
Poker Game


Hello readers! This is just sort of a preview. It is my first ever submission, and I would like to get feedback before I continue with chapter 2. (I already have part of it written, so it shouldn’t be too long.) Enjoy!


“Hey, Man. How’s it going?” Dan gestured at his bud, Glenn, as he stepped through Glenn’s creaky front door. The two guys hugged each other briefly before Glenn led his friend into the cramped, well-lit dining room to greet the other three bi-monthly, Sunday night poker club members.

Dan Percy, a handsome yet plain thirty-nine year old history teacher shyly took the last unclaimed chair around the poker table, laughing with the rest of the guys at a joke that he pretended he hadn’t missed. This was only Dan’s fourth time playing poker with this particular posse. Glenn had invited him after the last guy, Craig, dropped out in favor of spending more quality time with his wife; nobody thought that was actually Craig’s preference.

Glenn and Dan knew each other from community college. Glenn succeeded in opening his own auto fix-it shop creatively named “Glenn’s Car Repair” after settling down with a pregnant wife, Hannah, who passed away in a car crash shortly after giving birth to a beautify baby, Ashley. The other three guys in the poker club worked as mechanics at Glenn’s Car Repair, so Dan often felt excluded from their jokes and car jargon. He just smiled and played along. He was single and just moved into this small town for a job teaching eleventh grade US History at the local high school. Glenn heard he was there and immediately recruited him as their fifth player. Dan accepted the offer; he had nothing else to do.

Each game night so far had yielded a pretty big winning for some guy named Ron, who looked like an ex-football player. He had large muscles that had been recently layered in some wiggly fat and a beer belly. His crude demeanor and boisterous laugh made the other guys laugh but tickled Dan the wrong way. Dan gracefully lost money every game, and every game he was taunted for it by the Ron, the obnoxious ex-stud. Sometimes Dan considered Taşoluk Escort telling Glenn to find someone else to play, but every time, he would remember his one reason to stay:

Just then, Ashley thundered down the stairs that led into the hallway outside of the dining room where the four mechanics and the history teacher sat gambling and drinking. She swung around the doorframe and greeted everyone with a smile and a “hey” as she passed through to the kitchen.

The men quieted down a little. “Hey, Sweetie, all done with homework?” Glenn asked, chipping in eight more dollars to the pot. Ron was making a groping gesture at his own breasts for the guys sitting on either side of him, while pointedly avoiding the gaze of Ashley’s father. The cronies chuckled softly, unnoticed by Glenn. Dan rolled his eyes.

“Not quite! Got a little history homework left, but I’m almost done!” Ashley shouted from the kitchen. “Just craving a glass of OJ.” She emerged from the kitchen with her juice and leaned up against the wall behind her dad, who was still too busy fumbling with his money to notice four pairs of eyes roaming the body of his only daughter. She was perfection. Dan audibly gulped and then smiled bashfully when she glanced over and made eye contact with the shy professor.

Ashley had just turned eighteen the summer before senior year at the same school at which Dan taught eleventh grade. He had heard her name around school — class president, activities organizer, prom committee — before he had even seen her or realized that she was his old friend’s daughter. She was extremely bright and college bound, but more importantly to the boys (and men) that encountered her, extremely beautiful. Thick, strawberry-blonde locks fell gently upon her lightly freckled shoulders and continued halfway down her back. She had deep brown eyes that popped without the excessive use of makeup, and lips, perfectly plump and pink, that puckered slightly when she sipped her orange juice. Tonight she wore a baby-blue tank top under which her sensible, nude-colored bra Escort Taşoluk was slightly visible, and which housed a pair of substantial, apple-sized breasts. The rest of her flawless body, tonight, was hidden by sweatpants and some poofy slippers with monkeys on them. She was the kind of cool girl that Dan crushed on in high school. It turns out that not much had changed for him since then.

Even Ron found her attractive and made dirty jokes about “doing her” when Glenn was in another room. Dan always considered those jokes to be in bad taste, and yet he always felt his manliness stiffen whenever someone mentioned her. He even fantasized about multiple situations ending with he and Ashley alone together, sexually satisfied, cuddling, and kissing. Most of the time in these fantasies, Ron also ended up in jail or locked outside. Dan hadn’t had a real, long-term girlfriend in about four years, so the sad extent of his sexual pleasure came from this brief, bi-monthly encounter with the girl of his dreams.

Glenn, finally responding to his daughter, said, “You know, Dan, here, teaches history. Maybe he can help you out if you’re having trouble.” Dan tried not to blush too hard as everyone then turned their attention to him.

Dan knew by her reputation that Ashley was smart enough to have graduated from high school at sixteen; she certainly would not need any help with a little history assignment. Regardless, Ashley politely responded with a chuckle, “That’s fine. I think I can handle it this time. But I’ll definitely come to you if I need anything. You work at my school, right?…Mr. Percy?” She smiled brightly at Dan.

Dan had to swallow his spit again to talk, and he had to clear his throat awkwardly a couple of times before he could make words come out. “Uuhh, yeah,” he said, ” Yeah, my classroom is right across from the yearbook room.” Dan swallowed again. He could feel Ron and the other two’s jealous eyes making his blushing cheeks burn hotter.

“Okay, yeah, I do some work for the yearbook sometimes, so maybe I will stop in and say Taşoluk Escort Bayan hi soon,” Ashley chirped.

“Please do,” Dan muttered kind of desperately, but nobody else seemed to notice.

“Good luck with your game, guys! I’m going to go back upstairs. Goodnight, Papa.” She kissed Glenn lightly on the top of his balding head. He smiled. Everyone waved goodbye as Ashley left. Ron purposefully tipped his chair back to get a good view of her butt as she flounced from the room. He made a barely audible wolf whistle that made Dan’s blood boil. Finally, Glenn noticed the color of Dan’s face. Dan claimed it was just the beer making him hot, so he excused himself from the table and went into the kitchen to get a glass of cool ice water. He took the opportunity to make sure his erection was hidden, only to turn around and find Ron coming in to get another beer out of the fridge.

“You too, eh?” Ron chuckled, “I always get super horny when Ashley comes down. What I wouldn’t do for a little squeeze of those fine titties.” Ron leaned against the counter next to Dan. “She seemed pretty smiley at you tonight…” Dan just stared straight ahead. “Meh. I’m sure I was imagining it.”

Dan considered punching him, but the burly muscles attached to Ron’s large arms changed his mind. Dan just forced a laugh instead and walked back into the dining room.

The rest of the night proved just as unsuccessful for Dan as all of the other poker nights, if not worse, because Ron kept singling Dan out and teasing him about his bets. Again as everyone was leaving, Dan thought about telling Glenn he would not be coming back for any more poker nights, but right before he opened his mouth, Ron came up behind him and forcefully “patted” Dan on the back. “Better luck next game, man!” Ron taunted as he shook Dan a little bit to show his strength.

“Thanks! Yeah, I can’t wait!” Dan exclaimed, feigning cheer and trying to match Ron’s annoying tone of voice.

Ron laughed at that, and Dan could hear him continue to guffaw all the way down the front walk as Dan said his salutations to Glenn and thanked him for his hospitality.

Upstairs, Ashley, from the window, watched every one of her dad’s friends drive off in their noisy, rehabilitated junker pick-ups, and she then smiled as Mr. Percy strode slowly over to unlock his road bike and then rode calmly and silently off into the night.

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