
Prince Gyllen Ch. 09

Big Tits

The night after Gyllen’s experience in coping with his premier crapulence, he had decided to slip on his skirt to meet with Min. Wasting no time, the prince and the goblin were already doing the nasty in Min’s apartment as their first vice for the evening. The blonde had his skirt pulled up over his waist with his panties pulled down slightly, just finishing up his act of ramming Min’s tight, green vagina from behind as her shorts dangled loosely off one of her ankles, holding her firmly on her wide hips, pushing his pelvis into her while pulling her light, diminutive body against it, on top of Min herself pressing her fat buttocks into Gyllen’s lap, sounding a low grunt as he creamed her cunny. Min also sighed out in satisfaction, feeling her insides being splattered with steamy splooge before Gyllen withdrew his subsiding stiffie from the goblin followed by his cum visibly trickling out of her slit briefly before she snapped her bottoms back up over her hips, snugly keeping the prince’s seed contained in the cloth.

“Cheers for the surprise visit, Gyl! I really needed that.” Min stretched her arms for a fire striker and a halfling pipe from one of her many boxes, pre-filled with crushed dried leaves, before comfortably leaning herself up against the cross-dressing prince just as he was re-covering his privates by pulling up his underwear and re-arranging his short dress.

“Truth is, Min, I actually wanted to talk with you about something.” Gyllen confessed just as the goblin put the stem of the pipe in her mouth.

“Hm…figured ya wouldn’t shag me without a reason.” Min mumbled while sparking her herbs alight, sucking before holding the bowl in her free hand to remove it briefly from her lips to blow out a smokey ring. “So what’s up? Didja voice finally break? Growin’ hair in weird places?”

“Min, you had your nose buried in my pubic hairs not ten minutes ago…” The prince pointed out. “Anyway, I’ve been thinking about how I’ve spent my entire life up to this point never leaving Platina…” He started to explain but was then interrupted.

“Wait, wait, wait, lemme guess.” Min cleared her throat before starting her poor, melodramatic imitation of the blonde. “And you want to escape from the confines of the palace walls to see the world and discover your one true love!” Gyllen’s eyebrow twitched at the mocking of his character.

“Well…basically yes…” He mumbled.

“Yer such a fairy tale princess, ya know that?” Min took another puff. “Ya got any idea on how yer even gonna travel?”

“I hadn’t thought about that actually…” Gyllen muttered, looking down at his lap out of embarrassment once his major oversight had been pointed out.

“Yer hopeless!” Min berated the blonde. “Tell ya what…I can help ya with that, if ya really want.”

“Truly?” Gyllen immediately perked back up upon the mention of this possibility.

“Yeah, I know some people who owe me a few favours. I can set something up for ya…on the condition that ya take me with ya!”


“Hey, I wanna go on holiday too! Yer not leavin’ me by me lonesome in freeze-yer-tits-off Platina! ‘Sides, we both know ya wouldn’t last five minutes out there alone in the big, bad world. Ya need someone who’s been around the scene a few times to come with ya.”

“A reasonable argument…very well, you have yourself a deal, Min!”

“Ace! Lemme where ye pla on going and gimme a month and I’ll have everything sorted out!”

“Perfect! That gives me time to prepare…and to convince Mother to let me go…”

Once Gyllen had returned home later that night, earlier than what was usual when he went off gallivanting in Monster Disctrict, and changed back into his regular royal robes, making doubly sure that he had properly wiped off every speck of make-up from his face before confronting his mother in the throne room, after plucking up enough gall to tell her of his planned adventure. It was getting to the hour that the queen was just about to retire for the evening, having spent the full day seeing village elders requesting loans for new farming equipment, dealing with political advisers and signing the odd execution warrant. As was common, several guards posted along each side of the room and around the two chairs while other servants passed in and out of the doors of the room at varying intervals to get their desired destinations more quickly. The throne to her right was empty.

“Gyllen! Is there something that you want?” Helio said once she noticed her son approaching her.

“Mother.” Gyllen took a short bow before Her Majesty. “Could I have a word with you, please?”

“Sí, of course.” She responded, finding it quite unusual that Gyllen of all people had something to discuss with her. “Do you want to go somewhere a poco more private?” She asked, rising from her seat, assuming the answer to her rhetorical question would have been a ‘yes.’

“Actually, here will be sufficient enough.” He quickly said back before she went anywhere. “The news will reach beyoğlu escort the public’s ears sooner or later anyway.”

“Oh? Very well then.” Helio sat herself back down.

“To put it bluntly, Mother…” Gyllen took a breath of air before proceeding further. “I wish to go on a trip…out of the kingdom and unattended by any bodyguards.” The staff present seemed to stop whatever it was they were doing and began to mutter and murmur amongst themselves at what the prince had just said.

“Out of the question!” The queen sharply replied, tightening her hands on the arms of the wooden, cushioned throne, much to Gyllen’s expectations. The chatter was silenced. “I mean…you are joking, sí..?” She let out an uncomfortable chuckle. “You are far too young to even consi-” She was swiftly cut short by Gyllen.

“Mother, I am greatly respectful and deeply thankful for your efforts and considerations for seeing that I am protected from harm and generally for being a loving parent and always being there for me to this day despite the heavy burden of the country’s affairs that weigh heavily upon you atop of that…yet that’s precisely my point!” Everybody present in the court, especially Helio, was stunned speechless at how the prince who had, until just now, seemed to be too sheepish to even openly complain a peep if he had contracted food poisoning from an undercooked meal was now verbally, articulately and publicly disputing with his own mother: the Queen of the island. “The fact is that, plainly, I am no longer a child and yet you constantly treat me as such and I fear you will continue to act this way indefinitely unless I clearly state it to you otherwise! How do you expect me to develop into an independent man of my own if you are constantly holding me back by your excess rules and restrictions? I want to see the world, Mother…no! I HAVE to see the world! I have to leave this luxuriously dull life and experience first-hand just what it is I’m missing out there, even if it is just for a little while. I understand the dangers and risks and I realise I may be too weak and naive to do this as I am now…but quite frankly, I really don’t care about what could happen to me! Given that the alternative would be me slowly withering away within the confines of a castle, any other fate sounds more than welcome to me at this moment. Do not think I’m stupid enough not to notice the way you don’t cosset my sisters the same way you do to me either, even when they were my age. I don’t know what I have done to receive your special pampering nor do I desire for you to continue doing such.” The prince’s blue eyes shone as he looked up to Queen Helio. “Please, Mother…I don’t ask for much…let me grow-up…” There was a moment of absolute quiet in the throne room after Gyllen’s lengthy, mushy monologue to the point were you could hear a pin drop two chambers away.

“Gyllen…I do not know what has brought about this sudden change in you…” Helio spoke up. “But if this is how you honestly feel…I shall think about your request…”

“Thank you, Mother.” The prince bowed once more and vacated the vicinity without another sound, waiting until he was out of earshot to sigh with relief. While it may have only been a vague answer, it was certainly a step-up from an automatic refusal. Gyllen was certainly pleased, and more than amazed, that he had finally gotten through to Helio even if it was just a tiny amount.

Surprisingly, the queen actually did have an answer for her son as soon as tomorrow morning, summoning him back to the throne room for a second time.

“Gyllen., mi hijo…after much consideration and weighing your words carefully…I have decided to give you my approval in leaving the country without the need for an escort.” She said in a melancholy mood.

“You have my eternal gratitude, Mother!” Gyllen lowered his head many times over.

“But promise me uno thing.” Helio requested as he was in mid-flection.

“Which is?” Gyllen slowly raised his head back up.

“That you will regularly write to me to let me know that you are keeping well!”

“Of course, Mother…” Gyllen reluctantly obliged, wanting to keep her in a good mood as so she did not change her mind.

“Then it is settled! I shall commission for the finest ship the Platinan navy has available to transport you as soon as you are prepared to leave.”

“Actually, Mother…that is already currently being arranged for.”

“Oh, is that so?” The queen arched an eyebrow. “You certainly are adamant about this excursion if you’re this prepared already.”

“…yes! That’s it!” Gyllen stretched the truth a tad, wanting to avoid having to explain how he befriended a goblin who lived all the way out in the Monster District and was even keen enough to handle the transit issue as a way of thanks for more-than-a-few dirty deeds he had done for her.

Well, that was one person he had bluntly broken his plans to. Now to confront another that would probably bebek escort not be too keen on the idea either. The prince knew his routine fairly well by this point. Walking down the right passage at the right time, Gyllen was able to run into his unofficial lower class boyfriend coming down the other end, holding a pike in his right hand. Before the blonde could even get a peep in, Robert started to speak in a flurry:

“Lord Gyllen, sir! I’ve been looking all over for you! I heard the men saying that you’re leaving the kingdom!”

“Word travels fast…” Gyllen muttered.

“What!? You mean it’s true!?” Robert took it as a reply. “What…what about us…?” He looked straight into the prince with a crushed look on his face.

“Robert…” Gyllen sighed out, reaching to the guard’s empty left hand, clasping it softly in both of his own. “I love you, you know that. I won’t be away forever. Just…until I think I’ve satiated my curiosity enough.”

“But how long will that be, Gyllen…?” The big, lovable lug whimpered.

“Robert, please. I’m not asking you to wait for me to come back. Perhaps you’ll find someone else better in that time and you would rather be with them…”

“You’re the only one for me, Gyl…I’m not sure I can even love anyone else after being with you…”

“Oh, come now. You’re just being silly. I may be royalty but I’m far from the most exciting person to be around. I’m sure your one true love is still waiting for you out there somewhere.” The prince squeezed on Robert’s hand. “Tell you what, if I come back and you still haven’t found true love, I’ll take you away with me the next time. Maybe I can even find a nice, quiet island off the coast of the Dark Continent just for the two of us to stay on for a spell.”

“That sounds lovely…” Robert cracked a small smile at the prospect before his eyes widened in a surprise when he saw the prince’s face approaching his own and had his soft pink lips pressed up against his own for a short yet heartfelt peck.

“I think you’re due for a shave, Robert. Your stubble scratches me.”

“Ah! So sorry, m’lord. I’ll make sure I’m clean-shaved the day you come back!” The two chuckled quietly before Gyllen started to make his way to his bedchamber, looking over his shoulder and gesturing the soldier to follow.

“Come, you can help me sort out my luggage. Perhaps even a parting fling, if we have time~” Gyllen narrowed his eyes while the corners of his mouth raised. Robert’s fuzzy cheeks flushed.

Once Min had given Gyllen a definite date for their departure, it was all just a matter of waiting for that fateful day to arrive. Exactly thirty days after the goblin made her promise, the prince galloped out on his horse to meet with her. Malmhule’s harbour was located a fair distance from the city centre, practically it’s own separate village along the nearby shore. The queen had actually allowed Gyllen to disembark without an escort slightly earlier than his scheduled departure in order to get acquainted with the crew, although she still wished for him to remain long enough to see him off. Gyllen could tell he was getting closer to the coastline due to the ever progressive smell of brine and fish combined with the increasingly stinging ocean winds bypassing his cloak. As the port came closer into his sight, he was awestruck at the sight of a triple-masted Hispanic-style galleon towering over the domestically made knerrir, keeping his eyes fixated on the vessel for the remainder of his ride.

Once Gyllen had reached the wharf, he dismounted from the mare and hitched her to a nearby rail for her to be collected back to the palace later, unfastening a leather case of essentials from her saddle before turning back one last time to his loyal steed.

“Goodbye, Snowcloud…” He lamented, stroking her muzzle for what may be the last time in a very long while. “Be a good girl while I’m away.” She seemed to snort in response. The prince walked further into the eerily quiet fishing hamlet, hood-up as not to be recognised as he began to search for his emerald acquaintance but not before taking the time out to marvel at the tall ship a little while longer. He read the name of the ship stencilled along its side in cursive script: ‘The Killer Kraken.’

“Quite a morbid name for such an exquisite craft…” Gyllen thought to himself, watching the mariners scampering around the boat. There was something a bit abnormal for the way they dressed. Their clothes were extremely ragged and shabby, not something any dignified sailor or merchant would wear. That was when the second flag was raised, quite literally too, when Gyllen looked up to the top of the tallest mast to see a black banner fluttering from the post depicting the ghastly image of a skull and crossbones. He could see why many of the regular residents were not out and about. Even if they did not seem to have any malevolent intentions, the prince was considering diving into a nearby pub until they went away but that bayan eskort idea was put on hold when his hearing picked up a rough voice he was all too accustomed to.

“Oi! Prince Pussy!” Min loudly squawked, stealing away Gyllen’s attention for the moment, catching him viewing the vessel. “Admirin’ our ride, eh? Ain’t she a beaut?”

“Wait, THIS is the one we’re taking!?” Gyllen questioned in unbelief.

“Yeah. ‘sere a problem with that?” The goblin picked her nose with her pinky finger without a care.

“Min, these are pirates!”

“I know! I used to run with these guys when I was younger.”

“Is that so? But Aren’t they ruthless cut-throat scourges of the seven seas?” Gyllen asked, concerned for both their healths.

“Relax, we go waaay back. They’re cool.” Min held her open palm up in greeting to a particularly scrawny crewmate. “Alright, Jock?”

“Jack.” The pirate quickly corrected her on his name. Gyllen rolled his eyes.

“You know them well, do you…?” He snided.

“Hey, it’s been a while, alright? ‘sides, there are some new faces around anyway.” Min pointed out towards a pretty black-haired girl, around Gyllen’s age with a similar height and build, rolling a barrel along the pier and into the boat. She was wearing a red bandanna along with a tatty brownish dress with simple sandals on her feet. That sort of attire was not protecting her from Platina’s current temperature as her non-stop shaking indicated with her green eyes watering up. Her thinness was not going to help with insulation either. “I know for sure she wasn’ around when I joined. I was the only lady on the ship, y’know. Well, ‘sides from the captain, o’ course.”

“The captain? What’s she like?” Gyllen queried.

Before he got an answer, an even rougher voice called out to the pair from behind:

“Min! Ye wee green scallywag! Ye drag me an’ the crew all the way oot tae this backwater island tae babysit some spoiled landlubber brat?” Gyllen and the goblin were drawn to the source of the sound coming from the direction of their backs to be greeted by the colossal figure of a middle-aged female sauntering closer towards the pair, holding a bottle of rum in one hand. She towered over the twosome, in partial thanks to a her high-heeled, black, buckled boots that covered the length of her calves adding a few extra inches to her lofty height. Gyllen had to tilt his neck in order to make eye contact with her. Her alluring face was round and tanned, framed by a mess of brown curls and topped off with a ratty black tricorne. She was wearing a tattered red naval frock with yellow trimming, keeping it open despite the cold air, seeing how most of its golden buttons had fallen off over time. It also gave her the excuse to flaunt her squeezed, immodest cleavage from the extended neckline of a constricting, dirtied cream shirt. Gyllen was having a hard time resisting to keep his peepers glued onto those instead. Her leather belt tied around her wide waist was lined with four matchlock pistols and held a holster on her right hip to sheath her cutlass. Her long but thick legs, thighs and arse were kept firm into a taut pair of white jodhpurs decaled with vertical black stripes.

“Cap!” Min exclaimed at the sight of the tall woman. “It’s been ages! How ya been?”

“Fine ’till I got yer letter.” She snorted, turning to the prince. Gyllen jolted, as though her brown eyes pierced into his psyche. “So, this is the poofter ye were talkin’ aboot? Gods, he’s an even bigger priss than I thought!”

“Charmed, I’m sure…” Gyllen not-so-subtly chastised her. “To whom do I owe the pleasure?”

“Jus’ a spot o’ banter, lad!” The curvy lady guffawed. “Anyway, me name’s Mary Bonny, captain o’ the Killer Kraken!” She dramatically declared to the blonde, hands on hips and chest puffed out. There was a pause of utter noiselessness save for the blowing of the wind.

“…sorry, was I supposed to recognise that name?” Gyllen eventually and innocently said. Captain Bonny’s only response was a hearty chortle, draping her arm around the blonde’s and pulling him into for a friendly, firm lock.

“I like ye already, laddie! Ye got spunk!” The older woman proclaimed.

“Oh, he’s got plenty of that alright~” Min chimed in.

“No, I really mean it…” The prince reaffirmed his point though it was lost on Mary for being muffled into her bosom as he attempted to break from her clutch. The pirate’s hold was loosened and her laughing ceased when she caught sight and sound of cavalry coming in the direction of the docks. It was not just any half-baked unit out on patrol either, these were elite veterans heading deliberately in their direction.

“Soldiers, huh? What d’ they want? We havenae done anythin’ wrong yet!” The captain said just as the blonde slipped his head out from her arm.

“There’s a carriage amongst the horses.” Gyllen indicated as he fixed his appearance by hand from being jostled about. “That will be my mother coming to see me off…”

Two lines of guardsmen formed on either side of the door of the coach before it was opened by a manservant. The queen gracefully exited the cart, elegantly walking up towards Gyllen and Bonny standing side-by-side afore the ship. She cleared her throat and addressed her favourite child first and foremost.

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