
Power Plays Ch. 17


Author’s Note: TK did a wonderful and very quick job of editing this story. I’d like to thank her so much for that.


Alayna was tired and slightly sad when she reentered her condo. John and Janice had just dropped her off minutes ago and she missed them already. The past two nights she had slept between their bodies and the idea of sleeping alone tonight held no appeal. Alayna walked up to her room with her bag and placed it on her bed. According to Janice their shopping trip had been a great success but Alayna wasn’t sure when or where she would wear any of her new purchases. Alayna kicked off her sandals leaving her in the same sundress she had flown out in only a few days before as she opened the bag on her bed.

“I’m sure someone will enjoy me in a leather bustier,” she said holding it up in front of herself, “hopefully not for too long though.” Alayna placed the leather bustier and matching g string on one of the padded hangers in her lingerie closet. “I don’t even know where to put these,” Alayna said holding up a pair of leather chaps, “maybe a drawer.” Alayna folded the chaps and placed them in a bottom drawer along with some of the other items Janice had helped her purchase.

Alayna wasn’t sure if it had been the flight or the previous couple of days but she was suddenly very tired. She removed her sundress and walked to her bathroom naked. The tile floor was cool on her bare feet. Alayna looked at her reflection in the mirror after turning on the shower. She had gotten quite a bit of sun while she was out on the boat with John and Janice. There was only a hint of tan line where her bottoms had covered remaining. Alayna considered lying out naked a couple more times to make the line completely disappear. Alayna stepped into the shower and under the stream of warm water. She stood there motionless letting the water wash over her body. Even though she was not moving her mind was racing. Tomorrow she would be back at work. She had wanted to talk to Joe for over a week and hoped that tomorrow she would have the chance. Alayna shaved carefully but still her mind was elsewhere. She wondered how he would react when he saw her. Would he know what she had done with John and Janice? The questions continued to flood her brain as she washed her body. It only added to her mental exhaustion. Alayna stepped out of the shower and grabbed a large white bath towel to dry herself.

She looked into her eyes reflection in the mirror as she dried her body. She knew she could not have this conversation out loud. Camille had warned her about letting anyone know about her true feelings and Alayna wasn’t sure if any of the cameras had microphones. Alayna walked to her bed with her hair still damp and slid under the covers. She hoped for a sound night’s sleep. Alayna took one of her pillows and turned it sideways, she placed her head on it and pulled it into her body with her other hand. She imagined the pillow was Joe and her head was on his chest. How she loved the sound of his heartbeat in her ear. In a few more nights she would be in his bed sleeping just like this. She couldn’t wait.

The following morning before she woke Alayna began to dream. She dreamed of Joe and her in front of a fire on a beach making love. The dream was so real she could feel him against her body. When she woke up she was breathless, wet and upset that it had only been a dream.

Alayna slowly rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. She moved her hands over her body as he would have. They weren’t her hands right now they were Joe’s. His hands moved over her breasts and rubbed over her hardening nipples. Joe’s hands explored Alayna’s body as they had in her dream moving slowly down her abdomen as she spread her legs under the satin sheet. When the first finger touched her pussy her body jumped. She kept her eyes locked shut and just enjoyed the sensation of him touching her body through her hands. His fingers rubbed her clit which was already swollen and wet. Alayna took her other hand and rubbed her fingers around her pussy soaking them fully. She removed her fingers and moved them slowly up her body. They were no longer her fingers but were his tongue licking its way up to her breasts. Her wet fingers felt like a tongue flicking her nipples. His fingers rubbed her clit quicker and his hand squeezed her breasts bringing the wet nipple to his mouth. Alayna sucked her tit pinching the nipple between her teeth imagining it was Joe’s mouth and moaned loudly.

“Oh yes!” Alayna moaned suppressing the urge to call his name. Her body arched and legs bent upwards as she came. “I should dream like that more often,” she whispered to herself, “but I’d much rather prefer the reality.”

Alayna slipped out of the bed and walked to her bathroom. She was in need of another shower. Alayna propped herself up on the toilet and envisioned her upcoming day. As much as she enjoyed John’s massive cock over the past couple of days she was looking forward to Joe’s. He always seemed to know what she needed and brought her the most amazing orgasms. Alayna showered quickly and sat at her makeup table. She applied some light makeup kırşehir escort and a shade of lipstick that may be considered just a little too red and bright for a normal office setting. She put her hair up in a twist held in place by some well positioned pins. Alayna stood up and walked into her bedroom, she knew exactly what she would wear today. Actually she knew exactly what she would do when she walked into his office too. She smiled as she dressed and was soon walking downstairs.

“Come on in Shauna,” Alayna called in the direction of the front door, “I left it open for you.”

“One of the benefits of a no crime neighborhood,” Shauna said walking in the front door, “you can leave your doors unlocked and wide open.”

“That’s true,” Alayna said pouring herself a cup of coffee and laughing, “it’s not like a closed door will prevent anyone from seeing anything.”

“So,” Shauna said walking up to Alayna and giving her a hug, “how was your time with Mr. big cock?”

“Oh my,” Alayna said trembling, “you have no idea!”

“How do you know I don’t?” Shauna smiled as she moved back from Alayna. “We’ll talk more in the car.”

Alayna followed Shauna out the door and to her small convertible. The two of them had become quite good at their morning routine. Neither would utter a word until they passed the guards at the gate.

“Have they ever taken you on a trip before?” Alayna asked Shauna as she pulled onto the highway.

“No,” she replied moving deftly through traffic, “but I have felt him split me in two in more ways than one.”

“Well without going into detail,” Alayna said quivering in the passenger’s seat, “it was an amazing 2 days.”

“But obviously you want more today.” Shauna said looking Alayna up and down and smiling.

“What makes you say that?” Alayna asked trying to keep a straight face.

“Let’s see,” Shauna said turning back to the road, “bright red lipstick, black back seamed stockings, and 4 ½” heels are not your usual work wear even for us.”

“Well I’m hoping to get a call to the office.” Alayna said blushing deeply.

“I can’t say I blame you there,” Shauna said touching Alayna’s left leg, “but be careful not to let too many of those emotions show.”

“Thanks for not saying anything.” Alayna said as she placed her hand on Shauna’s and squeezed it.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Shauna said squeezing Alayna’s hand, “I saw your friend the other day.”

“Who?” Alayna asked.

“You remember,” Shauna said teasingly, “the first day in your new place you couldn’t wait to see him again. Now he’s but a distant memory isn’t he?”

“Oh my God,” Alayna gasped, “I had completely forgotten about him.”

“I did tell you that you would didn’t I?” Shauna smiled as Alayna momentarily tightened her grasp on her hand.

“You were right Shauna,” Alayna replied nervously, “I haven’t thought about him in weeks. I mean he is the entire reason I’m here. I spent so much time with his cock inside me I thought my mouth and pussy were going to form to its shape.”

Suddenly Alayna was conflicted. All she had wanted for the past few weeks was Joe. He had been amazing, caring and so much more, but it was her attraction to the man who started her down this path that brought her to where she was today. Alayna spent the remainder of the drive in silence.

“We’re here.” Shauna said squeezing Alayna’s hand and shutting off the car.

“Already…?” Alayna replied, her voice trailing off.

“I wouldn’t have told you,” Shauna said turning to her friend, “but you know you’re going to see him again sooner or later.”

“I know Shauna,” Alayna said smiling back at her, “I just wasn’t expecting to hear about him.”

“Well don’t worry about him right now,” Shauna said stepping out of the car, “you’ve got work to do.”

Alayna stepped out of Shauna’s car and faced her friend. She took several deep breaths and exhaled deeply.

“Okay, I’m better thanks.” Alayna replied hugging Shauna. “Let’s go.”

Despite her calm appearance Alayna’s heart was racing. She had deep feelings for both men and for the first time realized they both worked in the same building. Alayna could hear the blood rushing through her body as she made her way to her office.

“Good morning,” Alayna’s secretary said waking Alayna from her trance like state, “he wants to see you right now.”

“Who?” Alayna asked trying to get her mind back in order.

“Joe,” her secretary replied wondering how she could not know, “your boss.”

“Oh, sorry, of course.” Alayna replied. “I’ll go right now.”

Alayna walked quickly to Joe’s office. As she neared Joe’s secretary opened his office door for her allowing her to walk straight in. When Alayna entered the room she saw him sitting behind his desk, his smile was wide and his eyes sparkled. She heard the door close behind her and walked towards the chair in front of his desk. Joe’s eyes seemed to look inside her. She wondered if he would know what she had just been thinking.

“Good morning Alayna,” Joe said smiling widely at the stunning blonde walking into his niğde escort office, “did you enjoy the Bahamas?”

“Yes I did,” Alayna said sitting down in the chair in front of his desk and spreading her legs to the edges of it, “the weather was amazing.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself,” he said with his eyes slowly moving up Alayna’s legs, “I’ll be interested to hear more about it later, but for now I have something else in mind.”

Alayna smiled wickedly and stood up. She had selected this particular charcoal gray dress for a reason. Three buttons fastened it at her left waist on the outside and another 2 buttons fastened it on her right waist in a wrap. The dress was also lined with black silk; it had a classic look to it and was easily removable. Underneath Alayna had selected a silver satin and black lace bra, garter belt and thong. The demi cup bra pushed her large breasts upwards and together. The silver satin had a floral pattern that cupped each of Alayna’s breasts while the black lace covered her nipples. Alayna lay her dress over the chair she had just vacated and moved her hands slowly up to her breasts. She let her thumbs rub the satin of her bra as she reached for the barrel clasp of her bra. Alayna slowly popped the bra clasp open and let the straps fall off her shoulders. She looked up just enough to see Joe’s gaze out of the corner of her eye. Her audience was captivated to say the least. Alayna removed the bra and placed it neatly on top of her dress. Once again her hands returned to her body landing gently on her waist. Alayna had deliberately put her thong on over her garter belt so she could remove it easily. She turned her back to Joe and put her heels together before arching her back and slowly lowering her thong. Alayna kept her legs as straight as possible as she lowered the thong to her ankles.

Joe watched Alayna’s impromptu striptease with amazing intensity. She had once again commanded his complete attention which she had a habit of doing even when she wasn’t with him. He watched Alayna step out of her thong and place it on the chair with her bra. She walked casually around his desk and stood next to him before turning to bend over it. Joe leaned back in his chair and watched as Alayna spread her legs and leaned forward. The seams of her stockings made her long legs look even longer and shapelier. His hand began to reach out to touch her skin but something held him back.

Alayna lay with her breasts on the desk and her legs spread. She arched her back and lifted the heels of her shoes slightly off the floor to give Joe that much better access to her body. Alayna took her hands and placed them behind her back crossing her wrists at her lower back. With her head turned to the left Alayna could almost see Joe behind her. She knew without looking that he was looking over her exposed body and relished the idea. Alayna expected at any moment to feel his hand on her burning flesh, to hear the sound of his pants being undone and to feel the touch of his cock against her wetness.

Joe’s eyes followed the seams up the back of Alayna’s legs to her tanned thighs and butt. He could see the wetness of her swollen pussy. He was used to this but still enjoyed it. Somehow today was different. Joe stood without touching her body and removed his suit jacket as his eyes continued up her back to her face. It seemed to him that no matter where she was, no matter what position she was in, her beauty was something that had a special hold on him. Joe removed his tie and shirt as well, which was quite uncommon for an office tryst, and tossed it on the center of the desk.

Alayna saw the shirt and tie land in front of her face and tried to turn her head to see without moving the rest of her body. She wasn’t able to see anything that was going on behind her and began to wonder what Joe was up to back there. All the other times she had been bent over Joe’s desk the shirt and tie never came off. Once again her mind raced but her body remained completely still. She couldn’t even feel the ache in her calf muscles from keeping her heels off the floor. Next she heard his belt buckle being undone and the sound of his shoes on the floor as he kicked them off. Alayna inhaled deeply when she felt his body finally touch hers. The sensation of his touch shot from her spine to her pussy and down both legs, but something was different, she felt his cock on the left side of her left hip.

“Stand up.” He whispered in her ear.

Alayna stood without moving her hands from behind her. She felt Joe’s hands on her sides before they coiled around her waist. Alayna felt the heat of his naked body pressed into her own. Her body melted into his.

“Lean back with me.” Joe whispered.

Alayna didn’t question him; she never questioned him, her body moved with his as he sat back into his chair. Her legs parted outside of his as she leaned back with him. She felt his cock pressing between her butt cheeks and laid her hands over his. Joe’s fingers interlocked with hers.

“Let your hair down.” Joe’s whispered instructions excited Alayna further.

Alayna reluctantly released ordu escort Joe’s hands and reached up for her hair pins. When she released her hair it fell over Joes’ bare right shoulder. Behind her Joe turned his head to face her hair and inhaled deeply. He leaned the two of them forward and kissed between her shoulders. As he did his cock moved between Alayna’s butt cheeks and popped out between her spread legs.

“Grab me and slip me inside you.” Joe said softly between kisses to Alayna’s back.

Alayna gently grasped Joe’s cock and pressed the head against her pussy. She adjusted her body a bit until she felt the head slip inside her. The further he leaned back the more of his cock that slid into Alayna’s body. Alayna leaned forward and placed her hands on Joe’s knees and her toes on the floor. She arched her back and slowly began to ride his cock. Joe simply sat and watched her body moving and her hair dancing over her back. Joe’s eyes studied Alayna’s movements, he placed his hands on her hips but only held them, he wanted her to dictate the pace. Her moans were music to his ears.

“Ohhhh Joe, ohhhhhh Joe!” She moaned huskily. “I’mmm cumming!

Her thighs clenched around Joe’s legs and hands gripped his knees. He could feel her wetness soaking his cock, balls and thighs. Alayna leaned back and lifted her feet off the floor impaling herself deeper onto Joe’s shaft. Her body quaked and trembled. Joe leaned up and wrapped his arms back around her.

There was no way he could deny his feelings for her now. He wondered if she knew. She would have no idea that this was the first time he had sex with a woman like this in his office. Normally they would come in and he would bend them over the desk and take them. They were there to serve his purpose and nothing more. It had been that way with her the first few times. She had dutifully come in and leaned over the desk and he had happily fucked her brains out. That was it plain and simple, she like all the other women had only come in to fill his need. When his need was met they would wipe him off with a warm towel and be on their way. Now he was sitting in his chair holding her tightly and not wanting to let go. A month ago this would have been so incredibly wrong but here, in this moment it couldn’t be more right.

“Stand up and turn around,” he whispered, “I want you facing me.”

Alayna slipped off Joe’s lap and stood to his right. While things hadn’t exactly gone the way she wanted this morning she wasn’t about to complain. Alayna grasped the back of his chair and swung her right leg over his body and the chair as if she were mounting a horse. As she lowered her body Alayna reached down and grasped Joe’s wet cock. She easily slid it inside her body and lowered herself until her body rested on top of his. Alayna moved her hips around a little feeling his cock pushing against her pussy walls.

“Comfortable?” He asked with a wicked smile.

“Oh very.” She replied returning his smile.

“So is it better than being bent over the desk?” Joe asked trying to cover his intimacy.

“Well,” Alayna said moving her hips some more, “I do love being bent over the desk and the feeling of erotic vulnerability that goes with it, but I could really get used to this.”

Alayna began to slowly ride Joe’s cock while his hands moved up her legs and her torso to her breasts. Her fingers gripped the back of the chair tightly as his hand squeezed and rubbed her breasts. Joe raised his hips and watched the pleasure in Alayna’s face. He leaned forward and began to lick and nibble one of her nipples.

“OH,” Alayna gasped biting her lip, “that feels so good I want to scream.”

“Screaming is out,” he grinned, “but the doors do deaden the sound considerably.”

“Thank God!” Alayna moaned louder. “Shauna’s not here to stick her panties in my mouth this time.”

“Just not too loud,” Joe said pulling Alayna’s mouth to his own, “I wouldn’t want my secretary to come running in.”

Alayna rode faster and harder plunging Joe’s cock into her body. Joe leaned back and pushed his hips upwards to meet each hard thrust of hers. His eyes locked on her heavy breasts as they bounced.

“So I can’t scream?” Alayna asked between gasps and grunts.

“No, that would be bad.” Joe replied breathing heavily himself.

“Then you’d better cover my mouth!” No sooner had Alayna finished her words then Joe’s right hand clamped over her mouth.

She continued to breathe heavily through her nose and moaned loudly behind Joe’s hand as she came. Even as Joe felt Alayna’s gushing wetness covering his balls and dripping off his thighs he could see she wasn’t done. Her hips continued to move back and forth and she made a kind of whimpering sound behind his hand with each forward move of her hips. Joe reached up with his left hand and grabbed Alayna’s right arm pulling her clenched hand from the back of his chair. He moved her arm to her side and then pushed her forearm behind her back where his left hand grasped her wrist strongly. Alayna immediately moved her right hand behind her back as well, Joe pinned both wrists behind her back and held them tightly. All Alayna could do was grind her body into Joe’s as he moved his hips up and down. She looked down into his eyes and recognized the passion she had seen that night at his home. Alayna instantly knew how he felt about her.

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