
Promises Broken


Debbie was completely divided over her night with Kyle. The guilt of having cheated on her husband with one of his best friends was like a rope around her neck, choking off her breath. At the same time the heights of ecstasy she had reached that night were so far beyond anything she had ever encountered that it made it impossible to truly regret. Or forget.

When her husband, Paul, returned from his business trip a few days later, she was so glad to see him that she was afraid she would make him suspicious with her enthusiasm. But while she was guilty, it wasn’t only guilt that made her welcome him home with such abandon. In the days between Kyle’s visit and Paul’s return she had ample time to reflect on things, and she came to a conclusion or two. First, if her sex life with Paul were what it should be, nothing would have ever happened. She knew she shared the blame equally with him there. And second, that incredible night with Kyle had left her very horny.

For several weeks after Paul’s return from that trip their sex life had the spark it had when they were first married. Debbie went out of her way to do more to excite him. She dug out a sexy negligee that she hadn’t worn for him in eons; she had semi-spontaneous sex with him a couple times as soon as he got home from work; and one time, while they were sitting on the couch watching a movie, she just pulled his cock out and sucked it.

Debbie loved the way things were going between them during this period. Her extra efforts to please her man made her feel good about herself, eclipsing any guilt. And at the same time it encouraged Paul to be more attentive to her needs than he had been in a while. The result was one of the best stretches of their marriage—some days (and nights) Debbie felt she could just burst with love for him.

As wonderful as the affection and sex were though, it was only a matter of time before the inevitable comparisons began to arise in her own mind. Debbie couldn’t ignore the fact that she was having the best sex of her marriage with Paul, and yet it could not equal that wild, lustful evening she had had with Kyle.

There were physical reasons, of course: Kyle was a muscular six-foot one to Paul’s soft-in-the-middle five-ten. And Kyle’s thick nine inch cock dwarfed the respectable, if less-than-intimidating, member of her husband. But that wasn’t it.

It was Kyle’s arrogance. That look in his eyes that said he never doubted his ability to charm his way into any woman’s pants. And more… his ability to make them want to please him; do whatever he wanted. Debbie still tingled as she recalled looking up from her knees into his bright blue eyes. Somehow his look had told her that he knew what she would do before she did herself.

Debbie had resented Kyle on a level bordering on hate before that night. Now she was starting to resent him again, but for totally different reasons. She had disliked, perhaps even hated him then for being a womanizer in general and in particular for dating her sister. So many times Debbie had seen Kyle with beautiful, if brainless, bimbos who looked at him in a way that was just short of worship. To see her own sister fall into that category had eaten at Debbie’s insides like acid.

Now though, Debbie’s resentment of Kyle was far different in nature. While she still clung to the old grudges, she had a new reason to respond with disdain to the sound of his name. He had given her something she had badly needed; something she could not ask for again while maintaining any dignity or self-respect. But something she found herself craving nonetheless. It was galling to say the least.

* * * * *

It had been almost six months since that night with Kyle and Debbie found herself lying awake and unsatisfied beside her snoring husband. He hadn’t been very energetic in his love-making tonight and his efforts never came close to bringing her to orgasm. In spite of how good things had been, Paul and Debbie had slowly fallen back into old patterns. They were once again having sex in routine ways, at routine times.

The worst part was, Debbie acknowledged, was that it was her fault. They had been having wonderful, spontaneous sex. Both of them had been putting more effort and energy into keeping things fresh and exciting. Debbie had been the one whose interest had waned. She had worried all along that she might have been trying to recreate the excitement of that night with Kyle, something Paul would never be able to give her. And once it became obvious that she couldn’t achieve that level with her husband, it broke her heart to keep trying. Soon they were back where they had been before,

Debbie climbed out of bed and slipped into the bathroom. She turned on the light and looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. Her blonde hair fell straight down to her shoulders, framing her high cheekbones, delicate nose and deep green eyes. Her breasts, 36-C’s, were firm, her nipples stiffening in the cool night air. Her body Ankara Otele Gelen Escort narrowed at the waist before flaring out into generous hips and a round ass supported by supple thighs. A tuft of silky blonde hair covered the inviting mound between her legs. All in all, she had to say for thirty-two she still looked damn fine and damn fuckable.

But it wasn’t that Paul didn’t want to fuck her, or that she didn’t want to fuck him. The problem was that he simply didn’t, or couldn’t, take her to that place where she had once been.

* * * * *

A few weeks later Paul and Debbie were hosting their first barbecue of the new season. Naturally, Kyle had been invited and, naturally, he had brought one of his customary dates. Her name was Krissy, but Debbie couldn’t help but think of her as Barbie. She was a bleach blonde with a Barbie Doll figure and a tittering, nervous way of giggling. And she, like the others before her, had that infuriating way of behaving like Kyle was the center of the universe.

Debbie maintained the cool, distant attitude toward him that she always had before, although this time it was not so effortless. Emotions warred within her, strong emotions that wanted to sneak out in the form of a sudden sharp comment or involuntary facial expressions. The fact that he behaved toward her the same way he always had only made things more difficult. Had it meant so little to him that he could so nonchalantly pretend nothing had happened? Was she really just another notch on the bedpost to him?

Her own reactions bothered her. Of course Kyle was treating her as he always had. Debbie herself had told him to! Maybe she was just another lay to him. So what? How did she think it was supposed to be?

She was standing in the kitchen, looking out the window at him as these thoughts raced about in her head. As Debbie watched, Kyle’s hand went to the bulge in the crotch of his pants and tugged at it a couple of times. His little Barbie watched and giggled, the sound causing the muscles in Debbie’s back to clench. And yet Debbie’s eyes remained on that bulge. Was she waiting to see if it grew?

To Debbie the party seemed to drag on forever. She only spoke a couple of times to Kyle, and both times were brief, polite exchanges. In neither instance did she make eye contact with him, maintaining her frosty exterior the way she always had. Once during the party though their eyes did meet. She had been standing maybe a dozen feet away from him, facing in his general direction, but not looking at him. Her eyes shifted over to him at the same time his fell on her. Their eyes locked on each other for a second longer than they should have before Debbie averted her gaze. She could feel the warmth rising in her cheeks, and maybe just a little tingle down below as well.

As the party wound down, Paul and Debbie walked around to the front of the house to see off the last of their guests. Kyle and Krissy were among them. Debbie watched Krissy (Barbie) hang on Kyle as he maneuvered her to his truck. She had put away three or four margaritas and now she was being pretty playful with him, even rubbing her hand on his crotch in front of the rest of them. Debbie was sure that even before they got to Kyle’s house, Krissy would be sucking his cock.

“I’ve got to run out and get some plastic wrap and disposable containers for the extra food, honey,” Debbie said to Paul as they started back inside. “We’ll clean all this up when I get back.” Paul had been putting down beers all afternoon and was clearly not interested in cleaning up just yet.

“Okay, babe. Don’t worry… won’t start without you.” He plopped himself into his recliner as Debbie grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She knew he would be sound asleep in about five minutes.

* * * * *

She pulled out and headed toward the store. But it wasn’t the store she was going to, was it? No, she didn’t really need more plastic wrap. And she knew that Paul would be all too happy to postpone cleaning up. She might have even realized he was drunk enough to fall asleep in his chair. Was she really that devious? Even with herself? Was she really going where she thought she was going? To Kyle’s?

Oh, be honest, Debbie told herself. You saw that silly little Barbie, the look in her eyes. She knew she was going back to Kyle’s place to have him pound her into a state of incoherent ecstasy. And you’re jealous!

Yes, maybe she was jealous. She turned and drove toward his house.

He lived just a few miles away and she was there in mere minutes. She drove past slowly, making sure they weren’t still in his truck. Then she parked a couple houses up the street and walked back. His street had no streetlights and his front porch light cast only a small halo of illumination, not enough to reveal her slipping into his back yard.

She had been here a few times with Paul, so she knew the general layout of the place. Ankara Rus Escort It was a small rancher with a den built off the back. The master bedroom was in the back as well. She figured they would probably be in one of those rooms.

The bedroom was dark, so Debbie peeked into through the window of the den. Sure enough, there they were. Kyle was sitting on his sofa with his jeans around his ankles. Krissy, wearing now only a bra and her denim mini skirt, was on her knees between his legs. Debbie watched the blonde head bob up and down on his massive tool, and felt herself getting wet. Krissy stopped a few times to kiss it, lick it and rub it sensually against her face. Then she began giving him a slow, steady sucking, her lips gliding down his cock and back up it again. Krissy’s eyes were closed as she took Kyle’s shaft deep into her mouth over and over.

Watching, Debbie denied to herself that that was what she wanted—to suck Kyle’s cock again. She wasn’t excited by the thrill of surrendering to him. She didn’t want to kneel before him as he stood over her, asking to please let her suck his cock and experience his dominance. The humiliation of knowing that she was just one of many, nothing special to him in any way—just another tart who would give him head; knowing that once she was on her knees, she would do whatever he wanted; despising him and yet being unable to refuse him—no, she definitely wanted no part of that. And she certainly didn’t want him to pump that massive rod of his into her and make her cum over and over again for her reward.

The blonde head in Kyle’s lap began to bob faster now and Debbie held her breath, anticipating at any minute he would cum. But he didn’t. Blowjob Barbie was sucking away as Kyle ran his hands through her hair and spoke to her. Debbie couldn’t hear what he said, but she was willing to bet Kyle called her a cock sucker. Debbie felt a warm flush as she remembered when Kyle had called her that, and how it had made her feel slutty and hot to be talked to that way. Debbie unbuttoned the top of her shorts and slipped her hand down into her panties, as her other hand cupped her breast. She was warm and wet, her clit aching to be caressed. She quickly obliged and felt the first tremors of orgasm begin to build inside her.

The girl was sucking hard and steady for five minutes, then ten, then fifteen. She showed no signs of letting up and Kyle for his part looked no closer to cumming. Debbie marveled at the patience and endurance of the little tart. She couldn’t imagine being able to keep up that pace herself for so long. She wondered if all of his bimbos were so talented. Or maybe it was a skill they practiced and developed just to please him? Hating herself for thinking it, Debbie wondered if her sister, Donna, had ever spent so long a time on her knees between this bastard’s legs.

After nearly twenty minutes, Barbie gave one last burst, bobbing furiously for nearly a minute or so before falling back on her heels, defeated and panting. Kyle stood and kicked off his jeans. The sight of his erect cock sticking straight out in front of him made Debbie’s insides tremble. Debbie gasped involuntarily at the length and thickness of his member; at how hard it was and at the thought that it had once been in her mouth, her pussy and her ass.

Kyle stood in front of his date now and slipped his hand behind her head, drawing her mouth down on his cock once again. Her wide eyes looked up at him as she obediently complied. Debbie moaned softly as she touched herself, remembering the feel of Kyle’s hand on the back of her head.

Then Kyle turned Krissy around and gently pushed her down onto her elbows, so her ass was sticking right up at him. Debbie saw Krissy’s hips tremble and buck as Kyle slipped a talented finger up into the wetness between her thighs. Then he was rubbing the head of his shaft at her opening as she pushed back, trying to get him inside her. When Kyle slowly slid his impressive manhood into her, Krissy began to buck and moan. As he started pumping her, she began to scream, a little at first, then building as her orgasm approached. The screaming, Debbie realized, was quite loud outside and suddenly she worried that a neighbor would look out to see what was going on. She hurried back to her car, buttoning her shorts as she ran.

* * * * *

Three weeks had gone by since the barbecue and Debbie was still reliving that night in her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about that big, beautiful cock of his, shiny with his little tart’s saliva and sticking out hard and straight. She couldn’t help remembering the way his date had writhed as he put his tool in her. Debbie remembered the feel of Kyle inside her; the way he stimulated parts of her that had been untouched before or since.

It was well after dark one night and she was headed home on the road that ran past Kyle’s neighborhood. Acting on impulse, Debbie turned and drove Balgat Escort past his house. His truck was in the driveway and a car was parked on the street in front of the house. Debbie, as she had done before, drove past his place and parked just up the street.

As she made her way around to the back of the house, she saw a dim light coming from the bedroom. She peered inside and sure enough, there was Kyle with a woman lying in bed. It was not Krissy, but a brunette Debbie noticed without much surprise. Kyle did not seem to stay with any woman very long.

The two were lying in bed under the sheets. Debbie judged by the expression on the girl’s face that they had just had sex. She watched for a while, but nothing happened. She did see the outline of Kyle’s cock under the sheets, not erect now, but still impressive. Disappointed, she left.

It was less than a week later that Debbie found herself creeping into Kyle’s yard yet again. This time she knew she was in luck—the same car was out front and Debbie could hear screams of pleasure coming from inside the house. She peered in the bedroom window and saw the brunette from the other night sitting astride Kyle. The girl was furiously bouncing up and down on his meaty shaft. Her hair, matted and sweaty, hung down in her face and her body trembled and spasmed with the pleasure of each deep thrust. Kyle’s hands kneaded her ample breasts as she forced him up inside of her over and over.

Debbie watched with her hand in her pants as Kyle rolled his girl over and took her from behind. With each jackhammer thrust the brunette moaned a little louder until she was screaming in orgasm. He continued to pump her after she had collapsed exhausted on the pillow. Debbie could see in the way her hips twitched and shoulders shook that another orgasm was on the way. It took time, but Kyle never slowed his pace and eventually the brunette was bucking and screaming as what must have been an incredible orgasm ripped through her.

Debbie thought they were done and was about to retreat to her car when Kyle drew his cock from the brunette still just as rock hard as when he put it in her. Hadn’t he cum? Debbie wondered. She watched as Kyle rolled his date onto her back and then he sat astride her chest. His shaft fell across her face and she wasted no time sucking it into her mouth. He slowly stroked himself as she bobbed on the end of it.

Suddenly he threw his head back and let out a throaty cry. Debbie could see the brunette’s forehead crinkle in a frown and knew her mouth was filling with Kyle’s cum. He continued stroking himself a moment or two longer before pulling his shaft from between her lips and rubbing it on her face. She made another face as she struggled to swallow his load, then took his cock in her mouth again and sucked it gently. Kyle’s shoulders shook as she coaxed every last drop out of him.

Debbie’s own mouth was tingling with the memory of tasting herself on Kyle’s shaft, of taking his load in her mouth. Her fingers slipped into her panties and gently stroked her clit. She felt the heat of desire between her legs and also the frustration of not being able to sate it the way she wanted. It was cruel to see that cock and know she could not have it. Not without totally sacrificing her dignity. How bad did she want it?

She hurried back to her car and drove home. Paul was not home. Tonight was his bowling night, which was why Debbie had decided to drive past Kyle’s in the first place. She went upstairs to change, but as she started undressing, she couldn’t help thinking about the scene she had just witnessed in Kyle’s bedroom. She felt the moistness between her legs as she slipped out of her pants; gave her breasts a playful squeeze as she tossed her bra aside. Then she was standing there in just her panties, one hand stroking herself through the fabric, the other cupping a breast. She couldn’t stand it any longer. She needed release.

She removed her panties in a single deft stroke and slipped a finger up inside herself. A surge of pleasure washed over her and she started toward the bed. Just as she was about to lay down, she had a sudden inspiration. Debbie knelt on the floor and tried to imagine Kyle standing before her, looking straight down into her eyes, slipping his hand behind her head and drawing her to him. Her fingers furiously rubbed her clit and she felt the warmth of orgasm building to crescendo. The warmth built to a fire as she opened her mouth, as if to take him in. Her body was starting to shake and a low moan escaped from her.

Just as she felt herself about to cum, she placed a finger from her other hand against her sphincter and pushed it gently but firmly inside. Her body contorted instantly in a wrenching orgasm. She pitched forward, falling to the floor as the wave rolled through her, wracking her with pleasure. When at last it passed, she lay there for several minutes gasping for breath.

As she lay reveling in the deliciousness of her orgasm, she wondered if this would be enough. Could a few minutes of fantasy answer her needs? If she could supplement it with occasional peeping tom excursions into Kyle’s yard? The orgasm she had just experienced had been good—her best in months—so it was easy to tell herself now that it was enough. But lurking somewhere inside her was the fear that it wasn’t so. Sooner or later, she’d have to up the stakes.

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