
ProfNigma Stories #6: Power Trip #2


ProfNigma Stories #6: Power Trip #2iCarly/Victorious: Power Trip #3 – Chapter 2(AU story)Spun out of last series, this AU story has the gang gaining super powers thanks to a wish. Action, twists, and shocking moments abound.As the sun rose, the light waking up those it touched, Tori Vega stretched out her arms, and then immediately regretted that decision. For a couple reasons. One, she was incredibly sore from the fight last night; and two, she punched Nate right in the face, waking him up.”Oh my god… I’m so sorry, babe.””It’s cool,” he said, smiling, clearly trying to hold on to his sl*ep as best he could. It took him a long time to get there the night before, but it was less to do with the pain, and more the fact that he was sharing a bed with his goddess. He watched her sl*ep for a bit, smelling her hair, and wishing that she would feel about him the way he felt about her.The whole night was a new experience for him across the board. In addition to his first super fight and sharing a bed with Tori, he also saw her naked for the first time. The two decided to shower before bed, and as Tori was coming out so he could go into the bathroom, he caught a complete look at her, and he prayed she didn’t notice before he shut the door.Tori definitely noticed, and honestly, with the lack of sex in their relationship, she wondered if he was even into her. His ogling made it very clear how he felt, and she unashamedly touched herself a bit as she got some clothes on imagining his strong hands pawing at her body. Hearing his shower cut off sent her out of her fantasy, and she quickly finished dressing and got into bed, feeling a bit embarrassed in herself. So, needless to say, the punch only added to the awkwardness the couple was experiencing.Despite their soreness, they held each other through the night and Tori happily fell asl*ep on his broad chest, while he casually kissed her head. They continued cuddling for a few minutes after they woke up, until there was fast and heavy knocking on their door.”Tori! Nate!” the high voice called.Once both were dressed enough, they opened the door to see Cat, who was clearly already up and ready to go.”You’re looking better this morning,” Tori commented, noticing that both of them were pretty battle damaged, but Cat looked almost perfect.”Yeah… you know Gibby, Carly and Freddie’s friend? He touched my nose, and for the first time, I felt completely better. But I’m having trouble with my speed.””Figures,” Nate said. “Last week when we were testing powers, that guy couldn’t be near any of us. Said it was because touching him would put a right stop to our powers for a bit. But if he can heal us, I think I might be taking him up on that.”The three headed into the den where Gibby was sitting and eating a Pop Tart.”Sup’ guys?””Not too much, Gibby.” Cat said softly. “Hey would you mind doing for Tori and Nate what you did for me. They need some help.””You know if I touch you, you can’t use your powers for a while, right?””Yeah… of course,” Tori said, stepping forward, and Gibby looked her over and touched her forearm, and held his hand there for a few minutes. The colour returned to her hair and her skin regained some its colour. Truth be told, she never felt better.Nate stepped up and Gibby did the same for him, Nate giving him a casual “Thanks,” before walking away, feeling a bit off being touched on by another guy.Just like Gibby expected, once the three of them got what they needed, they headed off together, leaving him alone once again. He’d become a tool for them. He got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water to make himself feel better, and on his way back he tripped, and though he saved the glass, the water was all over the hardwood kitchen floor.”Shit!” he exclaimed, trying to find a towel, and if hadn’t turned at that moment, he would have missed the water sliding across the floor and up the cabinet to the sink, where it went into the drain. He was utterly amazed and for just a second, he thought his very dry hands were dripping water from them. “This is… different,” he muttered, deciding to keep this a secret from the others.* * *After breakfast, Tori decided to head out while the others came up with some sort of a plan to find their messed up friends. She had been the one to drive them all there so it worked perfectly or her. Tori’s destination was unquestionably her house, hoping to find Trina there and talk some sense into her s*ster. As she pulled into her driveway, she saw that Trina’s car was definitely still in the driveway.The youngest Vega burst into her house and found her parents sitting at the table. Despite supposedly not being on duty, her dad was dressed in his uniform.”I was wondering if we were going to see you, honey…” her mom said softly, not looking up from the paper.”Sorry, I just was too tired to drive home from Jade’s last night,” she said, only really half lying. The truth was she didn’t know if she could have even made it home. “You ok, dad?” she said, narrowing ankara escort her eyes at her very angry and tired looking father.”Yeah, sweetie, I’m fine. Just really don’t want to go in today. You see the paper?””No… why?””Because it’s been all over the news,” he said taking a long sip of coffee. “I got a call last night while I was on duty. Some people last night broke into the bank downtown.”Tori tried to hide her guilt that she knew who was responsible.”It’s the damnedest thing though… All the doors were locked, the guards were there all night and never saw a thing, but somehow their computers and all the security measures were destroyed. Some water leak over the computers that must have been connected to outside because it was practically frozen. Other than that, the bank looks spotless. Until the vault. The vault was never opened but it looked like some anim*l destroyed half the boxes. Stole hundreds of thousands of dollars.”Tori had no idea her s*ster and friends had taken that much. This was insane. “That’s… crazy dad. Seriously.””I haven’t gotten to the really weird thing. Outside the bank, the ground was a mess and someone’s car was completely totalled. Roof destroyed and everything.””Whoa…” she feigned wonder, “that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard.””You seen your s*ster?” her mom asked, finally looking up at Tori.Tori shook her head. “I haven’t seen her really for a few days.””I hope she’s not dating that Shapiro k*d,” her dad said. “That k*d gives me the creeps.””C’mon, Dad, Robbie is really nice and he really cared about Trina, and you know how hard that can be.” He parents shared a look, acknowledging that Tori had a point. “Besides, Robbie makes Trina more bearable and he wouldn’t hurt her.””Doesn’t change the fact that he has that creepy puppet all the time.”Tori really didn’t feel like being Robbie’s advocate any longer, and given what he did to her last night, she was shocked she even gave him that. She wanted to blame Beck for Robbie following his orders, but Robbie should have stopped him.Once she knew that her s*ster was not around, Tori changed clothes and relaxed for a bit, her water powers almost fully back to normal. Before grabbing some needed essentials for the others, she kissed her parents goodbye and headed back to Jade’s to see how the others were doing.* * *Back at Jade’s, Freddie was hard at work on his laptop, Carly’s laptop, and on Jade’s computer, going back and forth with his stretched arms and legs. The others constantly looked at him like he was crazy, but he actually appreciated the astonishment that the others gave him. Learning to use this power meant he had to get control of like every molecule in his body. Every atom felt like it could do anything. He hadn’t tried anything crazy yet, but his powers were definitely growing at an exponential rate. The only time he would ever really feel bad was when he’d look at Jade. Somehow getting all this fire-power had made her even more vulnerable. They couldn’t exactly be together sexually anymore because he’d practically melt when she flamed out, which she always would whenever she got too excited.It took nearly an hour, but he finally had gotten into the traffic camera system around the bank. Nate, and Tori once she got there, helped describe where they ran off to which finally, came up with some results. Beck’s truck was spotted nearly four blocks from the bank, and thanks to knowing the license number and following him with other traffic cams, Freddie was able to track to about where they might be.”I know that place” Jade said over his shoulder.”Where?””The location… I think I might know where they are. Beck’s dad did some work for an office around here and Beck would take us to near there to make out.” Looks spread throughout the group, as if to shame her. “Sorry… Anyway, there’s an old factory there and some other building that’s been torn down now. It’s a big area, but I’m almost positive that’s where he and the others are.”Once everyone got the info, they began to disperse to go get ready for action, leaving Freddie and Jade together.”So, if I had known that all I needed was a vacant lot to get you-“”Don’t joke around with me, Freddie. I’m very sad… I need you, and I can’t have you.” She got very close to his face so the others couldn’t hear. “I can’t even fucking get off. I tried using your gift yesterday and I destroyed it. I feel terrible.”Normally Freddie, who was very price conscious, would have been really upset that something he put a lot of money into had been destroyed, but he just held out his arms and they held each other for a few moments. Jade began to cry a bit, the tears immediately becoming steam and Freddie held her tight and tried not to signal that she was really hurting him with her heat.* * *Across town, Robbie, Trina, Beck, and Sam all sat around a table, in the middle of a giant showroom floor, inside an abandoned warehouse. The original plan was that everyone would get the same amount of cut of the score. ankara escort bayan Naturally, when it came time to actually divide it up, everyone had an argument for why what they did was more important.”If it wasn’t for me, that stupid redneck guy would have gotten us all.””Yeah, Sam,” Beck said, rolling his eyes, “Because none of us could have defended ourselves against that guy.””Whatever… you wouldn’t have gotten the money without me punching the shit out of the vault.””Which if I had been alone in there,” Trina added, “I could have done that without a single thing out of place.””There’s no way you could have gotten all that money out in time,” Robbie said. “Given how long it takes you to do stuff with your phasing, we wouldn’t have gotten out in time.””You’re right…” she said, submissively before shaking a thought off. “Anyway, I did all the work, getting you all in and out of there, and I deserve twice as much as blondie over here.””That’s fuckin’ bullsh-“”Stop!” Beck shouted, silencing the two girls. “Look, we all said that we would split the money fairly between the four of us. And that’s what-“”Even though this was my plan from top to bottom?” Robbie asked.”Uhh…Yes…” Beck said, shooting him an annoyed look.”So, I spent hours preparing the plan, which got us in and out without a problem, and then figured out a power system that would stop the others. I’m not saying you guys didn’t pull your share, but I did almost everything for you that brought us to this point.”The two girls nodded silently, and were about to speak when Beck grabbed his head like he had a headache before pushing Robbie to the ground.”What the hell, man?” he shouted down at Robbie. “Using your powers like that is really fucking uncool, man.””I didn’t mean to,” Robbie said narrowing his eyes. “Must have just happened. My bad.”Beck looked far angrier than he had ever shown the others, his skin flushed with anger so much that his colour was almost normal. He kicked Robbie again and stopped short of the second kick when they heard some noise outside.The rumbling of an unknown car was more than clear as the four of them raced over to a window to look out and see who it was. Sam’s heart hit her stomach as she saw Freddie get out of one of the two cars that were now outside their warehouse. Somehow the idea of confronting her love made her feel really guilty about what she had done.The others felt less guilty and prepared for their friends. As per usual, Beck iced most of the floor in front of them, giving a large amount of space the others would have to cross, and a few feet from the sheet would be where Beck and the others would stand. Trina and Sam may have hated each other but when it came to business, as always they got ready and waited behind Beck. Robbie had rigged the building with a sound system so that his voice could carry through the whole room. It was abundantly clear to their guests once they stepped inside that these four were prepared.”What the hell is going on with you, Sam?!” Freddie shouted, leading the charge in the doors, grabbing onto a nearby Nate for support as he realized he was standing on ice.”Momma’s gotta do what Momma’s gotta do,” she said coldly, trying hard not to let him get to her conscience.”That’s all well and good,” Jade said, stepping up beside Freddie, melting the ice beneath the two of them, as well as Andre, Cat, and Nate, leaving Tori and Carly behind them. “I couldn’t give less of a shit about you robbing some stupid bank, but you guys beat the shit out of our friends. That was pretty fucked up.””Jade’s right.””This isn’t even your fight, Benson,” Sam retorted, seeing Jade and her love so close together drove her even deeper into anger.”Look,” Robbie said, “You’ve already lost this fight guys. We already beat the four of you, and adding three more just means we have ways to take you guys out too. For example, Andre look down.””Yeah, what… ohh…” he said, realizing that if he powered up, he’d electrocute those next to him.”Yeah, you can thank Jade for that one… I don’t actually know if electricity conducts through ice or not, but I’m willing to guess you wouldn’t take that risk. Same with you, Tori… I’m pretty sure that water form of yours would freeze if you even tried it. Cat, you already know what would happen if you tried to speed across here.””You don’t have a thing to combat me,” Carly said, taking the lead towards them. Her body rising from the ground. “I don’t need to walk on the ice.””Actually,” Beck said, about to freeze the girl, before Robbie put his hand up.”There’s something simpler here, Beck. I will bet, that like my mental powers, yours takes a lot of focus to move stuff, and yourself apparently, around. So, let’s get your mind off of things… Jade, would you kindly focus on Carly and blow your fire at her if she even tries to use her power?”Andre barely ducked out of the way as a wave of fire shot up to where Carly was. The web star dropped onto the hard ice and stood still, knowing that escort ankara Jade would probably react faster than she could.”I’m sorry,” Jade muttered, wishing she could break from his spell.”So, that just leaves stretchy guy and Nate…” Trina whispered into Robbie’s ear, as if he was unable to see that. He shot her an annoyed look and put his mic down, shaking his head as he got back behind Beck, his nose bleeding a bit.”Freddie, man… please tell me that you got a plan in that brain of yours,” Andre said, feeling like the situation was insurmountable. “Or at least some stretching shit. Nate doesn’t have the kinda reach to do much beyond like 10 feet, and they’re like 20 yards away.””Guys,” Beck called out. “Like Robbie said, you’re not going to win this, and we’re not going to hand over the cash either. I don’t want to fight or hurt anyone else… just leave us alone.””Your power doesn’t work on Nate, right Andre?””Only a little bit, Freddie,” Nate answered back. “Doesn’t hurt or anything, just kinda annoying.””Think you could deal with some annoying for a few?”Nate nodded as Freddie whispered that everyone move back except Andre, Nate, and himself. With the exception of Jade, who remained still, everyone did as they were told. Carly had to goad the Goth teen out of her trance by using her powers, making Jade lunge at her with a fireball.Once everyone was clear, Freddie whispered the plan to Nate and Andre while Sam and Beck prepared to walk across the ice to tell them to leave.The next few moments played out extremely slowly for all those involved, but was over in minutes.Nate summoned up a rock pillar from the near center of the room, breaking through the ice. Andre began shooting bright white bolts at his former friends, aiming for the speakers every so often. As expected, his power triggered over the ice and water, which would have electrocuted Nate and Freddie if they weren’t immune thanks to the earth and rubber bodies, respectively.Unable to see, the four criminals didn’t notice Freddie reaching out to the pillar and using it as a slingshot to fire him across the room. Using his short time in the air to aim, he shifted so he could nail Robbie with his full weight, sending the nerdy teen across the floor, his glasses sliding away.Free of his control, Jade turned and started applying fire to the iced floor, trying to make a path so that they could cross fast and help him.Freddie made quick work of Beck as well, hitting him right in the gut followed by the face with some inflated hands. Though, as he touched Beck, he felt like something was really wrong with his power. He felt brittle.The paralytic fear was his downfall as he felt something around his heart grip tight and he collapsed the floor, gasping for breath. The extra second was all they needed as Beck got up and froze Freddie where he stood, and pushed him to his knees. The air was extremely cold around Freddie and he realized quickly that not only were his powers not working, but he felt like he could break if they tried to beat him.The others were desperately trying to get across when there was a shout from across the room and Jade turned and started blasting fire from her body forcing them all back to the entrance.Freddie tried to move and push Beck away from him, but Beck blocked the push, and that’s the time that everything went very bad very quickly.As the cold rubber crashed against Beck’s ice hardened arms, there was a sickening crunch that froze Sam and Trina in place as Freddie’s arm broke off, separating completely from his body.The two girls released bl*od curdling screams. This wasn’t remotely what either of them had ever imagined and Sam thought she would have a heart attack from the fear and the anguish she was experiencing. She was half right on the heart attack as Trina, with glazed over eyes, suddenly ‘ghost-ed’ through Sam like she did Freddie, and raced out the back entrance, as the blonde dropped to the floor.Beck looked at what he had done with utter shock and tried his best to apologize and for the first time since Freddie had met him, he looked utterly scared to death. The look of fear however, changed to a sick smile as he walked a few feet to grab a meter long metal pipe. Beck looked down at Freddie who was still in a state of shock at the loss of his arm. He looked up at the blue teen just in time to see his outstretched hand release ice cold air that froze Freddie’s head completely. He then turned him to the only two people left in the room.Jade snapped out of her trance and turned to see her boyfriend on his knees as Beck raised the metal pipe over his head. She looked over at Sam, who was gasping for breath and crawling towards Beck. Knowing neither of them could reach him in time, Jade had no choice but to throw a couple fireballs to stop Beck.The move, however, was too late as the pipe was brought down just as the fire hit, one shot hitting Beck right in the chest, while the other missed and actually hit Freddie.As the cold metal landed on his head, there was a very loud crash as it exploded, ice going everywhere, leaving nothing above the shoulders on his one armed torso, as both Sam and Jade watched what was left of their one true love fall to the floor with a sickening thud.

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