
Peace, Love, and Grace


To my readers: This story is a continuation of the story I began with “My Saving Grace” and “A State of Grace.” If you have not read those story series, then this story will make absolutely no sense at all. Just a word to the wise, this story contains elements of female homosexuality, incest, and foul language. All sex acts contained in this story occur between people who are of legal age. Everyone got all that? Good! Now enjoy!

– CM

Kevin resumes telling the tale:

I stood in the foyer of the community center, tapping my patent leather shoe sole on the hardwood floor.

“Fleur!” I called out after waiting as long as my nerves would allow.

“C’mon, lady! I don’t think you want to keep everyone waiting!”

“Oui, Kevin!” I heard through the door to her dressing room.

One of her friends snickered, hearing the irritation in her voice. I shot the man a quelling look, then the door finally opened and Fleur stepped out. I was stunned, to say the least. Fleur would never be mistaken for a man, but she was not the feminine type. Today, though, Fleur was wearing a dress! And what’s more, it was a lovely dress! I’m not good with the more subtle nuances of style – I’m a guy, after all. Still, I noticed that the light peach color of the dress complimented her tanned skin and set off her dark hair perfectly. The bodice hugged her chest, making her modest breasts a little more prominent. It also emphasized her firm, flat belly. The skirt clung to her hips and her compact backside then became slightly more full as it fell to her knees. She was also wearing stockings and heels! Her hair, short as always, was styled and elegant. The overall effect was nothing less than stunning.

Not able to help myself, I stepped forward and embraced her. I then planted a gentle kiss on her cheek before I released her.

“You look stunning, Fleur!” I told her.

“Thank you, Kevin,” she said self-consciously. She smiled up at me impishly, and then said, “But don’t mess up my makeup! Besides, the Best Man shouldn’t be seen kissing the groom. People will talk!”

I shared a chuckle with her other groomsmen, then I sobered.

“Are you ready to do this?” I asked her, pointing toward the door to the great room where all her guests were waiting.

“Oui,” she said. “I only wish I’d had the fortitude to do it long ago.”

We lined up with Fleur in the lead and moved into the great room to stand near where the official waited. I saw my sister, Grace, peeking out of another door at the rear of the large chamber. I discreetly waved a hand: the agreed-upon signal to begin the procession of bridesmaids. Grace nodded at me and ducked back out of sight. Seconds later, they began moving up the aisle towards where we waited. The bridesmaids all looked lovely. Their gowns were light blue on top with darker blue skirts. They were all lovely young women, but I had eyes only for the Maid of Honor, my beautiful, unparalleled sister, Grace. Her lovely chestnut brown tresses were perfectly coiffed. Her hazel eyes sparkled at me as she took her place across from where I stood with Fleur. I could even smell the faintest hint of her favorite dusting powder. I wanted her so badly that it took all of my willpower to stay in place.

Suddenly, the sounds of “Here Comes the Bride” came over the hall’s sound system, and the waiting guests all rose to their feet. I heard Fleur gasp in delight as her bride, my cousin Elizabeth, started to walk down the aisle on the arm of her older brother, Jack.

Jack looked so different now, I noted. Since he and Crystal had become a couple, he had lost the hard-bitten, grim look. Now, as he escorted his sister down the aisle, he looked so proud and happy that it was difficult to believe this was the same man that had told us all that horrible tale of his father’s misdeeds just a few short months ago. It was good to see him find some peace and happiness. God knows he’s earned that and more.

Elizabeth’s face shown like the sun as she took her place next to Fleur. Her white wedding gown was a beautiful tribute to the seamstress’s art. The bodice displayed just enough of the upper slopes of her bosom to be sexy without crossing the line into tackiness. The full skirt didn’t have much of a train. It was decorated with abundant lacy panels. How I wished I could see my beloved Grace standing next to me in a dress like that! I’d slip a gold band on her finger and say ‘I do,’ and then – I quickly squashed that fantasy. This was my cousin’s special day, and I had a job to do.

The lady that Fleur and Elizabeth had hired to perform the wedding ceremony didn’t linger on superlatives, nor did she pontificate. Instead, she got to the point. At the proper moment, I carefully slipped the gold wedding band into the palm of Fleur’s hand, and she, in turn, slipped it onto her beloved’s ring finger.

“You may kiss the bride,” came the traditional closing line.

Fleur delicately lifted Elizabeth’s veil, and they shared a brief, but passionate kiss. Then the happy couple were moving back down the aisle, practically running in their haste.

“I hope they don’t forget sahabet güvenilirmi to stop for pictures before they break a world speed record on the way to their honeymoon!” Grace remarked as I took her arm to walk after them.

“Yeah,” I replied. “After we spent all that time planning the reception, it would suck if they skipped it!”

But of course, they didn’t sneak away in their haste (not that either of us truly thought that they would). Fortunately, though, the photographers didn’t test the resolve of the newlyweds. After a mercifully brief photo session, they were off to the reception hall with the rest of the crowd close behind.

The reception was a real blowout! The DJ was excellent, as was the food. Best of all, though, was the sheer joy of holding Grace in my arms as we danced. The good thing about our love no longer being a secret – at least from our family – was that the two of us could be open with our displays of affection. Grace and I danced together, holding each other close as we swayed to the music. For once, we didn’t care who saw us kissing and loving. It was a tiny slice of heaven for me to be able to be part of a couple with her in a semi-public setting like this.

But of course, this was a big party and I couldn’t keep Grace to myself. Dad, Jack, and Fleur all danced with her. I took the opportunity to dance with the bride. Elizabeth seemed to almost float in my arms as we danced. The happiness radiated from her like beams of sunshine.

“You sure are a beautiful bride, Liza,” I told her as I twirled her around. “Fleur is one lucky girl!”

“Aww, Kevin, you’re making me blush,” she said, and her face did indeed redden slightly. “Grace is lucky too!”

As the song ended, she leaned in and gently kissed me on the cheek.

“Someday, dear cousin, you will have this experience with Grace. My instincts tell me that your love will find a way, just like mine has.”

“I think so too, Liza, I just don’t know how -“

She cut off my sentence with a tight hug and another kiss on my cheek.

“Just have faith, sweetie!” She said, grinning happily. “I thought for a long time that I would never get to see this day, but look at me now! I’m married to the love of my life. Kevin, the love you share with Grace won’t be denied. You two will be together forever, and I know in my heart that you will find a way to make your dreams come true.”

“Thanks, Elizabeth,” I said. She cocked her head as she looked into my eyes, probably trying to guess my mood. My use of her full proper name was unusual (by now you all know how I love to use affectionate nicknames). “Nothing is wrong, sweetheart, I’m just a little jealous of you and Fleur.”

I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I love you, Liza. I’m so glad to be able to celebrate this day with you,” I told her.

She blushed again, and her eyes sparkled happily. Then, Fleur appeared at her side and swept her new wife into her arms. They shared a deep kiss. When they parted, Fleur gave me wolfish grin.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to steal this one away from you, dear Kevin,” she said. ” I must reclaim my bride! “

“Of course!” I said. The two of them made their way back to the dance floor just as a slow song began. I smiled at them, as well as at the other couples. Mom and Dad, Jack and Crystal…

“Hey Uncle Kev,” a soft voice interrupted my observations. I glanced to my right and saw Kayla standing there, holding her hand out to me. I couldn’t help noticing how much she had grown, recently. She was easily a foot taller; the top of her head reached my chest. In her heels, she could nearly reach my shoulder. Puberty was obviously making its mark on her. Her pretty dress clung to her frame tightly enough to show the beginnings of a woman’s curves.

“Hi, Sweetheart,” I greeted her. ” you look absolutely gorgeous! “

“Flatterer!” she laughed. ” how about a dance, while Aunt Grace is occupied? “

” I’d be delighted, my dear, ” I said.

Kayla grinned happily up at me as I led her to the dance floor. The DJ played another slow song, and Kayla molded her body against mine as I put my arms around her. This made me slightly uncomfortable. It wasn’t inappropriate. It was just…well, I’d known this beautiful child her whole life. I recognized that she was growing rapidly, but in my head, she was still the little girl I used to hold and read bedtime stories to. We danced close. As the song ended I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

She looked up at me, then gently brushed a tear from my cheek.

“Uncle Kevin, what’s wrong?” she asked innocently.

” Nothing, Sweetie, ” I assured her. “I can’t help but notice that you’re growing up. That’s a good thing! But it’s also just a tiny bit sad for me.”

” Aahhh, ” she said, and her face took on an understanding expression. No doubt she had heard similar statements before. Just then I felt a big beefy hand land on my shoulder.

“Hey, Kevin,” came Jack’s gruff voice. “Mind if I cut in? I’m going to let you have Grace back in trade.”

“Well if I get my Gracie back, then I suppose it’s a fair trade,” sahabet yeni giriş I said, winking at Kayla.

” Well! ” Kayla huffed in mock indignation. “You men are so fickle! To think you can trade me away so easily!”

” Kayla, he’s just being prudent. Jack is a lot bigger than he is, ” Grace said smiling.

“That’s true,” Kayla allowed. “And I certainly don’t want to have you guys fight over me. So I guess I’ll allow myself to be foisted off.”

Kayla leaned in and hugged me. Then she pulled my face down to where she could kiss my cheek.

“Uncle Kev,” she whispered into my ear. “I think Jack is going to become my Daddy, and I want that. But please don’t be sad, and don’t think I will ever stop loving you! You will always have a very special place in my heart.”

She kissed me again, then she and Jack danced away. I watched them for a moment, seeing the happiness on both of their faces. I was startled when Grace gently wiped away tears I hadn’t realized I’d shed.

“She’s grown up a lot in a short time,” Grace said. As always, my beloved sister seemed to know exactly how I felt.

“Yes she has,” I replied .

“And no doubt, you’re feeling like you’ve lost your baby gjrl.”

” I have, in a way, ” I said. “That’s as it should be. Jack will be a great father to her. He loves her, and he loves her mom, it’s the best possible outcome for her. I’m happy for all three of them, really! But we’re going to be moving away soon, and I’m going to miss that precious little girl,” I confessed.

Grace wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned into me. She knew me so well, that I’ve no doubt she knew what the issue was before I said anything. Just as she knew exactly how to comfort me.

“You will be a fantastic father, when the time comes, Kevin,” she said. “You have so much love in your heart. I can hardly wait to carry our baby. It’s moments like this that tell me I’ve chosen the perfect mate for myself, family connections aside!”

I smiled and then leaned down to kiss her. Somewhat to my surprise, what I had untended as a light display of loving affection suddenly deepened into a much hotter, wetter gesture of passion. When our lips parted we were both a little oit of breath.

“Wow,” Gracie said softly. “As soon as the party is over, you’d better be ready to follow up on where that was going!”

I took a quick glance around to make sure we weren’t too close to anyone else, then I allowed my left hand to slide down the small of her back to cup one cheek of her delectable ass in an intimate caress.

“You can count on that, Gracie,” I growled lustily. I knew she recognized my tone and the need it conveyed. My sister knew me better than anyone else after all. I knew her just as well, and I easily detected the subtle hints of her arousal. Few things turned her on as much as seeing my obvious desire for her. Everyone wants to be wanted, but this was different, I knew. We both knew that our desire was for each other, alone. It wasn’t possible for either of us to react that way to another.

“Never let me go, Kevin!” she whispered fiercely.

“Never!” I replied, and pulled her tight against my chest. Reluctantly, I loosened my grip on her, allowing her to pull back slightly. If I’d continued holding her body that closely, it might have led to me taking her right there on the dance floor. Grace looked at me with that twinkle in her eye that she reserved just for me.

“Should we make our goodbyes now, and take this somewhere a little more private?” she asked hotly.

“I’d like to do exactly that,” I told her. “But we can’t leave yet. I promised Fleur that I’d cover for them while they’re, er, busy.”

“Busy?” Grace asked.

“Yeah,” I said and pointed awkwardly towards the door to the huge coat closet in the far corner of the reception hall.

“Oh, busy…the honeymoon started early, I get it!” she said and giggled girlishly. “Good for them!”


Fortunately, the reception ended after another two hours. It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying the party, you understand. It’s simply that Grace and I needed some private time together.

As we entered the condo, I saw Gracie give Carmen Oreza an unobtrusive gesture. The tough former Marine noncom nodded her head to acknowledge the silent request for privacy, then walked away towards the kitchen with my own protective officer behind her. Grace and I quickly ensconced ourselves in our bedroom. It looked radically different now with most of our things packed away for the impending move, but I scarcely noticed that. I onlly had eyes for my stunningly beautiful sister.

As soon as the bedroom door was closed behind us, she was in my arms were she belonged.

“Oh, Kevin,” she said softly as her hands pushed the jacket of my tux off of my shoulders. “I love you so much, baby!”

I had no chance to reply before her lips were on mine, and her tongue sought mine for an intimate duel. My arms went around her waist and I pulled her close to me. I could feel her nipples hardening as her breasts pressed against my chest.

I kissed and nibbled my way down sahabet giriş her jawline to her sensitive neck. At the same time, I located the zipper on the back of her elegant dress and began tugging it down. Grace moaned in pleasure as I slid my hand inside her dress and stroked the soft, silky smooth skin of her back.

“Yes, Kevin,” Grace hissed breathlessly as I kissed my way down her neck. As the dress slid down to reveal the skin beneath, I followed its retreat with my mouth. Soon I was kissing my way over the rounded upper slopes of her firm breasts. Grace’s gasps and moans of pleasurable excitement were all the encouragement I needed.

Grace pulled away from me for just a moment to step out of her dress. She deftly scooped it up and threw it over one of the boxes stacked in the corner. I admired her strong, athletic figure as she moved. Her waist, while never carrying much in the way of excess fat, had recently become more narrow. This had the effect of emphasizing her hips and delightfully rounded ass. She was, I knew, firm there, with just enough jiggle to get a man’s attention. I grinned when I realized her

panties were a thong style. That meant she had chosen her underwear with me in mind. She found thongs to be a little uncomfortable, but she knew how sexy I thought they looked on her, so she occasionally wore one for me.

She looked at me over her shoulder and favored me with a sexy smile when she saw me watching her. She reached behind her in that way only a woman can and unhooked her lacy half-cup bra. Slowly, teasingly, she turned back around to face me, and let the bra fall to the floor. Then in one smooth motion, she pushed her thong down off of her hips and let it fall to the floor as well.

As I beheld the beautiful goddess before me, I felt my manhood rise to the occasion. She stepped back into the circle of my arms and pressed her body against me once more. As she hugged me tightly, I noted the increased strength of her arms. Those workouts she’d been having with Miss Oreza were very effective.

“I think you’re a little overdressed, don’t you, Kevin?” she asked as she removed my bowtie.

“Definitely,” I said. I quickly removed the rest of my clothes and tossed them aside.

“MMM, much better!” she whispered. She ran the tips of her fingers through the thin, coarse hairs sprinkled across my chest as she looked me up and down. “You’re so handsome, Kevin,” she said softly. Grace caressed my body for a moment before slowly sinking to her knees in front of me.

“Oh!” I cried as she took my manhood deep into her mouth in a single lunge.

She looked sexily up at me as she worked her mouth up and down my shaft. I moaned my appreciation as she sucked me. Soon, though, her skills and my excitement got the better of me.

“Grace, honey, you’ve got to stop! I can’t hold back much longer, I’m gonna -“

Grace pulled her mouth off of me with a sexy popping sound. “Then don’t hold back, lover!” she said. “Give me your cum!”

She quickly took me back into her mouth and picked up the pace of her sucking.

“Oh! Gracie…I’m so close, baby…I’m cumming! Ah, I’m cumming!” I cried, trying to warn her. But Grace didn’t pull away. She continued sliding her mouth up and down on my rampant erection, holding my enraptured gaze with her own.

The dam burst, and I spent myself in her mouth – an uncommon treat. Grace didn’t hate the taste of my cum but she much preferred to receive it elsewhere. Every once in a while, however, she would let me cum in her mouth. I relaxed gradually as Gracie licked around the head of my cock, then made a show of swallowing.

“That was unbelievable, Gracie” I said, still catching my breath.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Kevin,” she said as she rose to her feet. “I wanted to do something a little extra for you tonight to show you how much I love you and need you.”

I pulled her close to me and kissed her deeply. “Just being here with you is special, Gracie,” I said to her as our lips parted. “I’d die if I were to lose you!”

“You nearly died more than once, trying to keep me!” she reminded me, her voice trembling slightly.

“You’re more than worth it, Gracie,” I assured her. “Besides, the important thing is that we’re both still here, and we’re together.”

We kissed again, this time more gently. I could feel her ardor starting to rage. She’d need release soon, and I didn’t intend to make her wait any longer. When the kiss ended, I gently scooped her up into my arms and cradled her against my chest. I took two steps forward and laid her gently on the bed with her legs dangling over the side. In spite of the need rising in both of us, I had to take just a moment to admire her.

I’ve spoken so many times about her physical beauty that you’re all probably sick of it by now. Nevertheless I’ll say yet again that my beloved sister is an awe-inspiring treat to all five of the human senses. Her form and figure are the very embodiment of what I consider to be the ideal female. Her scent, occasionally enhanced with a little dusting powder, is clean and light – tinged at that moment with the subtle aroma of her arousal. The texture of her smooth, satiny skin, and the delightfully silken hair that crowned her head was pure pleasure to touch. When I tasted the essence of her womanhood, the savor of it was intoxicating. This woman inflamed me in every way.

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