he agreed, returning her smirk, then chuckling and adding:

“And I should shave – hm-hmm! – since you both are.”

We all snickered, grinning and nodding. I said that he could find my razor and that I would clear the table. We all got up. Pat and Richard grinned at each other. When she turned, he patted her ass, and they almost hurried in the direction of the bathroom. While I cleared the table, I heard them murmuring, then understood Richard remark: “Yeah, why not?”

I only had to wonder for a few moment to understand what he had agreed to, then hearing him say: “Hers aren’t any better, just different.”

They were getting naked together, obviously agreed to a mutual shower, and it had been Pat’s suggestion! Good girl, I thought, delighted that they were both so compatible, then hearing him remark again, this time: “Sweet, shaved, I like that.”

I hurried to clear the table, thinking that I should be naked with them before they finished their shower. I was pulling off my shirtwaist on the way to the bathroom, when I felt that I had to use the toilet, then wondering if they didn’t also have to, then hearing Pat murmur:

“Sorry, I just forget in the shower.”

“Been trying not too, but since you did.”

“Oooh! You didn’t have to do that, all the way up my tummy.”

“Nice ‘tummy’, not really one,” he replied, adding: but these are.”

I heard Pat hum, and envisioned that behind the shower curtain his hands were holding her breasts. I chuckled loudly and flushed the toilet to make my presence know. The curtain slid back, drawn by one of Pat’s hands. He was holding her breasts, both of them grinning unabashedly at me. My eyes immediately dropped down to find his cock, just like I remembered it. It was not aroused but fuller, his foreskin only partially covering the head of his cock.

“Wash!” I insisted with a grin. Pat closed the curtain, and they did, their hums and ooohs suggesting how and where they were washing each other. One of my hands grasped my breast. Then I saw my razor and got it, silently reaching past the edge of the curtain. A hand took it, and I waited again. Then there was less motion behind the curtain, but a few humming chuckles. Then Richard said: “Stop doing that, before I cut myself.”

Pat must have been playing with his cock; I sure would have been. I heard her chuckle, but then he demanded:

“Stop it!”

“Okay, but it wanted me to,” she apologized softly.

But then her hand swept open the curtain again. She grinned at me, but my eyes dropped down at his fully erect cock, not far, since her face was only a few inches above. Was it bigger than I remembered, or just bigger than the ones since that I remembered? Unlikely, but it was the one I was seeing, uncritically always at that moment the best one. Could I let Pat have it first? How would she want it? Damn, she was licking her lips – that way! Had she already been sucking it, when he stopped her?

“This IS going to be good,” Richard remarked. I looked up at his grinning face, and he added:

“Thanks for inviting me.”

“All my pleasure,” I replied spontaneously, recognizing my error as Pat chimed in:

“Only half yours.”

We all laughed, guffawing, breasts jiggling, his cock bouncing and wagging. When he turned off the shower and handed me the razor, I tossed them each a escort bursa towel. As they started to dry themselves, we chuckled with smirks. There was no need for them to dry each other, to maintain physical contact; we were completely agreed about what we were going to do. It was only a question of what first with his wagging cock – more whom first, Pat or me with it. It had looked like we both had the same idea, I thought, recalling my “hat tricks” with him a few years before.

While they were drying their hair, I mopped the bathmat around with my foot, looking more at his cock, now wagging below the horizontal, but also at Pat’s breasts. They were nice, but looked even nicer with her arms raised, moving a little with them, reminding me that this wasn’t just about sharing Richard. Was he going to be surprised, when she and I got together? How surprised? But then, as I said: “It was Pat’s idea for me to invite you, and it sure looks like you both think it was a good one.”

They didn’t have to say anything, their glances and hums were ample agreement. I saw Pat’s eyes drop to look at his cock, and his perused her body, her breasts and shaven pussy. Good guy, his eyes also glanced over and took in mine. He pursed his lips when my nipples tightened.

“So your turn first,” I added, smiling at Pat. They smirked at each other, nodding. I grabbed their towels, and they turned to the door. Too many towels, I put them over bar for the shower curtain.

It was only many seconds later when I followed them in the dark bedroom, but Pat was already kneeling between his legs at the side of the bed. I didn’t have to see that his cock was already in her mouth; he was already moaning in appreciation. He glanced up, when I blocked the light from the hall in the doorway. Involuntarily, my mouth opened and my tongue moved on my bottom lip, wanting to feel what it knew Pat’s was enjoying. He nodded with a grin, but then with another moan looked down at his cock in her mouth.

I licked again and resigned myself to watching them, thinking that Pat and I had not really had any question about each other’s enjoying sex with men as much as we had with each other – or with another woman, as we both had admitted. But that was also so good! My hand found my pussy.

He was still watching Pat, as my fingers rubbed, but then he glanced up at me again. This time it was his tongue that licked his lips, and he gestured for me to come closer and murmured:

“I can do that too,” and dropped back on the bed.

I didn’t need a second invitation, recalling how well and often he had licked my pussy. When I brushed past Pat, she raised her head, letting his cock bob forward, and murmured:

“Yeah, good, both of us.”

I didn’t see her start to suck his cock again, as I scrambled up and straddled his face with all the experience of the many times I had. He moaned, maybe at what Pat’s tongue was doing, or maybe in anticipation of what his was going to do. Then it was, and I moaned, and I heard Pat moan. Was she watching, could she in the light from the hall see his tongue under my ass?

Suddenly I remembered the melody of “Back in the saddle again.” Of course, the song was by Gene Autry, but the joke was about a woman singing it – not on horseback – but I was back in the saddle again and recalling the “hat tricks” with Richard.

But this time I was sharing one with Pat, she doing what I always did first, and he now doing what we did last. Then, I always came soon, a fast second orgasm after having fucked him. What was going to happen now? Oh, he was going to come before I did. When I thought that, I was then aware that his hips were moving. Yeah, give it to her, I willed. Yeah, making him come, I willed Pat.

She did, he did. I wished I could watch, see her expression when his cum shot in her throat, but just had to be satisfied to hear them both moaning, as his body spasmed. He had stopped licking, when his orgasm overcame him. I expected him to start again, but he pushed my hips up and demanded:

“Come, let me kiss you for that!”

“Don’t swallow it all; he wants it,” I added spontaneously and rose up on my knees.

I heard a surprised “hmm?” from Pat, but then felt the bed move, as she dove up over him, their faces meeting between my thighs. I leaned forward and looked down between my tlegs, wishing there was more light to see the slobbering kiss I could hear. Then Pat murmured:

“I guess you did.”

“Always do, he agreed, adding: “but not as often as I want. Thanks Jen.”

“Now fuck him and let him finish here,” I insisted.

“Fuck?” Pat questioned.

“Yeah, fuck, he can again.”

“Yeah,” he agreed.

“If you both say so,” Pat murmured, and her head slid back out of sight.

Could her pussy find his cock like mine usually had – no hands? Whatever, it did; they both responding with chuckling moans. Richard’s hands drew my hips back down on his face, and I moaned. Back in the saddle again, but no saddle could do what his tongue was doing. This time he’d better give me my orgasm before he wanted escort bursa to lick Pat’s pussy to taste his cum again. Pat ought to thank me effusively for having found such a willing and capable partner for us.

Richard’s hands were mistreating my aroused nipples like I remembered and liked that they had, but I hardly felt any movement behind me. Then Richard gave a more aroused moan. His hands dropped down and raised my hips. Why, what for? He raised his head and asked:

“You do that too?”

Then I understood that Pat was rubbing her clitoris, just sitting on him, arousing her vagina to squeeze his cock, like I had so often done when sitting on his cock. Pat moaned deeply, but then said cheerfully:

“It was her idea. Good.”

“Damned good, but you two must have talked a lot about sex,” Richard said.

“Yeah, why not?” Pat and I replied in unison, then snickering. Then I snickered again and said:

“But before she makes you come again, it’s my turn first, or I won’t let you lick her pussy.”

Pat chuckled, and he pulled my hips back down and resumed licking.

I don’t know if Pat tempered her activity to let me have my orgasm before he did, but I did, moaning and gasping after the frustration of his twice having interrupted his pussy-licking to kiss Pat and taste his cum and then to discover that she was rubbing her clitoris and making her pussy clutch his cock.

Satisfied, relieved, I dropped to the side and recovered for a few moments, only aware of their chuckling moans. Then I recognized Pat’s voice: “Uhnnn, yeah!”

I opened my eyes and saw that Richard had grasped her breasts. I couldn’t see her fingers, but the movement of her hand left no doubt that they were rubbing her clitoris. I looked up and saw their aroused expressions, their wide eyes looking at each other, as they exchanged moans. My pussy contracted as I recalled what hers were feeling with his cock in it, his moans confirming that hers was trying to milk it. Would he let it, let her, like I had so often back then?

“I’ve got to suck them,” he murmured and grasped her under her arms. Pat stopped rubbing and dropped down over him, a moment later moaning after her nipple had disappeared in his mouth.

I knew from experience that he was going to really fuck her, just wondering a little if his not yet having come again was his self-control, now a few years older, or just because he was a few years older. Whatever, I was going to see him fuck Pat like he had me. My hand held my breast.

He did, after he had sucked her other nipple, just rocking his hips once and then again, but when Pat growled softly and rocked hers, riding back so that her nipple popped out of his mouth, they really began to fuck. Animalistic, I thought, then seeing one of his hands slide down to her ass, its fingers disappearing in her crevice. Yeah, do that, I thought, recalling having taught him about that and that he had so eagerly enjoyed licking my asshole. And then I remembered how much Pat liked that, before she moaned and nodded.

Their hips were beating together. Then Pat moaned again and demanded softly:

“Yeah, like that, more,” then after another moan, demanded: “Fuck it!”

Richard and I hadn’t done that; lots of licking, but not like Pat and I had. Did he understand, or just was hesitating? I murmured: “Lick it, your finger.”

He did, and then Pat growled, her hips still for a moment, and then they were fucking again, harder and faster than before. It was arousing to watch, but not pretty, two naked bodies pounding together, hearing them both making aggressive sounds, as though they were struggling desperately.

They were, I knew too well, each struggling to have an orgasm that blotted out consciousness of everything else. I realized why kids could misunderstand what they heard from parents’ bedroom.

But I understood, now recognizing that when I fucked as good as they were, it didn’t look or sound any different.

I immediately recalled the sound his growling grunts when he came, his shoulders jerking up, as his hips smacked up against Pat’s, interrupting for a moment the pace of their fucking when he had his first ejaculation. God, it was so familiar, all coming back to me! Could Pat feel his cum shooting deep in her pussy?! Not like she could have, if he had let her continue rubbing herself until he came. But she hadn’t had her orgasm yet. Her hands were clenched on his shoulders as she gasped and groaned, her whole body moving as her hips pounded down on his, her pussy wanting his cock as deep in it as possible.

Mine now also wanted it, and I moaned with her. I knew exactly what she was feeling and wanting. How many times had I fucked him just like that – he fucked me! He had better do it again, and that good! Suddenly Pat cried out and her body convulsed, no longer fucking, but her convulsions jerking his cock in her pussy.

Finally! She collapsed on Richard, and they both lay there, still gasping and moaning from their exertion. Was it wicked to watch another couple have such good sex, I asked myself. If it was or wasn’t, for sure it was extremely arousing, especially if one had done the same with the same man and could envision too well what his partner had been experiencing. But that wasn’t going to keep me from submitting Pat to the same punishment.

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