
Plausible Deniability


“No you just didn’t, did you,” Teal cried?

“Did what,” I asked?

“You did!” “Oh my god, how am I going to explain this if I get pregnant,” Teal hissed?

“Plausible deniability,” I said quickly. “Nothing happened here, it’s his.”

“There’s just one, tiny little problem with that,” Teal barked!


I parked my 1991 Mercury Grand Marquis in the lot at the office. I grabbed my lunch sack and headed inside the sizable office complex. Another exciting day I thought as I grabbed my time sheet and punched in. I threw my lunch into the fridge and headed for my cubical to see what had landed in my inbox.

This was so not what I wanted to do with my life. I spent a fortune, or rather my parents had spent a fortune, on college for me. I had an MBA degree and hopes of being in the upper management of a big time company. Here I was working in research and development for a medical supply company making next to nothing. That’s what you get when the economy turns bad I guess. Take what you can get and wait until something better comes along.

Surprisingly for a Monday my inbox was empty. I set down in my chair and checked my email for anything interesting. Maybe a company would offer me a job and I could get out of this exciting line of work. I looked around at the faces that I could see in the other cubicles. They all had the same idea I did.

Nothing. No offers, only a joke email from Fred. I read it and had a laugh. I signed out and went to the coffee pot and poured a fresh cup. I went to the lab as we called it and shot the shit with a few other guys before we started working.

The lab was just a big room with all kinds of junk used to make things from ideas or suggestions that fell from the upper management. Today we were working on making quick connect backboard straps to sell to places that ran ambulances. We wanted them to be quick so when the fire department or ambulance people pulled up to a car accident or fall or something like that and they needed to strap a victim to the backboard, our straps would deploy quickly and work quickly with minimal patient movement. Once the patient was strapped in, our straps needed to hold the patient in place so they wouldn’t slide around, even on an incline or decline.

We had made good progress on Thursday and Friday. We had the product finished enough for testing by lunch time today. We ate lunch then returned to make a test run. I being tall at 6 foot 1 was the first test dummy to be tested on the backboard. I was placed in a neck brace and strapped down by a head block and then our new straps were used to hold me to the board. Once completed, I was carried around the room and tipped and turned to see if I moved.

So far so good I thought as I was placed on a 45 degree angle and I moved maybe an inch.

“How do you feel,” Fred asked?

“I don’t feel like I’m going to fall out,” I replied.

“Are the straps digging into you,” Sue asked?

“Not anymore than our competitors did,” I said.

“Alright, cut him loose,” Fred ordered. I was released and the next person was tied to the board.

It was Sues turn to be the dummy. She was about 5 foot 7 but very plump. She was our fat tester even though nobody told her that. We walked and twisted and turned her all over the room with minimal movement from her as well.

She was released and gave her review.

“I think we need a short person to be a test dummy,” I suggested.

“Where are we going to find someone short,” Fred asked?

We heard clicking from high heeled shoes coming down the hall. That meant one thing. Teal was coming down the hall making her rounds. Teal was the floor manager that was hired about 6 months ago to try and get more production from us and keep us motivated. She kept me and Fred motivated all right. Sexually motivated that is.

She was 5 foot 1, with shoulder length natural blonde hair and deep green eyes that you got lost in if you looked too long. A pert little nose was perched on her ovalish face with soft cheeks and a soft little smile with the whitest teeth behind them. She had about a B cup for tits but a nice round little ass that made up for it. She had toned but soft creamy white legs. They weren’t ghost white, they had some color but they were not tan like most people in the area.

She wore a variety of tops but always had a skirt on. Some were wavy and loose while others were short and tight. Not short like going to the club short but short enough that it caught your attention. Not that her wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt wouldn’t get your loins stirring. You would have to be blind or gay not to be turned on by her. I guess being single and kind of nerdy like I was might have clouded my judgment but every guy in the building would stare when she walked by. It wasn’t just me.

None of us had a chance with her though. She had a rock on her finger that would sink the titanic. Maybe it was her small frame that made it look so big but regardless she was taken. That didn’t görükle escort stop me from flirting with her though.

I stuck my head out the door just in time to see her click by. I sighed to myself as she strolled on by. Her heels clicked and echoed down the hallway as I took her in. White long sleeve button down shirt that was mostly see threw with a short black tight skirt. I watched her ass shift softly and tried not to drool as I called her attention.

“Teal,” I called. She turned quickly and looked my way. “Want to get tied up,” I teased?

She smiled big and batted her eyes as she clutched her clipboard over her chest. “What are you asking,” she replied?

“We need a short tester for the straps,” I said seriously. I only flirted just a little. I hated this job but I needed it to keep my apartment and my freedom. Otherwise it was back to mom and dad’s house. I didn’t get much pussy as it was now, that would completely ruin my chances.

“How long will this being tied up take,” she asked? She walked towards me. The clipboard dropped to her side. Her soft tits came into view. Her lace bra was fuzzy behind the material of her shirt but it was still tantalizing.

“How long do you have,” I asked? I leaned against the door now and tried not to stare at her chest. It was hard not to and I was flustered by the soft mounds of flesh.

“I have all day,” she replied. “How long do you usually take,” she asked? She had a serious undertone on that one.

“A couple of minutes,” I replied before I let what she asked fully register.

She gave a snickering smile as she stood in front of me.

“What am I required to do,” she asked? She still had the smile on her face.

“Just lay there on the board and we will strap you down,” I said.

“Just lay there,” she teased?

“Yeah,” I said with a sudden loss of words. Why couldn’t I be more smooth?

“On the backboard,” I turned and pointed.

Fred and Sue were chatting in the back about something.

“I’m wearing a skirt,” she suddenly said. “You won’t see up it will you,” she asked in an unworried tone?

“I will try not to look,” I offered. I slapped my forehead. “We shouldn’t see up it,” I said quickly.

She giggled a little. “That’s okay, once you have seen one you have seen them all, right.”

“Ah, sure,” I said. I wouldn’t mind seeing yours though I thought.

“You shouldn’t have anything to worry about,” I started. “Unless, you know.”

“Know what,” she asked coyly?

“Unless, you aren’t wearing anything under there,” I said softly.

She giggled softly. “Usually not,” she said very flirtatiously as she walked confidently into the room.

It left me stunned as I stood by the door and watched her absentmindedly. Maybe she wasn’t off limits after all. Girls are so tricky I thought.

“Ok,” she announced. “I’m here to be the test dummy.” She quickly but carefully got down and laid flat on the back board. She crossed her arms over her chest and crossed her ankles to keep her legs shut.

The other two started her direction. I finally came to and hurried over to the board. I looked at her as she lay and smiled up at me. She knew I was flustered and I’m pretty sure it was making her very happy.

“Feet,” she said softly and pointed at me to be at that end.

I obeyed quickly and started strapping her down. I clipped it quickly to the board and tried not to look up at her at all. I carefully took her ankle off the other one and moved them apart so I could get the strap in place. I kept focused on my work as I tried to ignore the overwhelming excitement growing in my pants.

Finally with her in place I looked up her legs and saw just a slight part of her legs. The skirt had ridden up just a little and there was just enough light and space for me to see. I saw the triangle that formed between her legs. I saw a landing stripe of trimmed blonde hair running up from her soft slit. Her small tights hid the rest of her pussy but it was enough to turn me on. It was true, she wasn’t wearing any panties.

I quickly averted my eyes away and up to her face. She lifted her head off the board and looked down at me. She had a knowing smile on her face. My face was clearly flustered and red so she knew I had seen. Why I looked up at her face I don’t know but it did reveal a detail that Sue had forgotten.

“The head block and neck brace,” I said quickly.

“Oh yeah,” Sue said.

Fred tore his eyes away from her chest and retrieved the two items.

They worked to get her secured as I watched her face trying to keep from peeking under her skirt. Her smile never left her face they finished putting her in place.

“Ready,” Fred asked?

“Just don’t drop me,” she said.

“You’re light enough, we won’t,” Fred replied.

We lifted and started walking around the room. One of the straps was loose on the end Sue had done and it allowed Teal to slide around.

“Put her on the table,” I ordered. “Let’s get the strap bursa görükle escort tight.”

We dropped her on the table and they started tugging on the strap to tighten it. I remained at her feet. She shifted her legs slightly apart as I watched her face. I dared a quick glance and was rewarded with a little more slit this time. My heart jumped with my cock as she folded her legs back together. I darted my eyes away and guiltily looked at her face. She smiled seductively at me as my face was redder.

They finished and we again lifted her and marched around the room. We tilted and turned and bounced her around for a good five minutes before we were satisfied that they would work on adults in a variety of heights. Fred and I winked at each other as we got near the table. Teal picked up on this and looked curious as I set my end down. Fred held her up and rested her against the table. We left her tilted at a 45 degree angle and started to walk away.

I high fived Fred. “Let’s go home,” I joked.

“Yup, it’s been a good day,” Fred cheered.

We almost reached the door before we looked back. Teal was suspended on the board by the straps with the neck and head restraints holding her in place. She could have escaped if she wanted to but she remained calm and smiled as we started back towards her.

“Oh shit,” Fred exclaimed. “We almost forgot to let you go,” he teased.

“Ha ha,” Teal mocked at him.

“Slide her up on the table, it will be easier,” I suggested.

“Easier for what,” Teal asked?

“For you to get off,” I replied.

“Oh,” she said coyly.

My face went red again. She was flirting with me again and the fact that I had saw her pussy wasn’t helping any. Fred and I lifted her onto the table and released her. She sat up and spun to the edge of the table. Her legs were parted and facing me as she did. I got one last glimpse of her before she slipped off the edge of the table.

She smiled at me again as I started removing the neck brace. Fred and Sue started removing the straps and were trying to think of a fatter person to be a test subject. I pulled the neck brace off and tossed it on the table.

“Thanks for the ride,” Teal said as she started across the floor to the door.

I watched her ass before I followed after her. I had to apologize for my actions. Sneaking peeks up a girls skirt wasn’t something I did, at least when the girl knew about it. If I was in public and it happened then it happened. I didn’t try to make a habit of doing it.

“Teal,” I called as she started clicking down the hallway.

She turned and walked back towards me.

“Sorry for my looks,” I said sheepishly.

She laughed softly. “Don’t be sorry.” “I could have said no thanks to the whole thing.” “Besides, I let you know my secret.” “I expected you to peek a little.” “I thought it was going to be a lot more.” “You’re a gentleman if I have ever met one.”

“Well, I tried to contain myself” I replied dumbly. “It’s hard not to look.”

“Thank you,” she said sweetly. She leaned in and touched her body to mine. “I had fun in there, my husband will be thanking you tonight.”

She turned and walked off quickly down the hall. I stood watching her until she turned around the corner and headed into the next room.

“Yeah, he will be thanking you and I will be rubbing one out at home by myself,” I mumbled under my breath. “That’s fair.”

“I’m going to find Mike,” Fred said. “He will be our fat tester.”

I came back quickly and joked. “Get a few more people to carry him too.” “I don’t think the 3 of us can do it alone.”

“Yeah,” he laughed.

We tested Mike and found the straps needed to be able to adjust quicker. We would start the project tomorrow. I headed back to my cubicle and finished the rest of the day playing solitaire on the computer. I clocked out and headed home. I thought nothing more about the day and Teal.

I arrived at the office and repeated the same morning routine. Clocked in, put lunch away and check email. Still no other offers and still nothing in my inbox. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

I arrived at the lab and we started making the straps easier to extend or retract. We had to make it stay put after they moved. By lunch we had a fix and were going to test Mike again once we could find him. We all left the lab and headed for the lunch room.

I got my sack from the fridge and found my seat at one of the four long tables that dominated the room. Two on one side and two on the other. A center isle ran down the middle. I took my sandwich and started to chew absentmindedly. I didn’t focus on anything in particular until I saw Teal click by in those high heels.

I wondered how her night went with husband. She rummaged through the fridge and got her lunch. She sat near the fridge but on the isle diagonal from me as I was also sitting on the isle but near the door. I watched her closely as she sat softly in the seat. Her grey business suit bursa eskort skirt hugged her legs tightly. She parted her legs slightly and I thought I caught a flash of what I saw yesterday. It happened so quickly I wasn’t sure so I passed it off as my mind was hoping for something.

She saw me sitting there staring at her. She smiled kindly and started eating her lunch. She didn’t acknowledge me any further than that. I continued eating and glancing her way in hopes of seeing something. She didn’t have her legs crossed so there was a chance. She had them hanging open just slightly, enough to tease me and keep me hoping but not enough to show me anything.

I decided that I wasn’t getting teased today so I ignored her and ate my yogurt cup. Everything was as usual and yesterday was just a fluke. Maybe it didn’t even happen and I was dreaming. I glanced up at her face and noticed her eyes were looking my way in an inconspicuous manor. They darted back down to a memo she was reading. She was watching me but why?

Suddenly her foot rose up to meet her hand and she scratched her ankle. Her leg spread wide and there was no mistake about what I saw this time. The same blonde landing strip that led to her slit. This time I saw more than just a slit. I saw her soft little lips puff out and around her slit. It was pinkish red and looked perfect. Just as quickly as they appeared, they were gone. She dropped her leg back down and returned to her semi parted posture. She had an obvious smile on her face. I couldn’t see her mouth because the paper was in the way but I could see the laugh lines on her face.

She darted her eyes over the paper and looked my way. I had already dropped my eyes and searched my bag for the grapes. I used my peripherals to look at her. She seemed almost disappointed that I wasn’t staring. I casually tossed a grape into my mouth and chewed. I glance at her and her eyes darted away. She tossed the paper down and picked up the next.

A few other people came in creating a distraction and noise as they chatted about this and that. They filed down the center isle and to the fridge. They brushed past her papers and one slipped from the table. It softly floated to the floor by her feet. I knew what was coming next. I looked subtly her way.

She looked my way quickly and almost seemed disappointed that I wasn’t looking. I was but I wasn’t being blatant about it. She leaned down and spread her legs open as she picked the paper from the floor. The angle was bad as she leaned down and pushed her pussy more under her. I did however see the strip of blonde hair. She sat up and left them open for a second before shutting them as the line of people retrieved lunch and were heading out to find a seat. I saw her puffy lips again before darkness closed them in.

She looked at me as I closed my sack and sat there. I looked back and smiled before sipping on my drink and pretended I had seen nothing. I took a look at my phone and texted Fred to see if he was done with lunch. He had decided on going out for lunch today.

Teal coughed. I turned my head and she spread her legs quickly and blatantly in my direction as she spun and got up. It was a bold move considering I wasn’t the only guy in the room and they would be watching her every move. I saw everything once again as she stood and dumped her trash in the can. She strode by confident as always and smiled a teasing smile.

I caught her arm and took her off guard as I pulled her to my level. Shit I took myself off guard by my bold move. I almost let her go as I lost confidence. Quit being such a wimp I ordered myself.

“I saw, Teal,” I whispered. “I was watching.” “Tell your husband he is welcome.”

“Haha,” she laughed sarcastically. She had a big smile on her face. “When it happens, I will deliver the message.”

I softly let her arm go. She stood straight and flattened her skirt out over her thighs.

“Is the product ready,” she asked?

“Should be, you want to get another ride,” I asked?

She didn’t answer as she walked off. She only chuckled a little. Well that was odd I thought. Maybe I pissed her off. Girls are so hard to figure out.


I flipped the light on in the supply room. The door clicked as the stopper caught the arm and held the door open. I searched the left closet and didn’t find anything I thought we could fabricate into a useful product. I did find a few items that were interesting and I set them on the table. There was so much junk in here it was a wonder. Half the budget must be in here I thought. Tables, chairs, screens, cabinets, boxes, rolling shelves, you name it and it was probably in here.

I treaded around to the other side and opened the closet door. Might be something up here I thought. I pulled and box and a bunch of other stuff started to fall. I darted back but not fast enough. A monitor fell and landed on my foot with a crash. A few other items fell creating quite a commotion.

“Fuck,” I cursed as I bounced back and sat in the chair. It wasn’t a computer monitor but a heart rate monitor that we sold to places that provided advanced life support in the field. It was heavy with all the wires and the big battery that was in it. The thing was a dinosaur now since we had made about 10 newer models since.

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